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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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Just pulled my back shoveling a half foot of snow that was left for me by the evening shift at work. They never touched it once... And never do. It's ridiculous. They also don't clean up spills and other messes cause "the night guy cleans anyway." Well that's not an excuse to make it harder for me. I'm so done with playing their catch-up work. I don't even care anymore that it reflects poorly on me that things aren't done. I don't get paid enough to be the only one shoveling. Commercial snow removal is hugely expensive and they've been getting a free pass on it. Everyone else can either pitch in and help or they can start paying me extra for it. I'm done. 

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4 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

Just pulled my back shoveling a half foot of snow that was left for me by the evening shift at work. They never touched it once... And never do. It's ridiculous. They also don't clean up spills and other messes cause "the night guy cleans anyway." Well that's not an excuse to make it harder for me. I'm so done with playing their catch-up work. I don't even care anymore that it reflects poorly on me that things aren't done. I don't get paid enough to be the only one shoveling. Commercial snow removal is hugely expensive and they've been getting a free pass on it. Everyone else can either pitch in and help or they can start paying me extra for it. I'm done. 

*Hugs*.What they are doing is most unprofessional. Instead of doing their jobs they leave it for other people. The fact that you got injured in the process of doing what they should have makes this so much worse. I know that I speak for the shard when I say get well!!  

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any spare hugs lying around? I'm in need of them.

Without writing a dissertation (which is what I would need to detail the stresses and depression I'm dealing with) I'll just say monetary issues are eating me alive, most immediately regarding repairs needed after Hurricane Harvey blew through and did a number on my roof.  Work's busy which is a good thing, but it's becoming overly busy because the agency I work with runs everything on a shoestring unless it's a pet project of the COO.  My three kids...just too much there.  Driving me nuts.  I need solitude to recharge but am not getting anything like enough.  I have depression exhaustion right now - the sort of depression that makes me so tired I struggle for the energy to do anything.  And lots more.

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9 hours ago, Mulk said:

any spare hugs lying around? I'm in need of them.

Without writing a dissertation (which is what I would need to detail the stresses and depression I'm dealing with) I'll just say monetary issues are eating me alive, most immediately regarding repairs needed after Hurricane Harvey blew through and did a number on my roof.  Work's busy which is a good thing, but it's becoming overly busy because the agency I work with runs everything on a shoestring unless it's a pet project of the COO.  My three kids...just too much there.  Driving me nuts.  I need solitude to recharge but am not getting anything like enough.  I have depression exhaustion right now - the sort of depression that makes me so tired I struggle for the energy to do anything.  And lots more.

I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties, Mulk. I know it probably doesn't really help, but I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and sending positive vibes. *hugs*

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6 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:


I changed courses because I had a mini panic attack in the exam. I'm doing a 6 month course in Aged Care to help me go back to my Dip of Nursing. I felt like a failure and felt stupid for doing that course. It is helping though.

So I'm already a bit fragile but I need to make a stomach doctor appointment. The receptionist was rude and was actually asking me why I was seeing her! None of her business!

Her: Why are you seeing her? Did you have a procedure?
Me: Yes, but this appointment is not for that

Her: Is it a review?

Me: No. I need to see her.

Her: Why?


Honestly I'm putting in a complaint. Such a breach of patient confidentiality. 

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@Steeldancer I don't know whatever became of your internet situation, but have you offered to pay the internet bill? That way you would have say on how it was being used. Or even splitting the cost. Right now, since they are paying for it, they really do have the right to say how it is used. I know its hard to tell tone on the internet, but I am honestly just trying to be helpful.

Edited by Ammanas
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2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Oh, did I not explain the deal my parents made with me? I have unlimited internet now. As long as I don't use it on Sundays, and I don't use it until after my homework is done, I'm set.

You did but I think it was in the Good News thread so only those that check both know the full story.  :) 

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I'm still adjusting to driving in the city where I'm living for university (I'm from quite a small town so multiple lanes of traffic is a bit stressful).

Drivers here are so rude!! You indicate to change lanes and they speed up to cut you off!! Some guy just turned in front of me at traffic lights (I was on a green). I watched the This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the ruleshole smirk at me as I slammed on the brakes in the middle of the intersection. I'm still shaking. :wacko:

Edit: also congrats @Steeldancer, I'm glad your parents listened to reason :)

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About a week ago: internet breaks

Earlier this week: internet is fixed!

One day later: internet breaks*


*but not really? I mean literally everything else but our computer can use the internet (as evidenced by the fact that I am communicating right now). It’s so annoying someone help

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My mother fell this morning and hurt herself. As I am the only other person at home early in the morning I had to take off from work today to help her. We had to go to the doctor he thought it was just a bruise. We went home then the doctor called and informed us that a specialist to whom he had sent the x ray of my mother's foot found that one of the bones had chipped. He put her in a boot and on crutches. She has little idea of how to use the crutches and she keeps trying to step on the bad foot. She refuses to let me help her and I'm at a loss as to what to do. She worries about Pesach/Passover despite assurances from both myself and my father that everything will be ready. The whole situation is extremely frustrating.

Edited by Nathrangking
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That's rough. My mother is 92, still lives on her own, although she has a friend there 50% of the time. She broke her ankle a couple of years back and had a boot for... I'm thinking 3 or 4 weeks(?). She's fiercely independent, but we were very fortunate to have other people around, and carers who went in regularly (thank goodness for the UK's NHS). I can't imagine having to deal with that even two of you, with the added pressure of a major festival coming up.

Are you and your dad able to share your frustrations? Leaning on someone else can make a difference, not necessarily making things easier, but fortifying you to get through.

Have they given you a timescale for the foot healing? I see you've got a good couple of weeks till Passover. Hopefully your mom will be reassured that things are taking shape and that will make things easier.

Good luck! You can do this. :) 

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