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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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Another body blow! I had a promising job lead late this week after receiving 3 or 4 rejection emails. I woke up early, got dressed up. and made a 2 1/2 hour trip to the recruiter's office. We were supposed to create a packet for her to send to the firm offering the job. Turns out that that morning the job had been offered to someone else! I woke up early, got dressed up, made the trip for nothing and was made to wait by the recruiter while I could have been looking for further opportunities!! Sometimes life really does a check to make sure that I'm not too complacent and it sucks!!!!

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I didn't sleep for two nights, because of the endless and noisy party my neighbour has, also didn't eat for two days, because I suffer for the syndrome of last two days before the payment.

At least I still have books. Books are kinda a remedy.

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7 hours ago, Kualo said:

I didn't sleep for two nights, because of the endless and noisy party my neighbour has, also didn't eat for two days, because I suffer for the syndrome of last two days before the payment.

At least I still have books. Books are kinda a remedy.

I know the feeling of payday week blues all too well, my friend!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently sucidal. I feel like my life makes no sense, without a job, friends or self-steem.

Not long ago I started my TWoK reread and one of Kaladin's earlier scenes was really powerful to me.

I am still unable to find a reason to live, I wish Brandon could write my life (and maybe give me a couple of superpowers :P)

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16 minutes ago, SongStorm said:

I'm currently sucidal. I feel like my life makes no sense, without a job, friends or self-steem.

Not long ago I started my TWoK reread and one of Kaladin's earlier scenes was really powerful to me.

I am still unable to find a reason to live, I wish Brandon could write my life (and maybe give me a couple of superpowers :P)

While you may have no idea who I am, and while I've never struggled with those sorts of thoughts let me just say this:

There is always a reason to live. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as cheesy as the phrase is- it's true. Hard times come for all of us, and we just have to make our best way through, even though sometimes we can't see the way. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem (No matter how long it may be). 

I wish you the best,


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29 minutes ago, SongStorm said:

I'm currently sucidal. I feel like my life makes no sense, without a job, friends or self-steem.

Not long ago I started my TWoK reread and one of Kaladin's earlier scenes was really powerful to me.

I am still unable to find a reason to live, I wish Brandon could write my life (and maybe give me a couple of superpowers :P)

*hugs, chocolate-chip cookies* 

Everything Wyn said, and this: Live for us, for the Shard. I will happily be your friend if you need one. Live to dream, because in your dreams you can have powers. Live for your family, because they would miss you if you left them. Live to keep seeing the sun - the sun helps with depression. Live to live, because I swear to you, your life will improve if you let it. Your depression may not go away, your suicidal urges may not even go away, but if you can learn to ignore them, to dismiss them knowing that they are not true, you can still live a happy life. 

Please don’t kill yourself, SongStorm. I don’t know you, but I want to know you. Will you give me the chance? 

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

*hugs, chocolate-chip cookies* 

Everything Wyn said, and this: Live for us, for the Shard. I will happily be your friend if you need one. Live to dream, because in your dreams you can have powers. Live for your family, because they would miss you if you left them. Live to keep seeing the sun - the sun helps with depression. Live to live, because I swear to you, your life will improve if you let it. Your depression may not go away, your suicidal urges may not even go away, but if you can learn to ignore them, to dismiss them knowing that they are not true, you can still live a happy life. 

Please don’t kill yourself, SongStorm. I don’t know you, but I want to know you. Will you give me the chance? 

Ditto to all this. 

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1 hour ago, SongStorm said:

I'm currently sucidal. I feel like my life makes no sense, without a job, friends or self-steem.

Not long ago I started my TWoK reread and one of Kaladin's earlier scenes was really powerful to me.

I am still unable to find a reason to live, I wish Brandon could write my life (and maybe give me a couple of superpowers :P)

SongStorm, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON’T commit suicide!! I promise you that somebody cares about you, and everybody here on the Shard loves you and are here for you. We forever lose your influence and unique and amazing personality if you decide to commit suicide. Try to talk with people in your life about it too; odds are they’ll be able to help you. We love you, and I gaurntee that nobody wants you gone.

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6 minutes ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

SongStorm, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON’T commit suicide!! I promise you that somebody cares about you, and everybody here on the Shard loves you and are here for you. We forever lose your influence and unique and amazing personality if you decide to commit suicide. Try to talk with people in your life about it too; odds are they’ll be able to help you. We love you, and I gaurntee that nobody wants you gone.

That's funny,  coming from a character that hates himself :P

Thanks to all of you, anyway, I will carry on.

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1 hour ago, SongStorm said:

That's funny,  coming from a character that hates himself :P

Thanks to all of you, anyway, I will carry on.

Good luck with everything, SongStorm! While life may be crushing you down right now, it does get better. I can attest to this, having struggled with depression for a long time.

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Not quite just a day really 6 years in the making. My last surviving grandparent my grandmother is dying. She suffered a stroke 6 years ago and she has not been well since. Before she was lively and active after she was a shadow of herself. She stopped being active and began to show signs of alzheimers. Her health has been declining ever since my father and aunt have been doing what they can to help, but it is never enough. Recently, her health has dropped off precipitously. Two weeks ago she suffered a fall and was rushed to the hospital. My father and aunt lost sleep, but everything seemed fine. This weekend she was rushed to the emergency room due to shallow breathing. When my father and aunt spoke to her doctor they discovered that she has a pneumonia and bronchial infection. Ever since things have gotten worse. My father got a serious cold from the hospital, he went back today because they were called by the doctors. She was intubated and he refuses to leave her side. He is getting no sleep and he is preparing for the very worst casting a macabre shadow over my mother and myself. I'm usually stoic and the strong one, but I'm having a difficult time. I just don't know if I'm coming or going. My grandmother is dying and things are spiraling. There is no light here everything just seems to get worse and I'm burning myself out trying not to break down. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a sucky week and sharing helps me prosses it so here goes. I used to have a problem with self-harm and I had a relapse a few days ago and had to go to the hospital, It was just a bunch of shallow cuts but I had to go in anyway. My current job is ok, but I want a better one. I really want to be a salesman but I can't drive that well so it has to be close to home and the only jobs close to home are baristas and food workers, which is what I am right now, I've had to start driving more out of my comfort zone and I often drive to slow and people keep honking at me for one reason or another. I'm only 18 and have no experience in sales but I really think I would be good at it. I love talking to people and getting to know them as well as convincing them to buy things to make them happy. Currently, its just people who don't know what to order but I want to do more and better my skills. I am also an amateur mathematician and I have been working on a particular problem for the past 2 years. All I have to show for it is a box of papers and scribbles. I'm not going to stop, I'm going to solve it, but it gets discouraging at times. I also had a friend go off to college recently and he has ignored every one of my texts and emails. I kinda figured it would happen but it's still a little insulting. And my fiance dad is also being a butt head, he is highly erratic and is obsessed with a video game. when he calls her he as a 50/50 chance of making her cry or just pissing her off. I guess thats the downside of living with your parents.

Edited by The Forgetful Archivist
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6 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

I have had a sucky week and sharing helps me prosses it so here goes.

I used to have a problem with self-harm and I had a relapse a few days ago and had to go to the hospital, It was just a bunch of shallow cuts but I had to go in anyway. 

I’m glad this thread exists for you to share it in. 

TFA, I don’t know what drove you to take that action, but I am deeply sorry that you had to go through and are going through it. You have so many people who love you, I do know that, and none of us want you to be hurt. I hope you can get past the relapse, and that your injuries will heal quickly. <3 

6 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

My current job is ok, but I want a better one. I really want to be a salesman but I can't drive that well so it has to be close to home and the only jobs close to home are baristas and food workers, which is what I am right now, I've had to start driving more out of my comfort zone and I often drive to slow and people keep honking at me for one reason or another. I'm only 18 and have no experience in sales but I really think I would be good at it. I love talking to people and getting to know them as well as convincing them to buy things to make them happy. Currently, its just people who don't know what to order but I want to do more and better my skills. 

Having seen your skill with words and persuasion as a Ghostblood, I have no doubt that you’d be an awesome salesman! Someone who could really help people and break through the annoying salesman stereotype, because you’re anything but annoying. Driving freaks me out too, though I haven’t had much experience with it, so I feel your pain there. Good luck getting the job you want. 

6 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

I am also an amateur mathematician and I have been working on a particular problem for the past 2 years. All I have to show for it is a box of papers and scribbles. I'm not going to stop, I'm going to solve it, but it gets discouraging at times. 

I believe in you! You can take breaks if you need to, sometimes that helps clear your mind and you can come back to a problem with a new view. I suck at math, so I have no other advice, but I wish you good luck on this too. 

8 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

I also had a friend go off to college recently and he has ignored every one of my texts and emails. I kinda figured it would happen but it's still a little insulting. 

That sucks. He could just be really busy, depending on how long it’s been. I hear college is hard, after all. But if he is cutting his ties with you, then it’s his loss. I’m sorry you’re losing a friend. 

8 minutes ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:

And my fiance dad is also being a butt head, he is highly erratic and is obsessed with a video game. when he calls her he as a 50/50 chance of making her cry or just pissing her off. I guess thats the downside of living with your parents.

Ugh, parents...It’s good that you two have ach other, at least! When you get married, she won’t have to live with him anymore. 

*hugs and gives cookies* I’m sorry all this is happening to you, TFA. You’re fantastic and don’t deserve it. 

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My grandmother passed at some point during the night. She was basically non responsive since she had a stroke a week and a half ago or so though she was stable and holding on. We got the news this morning that she is gone and this is truth the second death in as many days my cousin a young mother of nine children passed from cancer wednesday night. It is all so overwhelming and I don't know where to even begin processing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

I've just been told that a major figure in my life has been put on hospice. Also, I had pretty much no reaction when receiving this news. I had a stronger one when discovering that an old forum had finally been retired.

Man, I hate that feeling of, well... not feeling. It's really awful (at least the other emotions -- like shame or guilt or even sometimes anger -- that come as a result are). Hope things get better from here. 

Edited by Slowswift
Added a smidge more
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