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The following are things the spectators get to do. They have no impact on the game.

Kipper was saved from boredom by Honor!

Adavantos received a potted belladonna plant from Cultivation!

Wait. What? Since when was this a thing? Will this show up in other cycles/games? Can I have a potted plant? And I certainly know I want to read through the spec doc once we're done with this game. This looks FUN.


Also, spectators. I know you can see this. I can't see you, but I have faith you exist. Bequeath PK a cookie. I think the poor guy needs one. Oh, and flowers for Anna. I think he needs 'em more than I do.


And to a question voiced last cycle, yes, I know Anamaximder is (probably) male, but I wanted to find a way to shorten the name, like BB or PK, and Anna was the first thing I came up with.


And Anna, if you're seeing this, I apologize for voting on and killing you. I didn't mean it really. So don't haunt my character forever. Thanks.


Oh yeah. Mystique Chameleon. Thanks! Bye!

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@arraenae, you expressed suspicion of me because I switched my vote to Orlok. You'll notice in my initial post, I expressed suspicion of both Bridge Boy and Orlok. I decided to side with someone else rather than voting all on my lonesome.

Given that Anamaximder was innocent, I feel more justified in my assertion that BB is guilty. His effort to cause confusion by voting on imaginary characters isn't helping his case, either.


edit: Actually, it looks like someone tried to sign up in post #28 in the sign-ups, and wasn't recognized as a player. Did someone slip through the cracks? How is that going to be resolved? I am now less suspicious of BB and would like to place a vote on Mailliw, who professed inactivity but turned up to continue the bandwagon on Anamaximder. What do you have to say for yourself?

Edited by Paranoid King
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...Yo Honor, thanks for the save.

I realize that the post I made wasn't approved by a mod until a little late, but really? This is now the second time on a row that Venture has been lynched for the exact same thing, and yes, I mean the exact same thing.

Also, someone apparently moved Venture's vote to himself; just noticed that off the top of my head. Haven't gone through and checked for other vote manipulations, if any, except the obvious one that Ada or PK has the double-vote power.

Mailliw. You of all people should have known not to lynch Venture. You were even the one to call him out in the AG on D1. So your vote seems suspicious.

Bridge Boy, who is Mystique Chameleon?

Edit: Ninja'd by PK

Edited by Kipper
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So as far as I can tell these are the vote manipulations that happened. 


1. Anamaximders vote against myself was changed to himself.


2. Someone who voted for Anamaximder has Magnified Persuasion. Since we know Anamaximder didn't have it, and he also had Enhanced Relationship, it was one of these four: Orlok, BB, Hellscythe or Mailliw. 


3. Orlok had 3 votes on him when he was only supposed to have 2. Either Paranoid King or Adavantos has Magnified Persuasion.


@Orlok, did Phatt specify who attacked you? Whether it was a Matter Disruptor or the Reckoners?


@BB, Mystique Chameleon is not playing in this game. Sorry.

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Mailliw. You of all people should have known not to lynch Venture. You were even the one to call him out in the AG on D1. So your vote seems suspicious.

Why would I know not to lynch him? Yes, that's his normal playstyle: Vote/post once every three days or so. That means nothing to me. People tend to follow their patterns regardless of alignment.

PK, I just said I'd be out of town, so not to expect as much activity, but I'll still be around.

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Well, actually...

Mystique signed up, but I forgot to put them on the list. They're retroactively joining Cycle 1, and should be treated like they were playing from the start.

So everyone please welcome Mystique Chameleon, known as Kamyle in this game. (And don't mention the ca-ca-you know what I mean.)

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Why would I know not to lynch him? Yes, that's his normal playstyle: Vote/post once every three days or so. That means nothing to me. People tend to follow their patterns regardless of alignment.

It's not that you knew he was innocent because of his playstyle, it's that you presumed him guilty only because of his playstyle. Because he followed the same pattern he had before, you assumed him guilty and voted on him, knowing that he wouldn't be back on to defend himself. That feels to me like an eliminator move.

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If we are assuming that the write-up tells us the way that people are saved, then I think that there was one person with Advanced healing and another protected by a force-field. 

Orlok, which one are you? and how do you know you were attacked?

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Mystique Chameleon. The act of joining has removed all my suspicions. On the other hand...


Judging by the vote tally, it would seem that either PK or Adavantos has the persuasion, as has previously been said. That means at least one of the two is an epic, as it doesn't make much sense for reckoners to have epic powers. So I think we leave both alone for now, and come back to kill them at some point in the future. We should probably leave Orlok alone for now as well. I also support that telepathicers start setting up a chain of PMs. (They've probably already done so, but I wouldn't know.) The more information flow the better, as well as it adding another dynamic to the already very dynamic game.

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Judging by the vote tally, it would seem that either PK or Adavantos has the persuasion, as has previously been said. That means at least one of the two is an epic, as it doesn't make much sense for reckoners to have epic powers. So I think we leave both alone for now, and come back to kill them at some point in the future. We should probably leave Orlok alone for now as well. I also support that telepathicers start setting up a chain of PMs. (They've probably already done so, but I wouldn't know.) The more information flow the better, as well as it adding another dynamic to the already very dynamic game.

You've read steelheart, right? You know that the reckoners can imitate epic powers pretty well, right? You know that the rules clearly state that this is role madness and everyone has epic powers, right?


But I like where you're going with not killing me.


edit: on second thought, I understand your confusion. The rules state that all epics have powers, but then goes on to say, "No role is safe. An epic may have 1 or more of the following powers. Reckoners may have (a) power(s), but they would be granted by technology. There is no distinction between an Epic power and a Reckoner power. You may use 1 active power per cycle."

So, do Reckoners have the same powers as epics? Or was that just for flavor?

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Hey everybody! Kamyle here! I've been experiencing some technical difficulties, like being logged out without logging out, not being able to submit the right password, and not being able to get the "I've forgotten my password" form working. (If I use my username, it won't work, if I use my e-mail, it says it works but never sends the form.)


So... Yeah. I'm lost, and have no clue who I think is suspicious. I made a new account because I'm slightly terrified of being inactive two cycles, and so this is my post, but... It's not looking good. Cross your fingers! (If you want me to survive,) and I'll pick Steph.


Sorry Steph. Also, I still don't know what my role is, so... Yeah. Does this vote even count? Whatever. I just don't want to be inactive again.


Mystique Chameleon


Edit: Got my role! Yay!

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That's a fine howdy-do, Mystique....

Seeing as how I've done nothing of suspicion, I'm confused by your vote, but I'd gladly accept the acknowledgement if you'd give a reason for it.

I'm not super familiar with what all of the roles are so I need to go over them again before I can get a firm grasp at what's going on. I think for now I'm going to place my vote on Orlok since he had no hesitation in revealing that he was attacked, which could mean he had his reckoner buds attack him & protect so that he could come forward and sound willing to help the Epics in our search for the Reckoners. This might be a completely meaningless guess, but like I said, I don't know all of the roles very well (the roles are probably the hardest thing for me to remember, in LG:15 I read over the roles like 20 times plus I kept asking Lopen(my bro) to remind me what they were), and its not much to go on, but its the only hunch I've got as of yet!



@phatt In the player list, what does "relationships" mean? (Sorry if this was already in the rules!)

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Since everybody seems to be confused about this: about half an hour before turnover, I voted for PK but forgot that green out Orlok's name. Kynedath pointed it out to me and I was able to green Orlok's name right before turnover.

Looks like we have at least one matter disrupted here.

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My post didn't actually post, for no apparent reason, so I'll summarize. Sorry for not posting before turnover- I slept through my alarm, even though it was for 2:30 PM. I was very tired. Since then I've mostly been watching Sherlock.

People have been commenting about my RP thing. I am going to try to convey everything I want to, and that may be by just writing what I want to say, but in the tone of voice of the character. And I've managed in every previous game. This one's just a little more difficult.

Kipper, I can see where you're coming from. Yesterday, I really didn't have that much to say, so I just kind of had fun. In the future, I should be saying more. If you think it's an ongoing issue this game (or any/all games), just let me know.

My comment about the Reckoners: They are cool. And I want to be evil, just once. That doesn't mean I won't fight against, them though.

I'm confused. There were two kills. One was the Reckoners, obviously, but the other must have been an Antimatter creator, right? Does that mean there's a Reckoner person who's an Matter Disruptor? Because that could be bad.

Or there's just a loyal antimatter creator who likes disobeying orders, which isn't necessarily bad either. But whoever they targeted was protected. Both kills were. I think that'd be because of good Forcefields, not just chance. So high profile people, right? That more makes me think Reckoner more than loyal Matter Disrupter. Just saying.

Since Elkanah still hasn't posted, I'll place that vote again until I get actual suspicions.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Arrenae.

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Elbereth, is there a particular reason why you're voting for Elkanah?


Does the writeup give hints about what type of protection people have? If it does, that means that at least one person has accelerated healing, and the other person has either accelerated healing or forcefield protection.


So Anamaxinder was an epic all along. I think that points to either Orlok, Hellscythe, Bridge Boy, or Mailliw as being eliminators trying to start a bandwagon.

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Sorry everyone, I've had a really weird schedule the last couple of days. Even now I just woke up at 11pm my time.

I'm caught up with the thread now, and I'd say killing Anamax looks a lot like the shallan debacle. From what I see, it looks like Bridge Boy was the start of the train.

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