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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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12 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Hey, I need some hugs. I just realized how far behind on my APES homework I am, and the term ends soon, and I don't want to lose my 4.0 and it's hard. Thanks ya'll


You can do this! You're awesome!

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Just an update.

My current job isn't going too well. The boss wants me gone, and I am struggling as well. Going to quit next week.

On the positive, had planned a trip with my family and dad in November. I'll be gone and back in time for the Defiant release.

Hoping to get a new job in Nov/Dec/Jan.

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On 10/9/2023 at 8:33 AM, RaeTheRaven said:

Can I have like a year's worth of hugs? It's been a rough year. Thanks.

*HUGS x 1000*

On 10/9/2023 at 11:09 AM, shortcake said:

so for my Am. Lit. Comp. class, I have to write an essay about three different things that have made an impact on my life, and i can't think of anything that's actually interesting and that i can talk about for at least 5 minutes each and i'm literally on the brink of tears because i feel so stupid and bland because there's nothing about me that's interesting enough to write an essay about

my original ideas were my house, 17th Shard, and BoysTown, but i can't think of a specific way that my house has impacted me, and my brain is being annoying and can't word things the way i want to in order for me to describe how it's impacted me, and i don't want to talk about BoysTown, because it was traumatizing for me and i don't want to dig up bad memories


On 10/9/2023 at 11:37 AM, Being of Cacophony said:


you are definitely not bland. I'm glad you wanted to talk about us though!

My rant time. So this was the advice I got from my judge in debate:

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RFD: Neg had a really strong case and was able to rebuttal properly during CX. However, they were also able to stay respectful and followed the rules according to PF. It was a very hard decision as both teams had strong cases, but ultimately it was up to who was more respectful while remaining in line with the rules and guidelines of this event.


Advice directly to me:

You need to be more patient. You were being very curt with your opponents during CX cutting them off, and even out of cross and out of speeches. This energy is good during your speech, but please let the judge decide whether or not intervention is needed. You need to pay closer attention to what your opponents are actually saying, as you brought up a lot of points that were never mentioned by them. You had a super strong closing case, but unfortunately, the negatives outweigh the positives in this round. :(.

I would have loved to give you guys the win, but you were breaking too many PF rules. You were being aggressive and making it hard on your opponent and your judge. You guys have a lot of potential in PF, so it makes me really sad I couldn't give you the win, but I don't want to encourage toxic behavior in the Public forum community.

So my major problems are that Neg didn't have a strong case, and they didn't rebut in CX. They could not provide a defense against our C2, and we didn't break the rules. For my problems with the advice directed to me, I cut my opponents off ONE TIME in cross. The point they bring up that I didn't listen to them was them misunderstanding me! I asked them about their C2, and they got confused. THERE WERE ALSO NO NEGATIVES! THEY NEVER SAID THEIR IMPACTS, THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT AN IMPACT WAS, AND SO MUCH MORE!

Also, part of their advice to my partner was summed up as: enunciate clearer so we can understand you. She's from Indonesia and has an accent. 

Alright, rant over.

Dang. That sounds rough. *hugs*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to cry but um... I have no reason.

Nothing's really truly gone wrong.

But I also don't feel like I'm doing anything right, which I mean maybe that's a reason but... its all just in  my head I think. No ones told me that.

I don't know.

Musical went well last night. 

Honestly truly I have no real reason to feel this way. And I don't know what to do.

I had another nightmare last night but it wasn't a real bad one and that causes more paranoia than sadness. No reason to cry.

And pretty sure its my fault that happened.

I don't know.

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1 minute ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I want to cry but um... I have no reason.

Nothing's really truly gone wrong.

But I also don't feel like I'm doing anything right, which I mean maybe that's a reason but... its all just in  my head I think. No ones told me that.

I don't know.

Musical went well last night. 

Honestly truly I have no real reason to feel this way. And I don't know what to do.

I had another nightmare last night but it wasn't a real bad one and that causes more paranoia than sadness. No reason to cry.

And pretty sure its my fault that happened.

I don't know.


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2 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I want to cry but um... I have no reason.

Nothing's really truly gone wrong.

But I also don't feel like I'm doing anything right, which I mean maybe that's a reason but... its all just in  my head I think. No ones told me that.

I don't know.

Musical went well last night. 

Honestly truly I have no real reason to feel this way. And I don't know what to do.

I had another nightmare last night but it wasn't a real bad one and that causes more paranoia than sadness. No reason to cry.

And pretty sure its my fault that happened.

I don't know.

mood swings suck. i feel ya. sometimes you gotta fall down to get up stronger.

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14 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I want to cry but um... I have no reason.

Nothing's really truly gone wrong.

But I also don't feel like I'm doing anything right, which I mean maybe that's a reason but... its all just in  my head I think. No ones told me that.

I don't know.

Musical went well last night. 

Honestly truly I have no real reason to feel this way. And I don't know what to do.

I had another nightmare last night but it wasn't a real bad one and that causes more paranoia than sadness. No reason to cry.

And pretty sure its my fault that happened.

I don't know.

Wanting to cry is a totally legitimate reason for wanting to cry. Something doesn't need to be terrible for something to go how you didn't want it to. You'll get through it :) 


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19 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I want to cry but um... I have no reason.

Nothing's really truly gone wrong.

But I also don't feel like I'm doing anything right, which I mean maybe that's a reason but... its all just in  my head I think. No ones told me that.

I don't know.

Musical went well last night. 

Honestly truly I have no real reason to feel this way. And I don't know what to do.

I had another nightmare last night but it wasn't a real bad one and that causes more paranoia than sadness. No reason to cry.

And pretty sure its my fault that happened.

I don't know.

*lots of hugs*

Don't worry, it's perfectly valid for you to feel like this.

There are days like that when you feel like everything seems wrong, that little thing that you didn't 100% perfectly landed suddenly becomes a critical flaw. Even though there are no objective reasons to cry, you just feel the need to.

And that's okay.

Just let it pass. It's just a bad day, you can't really do much about it. 

Just cry. You feel the need to cry, better let it out than bottle it up until it explodes. Cry one good time. Let the emotions out. 


Most importantly, remember that you are a great person. Never accept that you deserved any of this. Always keep in mind that you are awesome. And that you can get through those bad days.

*more hugs*

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I feel so awful. Every day I wake up and there's a chance that I might be able to think clearly, and then there's a chance that I won't hurt as soon as I'm not sleeping, and then there's a chance that I might sit up and it won't hurt. It's so painful just to wake up, let alone actually get something, anything, done. But most of the time, I can get up. I can force myself into doing what I need to that day. It takes time, but I can get up. If I can get up, I might not feel good, but I feel accomplished and I feel like there might be hope for today, and maybe the next, and maybe even the next; but more often than not, I take too long to wake up and get up so my parents yell at me. They start telling me how I should just get up because it's not that complicated. They tell me I should just listen and my life would be happy. They never actually say it, but all I can hear is them confirming everything I think they think about me and what I tell myself. That I'm weak, that I'm disrespectful, lazy, useless, selfish, etc. It makes everything so much harder than it needs to be and the whole day is overshadowed by the fact that I have to go home after school. My parents almost never apologize, and they act like everything's okay. I know it's not, but they're acting like nothing happened, so it shouldn't really matter right? I'm just complaining and being obnoxious. I'm making a big deal out of it and making myself feel awful for something that shouldn't even matter. But it does matter and it hurts. It hurts so much to be hurt by them and they don't even realize it. I try to talk to them and they just start using the "parents know better" excuse and then I just feel worse because they're probably right and I'm not listening to them by not getting up on time. So many days I go through school barely able to function because my mind is stuck in the morning all day, and I'm just repeating so many negative thoughts. I don't think my parents realize how much this is hurting me every day. I wish I could talk to them. I wish I could say something. 

I know I shouldn't be letting the past affect me so much every day, but I don't know how to get it out of my head. I just need to get away from my parents. I love them, I really do, but I just can't keep doing this day in and day out. I'm working on doing better, and I am improving at getting up, but it's not fast enough. It's bitterly discouraging to see progress in myself, but then to get in trouble almost right away for not changing fast enough or regressing just a tiny bit. To them my problem with waking up is just me not acting how I should be, but for me It's a battle every morning to convince myself that it's worth it to stay alive. I'm trying so hard, and I wish they could see that and acknowledge it more than just hollow words and empty promises that they'll try to do better. 

There's a bit more to it that just adds to the problems, but I don't really want to get into it right now. I'm just so confused and hurting all the time and I wish I could get some actual support rather than criticism.

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4 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I feel so awful. Every day I wake up and there's a chance that I might be able to think clearly, and then there's a chance that I won't hurt as soon as I'm not sleeping, and then there's a chance that I might sit up and it won't hurt. It's so painful just to wake up, let alone actually get something, anything, done. But most of the time, I can get up. I can force myself into doing what I need to that day. It takes time, but I can get up. If I can get up, I might not feel good, but I feel accomplished and I feel like there might be hope for today, and maybe the next, and maybe even the next; but more often than not, I take too long to wake up and get up so my parents yell at me. They start telling me how I should just get up because it's not that complicated. They tell me I should just listen and my life would be happy. They never actually say it, but all I can hear is them confirming everything I think they think about me and what I tell myself. That I'm weak, that I'm disrespectful, lazy, useless, selfish, etc. It makes everything so much harder than it needs to be and the whole day is overshadowed by the fact that I have to go home after school. My parents almost never apologize, and they act like everything's okay. I know it's not, but they're acting like nothing happened, so it shouldn't really matter right? I'm just complaining and being obnoxious. I'm making a big deal out of it and making myself feel awful for something that shouldn't even matter. But it does matter and it hurts. It hurts so much to be hurt by them and they don't even realize it. I try to talk to them and they just start using the "parents know better" excuse and then I just feel worse because they're probably right and I'm not listening to them by not getting up on time. So many days I go through school barely able to function because my mind is stuck in the morning all day, and I'm just repeating so many negative thoughts. I don't think my parents realize how much this is hurting me every day. I wish I could talk to them. I wish I could say something. 

I know I shouldn't be letting the past affect me so much every day, but I don't know how to get it out of my head. I just need to get away from my parents. I love them, I really do, but I just can't keep doing this day in and day out. I'm working on doing better, and I am improving at getting up, but it's not fast enough. It's bitterly discouraging to see progress in myself, but then to get in trouble almost right away for not changing fast enough or regressing just a tiny bit. To them my problem with waking up is just me not acting how I should be, but for me It's a battle every morning to convince myself that it's worth it to stay alive. I'm trying so hard, and I wish they could see that and acknowledge it more than just hollow words and empty promises that they'll try to do better. 

There's a bit more to it that just adds to the problems, but I don't really want to get into it right now. I'm just so confused and hurting all the time and I wish I could get some actual support rather than criticism.

*hugs many many* ❤️

I wish you could too :(

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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I'm really sorry you have to feel that way, and that your family is... as little supportive as it is.

But when you start repeating this all those negative thoughts, remember: you are not lasy, selfish or anything just because of a couple minutes in bed. Instead of focusing on what you don't feel you are doing right, think about what you did succeed recently: that math test you did last month, that delicious meal you cooked the other week... anything. Don't let your getting-up time define you, you are so much more than this.




Also, apologies if you already tried this, but I found it much easier to get up to some high-energy music. The kind that makes you want to move and dance.

The more brutal approach would be to put your alarm somewhere you have to physically get out of bed to stop it. Not really enjoyable, nor that great in the long term (messes up your sleep cycles, etc...) but if all else fails there's that.


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I feel rather alone all the sudden.

But I don't want to bother people cause its around dinner time here.



Communication is hard.

I wish it was easier.

*more hugs*

It’s such a lonely world…

I wish it were, too.

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33 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

The amount of forced smiles and fake laughter today..

I just need to say it to someone. I'm feeling sad. I'm feeling stressed. Maybe I just need to sleep, but at the moment I am not feeling okay. 

It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to feel all the emotions, even the ones that hurt, even when everything on the surface feels completely fake. We're all here if you need anything *hugs*.

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