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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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Ok. Yeah, that makes sense since Florida is the Sunshine State.


I want to visit New Orleans one day. My parents have been there, but they went when I was too young to come along without putting a serious damper on their fun. They say there are lots of amazing restaurants.

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So I got a second job working at the city pool. I've been teaching swim lessons three hours every morning all week. It's freezing, and im really starting to burn. Right now I can't tell if my skin is freaking out from a rash of just sunburn, but it's itchy and painful.... I really hope I can get a job at the library soon...

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Me last night: Yeah, you know what? I'm going to do it. I'm going to say "yes" to this Facebook invitation to karaoke tomorrow night. I'm a young twentysomething in a new city! Seize the day! 


Me last night: *wakes up at 3 AM with cramps, a sore throat, and a plugged-up nose* 


Me this morning: *wakes up feeling much the same way she did at 3 AM* 


Of course this would happen today. <_< 

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Yesterday (or two days ago. Friday it was) I was sleeping, as usually (as I don't have any university on fridays). My mom came into my room to take her work laptop, as usual.

She woke me up... because during the night two sparrows flew in through open window.

I'm too tired to describe everything that happened later, but I finished cleaning few hours ago, cause they shat over half of the room, including some clothes, my deskchair... AND MY OPENED WORDS OF RADIANCE :angry:

And my family is like "no big deal, really". But it's uncleaneble. Not only my room was contaminated (I may have cleaned all of the dung, but try eating again at the desk you know was shat on. Yeah.) but now I have my precious book desecrated :(

And when I tried to argue that maybe it wouldn't have happened if my dad had finally removed the bird nest WHICH COINCIDENTALLY IS PRACTICALLY UNDER MY WINDOW WHICH THEY FLEW IN THROUGH they said these two facts are not related. Yeah, totally not. <_<

Edited by Oversleep
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1 hour ago, The Honor Spren said:

I probably don't have to worry about how to spend my money now. Tec week for the play I want to do coincides with a family reunion I have to go to. Yay. . .

Boo for family reunions. <_< Though I probably shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush; yours might be perfectly lovely. The ones on my mom's side were filled with drunken arguments, and the ones on my dad's side were filled with passive aggression. So I tend to take a negative view of family reunions in general. 

In other news, I think there's an invisible mosquito (or one that's just really good at hiding) living in my bathroom. For the past two nights, I've gotten out of the shower to find itchy bumps on the left side of my nose. 

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5 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Boo for family reunions. <_< Though I probably shouldn't paint them all with a broad brush; yours might be perfectly lovely. The ones on my mom's side were filled with drunken arguments, and the ones on my dad's side were filled with passive aggression. So I tend to take a negative view of family reunions in general. 

In other news, I think there's an invisible mosquito (or one that's just really good at hiding) living in my bathroom. For the past two nights, I've gotten out of the shower to find itchy bumps on the left side of my nose. 

How to get revenge:

1)  Leave out a small dish with a shallow amount of water in it to attract the mosquito.  It needs stagnant water in which to lay its eggs.

2)  Check on the dish daily.

3)  As soon as you see wrigglers, take it out into the sun and dump it out on the hot, hot sidewalk.

4)  Cackle maniacally as the vampire's children are destroyed.

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1 minute ago, Kaymyth said:

How to get revenge:

1)  Leave out a small dish with a shallow amount of water in it to attract the mosquito.  It needs stagnant water in which to lay its eggs.

2)  Check on the dish daily.

3)  As soon as you see wrigglers, take it out into the sun and dump it out on the hot, hot sidewalk.

4)  Cackle maniacally as the vampire's children are destroyed.

But will this destroy the vampire? Or will the bloodsucking fiend return my revenge with revenge? 

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4 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

But will this destroy the vampire? Or will the bloodsucking fiend return my revenge with revenge? 

I think they pretty much die on their own after their eggs are laid.

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3 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I probably don't have to worry about how to spend my money now. Tec week for the play I want to do coincides with a family reunion I have to go to. Yay. . .

Aw. :( Is it a fun kind if family reunion or one of those super awkward things with people you haven't seen in twelve years?

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11 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

Aw. :( Is it a fun kind if family reunion or one of those super awkward things with people you haven't seen in twelve years?

My family reunions are almost always the second kind since my parents, my brother, and I have lived on the opposite side of the country from the majority of my extended family for most of my life.

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So, I donated blood today.  It did not go well.

The good news is that the stick itself went OK.  It only took two of them to hit the vein, and I think they hit it relatively cleanly.  So the pint came out swiftly.  That...wasn't so good in that it exacerbated the side effects.  I have a pretty strong vasovagal reaction, so that combined with the quick drain meant that I nearly passed out WHILE lying down.  Two cans of juice and a pack of cookies later, and I still couldn't stand up for any length of time without getting dizzy and my ears ringing.  I eventually had to call my husband to come and take me home early, because I could not be trusted to drive and stay conscious.  It took 2 or 3 hours before I was able to stay vertical again.

So.  That was my day.

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To the Department of Motor Vehicles, 

I received your letter and found it unduly snitty. Was the "I am unaware of what you are trying to do" really necessary? For that matter, did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, if you made your instructions a bit clearer from the outset, people wouldn't try to do things you don't understand? 

While we're at it, a "road tax" sounds like something you made up to siphon as much money as you can from people who don't really have money to spare. OH WAIT. 

Storm you, 


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