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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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5 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Just had a big fight with my wife, and thought we'd reached a point of understanding at least, and then she stormed off after we'd stopped talking for a while and I have no idea why...

Get her some flowers, no matter why she stormed off, flowers shouldn't hurt... I hope you'll figure it out together soon!

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7 hours ago, Ookla the Cat Lord said:

Get her some flowers, no matter why she stormed off, flowers shouldn't hurt... I hope you'll figure it out together soon!

She came back and explained, and in fact had already resolved it in her mind, so we're good for now (on that part at least). :)

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Not sure if this belongs in the relationship thread instead, but I definitely need a hug. 


Just had a super detailed and realistic dream about getting back together with my ex. One of those ones where you wake up and have to sort out what's real and what's false, and it takes you a bit. 

Do not need this right now. It's been a year, I'm supposed to be over her by now. 

It's not even that I want to get back with her - before I woke up I'd sat her down in the dream and was discussing whether or not this was a good idea - might be that I'm feeling lonely. I don't know storm it all. 


But yeah - don't fall in love with the wrong person people; and if you do don't spend four years ignoring problems and thinking that everything will be ok cuz you're so much in love! (How could it not work out when you're in love? Storm you Disney and Hollywood) 

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Sick, feeling bad, catching up on material cause I have to do tasks for class I have tomorrow. (It's programming)

And I can't just go with being sick, even if I go to the doctor and get what's-that-called paper saying I can't go to the class... thing is, my absence would be justified but I wouldn't earn any points since I would be absent. Every class we claim the exercises/tasks we have done and people are chosen randomly to present them in front of the whole class - that's how they're checked. To pass this course we need at least 50% and I've already missed one class so my counter is 9 out of 23. Tomorrow's point pool is 8 so if I do all of them (unlikely) I end up with 17/31. Barely above 50%.

It gets worse: not only my solution has to be 100% correct, I have to be able to describe and explain every single thing in my code. And I may be asked "what if I change <that part of code> to <this>?" And I have to know. That's not normal - in other classes we could ask that question. If we didn't understand something, we could ask for explanation. This class is opposite.

If I make a mistake, all my points I gathered so far will be zero'd. In other classes there's no penalty for being wrong.
Normally I'm stressed out before this class but today stress is going through the roof.

(I could rant about this teacher for hours - once I was presenting my code, simple one, and he asked me everything he could so I'd make a mistake... but when somebody else presented a solution using mechanism not yet introduced (which is actually against the rules of this class) he just said "Probably no one in this class except you will get this"... and accepted, didn't ask him a single question... didn't even bothered to explain this guy's code to the class)

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Yesterday was one long parade of cremholes. Seriously, I had at least four people who just stood by my desk and sighed until I asked if they needed help. 

I had thought today was better....but now the Internet is down. I'm writing this on my phone, using my data because it's been two minutes now and the Shard STILL hasn't loaded on my laptop. I've reset my router twice and it's had no effect. I've typed out the same post twice, as well as a PM, and I've lost everything when I hit Post. 

Maybe this sounds like a first world problem, but this is where most of my friends are. This is how I stay in touch, how I entertain myself. I won't be able to watch Netflix or do much of anything fun without using up a large chunk of my data. 

And yes, my ISP office is closed right now, because of course it is. 

I am so sick of this week. 

Edit: And, as soon as I'd posted that, the internet started working again. :mellow: 

Edited by Ookla the Pug-whisperer
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Existentialism is the best kind of angst.

It leads to all sorts of questions like "What am I even doing with my life," and "Am I wasting my time."

Questions like "Who do I even bother with stuff," since 'stuff' isn't going to get done anyway.

Or trying to make full scale mental essays on "What have I done wrong today," and not seeing any real way that the future is going to change or be better.

This is why I end up chasing comic books and fantasy and role-playing so much. Escapist fiction, yeah, but those are genres which place an emphasis on human life having an intrinsically high value, and sometimes, I feel like I...really don't.

(And, add "Am I bothering (people on) the Shard with my whining," to concerns now...)

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20 minutes ago, Ookla the Archer said:

(And, add "Am I bothering (people on) the Shard with my whining," to concerns now...)

Not a chance, Quivs. We love you, and we are here for you. Whatever you are going through, however difficult or personal, we are here for you.

After all, what are internet-stranger-friends for?

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Temperature: barely above water's freezing point (~37 F?). But the perceived temperature/wind chill is probably 26 F. Wind: strong. Rain: heavy.

It's evil out there and I am already sick but I have to go :(

EDIT: Rain stopped, well, raining. Now it's starting to snow.

EDIT2: Now it's a blizzard. If I'm not back in 5 hours it means I froze to death :P

Edited by Ookla the Sunrise Watcher
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7 hours ago, Ookla the Archer said:

Existentialism is the best kind of angst.

It leads to all sorts of questions like "What am I even doing with my life," and "Am I wasting my time."

Questions like "Who do I even bother with stuff," since 'stuff' isn't going to get done anyway.

Or trying to make full scale mental essays on "What have I done wrong today," and not seeing any real way that the future is going to change or be better.

This is why I end up chasing comic books and fantasy and role-playing so much. Escapist fiction, yeah, but those are genres which place an emphasis on human life having an intrinsically high value, and sometimes, I feel like I...really don't.

(And, add "Am I bothering (people on) the Shard with my whining," to concerns now...)

You know what?  If we're all wasting our time, then we should just waste it doing things we love and doing small things to make other people happy.  Cause if there's no big cosmic bar by which we're measured, then the little things count more.

(You are never bothering, for you are our Quiver and we likes you.)

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Sunrise Watcher said:

Temperature: barely above water's freezing point (~37 F?). But the perceived temperature/wind chill is probably 26 F. Wind: strong. Rain: heavy.

It's evil out there and I am already sick but I have to go :(

EDIT: Rain stopped, well, raining. Now it's starting to snow.

EDIT2: Now it's a blizzard. If I'm not back in 5 hours it means I froze to death :P

Where is this? Sounds glorious. I'm jealous 

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9 hours ago, Ookla the Archer said:

Existentialism is the best kind of angst.

It leads to all sorts of questions like "What am I even doing with my life," and "Am I wasting my time."

Questions like "Who do I even bother with stuff," since 'stuff' isn't going to get done anyway.

Or trying to make full scale mental essays on "What have I done wrong today," and not seeing any real way that the future is going to change or be better.

This is why I end up chasing comic books and fantasy and role-playing so much. Escapist fiction, yeah, but those are genres which place an emphasis on human life having an intrinsically high value, and sometimes, I feel like I...really don't.

(And, add "Am I bothering (people on) the Shard with my whining," to concerns now...)

As existence is fundamentally meaningless and everything is going to be reduced to nothingness (my shard would so be Ruin...) if you feel like you are wasting your time then yes, you are.

I can answer the first question too.

You are bothering with stuff because not bothering with stuff would mean consequences that you fear are going to be worse than the stuff you are bothering with.

And same, I find reality boring, so I escape to more interesting lands, like The Cosmere, Temerant and apparently Chicago. I still have not figured out why I love horror and Weird fiction so much though... oh well.

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Archer said:

Existentialism is the best kind of angst.

It leads to all sorts of questions like "What am I even doing with my life," and "Am I wasting my time."

Questions like "Who do I even bother with stuff," since 'stuff' isn't going to get done anyway.

Or trying to make full scale mental essays on "What have I done wrong today," and not seeing any real way that the future is going to change or be better.

This is why I end up chasing comic books and fantasy and role-playing so much. Escapist fiction, yeah, but those are genres which place an emphasis on human life having an intrinsically high value, and sometimes, I feel like I...really don't.

(And, add "Am I bothering (people on) the Shard with my whining," to concerns now...)


4 hours ago, Ookla the Mythical said:

You know what?  If we're all wasting our time, then we should just waste it doing things we love and doing small things to make other people happy.  Cause if there's no big cosmic bar by which we're measured, then the little things count more.

(You are never bothering, for you are our Quiver and we likes you.)

Listen to Kaymyth, Quiver. She speaks the truth. 

And, contrary to the popular view, change doesn't happen all at once because a Katniss Everdeen or a Harry Potter suddenly show up on the scene and get the rest of the world's heroes to stop twiddling their thumbs and get to work. There are all kinds of small motions toward change leading up to the Big Moments that we don't see. A changed mind here, a bill passed there. Every movement toward change counts. The Harrys and the Katnisses might get all the media attention, but if it weren't for the no-names in the Ministry or the Districts, they'd be nothing more than a footnote in a history book. 

You're not insignificant. Individuals make all the difference in the world. 

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I hate to say this while using an avatar of woo-woo bogus philosophy, but...

The popular perception of existentialism is that it's saying life has no meaning, and that means everything cool or important or some such is now drained of color and is utterly depressing.  The key, however, is not that there's nothing to find meaning in, it's that meaning has always been something we make up.  It's the human activity that results that matters.  Meaning is not something absolute, we break it down, recreate it, shift it in adaptive patterns.  It's always been a set of stories we tell ourselves, and that changes nothing about the world.  It's just a more accurate description.

Postmodernism took this ball and just ran with it into many theoretical dead-ends which are best avoided, but there's great positive potential in existentialism.

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2 hours ago, The Ooklent One said:

I hate to say this while using an avatar of woo-woo bogus philosophy, but...

The popular perception of existentialism is that it's saying life has no meaning, and that means everything cool or important or some such is now drained of color and is utterly depressing.  The key, however, is not that there's nothing to find meaning in, it's that meaning has always been something we make up.  It's the human activity that results that matters.  Meaning is not something absolute, we break it down, recreate it, shift it in adaptive patterns.  It's always been a set of stories we tell ourselves, and that changes nothing about the world.  It's just a more accurate description.

Postmodernism took this ball and just ran with it into many theoretical dead-ends which are best avoided, but there's great positive potential in existentialism.

Sounds like maybe people are mistaking nihilism for existentialism...? I'm not enormously well versed in the in-depth definitions of either term, but I think nihilism fits the attitude you're describing.

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The idea that there is no meaning in the world beyond what we give it is a component of the existentialist concept of "the absurd."  It's central to existentialism.

Nihilism, by contrast, posits that everything is insignificant.  The meaninglessness in nihilism is also valuelessness.

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