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Arraenae, on 19 Jan 2016 - 02:42 AM, said:

@ Adavantos why did you attack Araris?


Accelerated healing protects from the lynch once. Is it possible to have double accelerated healing (and nothing else, because that would be OP)?


I have a minor suspicion that Mailliw is an eliminator, because he hasn't been defending himself very much, just surviving the lynches. I feel like he's got some sort of protection from either him or the rest of his team, so he doesn't care about being lynched or not.


Three reasons. First, because of his first vote C1, which similar to Mail's this previous cycle had no explanation to it. Second, his post on C2 where he said he doesn't suspect any of the players who voted for Anamax, thinking it was more likely that all were Epics and the Reckoners just let it happen (suggested to me he was either trying to mislead us or had more information than the average player). Third, his post last cycle where he votes for BB (who was one of the players who voted on Anamax C1) which seemed to contradict his previous statement about that lynch. That and his comment about Mailliw surviving the lynch as unfortunate because it meant we'd like try again (which we did, and failed again).


Sorry for my unexplained votes. I'm just driving back from my vacation over the long weekend. I only had time to skim over the threads and drop a vote where I started to suspect someone. From now on, I should be more active.

Ada, not retracting the vote on you was a complete mistake.

About the lynch, I had Accelerated healing, hence I survived the first lynch. Then, the second time, I got a PM from Phatt as the cycle ended saying that I was bestowed another power. This was also accelerated healing. I'm not really sure where that came from or why it happened, but it apparently happened before the lynch.


Okay so. Telepath #3, the one in contact with myself, Kipper and Mailliw, informed me last cycle that he is aware of the existence of a role that was not on the sign up list. I asked him how he knew that and which role, but he has yet replied. Now I think I understand. Either Kipper or Telepath #3 is Calamity himself or he's a Gifter, which would explain Mailliw receiving extra protection.

Edited by Adavantos
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It could be any active power, no active power, any passive power(except Heat Vision), or no passive power, or any combination of the above.

You can't have the same power twice at the same time.

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I'm going to vote for Mailliw. From what I've seen, his ability to stay alive past these things has got to be some kind of conspiracy. Also, I kinda want to see him die now. For posterity. "I was there when Mailliw died!" "Oh wow Grandpa, you're amazing!" "I know! Pass me some of that root beer!" etc. etc. etc.

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I also wouldn't mind getting PMs.


I find it interesting that we have all sorts of deaths going on, and none of them have been Reckoners. I'm going to vote Bridge Boy, as he is voting for Maill without any real arguments. That is a big red flag in my mind.

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Okay so. Telepath #3, the one in contact with myself, Kipper and Mailliw, informed me last cycle that he is aware of the existence of a role that was not on the sign up list. I asked him how he knew that and which role, but he has yet replied. Now I think I understand. Either Kipper or Telepath #3 is Calamity himself or he's a Gifter, which would explain Mailliw receiving extra protection.

Just to clarify, Telepath #3 (as we are referring to them) is a player whose name starts with one of these letters: I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P  Correct?

That makes a lot of sense, actually. I am not a Gifter or Calamity, so perhaps #3 is. I was not aware of a Gifter previous to your suggestion. It's probably possible that this is GM intervention, but unlikely.

Once again, Mailliw, and it would be absolutely fantastic if this Gifter didn't gift him something again.


I also wouldn't mind getting PMs.


I find it interesting that we have all sorts of deaths going on, and none of them have been Reckoners. I'm going to vote Bridge Boy, as he is voting for Maill without any real arguments. That is a big red flag in my mind.

I should note here that I've been suspicious of you for a while, popping in with very short posts and mostly just agreeing with people. But the reasons for lynching Mailliw have been out for quite some time.

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I'm going to vote for Mailliw. From what I've seen, his ability to stay alive past these things has got to be some kind of conspiracy. Also, I kinda want to see him die now. For posterity. "I was there when Mailliw died!" "Oh wow Grandpa, you're amazing!" "I know! Pass me some of that root beer!" etc. etc. etc.

You missed the three games in a row where I was killed C1.

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Well. I have a couple things to mention. A: Huzzah! A potted plant! Thank you spectator gods! I'll make sure NOT to eat it, as I suspected your so called "good will" and looked up hemlock. Poisonous? Really? What if I ATE that. Because who doesn't eat potted plants. And the foul smell was entirely unnecessary. Luckily, I have no sense of smell. So thank you for the potentially life-threatening gift. I appreciate it. No really, I do. B: I'm confused as to what constitutes being inactive. I posted quite a bit last cycle, so were those just missed, or is there more to being active than being involved in the discussion?



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How do I know he's a smedry? Because my epic power is invisibility.


Cycle 1 I scanned Kynedath and found out he killed someone (turned out he didn't he just had heat vision)

Cycle 2 I scanned someone else. They didn't do anything.

Cycle 3 I scanned Clanky and found out he killed someone.


What does this mean? Well, the chalk trail shows that Adavantos killed someone. That means that the other kill was made by Clanky. (unless he also has heat vision and the random result showed that he killed someone. Highly unlikely.)

Assuming 19 people & 5 different passive powers, I'm going with a possible 4 epics with heat vision.
5 epics have died and 3 had heat vision. So the chance that Clanky had heat vision is 1/14.
The chance of me scanning him to have killed someone is 1/5. 1/5 * 1/14 is 1/70 chance that Clanky is not a reckoner.
So yeah, he's almost certainly a reckoner.

edit: voted

Edited by Paranoid King
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@PK: If you scanned a player who didn't do anything I think it's wise you say who. Sorry, I want to believe you, but Kyn can't confirm (alive or dead) and Clanky will likely deny whether you're telling the truth or not.

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How do I know he's a smedry? Because my epic power is invisibility.


Cycle 1 I scanned Kynedath and found out he killed someone (turned out he didn't he just had heat vision)

Cycle 2 I scanned someone else. They didn't do anything.

Cycle 3 I scanned Clanky and found out he killed someone.


What does this mean? Well, the chalk trail shows that Adavantos killed someone. That means that the other kill was made by Clanky. (unless he also has heat vision and the random result showed that he killed someone. Highly unlikely.)

Assuming 19 people & 5 different passive powers, I'm going with a possible 4 epics with heat vision.

5 epics have died and 3 had heat vision. So the chance that Clanky had heat vision is 1/14.

The chance of me scanning him to have killed someone is 1/5. 1/5 * 1/14 is 1/70 chance that Clanky is not a reckoner.

So yeah, he's almost certainly a reckoner.

edit: voted



I also scanned Clanky C3 and got the same result as PK so either he really did attack someone or his heat vision told the same lies to both of us.(unlikely)


You are right people. I did kill someone last cycle and it was Araris. It was me and not Elbereth who had attacked him alongside Ada. This also relates to why I went after Ada so much when he revealed himself to be a Matter disrupter with Accelerated healing. I am also a matter disrupter with accelerated healing and am still having a hard time believing that their would be two identical roles on one team.


When Elbereth died and was revealed to also have Matter disruption that put my focus back onto Adavantos since I find it doubtful that the Epics would have three kill roles in a game this small, especially when two of them have multiple lives. 

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Aha, so I was right about you being the Matter Disruptor who killed SD then. Mind explaining why you decided to attack Araris too, then?


You're still being close minded though. I am just as surprised as you are that phatt gave us this many, assuming you're not just lying to save your skin. It didn't make sense that Elby attacked SD but it did make sense for you, so I think that you're an MD at least. I want to say you're an Epic too because you didn't go for a kill C1, but I can't help but wonder if you refrained for the long con specifically.


My money's on all three of us being innocent though. Still convinced by your reaction to my High Epic comment. Phatt could have gave me my role knowing I would die early (I was attacked C1 by the Recockners after all) and decided to gift me a single buffer. I know some GMs will tend to balance games via the meta (see MR10 where Wilson gave polking Diagrammist Edgedancer guessing he'd go inactive). I'm guessing this is a similar situation here, because I know my alignment and your sudden turn around last cycle was very convincing for you to be a villager.


That said, with two players with Invisibility and Magnified Perception coming out at the same time revealing matching results, I'm inclined to believe that at least one of them is good because I doubt the GM would give the Reckoners two extra votes and an Illusionist. So either they have no vote manipulation and just extras, they have all three to balance out our kill roles by giving them lynch favorability, or at least one of them if not two is innocent. Of the three known players with Invisibility, I suggest Orlok is most likely the evil one but it could also be PK. Unlike Steph, he went straight to the thread with his info instead of trying to get a PM first to protect himself.


@Orlok: got any new result, or plan on sharing your last two?

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I decided to kill Araris for a few reasons. None of them especially good. Basically since this is my first game having a kill role I have had a hard time finding real reasons to justify killing anyone. SilverDragon was because I was convinced of Adas guilt at the time and they made sense to be Reckoners together. For Araris though I knew I would be unable to access the game for the last 4 hours of the cycle so I had to pick early who I should kill. No-one other than Ada stood out to me but I wanted to hear more from Orlok before actually doing something about it. So I went with Araris because he was in LG16 and hadn't been too active. He had mentioned not being too active in the future and I figured that with another game starting his lack of time would be even greater. Also his votes had seemed a bit forced. 

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Ada, as I said before, I do not intend to reveal the cycle 1 result: it is not in the interests of the village to have it public.

Cycle 2, Mailliw 'did something I did not understand' and used Acceleratwd healing.

Last turn, Kipper 'made someone see something that wasn't there'.

Whilst I'll reveal last cycle's result, I'm not certain that it's terribly sensible to reveal every result every cycle, omitting those that would be dangerous to reveal - not least because we then give the eliminators a significant amount of information from which to narrow down those who do hold important roles.

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I thought Adavantos had done it because if I were an eliminator, I would have revealed one of my eliminator allies. I figured that Clanky and i would have equal evidence unless ripple was found guilty.

If Ripple was guilty, then I would be killed. When I'm found innocent, Clanky would be killed. So that's 2 eliminators for the price of 1 innocent.

If Ripple was innocent, then clanky would be killed. That's 1 eliminator for 1 innocent

And in either case, if clanky were innocent, Adavantos would eventually be killed, so I figure voting for ripple was good sense.

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