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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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17 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Actually, when minimum wage is $7.50 an hour, $10/hour isn't really all that much.  Our entry-level people make more than that. :/

That...does seem quite low. From a quick search in Aus the minimum wage for an adult is $17.70, sure that's AUD but that's still roughly $13.53 USD.

Sure most manufactured products here cost an extra 20% or whatever here but I'm not sure how food prices compare and even then that's a significant difference. :(

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Reading about how much money people make in USA or Western Europe makes me sad :( Minimal wage in Poland is currently at 475 USD per month, and many people don't even make that much, because employers hire them using so called "trash contracts" that aren't regulated by minimal wage law :/

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8 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

Reading about how much money people make in USA or Western Europe makes me sad :( Minimal wage in Poland is currently at 475 USD per month, and many people don't even make that much, because employers hire them using so called "trash contracts" that aren't regulated by minimal wage law :/

Great Noodly One, that's low. :( There are jobs here in the US that can pay that little, but usually only because the person is hired at minimum wage and works fewer than 20 hours a week (if my math is right). 

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9 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

Yesterday there was a marching competition four hours away. I didn't get home until 10:30 PM and when I did I had a blinding headache.

Today there was a football game. I got back at midnight.

I have had no time to do any homework. Teachers do not understand this. More, they say, give more work. Students couldn't possibly have anything else to do with their time.

So here I am at nearly one AM trying to complete an assignment for Spanish that is impossible to do without having the notes they went over in class on Wednesday. I asked for the teacher to provide them. There's a link on Google Classroom, but it doesn't work.

I have a feeling I might be up late.


Google Classroom is the worst. It's so glitchy, and when my teachers put stuff on there they don't actually notify us. 

Oh, yeah, if any of you guys ever need to sleep I can hook you up with some sleep playlists. 

Edited by bleeder
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...my paycheck is two and a half hours light.

I realise that isn't a huge amount in the grand scheme; about £20. But.

I haven't been tallying up my paycheck each week, because I've been trusting my job to do that accurately. I'm going to email them about this one, but now I'm...concerned/annoyed that I might have gotten short changed in the past without realising it.

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29 minutes ago, Quiver said:

...my paycheck is two and a half hours light.

I realise that isn't a huge amount in the grand scheme; about £20. But.

I haven't been tallying up my paycheck each week, because I've been trusting my job to do that accurately. I'm going to email them about this one, but now I'm...concerned/annoyed that I might have gotten short changed in the past without realising it.

Yeah, sounds like you might be getting shortchanged. 

Do you have any of your old pay stubs? If you do, tally those up, too, and contact your boss about it. If he shrugs it off, that might be your cue to threaten to go to the authorities, because shortchanging employees is, in every country I know of, hella illegal. 

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7 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:


*Finds out forum I've been part of since middle school is hacked*

*Goes to replacement forum*

*Finds out old members and friends are leaving for good*

*Is sad*

That's really similar to what happened with my internet buddies and I. After some time, people just sort of drift apart - it's one of the problems of being on internet forums. But just because people are leaving the replacement forum, it doesn't mean that you lose contact with them for good. Get some sort of IM service with them (Skype or Steam is how I handle most of them), and just pop in to say hi every now and then. You might not speak with them as often, but it's better than completely losing contact.

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Aaaannnnnd SpongeBob!Coworker is here today. And he's convinced that it's too hot here in the library and that the only way to cool off is to have a fan running at his feet all day. The notion that he could feel the same chill that leads me to wear a sweater indoors by simply taking off his storming suit jacket has apparently never occurred to him. So here I am. Wearing two cardigans. Because even if my desk weren't right next to his, I'd be able to feel that stupid fan anyway. <_< 

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On 14/10/2016 at 6:21 PM, bleeder said:

Google Classroom is the worst. It's so glitchy, and when my teachers put stuff on there they don't actually notify us. 

Oh, yeah, if any of you guys ever need to sleep I can hook you up with some sleep playlists. 

I can has sleep playlist?

7 hours ago, Dankness Ascendant said:

hey! Don't worry! I get downvotes aaaalll the time! And look at me, still pure! Have an upvote if it makes u feel better.

Yeah, you practically belch rainbows!

1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Aaaannnnnd SpongeBob!Coworker is here today. And he's convinced that it's too hot here in the library and that the only way to cool off is to have a fan running at his feet all day. The notion that he could feel the same chill that leads me to wear a sweater indoors by simply taking off his storming suit jacket has apparently never occurred to him. So here I am. Wearing two cardigans. Because even if my desk weren't right next to his, I'd be able to feel that stupid fan anyway. <_< 

Have.....have you said anything to him?

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Quick dog question: What do y'all use for flea and tick treatment? The vet sold me First Shield Trio, and said that it would take about three months to break the life cycle, but the product label claimed it would repel new ones. Well, it's been just over four months, and I've been finding fleas  on Bruce just about every time I take him outside. <_< Any advice? 

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Quick dog question: What do y'all use for flea and tick treatment? The vet sold me First Shield Trio, and said that it would take about three months to get rid of all of them, but that it would repel new ones. Well, it's been just over four months, and I've been finding fleas  on Bruce just about every time I take him outside. <_< Any advice? 

Nexgard, and I'd also recommend some treatment shampoo if you're not already using it.

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33 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Nexgard, and I'd also recommend some treatment shampoo if you're not already using it.

I'm looking at Frontline--a lot of people seem to like it? I'm so frustrated because the vet swore up and down that this treatment was better than anything but could get over the counter, and apparently a fair number of online reviews claim it hurt their pets or doesn't work. Bruce hasn't had any adverse reactions to it, but I'm about ready to burn my apartment down to get rid of these things. Not to mention feeling like I got swindled. 

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1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I'm looking at Frontline--a lot of people seem to like it? I'm so frustrated because the vet swore up and down that this treatment was better than anything but could get over the counter, and apparently a fair number of online reviews claim it hurt their pets or doesn't work. Bruce hasn't had any adverse reactions to it, but I'm about ready to burn my apartment down to get rid of these things. Not to mention feeling like I got swindled. 

Frontline Plus is probably a safe bet. After about 5 minutes of hurried-but-thorough internet research, it seems like a good choice.

And if the one you're using now has bad reviews, you can possibly consult your doctor about it (perhaps over the phone if you need results ASAP) and discuss alternative treatments. 

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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles Although I don't have any personal experience with Frontline for dogs, I've found it to be pretty effective for my cats. (They have different formulas for cats and dogs, I believe.)

And if other pet owners are saying the medication the vet recommended is ineffective or worse, harmful, I'd say you're absolutely right to be looking for alternatives. Strangely enough, vets don't always tell you the best thing for your pet.

And now I'm going to go on a bit of a rant about feline diabetes.

Because most inexpensive types of cat food are dry kibble type stuff, where the main ingredients are wheat, corn, or other grains, house cats can get Type II diabetes since they are carnivores and therefore not equipped to process all those carbs. When we discovered that our cat Tiger was diabetic, the vet recommended a diet of specialized high-fiber dry cat food. But my mom did some research on her own and decided to start feeding him a low-carb diet of wet cat food made mostly from real meat. Simply by changing his food, we were able to lower Tiger's blood sugar from over 400 (dangerously high) to slightly under 200 (still high, but not life-threateningly so).

To get his blood glucose the rest of the way into the healthy range, we started giving Tiger insulin shots after meals just like you would for a diabetic person. So during a lot of my high school career, I would come home after school, feed Tiger, test his sugar, and then inject him with an appropriate amount of insulin.

The vet did not like this. She told us we should be giving Tiger the same amount of insulin 4x a day without bothering to test his sugar. In reality, that's a great way to send your kitty into a hypoglycemic coma or even kill him. If you're giving him more insulin than his current blood sugar warrants (and it's impossible to know without a glucose test immediately beforehand), then it'll get dangerously low and he'll crash. And in fact, the same thing can happen with diabetic people who take medications like Metformin to lower their blood sugar if they don't pay careful attention to how the medication affects them personally, since it doesn't work exactly the same for everyone. My grandpa knows a guy whose wife actually DIED from taking too high a dose of Metformin because the doctor was adamant that she needed to take that much.

So yeah. Don't necessarily take the vet's word for it just because they're the vet.

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Just now, Sunbird said:

The vet did not like this. She told us we should be giving Tiger the same amount of insulin 4x a day without bothering to test his sugar. In reality, that's a great way to send your kitty into a hypoglycemic coma or even kill him. If you're giving him more insulin than his current blood sugar warrants (and it's impossible to know without a glucose test immediately beforehand), then it'll get dangerously low and he'll crash.

As a diabetic, that upsets me just a bit. You wouldn't treat a diabetic human that way, so why treat an animal that way? It's no different. The disease is equally threatening, regardless of type or, uh, species. 

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@Sunbird: Yikes! :wacko: That's horrible advice, and I know next to nothing about diabetes in cats or humans. Glad Tiger has a smarter human than that vet. 

So, if I do switch, when should I apply the first treatment—after I buy it, or should I wait until 30 days have passed since I gave Bruce his last treatment with the other brand? 

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