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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I wouldn't do that, life is very precious to me (said the guy making dead baby jokes in English)


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How many babies does it take to paint a wall

Depends on how hard you throw them


Classic XD

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6 hours ago, Delightful said:

My grandmother came over with a bunch of stuff today. She hands me books on knitting (that she thinks I want), gives my brother some bits and pieces, holds out a pamphlet which I took. Seconds later my grandmother (gently) took the pamphlet from my hand and gave it to my brother while talking about something else, like she wasn't even conscious of what she was doing.

Would I be wrong in calling ingrained sexism? I get the knitting books and my brother gets all the "Important" stuff? Because I'm offended and I'm not entirely sure why/if I should be. I was literally holding it and she literally took it from my hands and gave it to my brother. What, I'm not capable of holding a pamphlet or something? And it's my grandmother and I know she didn't mean any harm just........yeah. Opinions, anyone? 

It's possible she just intended to give that to your brother for some specific reason, and didn't realize you'd be hurt by taking it from you.  It's hard to say, but that's one possibility that wouldn't need to hurt you even unintentionally.  Definitely talk to her or your parents if you think you can.


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4 hours ago, Delightful said:

I should clarify: not very funny to most people, excluding Morzathoth :lol: 

And me!

I'd tell the joke about babies and trees, but I get that the Shard doesn't like dark humour. Well, except for CAH.

@Delightful, perhaps your grandmother intended to give it to your brother and just gave it to you by mistake. It happens.
Sadly, the older humans get, the worse their memory becomes. And that's really, really sad. Tearjerking sad. Gonna stop talking about that. Right now.

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9 hours ago, Jondesu said:

It's possible she just intended to give that to your brother for some specific reason, and didn't realize you'd be hurt by taking it from you.  It's hard to say, but that's one possibility that wouldn't need to hurt you even unintentionally.  Definitely talk to her or your parents if you think you can.


No, it was clearly not something meant for my brother specifically. 

Ill just take a deep breath and move on. 

Thanks guys :)

*hugs all around*

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Yay! HUGS!!!!

Whispers "Heil Hydra" into everyones ears whilst stabbing everyone with a hemalurgic spike to take Delightful's hugs from them using Feruchemical speed.

"YAAAS HUGS", he says in a horibble scratchy voice and then stabs the spikes into himself.

You all need to live in Australia for a few years. Then we can all insult each other in good cheer :)  

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Me: Hmm, it says here I should cut potato out of Bruce's diet along with sugar. It seems his dog food has potato, so I'll just look up wet dog food that's also potato free. 


Me: Aaannnnnd its $84 a case. Wonder if that refrigerated dog food is more affordable. 


Me: If I gave Bruce the minimum serving size, it'd cost me $45 per pay period, so a little more than that canned dog food I saw. Let me check on DIY recipes. 


Okaaayyyyy, there are a few on Allrecipes and foodie sites that look doable, but the ones on homemade pet food sites want me to use fancy supplements along with the other ingredients. 

I give up. :(

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18 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Yeah, part of the food process is you have to make sure it has all the nutrients your pet needs. Otherwise, it's "empty calories". 

Are these recommendations from the vet?

No, but I've followed the vet's instructions and it seems to be spreading (was mostly on his front paws and behind his tail, now a patch on his tail is reddening) but I don't know if I should take him to the vet and I'd rather wait until next pay period, but I don't know if I'm panicking or waiting too long to address something. His behavior hasn't changed, so I can't tell if it's serious, and all the while I'm wondering if I'm over or underreacting. 

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If there are no behavior changes, you can probably wait until next pay period. While there, discuss the effects of dietary choices. Going with more expensive food may do pretty much nothing, particularly with regards to potatoes (which probably acts as filler).

Your reaction is normal :) I imagine you all ready know the important signs to watch out for with regards to pug health, everything else you can triage based on behavior and available resources.

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Super mad right now. My iPad got cracked, but it's not hairline cracks, it's big ones. I've already got two glass splinters from trying to use it. It had a case on. I never dropped it or anything. The cracks just appeared out of nowhere this morning. How the storms does that happen??? :angry:

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1 hour ago, The Honor Spren said:

Super mad right now. My iPad got cracked, but it's not hairline cracks, it's big ones. I've already got two glass splinters from trying to use it. It had a case on. I never dropped it or anything. The cracks just appeared out of nowhere this morning. How the storms does that happen??? :angry:

No idea how that happened but my fiancee's Samsung Galaxy's screen cracked while simply lying on the desk. You are not alone *hug*

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13 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Yay! HUGS!!!!

Whispers "Heil Hydra" into everyones ears whilst stabbing everyone with a hemalurgic spike to take Delightful's hugs from them using Feruchemical speed.

"YAAAS HUGS", he says in a horibble scratchy voice and then stabs the spikes into himself.

You all need to live in Australia for a few years. Then we can all insult each other in good cheer :)  

.......my .hugs are feruchemical investiture? O_o

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*raises hand*

I'm Australian and I really don't like dead baby jokes.

That's very different to insults being taken as compliments/meant jokingly etc. That's not just cultural but depends very much on who you're talking to and how well you know them and which way they'll take the swear.

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8 hours ago, Cognizantastic said:

Really, man? I still remember when you got downvoted into the 3rd circle of hell for pulling that same joke in Random Stuff. Now you do it again?

When did I....

That's the first time I remember saying it. (besides People You don't want to meet in a dark alley)

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Rambling below the spoiler. I just had to get it off my chest. 


I used to get panic attacks somewhat frequently. On the surface, the triggers seem kind of silly—turning in an assignment late, a difficult customer at work, a fight with Twimom, thinking I turned in an assignment late, etc. Now I know, of course, that there was more to them—crem below the surface that I hadn't dealt with—and moving out has really helped. The past four months have been incredibly peaceful, and I've felt calmer than I've felt in years. 

Yesterday and this morning, I felt another one coming on. I wasn't on the verge of it, but it was like I could see it coming somewhere in the distance without knowing when or where it would hit. I think Bruce's medical issues are part of the cause. And I know that's kind of ridiculous. They aren't serious. He's sitting next to me as I write this, happily shredding a TP roll. When I last took him to the vet, the vet said I've been doing everything right. But I can't stop wondering if I'm not, or if I won't later. What if Bruce winds up having some huge problem that I can't pay for? What if I don't recognize a problem as serious until it's too late? 

And then on top of that there are all of the usual adulting fears—car, job security, does everyone secretly despise me—that I can't get rid of. My supervisor seems to like me a good deal, so I doubt I'll be let go at the end of my probationary period unless I make some humungous mistake, so of course I worry that I'll make a humungous mistake before my six months are up. Twimom and Twidad want me to visit around Christmas; what if that makes my anxiety worse? They know all my weak points and how to exploit them. What if something awful happens to Bruce on the plane even though he's small enough that I can take him into the cabin with me? 

Then there are the outlandish fears. What if I do get published sometime in the future and everyone hates it? What if it destroys my reputation? What if it's so full of unfortunate implications that nobody caught? What if it's actually very well received, but someone finds things I posted on the internet when I was younger, takes them out of context, and holds them up as proof of how I'm actually a terrible person? 

I know most of these what-ifs won't happen, but I can't stop thinking about them. 

Though on the upside, I do feel a little better for having written them all down. 


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7 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Rambling below the spoiler. I just had to get it off my chest. 

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I used to get panic attacks somewhat frequently. On the surface, the triggers seem kind of silly—turning in an assignment late, a difficult customer at work, a fight with Twimom, thinking I turned in an assignment late, etc. Now I know, of course, that there was more to them—crem below the surface that I hadn't dealt with—and moving out has really helped. The past four months have been incredibly peaceful, and I've felt calmer than I've felt in years. 

Yesterday and this morning, I felt another one coming on. I wasn't on the verge of it, but it was like I could see it coming somewhere in the distance without knowing when or where it would hit. I think Bruce's medical issues are part of the cause. And I know that's kind of ridiculous. They aren't serious. He's sitting next to me as I write this, happily shredding a TP roll. When I last took him to the vet, the vet said I've been doing everything right. But I can't stop wondering if I'm not, or if I won't later. What if Bruce winds up having some huge problem that I can't pay for? What if I don't recognize a problem as serious until it's too late? 

And then on top of that there are all of the usual adulting fears—car, job security, does everyone secretly despise me—that I can't get rid of. My supervisor seems to like me a good deal, so I doubt I'll be let go at the end of my probationary period unless I make some humungous mistake, so of course I worry that I'll make a humungous mistake before my six months are up. Twimom and Twidad want me to visit around Christmas; what if that makes my anxiety worse? They know all my weak points and how to exploit them. What if something awful happens to Bruce on the plane even though he's small enough that I can take him into the cabin with me? 

Then there are the outlandish fears. What if I do get published sometime in the future and everyone hates it? What if it destroys my reputation? What if it's so full of unfortunate implications that nobody caught? What if it's actually very well received, but someone finds things I posted on the internet when I was younger, takes them out of context, and holds them up as proof of how I'm actually a terrible person? 

I know most of these what-ifs won't happen, but I can't stop thinking about them. 

Though on the upside, I do feel a little better for having written them all down. 


I'm glad you could vent all this.

Your Shard family is here for you if you ever need anything. 

I mean, we can't come over for a cup of coffee and a chat, but you can post and we'll do all we can to help. 


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57 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Rambling below the spoiler. I just had to get it off my chest. 

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I used to get panic attacks somewhat frequently. On the surface, the triggers seem kind of silly—turning in an assignment late, a difficult customer at work, a fight with Twimom, thinking I turned in an assignment late, etc. Now I know, of course, that there was more to them—crem below the surface that I hadn't dealt with—and moving out has really helped. The past four months have been incredibly peaceful, and I've felt calmer than I've felt in years. 

Yesterday and this morning, I felt another one coming on. I wasn't on the verge of it, but it was like I could see it coming somewhere in the distance without knowing when or where it would hit. I think Bruce's medical issues are part of the cause. And I know that's kind of ridiculous. They aren't serious. He's sitting next to me as I write this, happily shredding a TP roll. When I last took him to the vet, the vet said I've been doing everything right. But I can't stop wondering if I'm not, or if I won't later. What if Bruce winds up having some huge problem that I can't pay for? What if I don't recognize a problem as serious until it's too late? 

And then on top of that there are all of the usual adulting fears—car, job security, does everyone secretly despise me—that I can't get rid of. My supervisor seems to like me a good deal, so I doubt I'll be let go at the end of my probationary period unless I make some humungous mistake, so of course I worry that I'll make a humungous mistake before my six months are up. Twimom and Twidad want me to visit around Christmas; what if that makes my anxiety worse? They know all my weak points and how to exploit them. What if something awful happens to Bruce on the plane even though he's small enough that I can take him into the cabin with me? 

Then there are the outlandish fears. What if I do get published sometime in the future and everyone hates it? What if it destroys my reputation? What if it's so full of unfortunate implications that nobody caught? What if it's actually very well received, but someone finds things I posted on the internet when I was younger, takes them out of context, and holds them up as proof of how I'm actually a terrible person? 

I know most of these what-ifs won't happen, but I can't stop thinking about them. 

Though on the upside, I do feel a little better for having written them all down. 


Bleeder is right, Twi. We're here for you and from what I can tell you are doing an admirable job adulting.;)

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

I'm glad you could vent all this.

Your Shard family is here for you if you ever need anything. 

I mean, we can't come over for a cup of coffee and a chat, but you can post and we'll do all we can to help. 



15 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

Honor Spren is right, Twi. We're here for you and from what I can tell you are doing an admirable job adulting.;)

Thank you both. :) 

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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles You'll do ok :) You're intelligent, compassionate, hard working and on the lookout for potential problems. (Yeah, I know anxiety leveling obsessing over them is unhelpful, but at least you're not caught completely off-guard :/ .)

The following couple of things may help, (or may not, I don't really know):

-Sometimes thinking about something I'm anxious about in greater detail, working out what the consequences would be if it did happen and how I'd deal with it helps. I mean, whatever it is would still suck if it happens but it doesn't feel as much like the end of the world/impossible to deal with if I know what I'd do after.

-Try to be like Bruce some of the time :) When spending time playing with him or walking him just try to shut off and enjoy the moment like he is, dogs are a great model for how to relax and enjoy life. Obviously we can't be like that all, or even most, of the time. But now and then can still be helpful. I find walking our pup to be some of the most relaxing & stress relieving parts of my day :)

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