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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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15 minutes ago, Ookla the foolish said:

That’s very true, and I’ll try, thank you.

 Thank you for the advice, it’s good. My problem with it is I am very bad at talking about my feelings to people, admitting that I’m feeling depressed was really hard already. But that would be a very good thing to do if I can muster the strength.

Yeah. And that's okay. You can take all the time you need, and we'll all be here to care whichever way you go.

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I have an update :)

I am doing some better. I’m over my panic attack, I got the interview over with (my fears were well founded, there were technical difficulties involved), and I’m away from math and those friends from earlier. Thank you everyone for your support!

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Just now, Ookla the foolish said:

I have an update :)

I am doing some better. I’m over my panic attack, I got the interview over with (my fears were well founded, there were technical difficulties involved), and I’m away from math and those friends from earlier. Thank you everyone for your support!


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9 hours ago, Ookla the foolish said:

I, once again, am having a bad day.

I am conducting an interview for a school project and freaking out about it. I’m so worried that I won’t be able to get the zoom link up or something like that, and the guy I’m interviewing is super busy so I can’t just waste his time. I’ve been worried about this and do my focus hasn’t been great, and I’m not very good at math anyways, and so in math class my brilliant friend who has already taken the class before, the school just didn’t count it for credit, belittled me because I didn’t remember how to do something with it. And I’m not happy right now and not trying to hide it, and so he also asked me if I’m ok. I said no and none of my friends care (I sit with a group of four of my friends). They also asked if I’m feeling depressed, I said yes and once again they didn’t care, they just mocked my answer and me. They don’t mean anything by it but it still hurts, and it hurts more that they don’t care.

So yeah, I’m not having a great day right now.

*hugs* I know what it feels like to be made fun of. Also to look for a new friend group. I didn't have trouble with it, as I knew a lot of people, but the best way I find is to simply introduce yourself and ask if they want to be friends. I know sometimes school is very small, with not a lot of different groups in it, and, well, if that's the case, just sit alone.

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28 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

*hugs hugs hugs*

Thanks 😊 It wasn't as bad as it seems, my aunt woke me up early enough and then I went through my morning routine in speedrunner mode. I might actually end up on time. 

Still, of all the days this could happen? Seriously?

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On 11/19/2023 at 10:22 PM, Ookla the Dreamer said:

warning: long and completely insane rant incoming

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So basically I have been addicted to video games (or rather a specific game) for like a year now and it's been completely ruining my life bc i'm a student and instead of doing the work i had to, well i was just playing, sometimes all day long (i do mean that, there has been days i just got out of bed, ate my breakfast, started playing and just kept on until bedtime, pausing olny for lunch and dinner)

it's a miracle i validated last semester honestly the main reason is that most of my grades were group projects where i pulled... lets say far less than my weight

some of you might remember how i basically disappeared from the shard overnight last year, well that was when the addiction ramped up significantly

i've tried all parental control softwares existing out there to try limiting myself but that kind of things is useless when you have the password to give yourself just another hour time and time again

and now it's really starting to crush me i have tons of work to finish in the next days/weeks 

and guess what i have been doing yesterday all day long instead of doing that work

i just kept repeating myself "you'll have time to do all of that later" WELL NOT ANYMORE YOU MORON

i just uninstalled for like the fifth time in two months, i set up several of those parental control things so that they block me from reinstalling steam and then they block each other, but i know one day or another i'll find a way around like all the previous times "come on just an hour each day, this time you'll be able to limit yourself" and then i start playing and never stop

and now all the work i have to do, the exams coming soon, the project to finish tomorrow, the mooc to complete today, the internship i should have found like yesterday but i haven't even started searching... it just feels like a mountain except it's entirely my fault it's like this


i havent been doing anything with my life for so long now and it's driving me crazy



I had a similar challenge years ago with a video game.

I was able to uninstall and let it itgo after a couple of times though.

I recently got back in and the same issue and cycle.

I used a different technique this time. I quit my job recently, and promised myself I won't use the game until I got a new job. It's installed still, but I haven't touched it since.


PS I'm unemployed now because I hated my last job. Hopefully, I can get something soon.


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23 hours ago, Wax said:


I had a similar challenge years ago with a video game.

I was able to uninstall and let it itgo after a couple of times though.

I recently got back in and the same issue and cycle.

I used a different technique this time. I quit my job recently, and promised myself I won't use the game until I got a new job. It's installed still, but I haven't touched it since.


PS I'm unemployed now because I hated my last job. Hopefully, I can get something soon.



I'm really sorry you had to go through that. And also I'm amazed by the fact that you are able to have the game still installed and not play it, like I haven't played since almost a month but only because I made it absolutely impossible to download Steam. And even then I've still been filling the void with... literally anything else but studying

How did you not get sucked in something else (watching YT videos, browsing social media... idk there are so many mindless timekilling distractions these days)?

Good luck on your job search! 

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I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

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4 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

*hugs just hugs*

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1 hour ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

*many many hugs*
I know it’s hard to talk about, especially with someone you don’t know like a doctor, but something one of my friends does (he also has a really hard time falling asleep at night) is take prescribed medication that is very strong. I don’t know if you have tried that already, but it might be something to consider.

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2 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

*more hugs*

I second Lightweaver2 here. If this is a health issue -and one that massively affects your daily life at that- then you should see a doctor. 

I hope for you that you find a solution somehow to your problems. You really deserve it.

Completely off topic: I just saw what your profile pic was. Great choice! 

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1 hour ago, Lightweaver2 said:

*many many hugs*
I know it’s hard to talk about, especially with someone you don’t know like a doctor, but something one of my friends does (he also has a really hard time falling asleep at night) is take prescribed medication that is very strong. I don’t know if you have tried that already, but it might be something to consider.

26 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

*more hugs*

I second Lightweaver2 here. If this is a health issue -and one that massively affects your daily life at that- then you should see a doctor. 

I hope for you that you find a solution somehow to your problems. You really deserve it.

Completely off topic: I just saw what your profile pic was. Great choice! 

I've tried talking to my parents about it but they just...don't care or see it as a big enough issue to get me to a doctor. I've asked about it a bunch but they never seem to listen. 

Also off topic: Thanks!


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24 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I've tried talking to my parents about it but they just...don't care or see it as a big enough issue to get me to a doctor. I've asked about it a bunch but they never seem to listen. 

*more hugs*
I don’t really know what to do then. If your parents won’t help you get help, then that makes it significantly harder. I’m so sorry Wittles.

*extra hugss*

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1 hour ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I've tried talking to my parents about it but they just...don't care or see it as a big enough issue to get me to a doctor. I've asked about it a bunch but they never seem to listen. 

Also off topic: Thanks!


To let me sum it up: your parents make you trouble because you have trouble going to sleep at a decent hour. And then, when you need them to solve it, they tell you no because apparently never sleeping a full night is not a big problem?

The only suggestion I have here would be to try to go through your school doctor if you have one. Your parents might listen more to a trained professional. 

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3 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

To let me sum it up: your parents make you trouble because you have trouble going to sleep at a decent hour. And then, when you need them to solve it, they tell you no because apparently never sleeping a full night is not a big problem?

The only suggestion I have here would be to try to go through your school doctor if you have one. Your parents might listen more to a trained professional. 

I don't think my school has a doctor sadly.

I might be exaggerating about how little they listen, but I have a really hard time asking for things for myself. I think I'm gonna try to be more up front about asking them. 

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23 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I don't think my school has a doctor sadly.

I might be exaggerating about how little they listen, but I have a really hard time asking for things for myself. I think I'm gonna try to be more up front about asking them. 

I understand that, talking to people can be really hard. Good luck, I hope you can do it and get the help you need!

*more hugs*

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4 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 


34 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:

Hi everyone.

I'm in need of hugs and caring people. Today was rough. :((

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I won't be going into details, sorry. 



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Ack sorry I’m late!!

6 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

That stinks. I’m so sorry. I feel it too, I get up at 5 every morning and can never fall asleep, and I know that it really makes everything seem worse. I wish I knew a way to help, but…yeah. Ugh. *hugs*

2 hours ago, Just-A-Stick said:

Hi everyone.

I'm in need of hugs and caring people. Today was rough. :((

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I won't be going into details, sorry. 


*hugs hugs*

We love you, MP!! You’re incredible, and funny and talented. You deserve more than this world will ever give you. Don’t let it or your mind ever tell you otherwise.

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