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I'd agree with Lopen - although I would hope that it not being in the run up to Christmas or over thanksgiving would mean that we should be far less likely to see inactivity of that scale.

Either way, I highly doubt anyone will have justifiable suspicions early in the game, and would ask that coinshotting, for want of a better term, doesn't occur without strong suspicion.

Anamaximder, this marks a significant change from your usual play style - why the difference?

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I may have missed something from the last couple of games, but the last time I looked properly at him, he had a tendency to post about not getting involved until we have more information before going inactive - the change in my view this game is his voting without hesitation.

Should he be prepared to be more involved this game, though, it can only be a good thing.

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Renee vaulted off of the ground and onto the balcony railing, landing in a perfect split, with her legs stretched out across the railing. Then, she swiveled 180 degrees raised her hands in a high V.


Below, mortals cheered as they watched her. Renee waved at the crowd and did a triple turn in tuckstand while keeping her hands clear of the railing. For most tumblers, a triple turn in tuckstand on a rail this thin would mean death, or at the very least injury. However, Renee was an epic with enhanced strength-- she could do triple turn in tuckstands blindfolded with her hands tied behind her back if she wanted.

Renee stood up on the railing and the crowd of mortals screamed with adoration. She took two steps forwards and paused. The mortals hushed.


Renee swung her hands backwards and then exploded upwards in a roundoff and two double backflips. She landed feet first, inches away from the edge of the railing. She turned and took three steps before launching into two back handsprings, a layout full, and a korbut.


The bars were hers. This was what gymnastics really was about, this freedom of movement, this defiance of gravity, this epitome of greatn--


“Lady Renee, Lord Perseus wishes to see you!” someone shouted.


Renee turned and saw a young mortal, no older than ten, dressed in Perseus’s colors. He must be a messenger. “Well, tell him I’m not a dog to be summoned! I’ll go when I want, not when Perseus tells me to!”


The mortal shook his head. “Lord Perseus wishes to see you immediately. He says it’s urgent.”


Renee sighed. So, old Perseus was trying to flex some muscle, was he? Well, she’d go. After she finished her routine. “Perseus can wait!” she shouted.

Renee turned back to the crowd and prepared to make another pass on the beam.




Sorry for not posting earlier Hellscythe, but I didn't want to post anything before I put an RP in here.


Adavantos, you're still not here yet? I know that you're probably not an eliminator again, but I'm feeling a little paranoid. Last time you joined the thread halfway, you were evil.


 If you're normally asleep during this part of the day, sorry. But I want a response. :rolleyes:


EDIT: greened out name.

Edited by Arraenae
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So I will just second orlok and lopens request that the kill roles wait a little before unleashing the anti matter.

Also i am in the middle of a board game weekend so I won't be too active for the next 40 hours or so

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So I will just second orlok and lopens request that the kill roles wait a little before unleashing the anti matter.

Also i am in the middle of a board game weekend so I won't be too active for the next 40 hours or so

A board game weekend? I can empathize ;)


Mailliw and Hellscythe, shame on you. If you're leaving, you should at least be doing something fun while you're away.


Araris is usually pretty active in SE, isn't he? Because it's been 2 1/2 hours since rollover and he hasn't posted yet.

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Clanky! What are we doing? Oh. Clanky. Because mystery... So far, NEI to really do anything. BTW, JK. Y? IMO, BC, I CAN.


50... tr3@50n. @1w@y5 @ p13@5@nt t0p1c. Kud05 t0 @ny0n3 wh0 c@n r3@d th1s.

I spent 5 minutes trying to read this. I will have my revenge. Eventually. In the most mysterious way possible.


Now that my mysterious brain is properly woken up, I did think that Anna-who-sa-whatsit's style was very different than normal, and find that very suspicious, so to "get this game started," Anamaximder.

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Telepathy: Anyone with the power of Telepathy can make 3 PMs at any time. They can have up to 3 PMs with living players, and, since it is passive, it doesn't require an action to make PMs.

Illusions: You have to change a vote to someone, if you change one at all. That's the only restriction.


Votes: All you need to do is green your vote once. It's fine if you don't green the original one.


Reckoner Kill does count as an action.


It can be seen by someone with Invisibility, but will be indistinguishable from Matter Disruption. The Invisible person will be told "your target followed/killed/illusioned/transmogrified/protected someone".


Invisibility's results are: the active power, if any, and all passive powers used.


Forcefields protect from one attack.


In write-ups, types of kills will not be stated, but the flavor text will probably give it away. It is safe to assume that the write-ups are accurate in regards to type of kill. If the person is protected, the type of kill won't be named. If it is from a second life, it will be.


If Illusions targets someone with Magnified Persuasion, both votes are changed.

Edited by phattemer
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Steph was tired of reading the same old "Down with Persius" message every day and decided to write her own, she ever so happily scribed "d0wn w1t# L0p3n" in bright red paint to get back at her wicked brother for trying to place the blame for the other buildings graffiti marks on her.

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50... tr3@50n. @1w@y5 @ p13@5@nt t0p1c. Kud05 t0 @ny0n3 wh0 c@n r3@d th1s.

I can read it. (Do I get a prize to go along with that 'kudos'?  :D)


Araris is usually pretty active in SE, isn't he? Because it's been 2 1/2 hours since rollover and he hasn't posted yet.


Actually, Araris posted about an hour before you.....


Steph was tired of reading the same old "Down with Persius" message every day and decided to write her own, she ever so happily scribed "d0wn w1t# L0p3n" in bright red paint to get back at her wicked brother for trying to place the blame for the other buildings graffiti marks on her.

So you admit to having paint huh? Innnnnnteresting.  :ph34r: Haha, just kidding. I just had to vote for you at least once! I forgot to in LG15.... :PQueenSteph


Thanks Phatt! 

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Star Thief bounced down the street, looking at all of the bright shinys around her. A small coin reflecting the sun, a copper pot in a window, and a big shiny gold want change around a man's wrist. Star bent down to pick up the best shiny of them all, the coin, and pocketed it. Just then a man bumped into her, causing the coin to roll k it of her fingers and down a drainage hole.

"Hey!" She crude at her assailant. "You made me lose my shiny!" She looked at the man for a moment. "I know you, you're Arraenae. You have to be a Reckoner because you made me lose me shiny"

I have no other reason for voting Arraeunae other than to provoke discussion.

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*reads GM PM*

Sparks, I wanted to be a Reckoner! They're so cool!

Oh well, at least I can accuse whoever I want.

Elkanah! You haven't said anything. You must be a Reckoner!

I don't know if I'm going to be able to bear two games with this character. He's just... a brat, a lot of the time. There are things I want to say, and I can't say them. Hmph.

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Michael "Azrael" Durbin, Angel of Death, wore white on the day he was to kill an Epic.


To be fair, the self-proclaimed Envoy of the End wore white almost every day. Not only did it fit his theme, but it also helped strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. After all, there were few things as ominous as a man approaching in a pristine suit, blood splattered across his face and dripping from his fingertips yet never staining his garb, slaughtering everyone and anyone who dared to get between him and his next target.


Today his target just happened to be a woman named Renee. For hours now he had been hovering among the clouds, watching her with his magnified gaze as she performed a variety of unnecessarily flashy - albeit impressive - flips and tricks across several balconies and rooftops, as if she were putting on a show. The arrogance of it would have sickened him once, though after his Ascent it was hard for him not to appreciate hubris like hers. To scorn her for expressing a quality of character so reminiscent of his own would be hypocritical. Azrael was many terrible things, but a hypocrite... no. Never.


His original intent was to observe her long enough to ascertain a weakness, though he was growing more impatient with every passing second. With a sigh, he started to descend just as the young boy appeared to deliver a message. He dove headfirst towards the earth with reckless abandon, unconcerned knowing that his body was impervious to damage. Even at max speed it would take several minutes to touch land. By the time he did, the child had already departed and Renee had begun another circuit.


He hit the rooftop with a crash, divine luminescence exploding from his form upon impact, bright enough to temporarily blind anyone who watched him fall. It was a side effect of the barrier that veiled his figure, invisible when undisturbed but shimmering when affected by external stigma. For reasons he could barely fathom, this energy absorbed all the force of his landing, leaving the roof's surface unscathed. Too focused on her routine, Renee barely seemed to notice.


"Lo, Woman," Azrael called as he rose from his knee, his multi-toned voice projected loud enough to snag her attention. She seemed to stare at something behind him, reminding him of the pair of ethereal wings that stretched from his spine. Nodding, he willed them to fold inwards, fading through his clothes and sinking into his skin.


"Pardon my interruption, but I've come to kill you, you see. I do hope you don't mind; not that you really have any say in the matter."



Sorry for the delay in my posting. Just finished our semi annual inspection last night, and needless to say we all went out to celebrate with a few refreshments.


So first off, a vote / vote tally.


(3) Lopen: Anamaximder, Steph, Adavantos

(2) Anamaximder: Orlok, BB

(2) Adavantos: Araris, Arraenae

(2) Arraenae: Hellscythe, Silver Dragon

(1) Elkanah: Elbereth


Obviously I don't like my being up for the lynch so early, and would rather keep Rae alive for now so that my character can kill her himself. I am more suspicious of Orlok and BB than I am of Anamax and Steph (which is purely based on gut before anyone asks) so I'd rather not vote alongside them. Don't really believe Lopen is evil, but given it's the first cycle I don't really have much to go on yet.


Ooh. 500th post.


Retracted vote.

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I don't think we should waste a lynch on anyone who is inactive, as Perseus will take care of that for us.



I can read it. (Do I get a prize to go along with that 'kudos'?  :D)


How about an adorable owl?


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I don't think we should waste a lynch on anyone who is inactive, as Perseus will take care of that for us.


This is why I'm a fan of inactivity filters; keeps us from spending time discussing lynching inactives.


That said, Ripple, who are you most suspicious of so far?


Personally Orlok, PK, BB and Araris are standing out the most to me. Mostly Orlok because his near instantaneous vote on Anamax contradicts a statement he made during AG2, I believe, where he said he's been sitting back during the beginning of these games lately to keep himself from tunneling on people who almost always turn out to be good. This switch up suggests to me that he's an eliminator this round, and thus is unconcerned with the results of his actions.


Also, Kipper is definitely an eliminator. Just saying.

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Orlok's post does seem a bit suspicious, but unfortunately not too atypical. I guess maybe Silver Dragon, for voting for RP reasons? I don't like voting this early on, so I'll refrain for now until we have some more discussion.

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Adavantos, I see what you mean - there is a contrast. However, 1) This is a quick-fix, and thus there is less time to actually do so, and 2) I have been rather unwell recently, and would like to get back to actually playing these games rather than letting yet more time pass.

Regardless, I was hoping to encourage Anamaximder to continue the activity indicated by such an early vote, and forcing him to face a vote helps do so.

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Fair enough. I expected you to use this being a QF as an explanation whether you are good or evil. Second reason is more interesting. Will have to see if you follow through with that mindset in other games. While trying to encourage Anamax to contribute more is noble, I'm curious who, then, you are actually suspicious of. Mind sharing?


Also, I've seen Clanky and Kynedath view this thread recently. What about you guys? Any feels / reads on anyone so far?

Edited by Adavantos
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I don't necessarily think Orlok is evil (wait a sec, of course I do :P), because he's expressed to me personally multiple times that he's trying to change up his playstyle. That said, I still don't like these votes on Venture. I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is not something outside of the ordinary for him. Last game, he was lynched because of doing this exact thing. Voting and then leaving without an explanation. I expect that if we leave it alone, he'll be killed by Perseus soon enough.




Also, Kipper is definitely an eliminator. Just saying.


...we have a heckle, ladies and gentlemen. You know what, I'll just ignore the sheer level of verve it takes to write crem like this, and we'll go straight to the insults. Ada, I challenge you to an insult battle. We'll start off simple (and because it's you, we'll probably stay simple for the rest of the game).

Ada, I hate to say this, but your IQ involves the square root of -1. You make less sense than a white basketball player. :P

This is all in jest, all in jest. Ada and I don't have anything against each other.

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Also, I've seen Clanky and Kynedath view this thread recently. What about you guys? Any feels / reads on anyone so far?

Well, this early on in the game, I don't really think that I can actually form any suspicions. I know that this section of the game is about gaining information, but my information gathering skills are pretty low-quality. It would probably be for the best for me if I just observed and made assumptions and judgements off of that. Plus, I haven't been the best judge of character in the past. I think (at least from the one other game that I have played) that I can be of more use in late game, mostly because of the amount of effort it takes me to get a solid case against someone. If I have to, then I will accuse someone, but they are probably going to be active because I have reasons, albeit small and probably wrong reasons, to distrust them.


But If you want my opinion, then Elbereth because I don't know what to make of his comment about being an epic. It may just be a joke or it may be a comment about her admiration of the reckoners or it may be a diversion or she may just be bad at being a reckoner or it may be something that is way over my head. Other than that, I don't know.

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