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Yo everybody, just a public service announcement.


If you get a notification saying "Kipper has posted in QF12," it's probably a few posts back, because of the mod-queue. For example, my most recent post is way back on Page 2.






Edit: Thank you whichever mod approved this really fast. :)

Edited by Kipper
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So Ada claims this was his kill attempt:


  Following the... removal... of the misguided minion, all the Epics went back to their apartments. A shadowy figure didn't go to their own, however. They were following someone else, also obscured. As their target went inside, the figure went out the window of the corridor, along the wall, and into the window of the room.

Excellent... their target was facing away. They could have done the job either way but this was less messy. They pulled a knife and threw it into the back of the target's head, immediately backflipping out the window.

The target lay on the floor, unmoving. Then they stood up. They yanked the knife from their head with an annoyed grunt, and began to examine it. Just a simple 6" blade, with a standard handle. The handle was covered in powdered chalk to give a better grip, and the blade was now slick with blood. Nothing special to see. They tossed down and went to sleep.


If you look carefully you will see that the weapon used was a knife.


This was the other kill attempt:



  A second figure didn't go where they were supposed to. This one, however, seemed to have more of a purpose. They had waited until everyone was asleep, so that their mission would be unobstructed. They strode across the lawn to a small outhouse. Fancy. They surreptitiously went around the house, putting something on it every few feet. Finally, they walked a safe distance away, and set off the explosives. The house was utterly demolished, but in their rush to get back to their dwelling they didn't notice the bleary-eyed figure sitting in the middle of a crater.

The attack was an explosion.


Now here is Phatt talking about write-ups:



In write-ups, types of kills will not be stated, but the flavor text will probably give it away. It is safe to assume that the write-ups are accurate in regards to type of kill. If the person is protected, the type of kill won't be named. If it is from a second life, it will be.

Orlok and Ada both claim to have survived based on a second life. So if they are both telling the truth then we would learn the nature of the attack based upon the write-up. Now Orlok was attacked by a knife according to Ada which would mean Ada was attacked by an explosion. Now tell me which of those seems more like the attack came from anti-matter? Obviously the explosion. So that would mean that Ada actually attacked Orlok with the Reckoner kill and Ada was attacked by anti-matter. So that makes Ada a Reckoner and Orlok either an Epic with Accelerated healing or a Reckoner pulling a WGG which I doubt.


I also assume from this that the Reckoners must have a matter disrupter but it is not Ada. Why you ask, because if the matter disrupter was an epic then they would know either Ada was lying or the Reckoners didn't use their faction kill which would have made Ada a prime target for them.


tldr: I propose that Orlok gets protected this cycle and that we lynch Ada. Plus the Reckoners have a Matter disrupter who isn't Ada.


EDIT: Added last sentence 

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I guess my vote will go on Elkanah, since Orlok started the votes on Annax, not BB, and that has already been brought up, so I find it a little suspicious that you were willing to place a vote without checking on your info first. And as a warning, I will not be able to retract this post before the cycle ends, so consider it my final vote.

I understand that Orlock cast the first vote on Anamaximder. That was why I brought up lg15b. If I remember correctly, Kipper cast the first vote in that lynch and he was good. It wasn't until Wilson voted that the train ensued.

Likewise, when Orlock posted he was followed by several seemingly random votes. Anamax wasn't even under real fire until BB put his vote followed by three others. I'm still also suspicious of Maill and Hellscythe. BB is just my focus for now.

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A note on WGGs because I've seen a couple people mention them:
The thing about WGGs (with me, at least) is that we can't draw many conclusions from them.
Example: A villager is attacked. The villager survives. They tell the thread that they survived.
Example: An Eliminator is WGGd. The Eliminator survives. They tell the thread that they survived.
In both of these, the public information is the same, so (especially in C1), if people are attacked and survive, I don't think that we should necessarily assume any greater guilt or innocence from a survived attack. It's one of those things that both an Eliminator and a Villager would do the same with.

I personally believe that Adavantos is a villager right now. His reaction today and posting were exactly what I would have expected from him based off of that lynch. In the same way, though, I think Orlok is also innocent. Mailliw is really standing out to me in how he seems to have deliberately ignored Venture's previous playstyle.

I hate you  :P

@Elbereth It's all cool, mate. I appreciate that it's at least consistent with what you've been doing in past games, even if it still does bother me. I'm watching you...


Just in case people missed it, his post was finally accepted by the Mods.


But you did try and kill him last cycle. So that means this plan was made this turn. So you were protecting him from the reckoner kill by forcing a lynch on him that you maybe could have reversed in time? What about all the questions that would have come your way when you didn't actually kill him with your roll when you had already told everyone you would if he wasn't lynched? Were you hoping for a legitimate reason to remove your vote and for somebody to suggest a better target for you to kill with matter disruption? If not then I'm pretty sure your plan wouldn't have worked. Adavantos.


I did try to kill him last cycle because I was suspicious of him last cycle. I still am, but I don't see the point in attacking the same player two cycles in a row. Plus I have a lot more information this cycle and other leads to pursue based on recent posts. One such thing is that I now know the identities of three Telepaths.


Just so you know, Clanky, I had intended on killing you this cycle to see if you were defending the players who got Anamax lynched because one of them was your teammate until your post where you brought up the High Epic thing. Pretty sure you wouldn't have that train of thought if you were a Reckoner, so at least you got that going for you. That being said, you're making a pretty big mistake by voting for me, doing the Reckoner's job for them.


The reason I was asking so suddenly was because I was thinking that the rollover was at 3pm but now realize it's at 5pm[edit2: I'd accidentally written 6pm]. So I was confused as to why you weren't removing it so close to rollover.
As for me, I haven't decided whether or not I still think Orlok is evil, but I'm leaving my vote there for now.
P.S. Could someone do a vote tally?
P.P.S Also, Lopen, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the whole Orlok thing.
P.P.S I wouldn't mind getting a PM.

Ninja'd by Clanky

After reading through everything so far if I change my vote off of Orlok it'd probably be onto Ada because his posts are confusing me and I can't tell whether he's trying to protect or kill Orlok. u feel?


No worries. I'll whip up a vote tally for you now.


(2) Mailliw: PK, Kipper

(1) Steph: Kamyle

(2) Orlok: Steph, Adavantos

(1) BB: Elkanah

(1) HS: Kynedath

(2) Adavantos: Orlok, Clanky

(1) Elkanah: Araris


So Ada claims this was his kill attempt:

If you look carefully you will see that the weapon used was a knife.


This was the other kill attempt:

The attack was an explosion.


Now here is Phatt talking about write-ups:

Orlok and Ada both claim to have survived based on a second life. So if they are both telling the truth then we would learn the nature of the attack based upon the write-up. Now Orlok was attacked by a knife according to Ada which would mean Ada was attacked by an explosion. Now tell me which of those seems more like the attack came from anti-matter? Obviously the explosion. So that would mean that Ada actually attacked Orlok with the Reckoner kill and Ada was attacked by anti-matter. So that makes Ada a Reckoner and Orlok either an Epic with Accelerated healing or a Reckoner pulling a WGG which I doubt.


I also assume from this that the Reckoners must have a matter disrupter but it is not Ada. Why you ask, because if the matter disrupter was an epic then they would know either Ada was lying or the Reckoners didn't use their faction kill which would have made Ada a prime target for them.


tldr: I propose that Orlok gets protected this cycle and that we lynch Ada. Plus the Reckoners have a Matter disrupter who isn't Ada.


EDIT: Added last sentence 


I see where you're coming from, but the write up clearly states that person who tried to kill me had placed explosives on my house. That doesn't seem like Matter Disruption to me either. That and the tone of the attempt on my life. Let me quote it real quick.


A second figure didn't go where they were supposed to. This one, however, seemed to have more of a purpose. They had waited until everyone was asleep, so that their mission would be unobstructed. They strode across the lawn to a small outhouse. Fancy. They surreptitiously went around the house, putting something on it every few feet. Finally, they walked a safe distance away, and set off the explosives. The house was utterly demolished, but in their rush to get back to their dwelling they didn't notice the bleary-eyed figure sitting in the middle of a crater.


Emphasis mine.


In my opinion those specific details make me believe that this kill attempt is the Reckoners. That and the fact that the white chalk was used in the other. Anyway, not doing what they're supposed to and seeming to have more of a purpose is much more telling then how the kill was made, to me. That, and maybe it's because it didn't make sense for someone to survive from an attack with antimatter. If I understand it correctly, when antimatter collides with matter, the matter simply ceases to exist. If I were to attack someone with antimatter, how could they heal from that?


Also, do I have to explain this thing about the kill hint again? That'd make it three times today.

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I see where you're coming from, but the write up clearly states that person who tried to kill me had placed explosives on my house. That doesn't seem like Matter Disruption to me either. That and the tone of the attempt on my life. Let me quote it real quick.



Emphasis mine.


In my opinion those specific details make me believe that this kill attempt is the Reckoners. That and the fact that the white chalk was used in the other. Anyway, not doing what they're supposed to and seeming to have more of a purpose is much more telling then how the kill was made, to me. That, and maybe it's because it didn't make sense for someone to survive from an attack with antimatter. If I understand it correctly, when antimatter collides with matter, the matter simply ceases to exist. If I were to attack someone with antimatter, how could they heal from that?



When antimatter and matter collide they are both destroyed and energy is released, a lot of energy. Antimatter bombs do exist theoretically. They contain antimatter and allow it to collide with antimatter causing all that energy to be released just like any other bomb. So the only way to kill someone with antimatter isn't to throw it at them so that they "cease to exist". Sorry the bomb makes a lot of sense.


Also about how someone can survive that remember we are dealing with evil superheroes here after all. Would antimatter kill superman? :huh:

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If I recall correctly, that was from a comment I made in my PM with DeathClutch, early enough in the game that I was still trying to make it look like I wasn't a Cook. Though I will say that I think Rae's wording is off, or at least casts my point that game in the wrong light. There were a total of four attacks that cycle if I recall correctly; one Diagrammist and three Cook. My point? It happens.


I think the quote that made me say that was this one, from the MR10 Diagrammist doc:Well, in the last LG if Rae ended up being evil town would have been screwed a lot earlier since I info dumped to her on the principle alone that I would expect a traitor kill role to start killing in the very beginning.

I think I misremembered the circumstances of that, and remembered it as “only traitor vigilantes kill D1”, which isn’t what you said. Sorry about that.


 Good thing I'm not RPing a journalist this game... :P

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When antimatter and matter collide they are both destroyed and energy is released, a lot of energy. Antimatter bombs do exist theoretically. They contain antimatter and allow it to collide with antimatter causing all that energy to be released just like any other bomb. So the only way to kill someone with antimatter isn't to throw it at them so that they "cease to exist". Sorry the bomb makes a lot of sense.


Also about how someone can survive that remember we are dealing with evil superheroes here after all. Would antimatter kill superman?  :huh:


Fair enough. You're still wrong about which kill attempt is mine and which is the Reckoners, though. Consider that I would have not claimed which kill was mine if it would cast unnecessary suspicion onto me, thus effectively hurting my team. Probably wouldn't have even outed myself in thread if I was a Reckoner in the first place, and instead would have told the player who PM'd me last cycle, to keep people from lynching me, or simply just kept it a secret for longer.


Given the current state of the lynch, it would be nice to have more people weigh in - no lynch in a quick fix leaves us bereft of the information we need next cycle, and is far more damaging than in longer games.


To echo a previous clarification from Phatt, if the lynch is tied Perseus will kill one of them at random.


So, what is.the average number of.Powers one has, just asking. It.might be useful to k.ow.If the average is or three to determine what everyone's powers are and decide what powers are the most frequent.


Two for me. Just so you know, you were the player I planned on killing yesterday before choosing Orlok, but decided to give you a few cycles leeway since this is your first game in a long time :P I can't tell you all of my reasons, but one of them is posts like these, where it seems to me you're trying to phish for information.

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Fair enough. You're still wrong about which kill attempt is mine and which is the Reckoners, though. Consider that I would have not claimed which kill was mine if it would cast unnecessary suspicion onto me, thus effectively hurting my team. Probably wouldn't have even outed myself in thread if I was a Reckoner in the first place, and instead would have told the player who PM'd me last cycle, to keep people from lynching me, or simply just kept it a secret for longer.



To echo a previous clarification from Phatt, if the lynch is tied Perseus will kill one of them at random.



Two for me. Just so you know, you were the player I planned on killing yesterday before choosing Orlok, but decided to give you a few cycles leeway since this is your first game in a long time :P I can't tell you all of my reasons, but one of them is posts like these, where it seems to me you're trying to phish for information.



Phatt said that we can trust the write-ups in respect to the kills. Sorry Ada but as soon as you claimed to have asked for the chalk you revealed yourself and sealed your fate. Sure you may have done all those things if you were a reckoner but you also could have been feeling confident because of MR10 so figured you could probably survive in the spotlight again. 


Also if Ada is a Reckoner we need to take a good hard look at TheSilverDragon. 


EDIT: Removed randomly appearing word

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1. Before anyone asks, I decided to "disobey the group" and attack Orlok because I personally did not believe Anamax was evil and was very suspicious of anyone who voted for him. Among them was Orlok, whom I already was suspicious of for other reasons, so I decided it would be better to ensure someone that I personally felt was evil died.


2. This being said, I am open to taking suggestions for my kills. Note that I say suggestions, because while I am a Democrat I will not hesitate to decide who I kill on my own if the overall decision if the village contradicts my own personal opinion.



1. I know this is a QF, but I thought you have previously said that you like to keep some suspicious players alive because it will allow you to find their teammates if they are in fact evil? I would think that you would follow this idea in this game because you knew you couldn't be killed right away(unless you're an Epic and the Reckoners have 2 kills and decided to use both on you, which I doubt would happen.). 


I would also like to respond to something else you said earlier about how each Cycle that a village kill role doesn't kill someone is another Cycle that an eliminator doesn't die(or something like that). I specifically said in my advice, just yet, meaning I don't think it is helpful for kill roles to attack on the first cycle, because of the lack of information. I personally think it's better to prolong the game as much as you can, rather than killing every player you're suspicious of. QF11 and MR10 are perfect examples of why we should be careful with killing. QF11 didn't have kill roles. But it did have an inactivity filter. That made the game go very fast. I believe it was over in 7 days. One week for the village to try to figure things out. I don't think this game will have anywhere close to the inactivity that we had in that game, but i still think it's a valid example of why we should be careful with killing off players. MR10, we had Cooks going crazy, and I think that's a big reason why the village lost in that game. We hurt ourselves by shortening the game by 2 or 3 Cycles(or more). If there is a lynch, a Reckoner kill, and a matter disruptor kill, that's 3 kills per Cycle(protections can help with the actual attacks though). If someone is inactive, then that will bump the number up to 4(or higher if more players go inactive). We don't have a big buffer of players like in some other games we've played, so I think it's all the more imperative that we are cautious with our kill roles, especially in the first Cycle! After that, well, it depends on how confident you are in your ability to weed out eliminators. I certainly understand the need to be more aggressive in your accusations because of the nature of QF's, but I'm not sure I'd say the same for justifying killing someone with your role on the first Cycle. 


2. This I agree on. I have previously decided that if i got a kill role, and it became publicly known, I would certainly listen to advice, but I wouldn't feel that I had to go with the majority vote. I like to be the one who decides how to use my own role. That's part of what I find fun in these games.


Latest clarification: Transmogrification is NOT a roleblock. It simply makes someone's vote not count.




1. If someone uses Magnified Persuasion on player A, and player B uses Transmogrification on player A, how would the vote turn out? Would it negate just one vote? Or would it negate both votes, because it stops that player from voting at all?


2. How does Transmogrifiaction show up as? The only reason I ask is because I'm not sure if we can differentiate between Enhanced Relationships removing a vote, or Transmogrification.


I think Arraenae has the advanced relationships power. I voted for her, and it didn't show up in the vote total. 


My 2nd question has to do with this. Does she have that power, or was a vote removed from her using Transmogrifiaction.


@Steph, I will get back with you about Orlok(or for that matter, any of those who are up for the lynch). I need to go over things carefully right now, because so far I've just skimmed what's happened this Cycle. Just from skimming, I'm not sure what to think. Some things that Ada has said makes me suspicious, but something I was thinking about was why he would attack Orlok if he was a Reckoner. Orlok was sorta up for the lynch, and as has happened, come under suspicion for his voting on anamaximder. Why, if he was a Reckoner, would he attack someone who could possibly be lynched by the village? I wouldn't put it past Ada to pull something like that so that he would have justification for attacking someone on the first Cycle, but I can't tell if that was the case or not. I personally was against the Anamaximder lynch, but don't have time to fully go into why I was against it. Mostly I just agree with Adavantos and Kipper on their points on why it didn't make sense to me. I have a mild suspicion on Orlok because of his participation in the Anamaximder lynch, but I need to go through his responses this Cycle to get a better feel on his alignment.


I've been ninja'd a bunch of times.  :ph34r:

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Idk if this is helpful, but I did a vote tally/sum up of all votes placed in Cycle 1 so I'm going to post it.


Total Votes


Lopen: Anamaximder, StephAdavantos

Kynedath: Lopen

Steph: Lopen

Anamaximder: Orlok, BB, Hellscythe, Maillaw

Adavantos: Araris, Arraenae

Arraenae: Hellscythe, SilverDragon

Araris: PK

Clanky: BB

Elkanah: Elbereth

Orlok: Adavantos, Arraenae, PK


PK: Arraenae


Vote Tally:

Lopen(1): Anamaximder

Anamaximder(4): Orlok, BB, Hellscythe, Maillaw

Adavantos(1): Araris

Arraenae(1): SilverDragon

Elkanah(1): Elbereth

Orlok(2): Adavantos. PK

PK(1): Arraenae


Final Votes after power usage:

Anamaximder(5): In which his own vote on Lopen was placed onto himself by the power of 'Illusions'.



Orlok(3): Adavantos and PK do NOT have Magnified Persuasion, but someone used the power of 'Illusions' to place SilverDragon's vote from Arraenae to Orlok, therefore making the vote total be 3. 



I think this is right, but correct me if I made a mistake and I'll fix it!


Also, on the matter of Orlok I'm taking my vote off since Kippers(?) explanation made me realize my theory was just a theory and had no evidence. I'm not sold on Adavantos being evil either, but think it's more likely than Orlok. So, Adavantos, sorry pal.


Ninja'd by like 50 people...

Ok, so Silver's post reminded me about Enhanced Relationships.


So that leaves 2 possibilities:

1. 2 Illusionists used their powers. (As stated above.)

2. 1 Illusionist used their power to place either the Lopen or Arraenae vote onto Anamaximder, and either Lopen or Arraenae (whichever one's vote wasn't changed by the Illusionist) had Enhanced Relationships.

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1. Magnified Persuasion is a passive power, and Transmogrification stops someone from voting at all. It would negate both votes.

2. The answer to any question about how vote manipulations show up is PAFO.  :ph34r:

3. Just because you can trust the write-ups doesn't mean they can't be deceptive.


15 minutes!

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Bit sad that you're tunneling on me, Clanky. And if I read Phatt's statement right, it says the flavor text will probably give it away. Flavor text can refer to more things than just how the kill was made. That being said, using bombs still makes no sense for a Matter Disruptor. Plus, a massive explosion versus a quiet kill in the night? That sounds like something the Reckoners would do. It's flashy and attention grabby, and has more room for them fitting in my weakness (my kill was just a knife thrown through a window, and clearly not very premeditated, as if I were a Reckoner attacking an Epic I would probably do something more than that to make sure he actually died).


I ask that everyone look at Orlok, Clanky and Steph closely after it's revealed I'm an Epic. Of the three I am most suspicious of Steph, who has had my attention since C1. I'd explain why, but it's mostly just gut.


Also. Orlok. Mailliw.

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Cycle Three: Voluntas Populi Infima Lex Esto

Perseus was not amused. His incompetent Epics couldn’t even manage to kill someone, let alone agree on a Reckoner. Hopefully today they had managed to pick out one of the dastardly do-gooders. He entered the hall, and the Epics gathered there began to squawk and bustle around like chickens. Why did everyone remind him of a chicken these days? It was almost unnerving… but it was beside the point. Who had they selected today.

“Well? Tell me who you’ve picked out as a traitor.” Mike Durbin jumped up, eager to speak. “Yes?”

“Lord, I tried to kill Locke, but failed. I believe he is a Reckoner.” Perseus looked around. One man’s beliefs were all well and good, but it was only when multiple people agreed that he would order Locke’s death. Nobody else stood.

“Does anyone have another idea?” he said, dismissing Mike.

As more people explained their reasoning, it became clear that there were two factions. Not the Reckoners and the Epics. But those that wanted to lynch Maren Noles, and those that wanted to lynch Mike Durbin. As the day lingered on, Perseus tired of hearing these fools debate. “Enough! I will make the final decision. Maren, you haven’t done anything wrong. But Mike here claims that he tried to kill someone! And we must encourage such behavior! Guards! Take him away.”

A dark figure crept up to a house. They reviewed the plan of action in their head, and began to put it into play. First, to check the windows. Locked. Next, the door. Locked. They cursed mentally. Of course, they couldn’t expect everything to be easy, but a little luck wouldn’t be terrible. What had the third plan been? They couldn’t remember. Time for improvisation. The figure pulled out a sheet of fabric to muffle the sound, covered the window with it, and carefully used a knife to shatter a small amount of glass. They reached into the window so they could increase the size of the opening, and pulled out a few more pieces. Finally, when the hole was big enough, they selected a grenade from their large assortment of tools, yanked out the pin, and threw it into the house. As they made their escape, they glanced behind and saw a large cloud of chalk billowing out from the window. They smiled. In all their years at work, they’d found that some people could survive explosives, but that almost nobody could survive asphyxiation in a growing cloud of chalk dust. The following day, Graye Pierce was found dead in his house. The only abnormality was a broken window- and a fine layer of powdered chalk on everything in the room.

The complex of apartments was silent. At this hour, any sane person had to be asleep. And all the sane people were. Thus, every Epic was wandering the hallways. Every Epic, except Star Thief. She, quite sensibly, was asleep, making sure she’d be up for the rigors tomorrow would bring. Unfortunately- or luckily, depending on your perspective- for her, she would never face another hardship in her life. Eventually, the Epics settled down. But one of them wasn’t settled. Standing a safe distance away from Star’s quarters, they activated the explosive. The entire building shook, and the room was, to put it mildly, disintegrated.

But these weren’t all the things that happened on that eventful night. A third figure, dressed all in black, slinked into someone’s room. They had everything required- padded shoes, black mask, and the knowledge of how exactly to kill the person lying on the bed below them. A simple knife would do. A knife straight to the left elbow. They steadied their arm, aimed, and stabbed. The target groaned once, and then fell still. The black figure waited for a minute to make sure they weren’t making, retrieved their blade,  and then walked deliberately down the hall back to their own dwelling. Once they were gone, the target sat up, their wound already closing. They checked it for infection and went back to sleep.

Mailliw73 was lynched, but survived!
Kynedath was killed! They were an Epic, with Forcefields and Heat Vision!
TheSilverDragon was killed! They were an Epic, with Illusions and Telepathy!
Someone was attacked, but survived!

Vote Tally:
Mailliw73(Maren Noles): 4; Paranoid King, Kipper, Adavantos
Adavantos(Mike Durbin): 4; Clanky, Orlok, queensteph
Hellscythe(Avi Exseus): 1; Kynedath
Elkanah(Ken): 2; Araris Valerian, Elkanah
queensteph: 1; Kamyle

PMs are sent, and Cycle 3 will end at 6 PM EST Monday January 18th!

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First, death by vote, and no other kills. Now, is a tied vote, and two other kills. All going according to plan...

Edit: forgot to say, I'll be offline for today, but I'll post/vote more tomorrow. I only had a little time right now.

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Sorry, Kyn. That one was me. Needless to say, I am not amused that I am responsible for killing the player I was looking for.


Three kill attempts and not a single one suggests matter disruption. I also informed a player I'm in a PM with who I was attacking as soon as the cycle ended so that they can confirm it, if need be. Still think your theory about the flavor text last cycle is true, Clanky?


Based on flavor text alone, I would suggest the third player who was attacked was the Reckoner's target. Only reasons I would think that the Reckoners would go after SD is either to try and implicate me or because he PM'd a Reckoner, revealing his ability. Now I wish I asked the first Telepath that contacted me (who was contacted by SD) to ask him who else he began PMs with. Right now I am interested to see who was attacked. Also interested in reading Orlok's results from the last two cycles. Still haven't heard what he got back C1.

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I was in a PM with theSilverDragon.

Full disclosure: I'm actually in three PMs, though I am not a telepath. This kinda sucks because I was about to get a real information network flowing through SilverDragon and Telepath #2. Telepath #3 PMd me late in the last cycle and then went offline, so I've not heard much from them. I have to go eat dinner now, but I'll be on later to give you a rundown of everything that was said in the PM.

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Sorry, Kyn. That one was me. Needless to say, I am not amused that I am responsible for killing the player I was looking for.


Three kill attempts and not a single one suggests matter disruption. I also informed a player I'm in a PM with who I was attacking as soon as the cycle ended so that they can confirm it, if need be. Still think your theory about the flavor text last cycle is true, Clanky?


Based on flavor text alone, I would suggest the third player who was attacked was the Reckoner's target. Only reasons I would think that the Reckoners would go after SD is either to try and implicate me or because he PM'd a Reckoner, revealing his ability. Now I wish I asked the first Telepath that contacted me (who was contacted by SD) to ask him who else he began PMs with. Right now I am interested to see who was attacked. Also interested in reading Orlok's results from the last two cycles. Still haven't heard what he got back C1.



Yep this really kills my theory, too bad. Sorry Ada and yes I agree about the third attack being the reckoner kill since the first one is obviously yours from the white powder and because the second actually says that it was done by an Epic. SilverDragon could also be partially my fault if someone agreed with my theory about you since I mentioned the fact that you too were possibly both evil. 

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