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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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1 hour ago, Delightful said:

This is what sick notes from the dr are for. Feel better.  Drink water. Rest. *hugs*

I don't like going to the doctors or anything. Reminds me of how my parents are hypocrites. I made a pun about it once.

Hippocratic oath? More like Hypocritic oath.

I have drunk a grand total of 3 glasses of water today, more than enough. As for rest, there is no sleep for the wicked. And as for feeling better, I feel a bit better now, been listening to Hamilton as I was working through my crap, head's alot better. I know for a fact that my pain comes in waves and always blows over in the end.

*hugs back

I'm sorry for causing you all unnecessary worry heh, Love you all :wub:

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Spent yesterday evening in the ER because I'm a storming idiot and was trying to cut acorn squash all fancy with a too-dull kitchen knife.

The flesh of my left index finder is much, much softer than acorn squash.

After about an hour and a half of pressure, the bleeding had finally (mostly) stopped. I managed to just barely avoid stitches; they glued me back together, added a pressure bandage, slapped a band-aid over the whole thing to catch any leaks, and sent me on my way.

It's sort.


I'm a moron.

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6 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Spent yesterday evening in the ER because I'm a storming idiot and was trying to cut acorn squash all fancy with a too-dull kitchen knife.

The flesh of my left index finder is much, much softer than acorn squash.

After about an hour and a half of pressure, the bleeding had finally (mostly) stopped. I managed to just barely avoid stitches; they glued me back together, added a pressure bandage, slapped a band-aid over the whole thing to catch any leaks, and sent me on my way.

It's sort.


I'm a moron.

I recently left a wooden spoon next to a pot on the stovetop and suddenly smelled burning. I'm sorry but I think that more moronic than you :P 

Take lots of painkillers. Be careful. 

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1 minute ago, Delightful said:

I recently left a wooden spoon next to a pot on the stovetop and suddenly smelled burning. I'm sorry but I think that more moronic than you :P 

Take lots of painkillers. Be careful. 

Oh, you haven't heard the worst of it.

The previous night, I had been using that same knife. And it slipped. And sorta stabbed that same finger, though the wound wasn't bad.

But still. I had an object lesson in not being stupid with dull knives, and completely failed to learn it.

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I refuse to accept the moron interpretation, and will instead choose to believe the more badchull story that your kitchens are trying to kill you. :ph34r: 

No, no. See the response above that I posted mere milliseconds before yours. I am truly a moron.

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2 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Oh, you haven't heard the worst of it.

The previous night, I had been using that same knife. And it slipped. And sorta stabbed that same finger, though the wound wasn't bad.

But still. I had an object lesson in not being stupid with dull knives, and completely failed to learn it.

What's the point of a good object lesson if you don't ignore it? :P

seriously though, ow. 

Tbh I accidentally hurt myself more often with sharp knives. A couple weeks ago in a rush I slipped while using a peeler and lost some nail. That was.....fun....

Edited by Delightful
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I'm getting an EEG done tomorrow and I'm quite nervous. Neurologist thinks I'm having multiple seizures a day. I went through a period where they told me I didn't have it anymore, and now it's back and a bit worse than before. That part isn't bad, it's just getting my hopes up that it was gone for good that's kinda bumming me out. <_<

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1 minute ago, Tristan said:

I'm getting an EEG done tomorrow and I'm quite nervous. Neurologist thinks I'm having multiple seizures a day. I went through a period where they told me I didn't have it anymore, and now it's back and a bit worse than before. That part isn't bad, it's just getting my hopes up that it was gone for good that's kinda bumming me out. <_<

Oh dear :wacko: I tend to just twitch randomly every few moments.

Yay for recurring villains!

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So...I'm in the ER for my little brother. He's been throwing up all day and hasn't been able to keep any fluids in his body. After he throws up, he kinda turns white. I was at school when this happened, but my mom said that he had thrown up so badly that his lips had turned white and blue. They IV'd him up, and he eventually went back home, but we're back again because it's been almost 12 hours and like I said, he hasn't been able to drink anything without throwing it up.

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22 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

So...I'm in the ER for my little brother. He's been throwing up all day and hasn't been able to keep any fluids in his body. After he throws up, he kinda turns white. I was at school when this happened, but my mom said that he had thrown up so badly that his lips had turned white and blue. They IV'd him up, and he eventually went back home, but we're back again because it's been almost 12 hours and like I said, he hasn't been able to drink anything without throwing it up.

Oh, that sounds absolutely dreadful. I hope he gets better soon.

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Just now, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Oh, that sounds absolutely dreadful. I hope he gets better soon.

Yeah. Thank you.

Though, it doesn't help that he has this horrible, barking cough. He has it all the time, not just recently, but it's been getting gradually worse the past couple days.

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3 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

No, they're not sure what he has. I think that's even scarier than knowing what he has, even if it's dangerous.

That is scary. I think it's a bacteria that's causing this, but I don't have a PhD or anything, so don't count my word for anything. What might be even more concerning if it is a bacteria is if it is antibiotic resistant.

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@Kaymyth If you're a moron, then so am I, because I did the exact same thing in art class with an X-acto knife once. Was cutting toward my hand, slipped, stabbed myself, and after bandaging my finger resumed cutting toward myself again. XD

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

Yeah. Thank you.

Though, it doesn't help that he has this horrible, barking cough. He has it all the time, not just recently, but it's been getting gradually worse the past couple days.

Is it a wet or dry cough? Is he running a fever? Certain types of  pneumonia can make you vomit, and if his oxygen is low his lips will turn blue. If they've given him medicine he could also be having a reaction to it. Is his mucus thick and white or rust/brown?

(Going into nurse Tristan mode) 


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1 hour ago, Tristan said:

Is it a wet or dry cough? Is he running a fever? Certain types of  pneumonia can make you vomit, and if his oxygen is low his lips will turn blue. If they've given him medicine he could also be having a reaction to it. Is his mucus thick and white or rust/brown?

(Going into nurse Tristan mode) 


It's a dry cough. And I don't know what color his mucus is, because nothing hardly ever comes up, but the cough sounds so painful. They gave him an antibiotic and sent him home finally, but there really doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him that they could find. 

Also, no, I don't know what antibiotic they gave him.

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