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To be honest, that was supposed to be pretty obvious.

I should've realized the possibility of a SK when all of Adas kills always had chalk in them. I guess I just didn't expect you to trick us like that with all the hidden roles!  <_<

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So, there should probably be some sort of discussion right now...


Well this definitely changes the whole dynamic of the game. With two (at least) neutral players and a Reckoner with 4 powers I think that the regular 20-25% eliminator team is higher than what we have in this. Perhaps even only three reckoners overall. Once we learned that the their was a potential gifter type hidden role I was expecting the Prof to be the hidden role on the reckoner team. That's obviously not the case since Phatt wouldn't give us three hidden roles... Would he?  :wacko:


Or perhaps Maill had begun working with the Reckoners and was giving them powers all along which is how Arraenae got four powers.

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Los Angeles was beautiful, once. It was called the City of Angels: a prosperous city of millions, home to some of the world’s most famous landmarks, the American moviemaking industry, and the summer Olympics of 1932 and 1984. Visitors from around the world traveled to see it. At night, it lit up the sky with billions of twinkling lights.


Now, Los Angeles was a corpse of a city. Ramshackle tents were pitched next to the remains of skyscrapers, debris littered the streets, and the famous Hollywood sign had long been torn down by an angry Epic. At night, the only thing lighting up the sky now were the occasional fires and explosions.


Renee hated the night for what it did to her city. It washed out all the progress she’d made when Perseus had handed the city to her -- the farms, the solar panels, the newly working sewage -- but left just enough light to see what was missing.


In a cruel twist of fate, the only buildings left standing were the UCLA residential buildings, the Olympic residential buildings of 1984. They would have been the Olympic residential buildings of 2032, if it hadn’t been for Perseus.


Renee would have competed in the 2032 Olympics, if it hadn’t been for Perseus.


She shook her head and stopped staring out the window. Now wasn’t the time to get sentimental.


"Lady Renee?" a voice asked. "Someone said that they wish to see you."


Renee turned and saw a mortal -- no, a young girl, barely older than ten-- standing in the doorway of what used to be a student dorm. The woman wore a maid's outfit and trembled visibly.


Sparks, Renee hated how everybody tiptoed around her, just because they thought she was an Epic. At her skill level, she didn't need to be an Epic to tumble the way she did, and her other "powers" were just fancy bits of tech. It was a perfect combination for infiltrating Perseus's inner circle. Unfortunately, to impersonate an Epic, one had to speak like an Epic, act like an Epic, and kill like an Epic. At this point, Renee was probably no better than the creatures that she hated so much.


“Who is it?” Renee demanded.


“Uh, they said that they would met you on the line. After they said that, they ran away,” the girl said.


On the line. Online. Sparks, this generation of kids had never seen the internet before. Wifi had been the first thing to go when ordinary people started rampaging and turning into Epics. Luckily, the Californian branch of Reckoners knew a few people who’d worked for Google and HP.


“You are dismissed,” Renee said. The girl fled from the room with a terrified squeak.


Renee stood up and shut the door and windows. It was never possible to be too cautious as an Epic impersonating Reckoner, especially when surrounded by Epics with powers like Enhanced Explosions or Neural Imploding or Matter Disruption. Then she placed her thumb against the doorknob of her closet, which had a hidden fingerprint scanner, and pressed her other hand against a small pressure sensor concealed in the wall.


“Down with Perseus,” Renee said.


Something inside the drawer clicked and the doors swung open to reveal a closet full of clothes -- gymnastics suits of different colors, camouflage outfits designed to allow sneaking, sets of civilian clothing, an invisibility suit created from the cells of a dead Epic, and a hoodie with the words “I ❤ LA”, a last bit of defiance against Perseus’s renaming of the city.


Renee reached for the hoodie and took out the cell phone hidden inside. It was a Knighthawk phone, which meant that it should be secure-- even the Google employees couldn’t hack it (not that it didn’t stop them from trying), but eventually they’d managed to find a way to create a way to connect it to the old Drive servers, which was supposedly secure from Knighthawk.


Renee turned it on, typed in the password, and opened Google Drive. Anonymous Axolotl was in the doc waiting for her. She never knew who it was, or even if the same person contacted her every time. After all, it was never a good idea to tell your spy everything, even if the enemy couldn't read minds.


Change of plans, Axolotl said. You’ve been summoned by Perseus. Prepare to take out as many of the Epics as you can.


So the Epics had finally caught on. Renee didn’t feel surprised, just empty. She’d known this day was coming ever since Perseus started holding his little “trials”.


Will do, Renee typed. She turned off the phone and crushed it under her heel. She wouldn’t need it where she was going.


Five minutes later, loaded with enough weapons to supply a small guerrilla band, Renee jumped out of the window, did two backflips, and tumbled into the night. It was time to give Perseus a last parting gift from Los Angeles, the City of Angels, would-be home of the 2032 Olympics.


EDIT: Added a sentence.

Edited by Arraenae
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I should've realized the possibility of a SK when all of Adas kills always had chalk in them. I guess I just didn't expect you to trick us like that with all the hidden roles!  <_<

Just curious, what about chalk made you think that?

So, the writeup. Wow. Not sure what else to say. I did wonder why Ada had not been killing the people he named as his suspicions in thread, and I guess this answers that question. I wouldn't have expected Serial Killer as a role though. As Clanky said, Prof seems more likely.

Hellscythe was the Telepath #3 that Ada and I were referring to. We had been talking about a theoretical Gifter (I'll post a transcript later when I'm on desktop), and he mentioned just before the cycle end that he had been given a power two cycles ago that he used during the last cycle to try and save Mailliw, because he trusted him over Adavantos. Maybe that's Illusions and HS was working with Maill; moved that vote to Ada last cycle. He denied Maill being a Gifter when I asked, but of course he could be lying.

Good to know I was right about Arraenae with my suspicions from our PM. Again, when I get on desktop, I'll go through that PM with a fine-toothed comb and try to pick out any suspicions based off of the PM, but she was pretty good at asking questions and staying quiet about everything else.

I'll go ahead and put a vote on Ripplegylf. This whole game, she's been kind of skating under the radar, not posting much at all. When she does post, it's something like the above "Shouldn't there be discussion?"

And finally, crack theory: What if Clanky actually is Prof, and that's how he knew to mention it? My assumption is that Prof would likely have a less powerful Gifting ability, Forcefields, and a kill, so maybe that's what Clanky has. Seriously, this is just a ridiculous thought I had while writing this post.

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Just curious, what about chalk made you think that?

And finally, crack theory: What if Clanky actually is Prof, and that's how he knew to mention it? My assumption is that Prof would likely have a less powerful Gifting ability, Forcefields, and a kill, so maybe that's what Clanky has. Seriously, this is just a ridiculous thought I had while writing this post.

It wasn't the chalk that made me think SK. It was that Ada said he requested for chalk to be in all of his kills and SK usually need to leave a sign behind at all of their murder sites. 



:ph34r: Oh no! He's on to me! But actually if the Reckoners had Arranae with a kill ability+ me as Prof with a kill ability(and forcefields) and a group kill I think that might be a smidgen overpowered and we probably would have seen the devastation from that already.

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Okay, I'm gonna finish up my player analysis now. I think I'll just do analysis on living players, and reference posts that the dead have done if I feel they're noteworthy/relevant to the living players.


About this Cycles results though.


So Mail was Calamity and Ada was a Serial Killer........ I really should have noticed that about Ada. It's so clear. I don't see any signatures in the other kills, so obviously something is different with Ada's. I kinda thought something was off about him. I just thought it was due to this being a QF or something, because I thought certain events(namely him being attacked by the Reckoners C1, and the Illusionist trying to get him lynched) pointed to him being an Epic, although rather than him being an Epic, he was not a Reckoner. I thought that those two things went hand in hand this game, but apparently not(I have to agree with the tags here, troll GM :P). I never would have guessed that Calamity was in the game though. That totally took me by surprise.


Player analysis coming soon! Don't forget to preorder.  :P


Edit: Living players analysis:


1. PK: I've actually been going back and forth for PK. At first, I was a little suspicious of him because of his posts on C1, which seemed to me to be a little more aggressive than I've previously seen from village!PK, but lately I'd been getting a gut feeling that he is an Epic. However, his posts last Cycle have me wondering. He scanned Clanky as killing someone, and proceeded to attack him. He was pretty adamant in that one of either Clanky or Adavantos was a Reckoner(confirmed that Ada was not a Reckoner, and I'm inclined to believe Clanky isn't either, though I'll get to that in a bit). Then, when Clanky explained, he immediately retracted, and proceeded to vote on Hellscythe(later changed to Mailliw). Now, I can understand removing his vote, but the retraction seemed a little too quick to me. Almost like he was advised to lay off of Clanky(maybe so that Clanky wouldn't kill him?). His response of "Oh. True. I don't usually pay much attention to how the kills happen, just that they do. In that case, (removes vote from Clanky)." is what I'm referring to. You don't pay attention to how the kills happen? That's been a big topic for discussion, so to completely drop his attack from Clanky based on that raises flags for me. PK, what are your thoughts on Clanky now? Maybe Reckoner.

2. RippleGylf: Uhhh, she has hardly been a part of anything really. Point in her favor in my mind is that she voted for BB once. Still, it would be nice if she could give us some more. Neutral/Maybe Epic.

3. Elkanah: Similar to Ripple, he has not posted very often. Also mirroring Ripple, he's voted on BB. His only vote I believe. I think the last time he posted in the QF thread was 2 Cycles ago, but he's never been up for death by inactivity? Neutral/Maybe Reckoner

4. Kipper: Defended Anamaximder from the lynch. Slightly defended Orlok, when Ada was trying to cast suspicion on Orlok for his voting on Anamximder. Expressed suspicion of Elbereth for her playstyle regarding her changing characters and stuff(which I don't agree with on the basis that players can change their playstyle however they like, and it doesn't necessarily mean they're an eliminator, especially in Elby's case, seeing as she's explained the situation.). Another thing that seems to connect PK and BB. Both of them stated suspicion of Kipper for no reason. PK because he was defending Elbereth and mimicked Kipper post, and BB said he was suspicious of Kipper for no reason at all. Kipper votes on Mail for his involvement in Anamaximders lynch. Defends Ada a bit, saying that his reactions and posting were what he would have expected from Good!Ada(I don't think I'd call a Serial Killer "Good," :P but Ada wasn't a Reckoner at least). Explains that he was in 3 PM's. Gives a summation of his PM with SilverDragon. Again votes on Maill. Arraenae voted on Kipper, giving reasoning that SilverDragon may have been attacked by the eliminators because someone he contacted had been an eliminator(we know that Clanky killed SD, so unless Clanky is a Reckoner, we know that's not the case). Kipper outs Arraenae as a Telepath and gives a summation of his PM with her. He then goes on so suggest that since SilverDragon had been in contact with her, she may have gotten him killed(which we know is not true, unless Clanky is a Reckoner). Again votes on Maill. Claims to have Heat Vision(did anyone follow him this Cycle to try to see if they'd get a different result? I feel like this is a very dangerous role to claim unless you actually have it, because it's fairly easily confirmed, so I'm inclined to believe his claim, but it might be worth scanning him again to make certain). Removes vote on Mail, stating that it's likely Mail is a Gifter. States that his top suspicions are Arraenae(saying she seemed too eager to learn who the other Telepath was(maybe so she could contact them and become a hub that most information would go through?)), QueenSteph(saying it seemed weird she just copied everything PK said, but that it's possible she just got lucky), Ripple( for lurking basically), and maybe BB(irrelevant posting) or Clanky(because he killed SD) as the last one. Also states a "crack theory" that Clanky may be Prof. As cool as that would be to have Prof in this game, I'm not sure how likely that is. I'll put Kipper as "Maybe Epic," mostly for his involvement in Arraenae's death. 

5. Bridge Boy: I have been suspicious of BB ever since he first voted on Anamaximder, and it has only grown since. He stated his reasoning for voting on Anamaximder was because "his playstyle was drastically different from before, which is suspicious," when in actuality, wasn't even the case. Also in that post he states that he is suspicious of Kipper without explaining. So I feel like he was overstating his reasons to try and justify his vote, similar to what he did in LG15 when he voted on Alvron and stated something like "he currently has huge amounts of suspicion against him" when all Alv had done was a joke vote. His next post with substance he suggests we don't go after PK or Adavantos right now because "it doesn't make much sense for Reckoners to have Epic powers," because it appeared either PK or Ada had Magnified Persuasion, but we should come back to them later for some reason? What? I'm not sure what he means by that. I'm beginning to think that PK and BB are both Reckoners. BB also defended Orlok in that same post for no reason, and asked that Telepathicers set up a chain of PM's(and since we know that Arraenae was a Telepathy user, it could be that BB was trying to get her into a sort of hub of information). BB has also stated that he has vote manipulative powers, which could mean that he is a Reckoner Illusionist that tried to kill Ada. This was what I had thought, until Hellscythe died and was revealed to have Illusions, and Ada died was revealed to be a SK. I'm not sure that this is the case, but it's entirely possible that Hellscythe was trying to protect Mail with his Illusions, and since Hellscythe has shown that he's a pretty smart player, it may be that he had figured out that Ada was a SK, and so was trying to get rid of him. That may line up with why Ada had Steph voting for him again this Cycle. If the Illusionist had been a Reckoner, wouldn't they have saved Arraenae? It's also possible that they just didn't get online in time to move a vote off of Arraenae, but I'm not really sure who was online during the period when votes were being placed on Arraenae. BB also votes on Mailliw(along side PK), stating that "his ability to stay alive has got to be a conspiracy." With Orlok stating that he was "confused" by his scan on Mail, it's possible that they had realized that Mail had a hidden role(and a dangerous one at that, because it's so unpredictable), and were trying to take him out of the picture. I'm also wondering about Orlok's place in all of this. He didn't vote on Mail, but instead voted on Arraeanae "to extend the gap." But I'm getting ahead of myself. Likely Reckoner.


Not a whole lot of time to finish the remaining players, so I'll have to do shorter ones for these last few players and try to get them done in more detail tomorrow, when it's not 5am.


6. Clanky: Matter Disruptor. Killed SilverDragon on C2, Araris on C3, and Mailliw on C4. I would say that Arraenae having Matter Disruption clears Clanky, but frankly, it's possible that she was Gifted that ability, since it seems apparent that we didn't have 4 kills happen this last Cycle. I am very much undecided on Clanky's alignment. Neutral.

7. Lopen: *super deep analysis* He's so Epic.  :P

8. QueenSteph: Invisibiltiy user. Followed a me on C1: I ain't telling. Followed PK on C2: got this result- Invisibiltiy. Followed Clanky on C3: got this result- Kill. Voted on me based on my role. Any time someone votes for me, I automatically become suspicious of that person. However, the tone of her posts makes me lean towards her being an Epic. This is subject to change once I get to analyze her posts more. Maybe Epic.

9. Orlok: Invisibitlity user. Followed a "lurcher" on C1, Followed Mail on C2: I am curious what result he got.  :huh: Followed Kipper on C3: got this result- Illusions(or "Kipper made something appear differently or something like that. I forget the exact wording he used.) He was involved in Arraeanae's lynch, so I feel like that points towards him being an Epic. I'm not sure though. Maybe Epic.

10. Kamyle: I'm actually fairly suspicious of Kamyle. BB votes on her before she is added to the game. I'm not sure what to make of that, but then he removes his vote when she is added, stating that "the act of her joining has removed all of my suspicions." Kamyle does vote for BB shortly thereafter though, but it could just be a way to distance herself from him. I don't really know with her. I'd like to hear from her some more to try to get a better read, but for now, I'll put her down as "Neutral/Maybe Reckoner." 


So, yeah, obviously BB is my top suspect right now, with PK(for possible collaberation with BB), Kamyle(possible collaberation with BB and not much reason to trust her) and Elkanah(inactivity/lurking) as my follow up suspicions. I will check the thread before rollover, so if I need to, I can move my vote if I feel like a better suspicion appears or BB's defense dissuades me(assuming he is able to get on to respond).

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Just curious, what about chalk made you think that?

So, the writeup. Wow. Not sure what else to say. I did wonder why Ada had not been killing the people he named as his suspicions in thread, and I guess this answers that question. I wouldn't have expected Serial Killer as a role though. As Clanky said, Prof seems more likely.

Hellscythe was the Telepath #3 that Ada and I were referring to. We had been talking about a theoretical Gifter (I'll post a transcript later when I'm on desktop), and he mentioned just before the cycle end that he had been given a power two cycles ago that he used during the last cycle to try and save Mailliw, because he trusted him over Adavantos. Maybe that's Illusions and HS was working with Maill; moved that vote to Ada last cycle. He denied Maill being a Gifter when I asked, but of course he could be lying.

Good to know I was right about Arraenae with my suspicions from our PM. Again, when I get on desktop, I'll go through that PM with a fine-toothed comb and try to pick out any suspicions based off of the PM, but she was pretty good at asking questions and staying quiet about everything else.

I'll go ahead and put a vote on Ripplegylf. This whole game, she's been kind of skating under the radar, not posting much at all. When she does post, it's something like the above "Shouldn't there be discussion?"

And finally, crack theory: What if Clanky actually is Prof, and that's how he knew to mention it? My assumption is that Prof would likely have a less powerful Gifting ability, Forcefields, and a kill, so maybe that's what Clanky has. Seriously, this is just a ridiculous thought I had while writing this post.


This unfortunately seems to happen a lot, since I have schoolwork to deal with. I've actually been doing my best to be more active than I have been this game. Due to not having enough time to analyze posts, I don't get really good suspicions, which leads into a downward spiral of inactivity.

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1. PK: to completely drop his attack from Clanky based on that raises flags for me. PK, what are your thoughts on Clanky now? Maybe Reckoner.

I attacked him because I had evidence on him. I thought that either he or Adavantos had made the reckoner kill, and once I reread the write-up, I realized that two people had gone for the same person. I don't think he made the reckoner kill, and I don't think the reckoners would have an matter disruptor on their team. So I think Clanky is innocent.

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LOL. Lopen, I don't see what's so suspicious about me being voted for before I joined and then unvoted. Wait a second, I do. What I really don't see is why you would suspect me for this. This wasn't me; This was Bridge Boy. I will admit that I see him on a daily basis, but I try to keep SE to the forums.


I'm voting on him for the same reasons I said before.


Clanky, I'm sorry for voting for you last cycle. I had a gut feeling, and I was running out of time, but after looking through your posts again, I don't suspect you anymore. Sorry.

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Does anyone know who the three people Arraenae was in PMs with were? It was Kipper, Ada and someone else correct?


Queensteph, could you possibly reveal what you found about Lopen? Does he have forcefields by any chance? Or I suppose Lopen could answer this himself if he wants. 


So we have ten people left and at least 2 probably 3 Reckoners still mixed up in there. At this point I have no-one that I would say is definitely on one team either way. I will be putting my vote on Lopen until I hopefully get some answers to my above questions

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Okay, a couple things. One, as much as I appreciate it, Lopen, you teaming me up with BOTH of my siblings, I have nothing to do with them. In the game.


On another note, I was suspected for saying that Anna's playstyle had changed when it had not, but this is my first game back from a 3-game SE hiatus, and if his playstyle changed, I wouldn't know. So I was going off of his playstyle as I last knew it.


I didn't say why I was suspicious was because, A: I didn't actually vote for him, and didn't think I needed to explain it, and B: I don't really have any reasons, and didn't really think much about putting it in the post, as it's more of a sitting feeling, without any evidence whatsoever. I didn't really think would pay any attention to it, I just put it on there as an afterthought.


I didn't know that Arranae was a telepath, and I have no clue who else is, in my post, I was just throwing out a suggestion, that I thought would help. I hadn't gotten any PM's, and so didn't know how much PM traffic there actually was. I still haven't gotten any, by the way. :'(


And look! I was right about Mailliw! He was giving powers to the other side! I think. Not sure how else the reckoner got that many. Maybe he thought he was an epic. But either way, he wasn't an epic, so killing him doesn't hurt us, and he seemed to be helping the enemy. So I'm happy about Mailliw's death.


Hopefully this defense helps me survive, as I am on your side.


My reasons on voting for Lopen is that I think his analysis is suspicious. From what I remember, Lopen doesn't do heavy analysis very often, and I have often seen cultists do analysis, as it is a great way to earn trust. I think he was stretching things to try and target me, without too much evidence, and while his reasoning does seem to be sound, it calls for some large leaps of logic.

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Okay, a couple things. One, as much as I appreciate it, Lopen, you teaming me up with BOTH of my siblings, I have nothing to do with them. In the game.

You have two siblings on here? Kamyle? o.O o.O

Also, Lopen actually has a history of coming back late in the game and doing longer analysis, whereas I can't remember you ever doing a long post like this the entire game except this time, in your defense. That said, Lopen could still be evil, but I read you as more so. Even more than that, though, I think Ripple is evil and I wish we could get her lynched.

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Clanky, I was the other in a PM with Arraenae.

I had found out what Lopen role was & needed to confide in someone, but when Arraenae PMd me something felt off to me so in the end I never told her what Lopen's role was. I just told her that I was suspicious of him for his role and then gave her a list of players I thought might be Reckoners and why / then asked if she'd give me a list of who she thought could be the eliminator team...which she never did. The only 'suspicion' she gave me was that she thought you were possibly a reckoner. Which now leads me to trust you more. Edit: sorry my mistake, but it was actually kipper who she said might be a reckoner.

Edited by queensteph
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Yeah, me having long posts is very odd for me, but that was a defense where I was refuting multiple points, and you have to admit, spaces between paragraphs had to have been 1/3 of it. I couldn't remember Lopen doing long posts like that before, but if he has, then I don't have any suspicions worth a vote. Lopen.

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In response to Clanky's other question about Lopen's power, I don't want to confirm or deny without Lopen's approval. (In the post before this I said Lopen's 'role' but I meant power.) Also, I'm open to suggestions on who to scan. Seeing as how the cycle is almost over I'll probably pick someone myself, but next cycle I'll gladly hear your suggestions.

P.S. Why am I always in the vote tally in the writeup when I didn't vote?? Is there a hidden power that makes you be able to make someone vote?

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