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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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10 hours ago, Ookla the Miraculous said:

The rest of my family had Korean fried chicken for dinner . . . I had tapioca pudding. <_< I don't want to sound whiny, but being unable to chew anything or eat any hot foods really sucks.

Not whiny! It's awful. I had pudding and jelly and I remember being desperate for protein or just something I could chew. Hang in there!

4 hours ago, Briar King said:

This will prob sound strange from a male. My ex wife and me were just having a convo about our 13 yr old. I asked if it happened yet(as I'm kinda dreading it) and I just haven't been told. It hasn't and I find it surprising as I've been expecting it as far back as last yr. I'm sure my son will be asking me ?'s in about a yr1/2 from now.

Average age is about 12 I think, but it can normally start from 9/10 till 15 or 16. I wouldn't worry or anything. 

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Man, what a disaster today was. Probably the cremmiest day I've had all semester. Here goes a long vent/rant:


So this semester I'm in a digital design/into to print publication class. We've been using programs like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to lay out flyers, business cards, magazines, and so on to prepare them for professional printing. All digital files for class/HW assignments have to be turned in to a folder on a server that can only be accessed from Mac computers. (Turning them in through the university's official online interface that's accessible from any device with Internet would be too easy, after all. <_<) I've been struggling to keep up with the assignments for this class  all storming semester. This is partly because our class meets in a computer lab full of Macs and I've wasted way too much time floundering with the unfamiliar user interface and wrong keyboard shortcuts and the stupid one-button mouse misinterpreting my left-clicks as right-clicks and vice versa. It's partly because the software is new to me as well, so I've had to learn from the ground up how to do basic stuff in Illustrator and InDesign. But a large part of it is having to submit the assignments from a Mac. I don't own a Mac. My grandpa, whom I live with, doesn't own a Mac. I don't know anyone I can reliably borrow a Mac from. So submitting HW from the convenience of home is not an option, nor is submitting it from anywhere except on campus--a campus which is notoriously unfriendly to student parking. There are buses for students, but they only go around once every half hour, which is soooo not conducive to meeting deadlines at specific hours of the day.

All this crem came to a head today. Our big semester-end project is to design a book in InDesign and get it printed at the University Press, and the digital files were due today on the Mac server. I stayed up until storming 6:30 IN THE MORNING last night working on the Harmony-forsaken book and eventually went to bed when I stopped thinking coherently enough to do anything productive. So I got like less than 3 hours of sleep and had to lug my laptop along to campus to continue working because it had all the relevant files, not to mention that I've been having issues with making files created in the newer version of InDesign on my laptop compatible with the older version on the uni's computers and still had to figure out how to make that work.

Fast-forward to the end of the class period, 1:20PM. I still wasn't done with the project, but the very last deadline to turn it in was 6PM, so I still had a few hours to work.


Or I would have, if I hadn't overestimated my laptop's battery life, forgotten its power cable, and had to shut it down less than half an hour after the end of class so I could go home to plug it in. So once I got home, I was working frantically and finally slapped on the finishing touches around 5:30. I then foolishly wasted 15 minutes trying to figure out how to put all the files in a zipped folder, gave up, stuffed all the files uncompressed onto my flash drive, and raced out the door at a quarter to 6. Cue traffic jam on the way to campus. Long story short, it was 6:15 and I was in tears by the time I finally sat down at a Mac in the university library. I zipped the files (that's like the only thing I can do quicker on a Mac than on a PC), put them on the server almost half an hour late, and came back home still crying tears of frustration. Not just because of this class but because I'd had no time to eat anything in the 8+ hours since breakfast, and I was completely ravenous on top of everything else.

And I seem to be coming down with a cold too. Where's the Doctor and the Tardis when you need a shortcut to Christmas break? :(


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Blah. My episode of waterworks yesterday seems to have triggered a head cold/allergy flare-up. I didn't sleep well last night because I kept having to blow my nose, and today I've been sneezing so hard it feels like my lungs are trying to escape through my nose and mouth. Also not fun is having to breathe through my mouth all day since my nose is clogged. I swear I've drunk like 2 gallons of water over the course of the day trying to relieve the parched feeling in my mouth.

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9 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Blah. My episode of waterworks yesterday seems to have triggered a head cold/allergy flare-up. I didn't sleep well last night because I kept having to blow my nose, and today I've been sneezing so hard it feels like my lungs are trying to escape through my nose and mouth. Also not fun is having to breathe through my mouth all day since my nose is clogged. I swear I've drunk like 2 gallons of water over the course of the day trying to relieve the parched feeling in my mouth.

That can often happen at the end of a huge stretch of stress.  During the worst of the things, your body goes into overdrive trying to keep itself going.  Once you hit the end, everything drops down to rest, including your immune system.

I recommend lots of soup and cold meds.  Also, some apple cider pouch mix, and add a splash of apple cider vinegar and a healthy dollop of honey; it'll clear your head a bit and soothe your throat.

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Just now, Zathoth said:

I hope they are jamming with Jimi.

You see musicians never die, they just join the great gig in the sky.

I'm quoting you on that.

So it's them and Prince, and David. And John. And Glenn. And Leonard. And Leon. And Freddie. And Bob. And Miles. And Jerry. And Jeff. And George. And Warren. And Michael. And Elvis. And Amy. And Ben E. And B.B. And Scott. And Allen. And Maurice. Maybe Tupac and Biggie, I dunno. But not Kurt, he's busy still being angsty.

Hell of a jam sesh, if you ask me.

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11 minutes ago, bleeder said:

I'm quoting you on that.

So it's them and Prince, and David. And John. And Glenn. And Leonard. And Leon. And Freddie. And Bob. And Miles. And Jerry. And Jeff. And George. And Warren. And Michael. And Elvis. And Amy. And Ben E. And B.B. And Scott. And Allen. And Maurice. Maybe Tupac and Biggie, I dunno. But not Kurt, he's busy still being angsty.

Hell of a jam sesh, if you ask me.

You forgot Dio... And Midnight, Peter Steele... John Bonham, Keith Moon... Jim Morison, Janis Joplin... we can be here all week...

But yes, one hell of a jam. Greatest set list in the universe.

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It was twelve degrees out this morning.  Twelve.  Fahrenheit.  It's not quite to the point where the dog is giving me the "are you kidding me?" look, but I had a hard time coaxing her off of the back porch and onto the grass to do her business.

I'm wearing my snow boots, not because it's snowy outside, but because they are the only shoes I have that can possible even pretend to try to keep my feet warm.  And my toes still feel a bit cold.

I was not built for this weather.

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6 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

It was twelve degrees out this morning.  Twelve.  Fahrenheit.  It's not quite to the point where the dog is giving me the "are you kidding me?" look, but I had a hard time coaxing her off of the back porch and onto the grass to do her business.

I'm wearing my snow boots, not because it's snowy outside, but because they are the only shoes I have that can possible even pretend to try to keep my feet warm.  And my toes still feel a bit cold.

I was not built for this weather.

I dread this. Virginia hasn't quite gotten that front yet; it's coming in tonight. I don't own adequate clothes for this!  Give me back my Florida weather, where your hoodie and winter coat are the same thing!

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1 minute ago, The Honor Spren said:

I dread this. Virginia hasn't quite gotten that front yet; it's coming in tonight. I don't own adequate clothes for this!  Give me back my Florida weather, where your hoodie and winter coat are the same thing!

East TN is getting hit by a lot of wind chill. I had to buy a long coat that goes down to midcalf! Well, didn't have to. But I did.

Still no snow though. I love snow.

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I told work I could do "Any shift you need covered on Christmas Eve and Christmas day".

I assumed that meant I would be working Christmas Eve nd Christmas Day, but that I'd probably be off Boxing Day.

I made a mistake.

I mean...maybe I should have made my position clearer? I did only ask for New Years Eve and Day off (everyone else in he office asked for...everything).But still. Double Pay on Christmas Day and Boxing Day sounds nice... 

But it means I'm working, effectively, 70 hours that week. I'm going to get hit with so much tax that it's almost not worth it. 

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1 hour ago, Quiver said:

I told work I could do "Any shift you need covered on Christmas Eve and Christmas day".

I assumed that meant I would be working Christmas Eve nd Christmas Day, but that I'd probably be off Boxing Day.

I made a mistake.

I mean...maybe I should have made my position clearer? I did only ask for New Years Eve and Day off (everyone else in he office asked for...everything).But still. Double Pay on Christmas Day and Boxing Day sounds nice... 

But it means I'm working, effectively, 70 hours that week. I'm going to get hit with so much tax that it's almost not worth it. 

70 hours Christmas week? :blink: That's absolutely insane. Not even Black Friday hours are that bad over here. 

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1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

70 hours Christmas week? :blink: That's absolutely insane. Not even Black Friday hours are that bad over here. 

Eh. It's 45 hours... but double pay on two of them, which is how I get about 70. Still not great. 

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Just now, Quiver said:

Eh. It's 45 hours... but double pay on two of them, which is how I get about 70. Still not great. 

Yeah, still. You should move here and work for the same library I work for. Administration originally said "Okay, y'all get two paid holidays Christmas week," but then apparently said "No, not enough. Have two more. Merry Christmas." 

Plus, I think you'd be fun to work with. :ph34r: 

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