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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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7 minutes ago, Erunion said:

Fan + water. Put a bit of water on yourself, have a fan blowing. Acts like sweat, but without the icky sweating bits. 

The sun has finally set and I finally feel actually hungry instead of just radiating heat. I have survived this day! Huzzah!


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5 hours ago, Delightful said:

Anyone around?

Its been 35+ degrees celsius since at least 9am. I went to a see a dr at that time [because my anxiety is majorly flaring up fuuuuuuun], felt like walking through a furnace, I literally stopped in a supermarket on the way home to take a break in aircon for a few minutes. 

I've been constantly drinking

splashing my face and hair and arms with water.

Avoiding the outdoors, with a window open for a breeze.

Basically been watching TV and trying not to move, for both heat and mental health reasons.

Still feel headachy and dizzy. 

its nearly 6. The sun won't go down for at least another hour. 


*iceblock hug* I'm glad you're feeling better now.

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8 minutes ago, Delightful said:

You probably don't want to know this but

I haven't moved further than the kitchen today and I'm sweaty. This weather is bleeeeh. Was cooler than yesterday, which is something.

*hug* I hope you'll get better soon. Just remember you have your own cheer squad cheering you on.

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1 minute ago, A Budgie said:

*hug* I hope you'll get better soon. Just remember you have your own cheer squad cheering you on.

Thats what I come here for isn't it :P:P:P:P:wub::wub::wub: 

I feel like lve been running marathons and I literally haven't moved. Made a few important appointments though!


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Background: I have a 15-year-old dachshund named Leia. She is an adorably neurotic little thing, and I have had her since she was a tiny puppy. Of course, the moment I met my now-husband, she immediately became his dog. Suffice to say, she is rather strongly intertwined into our hearts.

A couple of weeks ago, she had an...episode? She suddenly got dizzy and stumbled over to the side. Got up, fell back down again. Then when she finally found her feet, she walked around in circles for a moment, periodically glancing up at me with a perplexed expression on her face. "Mom? Why am I turning around? I'm trying to walk straight!"

We, of course, got her into the veterinarian as quickly as we could. He looked her over, gave us a rundown of what the potential causes could be, and took some bloodwork to run tests. Other problems: she's a little bit underweight, and she has a heart murmur.

The good news is, the bloodwork came back clear. That's...also kind of the bad news, because it didn't really give us anything to go on as to why she lost her balance like that.

The possibilities:

1. A low-grade ear infection. She does have a ball of wax deep inside her left ear, which we've been treating and breaking down. If there's fluid pushing on her inner ear, it might affect her balance. This is the most benign possibility, and unfortunately, not terribly likely. Something like that would cause more than just one major dizzy spell, plus her pupils were slightly different sizes when the vet checked her eyes, indicating a more neurological cause.

2. A vascular event. Not on the level of a stroke, but a similar cause. A heart murmur like hers can cause small blood clots to form and wander into sensitive places. It might have temporarily stuck in the wrong spot in her brain. (I'm looking at this being the most likely scenario.)

3. A brain tumor. Do Not Want. Probably not likely.

We're going back to the vet today for some follow-up tests and to get her vaccinations updated. We also need to schedule a teeth cleaning, because they're in pretty bad shape. I imagine there will be a few extracted. I'm hoping this improves her appetite a bit, cause eating with sore teeth is no fun.

The heart murmur we're just going to have to keep an eye on. I now have scheduled on my Google calendar for the next five years a reminder to check her breathing every two weeks. If she ever goes above 30 breaths per minute while asleep, we may be looking at congestive heart failure. Right now she is at 20 breaths per minute, so not at all a problem yet, but it's likely to get worse as she ages.

Dangit, guys, my puppy is getting old. :(

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8 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Background: I have a 15-year-old dachshund named Leia. She is an adorably neurotic little thing, and I have had her since she was a tiny puppy. Of course, the moment I met my now-husband, she immediately became his dog. Suffice to say, she is rather strongly intertwined into our hearts.

A couple of weeks ago, she had an...episode? She suddenly got dizzy and stumbled over to the side. Got up, fell back down again. Then when she finally found her feet, she walked around in circles for a moment, periodically glancing up at me with a perplexed expression on her face. "Mom? Why am I turning around? I'm trying to walk straight!"

We, of course, got her into the veterinarian as quickly as we could. He looked her over, gave us a rundown of what the potential causes could be, and took some bloodwork to run tests. Other problems: she's a little bit underweight, and she has a heart murmur.

The good news is, the bloodwork came back clear. That's...also kind of the bad news, because it didn't really give us anything to go on as to why she lost her balance like that.

The possibilities:

1. A low-grade ear infection. She does have a ball of wax deep inside her left ear, which we've been treating and breaking down. If there's fluid pushing on her inner ear, it might affect her balance. This is the most benign possibility, and unfortunately, not terribly likely. Something like that would cause more than just one major dizzy spell, plus her pupils were slightly different sizes when the vet checked her eyes, indicating a more neurological cause.

2. A vascular event. Not on the level of a stroke, but a similar cause. A heart murmur like hers can cause small blood clots to form and wander into sensitive places. It might have temporarily stuck in the wrong spot in her brain. (I'm looking at this being the most likely scenario.)

3. A brain tumor. Do Not Want. Probably not likely.

We're going back to the vet today for some follow-up tests and to get her vaccinations updated. We also need to schedule a teeth cleaning, because they're in pretty bad shape. I imagine there will be a few extracted. I'm hoping this improves her appetite a bit, cause eating with sore teeth is no fun.

The heart murmur we're just going to have to keep an eye on. I now have scheduled on my Google calendar for the next five years a reminder to check her breathing every two weeks. If she ever goes above 30 breaths per minute while asleep, we may be looking at congestive heart failure. Right now she is at 20 breaths per minute, so not at all a problem yet, but it's likely to get worse as she ages.

Dangit, guys, my puppy is getting old. :(

I'm sure it'll all be fine. Dogs are resilient creatures. Have a hug though (for you and Leia) *hugs*

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50 minutes ago, StormyQueen said:

I'm sure it'll all be fine. Dogs are resilient creatures. Have a hug though (for you and Leia) *hugs*

Thank you. She is a Good Dog. A bit displeased with all of the poking and prodding (and needles!), but OK.

It's going to be a matter of just monitoring her health for the next few years. Dachshunds can pretty commonly live well into her teens, and some have been known to make it past twenty. The vet said she's still "got a lot of miles on her" so we'll just take the best care of her we can.

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3 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Thank you. She is a Good Dog. A bit displeased with all of the poking and prodding (and needles!), but OK.

It's going to be a matter of just monitoring her health for the next few years. Dachshunds can pretty commonly live well into her teens, and some have been known to make it past twenty. The vet said she's still "got a lot of miles on her" so we'll just take the best care of her we can.

Thats good. Good Dogs must be protected. Glad it seems to be going well :)

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8 hours ago, Calderis said:

No real idea. Guess my depression is just flaring up. I don't have any motivation to do anything today. I want to go to sleep. That's about it. 


*Hugs* That's understandable.  I hope you feel better soon.

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So after 7 weeks of binge watching I finished That 70's Show. I feel like crying. I can't believe it's over:(

Aaaand I have a braize of a shift today. Lifeguarding for five hours, than I have to teach two over booked classes of swim lessons. The curiculum I HAVE to use is absolutely horrible, so I feel bad even teaching it. I try to ditch it as much as I can, but I still feel really bad for the kids cause the class is twice as large as it should be so I can't teach them as much as they could learn or give them enough time to perfect what they do learn.....

But at least this is my last day!!!! After this they aren't Ever gonna see me walk in there again. They'd have to pay me three times what I'm making, and even then I doubt I'd take it. It's been over a year and a half, and I'm finally gonna be freeeeee!!!!

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I need a hug.

Heard on the news that some sick, twisted, complete cremhole garbage excuse for a human being went into a wildlife refuge in Hawaii and not only slaughtered but also dismembered 15 nesting Laysan Albatrosses, smashing their eggs in addition to the adults. Before the rampage there were only 300 of these birds left in the WORLD. They mate for life and only lay a single egg per year, so it's incredibly difficult for them to repopulate. 50 years will probably pass before the world population of Laysan Albatrosses reaches 300 again.

Wanna guess how the perpetrator is being punished? Maximum one year in jail, and his college, New York University, intends to let him continue attending once he's out. I am simultaneously furious and heartbroken beyond words.

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17 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

I need a hug.

Heard on the news that some sick, twisted, complete cremhole garbage excuse for a human being went into a wildlife refuge in Hawaii and not only slaughtered but also dismembered 15 nesting Laysan Albatrosses, smashing their eggs in addition to the adults. Before the rampage there were only 300 of these birds left in the WORLD. They mate for life and only lay a single egg per year, so it's incredibly difficult for them to repopulate. 50 years will probably pass before the world population of Laysan Albatrosses reaches 300 again.

Wanna guess how the perpetrator is being punished? Maximum one year in jail, and his college, New York University, intends to let him continue attending once he's out. I am simultaneously furious and heartbroken beyond words.

Wow, that's just terrible. Why would anyone do anything like that? Why is the world so okay with people doing stuff like this? Well, not okay with it, but they don't care enough about it to truly punish people for horrible actions like this.

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1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

Wow, that's just terrible. Why would anyone do anything like that? Why is the world so okay with people doing stuff like this? Well, not okay with it, but they don't care enough about it to truly punish people for horrible actions like this.

Because his actions didn't cost anyone any money. If those birds had been someone's property, and their rarity consequently inflated their monetary value, you can bet there would be harsher consequences.

Unfortunately, our justice system values money over all else, and since no one was harmed monetarily, he gets a slap on the wrist. 

It's disgusting. 

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21 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

I need a hug.

Heard on the news that some sick, twisted, complete cremhole garbage excuse for a human being went into a wildlife refuge in Hawaii and not only slaughtered but also dismembered 15 nesting Laysan Albatrosses, smashing their eggs in addition to the adults. Before the rampage there were only 300 of these birds left in the WORLD. They mate for life and only lay a single egg per year, so it's incredibly difficult for them to repopulate. 50 years will probably pass before the world population of Laysan Albatrosses reaches 300 again.

Wanna guess how the perpetrator is being punished? Maximum one year in jail, and his college, New York University, intends to let him continue attending once he's out. I am simultaneously furious and heartbroken beyond words.

Seriously though, the government has problems with this kind of thing; they just don't seem to understand just how IMPORTANT these birds are. Honestly, I'm a member of the Audubon Society, so this also makes me mad. *hugs*

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20 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

I need a hug.

Heard on the news that some sick, twisted, complete cremhole garbage excuse for a human being went into a wildlife refuge in Hawaii and not only slaughtered but also dismembered 15 nesting Laysan Albatrosses, smashing their eggs in addition to the adults. Before the rampage there were only 300 of these birds left in the WORLD. They mate for life and only lay a single egg per year, so it's incredibly difficult for them to repopulate. 50 years will probably pass before the world population of Laysan Albatrosses reaches 300 again.

Wanna guess how the perpetrator is being punished? Maximum one year in jail, and his college, New York University, intends to let him continue attending once he's out. I am simultaneously furious and heartbroken beyond words.


Recently something similar happens in a wildlife refuge near where I lived, it was a terrible fire, and apparently someone did it intentionally.I can't even imagine why people do that.

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3 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

Wow, that's just terrible. Why would anyone do anything like that? Why is the world so okay with people doing stuff like this? Well, not okay with it, but they don't care enough about it to truly punish people for horrible actions like this.

I think the guy must be mentally disturbed. Normal people cringe at images of animal cruelty, but this guy took photos of his gruesome work and plastered them all over his social media. (No, I haven't seen the photos, and I'm glad I haven't.) He seems to have no capacity for empathy at all.

3 hours ago, Calderis said:

Because his actions didn't cost anyone any money. If those birds had been someone's property, and their rarity consequently inflated their monetary value, you can bet there would be harsher consequences.

Unfortunately, our justice system values money over all else, and since no one was harmed monetarily, he gets a slap on the wrist. 

It's disgusting. 

This is all too true... Many times I have heard other birdwatchers say that the best way to get funds for wildlife conservation of any given species is to make it hunt-able. Apparently the government only cares about preserving birds that they can make money off of from hunting permits. <_<

3 hours ago, Elsecaller3414 said:

Seriously though, the government has problems with this kind of thing; they just don't seem to understand just how IMPORTANT these birds are. Honestly, I'm a member of the Audubon Society, so this also makes me mad. *hugs*

Exactly. This isn't the first time in my memory that people have gotten off with a slap on the wrist for killing critically endangered birds. Some idiot shot 2 Whooping Cranes in Texas last year, and he got a fine, community service, and suspended firearm and hunting privileges. No jail time. According to the article I linked, that's only the 2nd time someone's ever been convicted and punished for killing a Whooping Crane, despite the fact that more than 20 of the birds had been shot and killed in the last 5 years before the article was published.

3 hours ago, Idealistic Mistborn said:


Recently something similar happens in a wildlife refuge near where I lived, it was a terrible fire, and apparently someone did it intentionally.I can't even imagine why people do that.

:( That's just as awful! Maybe even worse, since the wildfire could have killed a lot of people too, depending on how far it might've spread.

2 hours ago, Roadwalker said:

Being a roadwalker, I find this horrifying. Mental diseases. Among humans.

So even though he gets 1 year in jail, I'm sure some wildlife groups will manage to get a lawsuit up and running, maybe write some letters...

There is a petition online demanding that the university expel the albatross killer. It has over 32,000 signatures already, and I signed it too. That's still not a severe enough punishment; in my opinion, this cremhole deserves at least a decade in prison for such a cruel, senseless, and far-reaching crime.

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Well, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. The rejection e-mail said that they were impressed by my writing sample, personality, and job-related knowledge, and invited me to apply to future openings. So that's a good thing. But I was really kind of hoping for this position to work out.

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1 minute ago, Seonid said:

Well, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. The rejection e-mail said that they were impressed by my writing sample, personality, and job-related knowledge, and invited me to apply to future openings. So that's a good thing. But I was really kind of hoping for this position to work out.

Man, that really sucks. At least you know that they're interested in you as a possible employee, even if they can't hire you right now.

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12 minutes ago, Seonid said:

Well, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. The rejection e-mail said that they were impressed by my writing sample, personality, and job-related knowledge, and invited me to apply to future openings. So that's a good thing. But I was really kind of hoping for this position to work out.

Usually when they say things like that your application goes on top when the next opening becomes available. 

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5 hours ago, Seonid said:

Well, I didn't get the job I interviewed for. The rejection e-mail said that they were impressed by my writing sample, personality, and job-related knowledge, and invited me to apply to future openings. So that's a good thing. But I was really kind of hoping for this position to work out.


I'm sorry to hear that, but at least they are interested by you.

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On 10 July 2017 at 6:23 PM, Left said:

So after 7 weeks of binge watching I finished That 70's Show. I feel like crying. I can't believe it's over:(

Aaaand I have a braize of a shift today. Lifeguarding for five hours, than I have to teach two over booked classes of swim lessons. The curiculum I HAVE to use is absolutely horrible, so I feel bad even teaching it. I try to ditch it as much as I can, but I still feel really bad for the kids cause the class is twice as large as it should be so I can't teach them as much as they could learn or give them enough time to perfect what they do learn.....

But at least this is my last day!!!! After this they aren't Ever gonna see me walk in there again. They'd have to pay me three times what I'm making, and even then I doubt I'd take it. It's been over a year and a half, and I'm finally gonna be freeeeee!!!!

(Firstly if I'm slightly insensitive I'm sorry I'm tiiiiired but I just wanted to come say hiiii)

Could you not have quit earlier?

On 10 July 2017 at 11:26 PM, Elsecaller3414 said:

Seriously though, the government has problems with this kind of thing; they just don't seem to understand just how IMPORTANT these birds are. Honestly, I'm a member of the Audubon Society, so this also makes me mad. *hugs*

Aside from rarity, why are these birds so important? What's unique about them?

On 11 July 2017 at 1:09 AM, Roadwalker said:

Being a roadwalker, I find this horrifying. Mental diseases. Among humans.

So even though he gets 1 year in jail, I'm sure some wildlife groups will manage to get a lawsuit up and running, maybe write some letters...

Whats that got to do with mental disease? Some people are just bad people. And most people with mental illnesses, like myself, are not/do not turn into killers or thieves or rapists. Please be nice. 

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I don't mean-- ugh...

OK when someone does something like say kills someone and then disembowels them then they are what we called "mad" or "crazy".

You don't call someone who has a mental disease and

14 minutes ago, Delightful said:

are not/do not turn into killers or thieves or rapists.

mad or crazy, there is a difference between people who have a screw loose and people who have

15 minutes ago, Delightful said:

mental illnesses, like myself,


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