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Okay, so here we have a pretty clear bandwagon on Lopen. My suspicion is that the Eliminator team at this point consists of queensteph, Kamyle, and BB/PK/Ripple/Lopen/nobody (depending on how many Eliminators they have).

I've suspected queensteph for a while now, as I mentioned earlier when I called her out for stepping up and just confirming everything that PK said without providing any new results herself. My guess is that Kamyle (probably) has the Illusions ability, and the Eliminator team has been having queensteph not vote, and then Kamyle manipulates queensteph's vote, to make it look like queensteph is being forced to vote. They tried to distance themselves from this strategy last time by having queensteph innocently ask, "oh, there's an ability that can move votes?" And Kamyle immediately coming in and saying, "Go check the rules, or maybe it's GM error."

I feel like she's been trying to skate under the radar. Pretending not to know about abilities that everyone should know about. I think she's been intentionally not voting in some cycles so the rest of her team can manipulate her vote and make it look she is, in fact, being unwillingly manipulated. I don't think you need to worry about being used, now that we know Ripple has Transmogrification. I'm going to Transmogrify queensteph this round, and if Ripple Transmogrifies you, we don't have to worry about any manipulation of players with Magnified Persuasion.


I disagree, thoroughly. Given a choice between multiple suspected Eliminators, it's imperative that we lynch based on who has the most useful power.

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I already said that I had Magnified Persuasion so it's no surprise.

Kipper, if it weren't for my PM with Arraenae I'd be trying to kill you. I don't like how set you are against Kamyle and myself, all based on a theory. (I'm honored to have your longest post be about me though.B))

If you guys do end up killing me (and find that I'm an EPIC) I'd suggest going after Lopen and Elkanah.

I don't think Kipper is evil because I don't see why a Reckoner would be so set against trying to kill an Epic (me) because it wouldn't be in his best interest once I'm killed.

Ninja'd by Kip

Ok maybe not, before I posted this I didn't see his post but the time looks like he posted a while ago so idk!

Edited by queensteph
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A shadowed figure watched as Steph passed below. It silently followed, sneaking across pre-planned paths over the rooftops. As Steph walked through an alleyway, The Messenger let a small piece of paper slip from its hand. It was connected to wrench. Fortunately for Steph, it hit the concrete behind her. Steph whipped her head around, but all there was to see was a small wrench lying on the ground, a paper wrapped around it. The Messenger was gone. Queen Steph picked up the paper. It read:


"Queen Steph, Lopen has nothing to fear from me, but people are starting to connect us. You must know, I can't let this happen. I am attached to no one, and trusted of no one. And that's how it will stay. "


As Steph finished reading, she realized something that long ago, would have brought bile to her mouth.



Her name was signed in blood.

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A Unanimous Decision

Perseus sat. He was getting tired of this, but surely they'd almost caught the Reckoners by now. Surely they were almost gone. Surely his court would go back to normal today. Surely. His subjects' arguments buoyed his spirits. Though they had all had different viewpoints at first, they'd come together and agreed on someone who surely was a Reckoner. He'd suspected it ever since she had gotten people killed with only her silver tongue. Ever since she'd claimed to be related to some of the other people there. No family had multiple Epics. Even among his own, which had seven children, he'd been the only one to learn the joy of doing whatever you wanted. So, it naturally followed that of the three that claimed to be siblings, two would be Reckoners. He wasn't sure which of Kamyle and Tyler was and which wasn't, but he felt reasonably confident that Steph wasn't the Epic. And the people agreed- even Steph herself had given up and announced that she was a Reckoner. Perseus prepared to start talking. He'd have to have a full formal trial for this one, what with the criminal charges that have already been brought against her. Suddenly, one last person came running in. Sam Charleston. A new figure, but one that was rising quickly in the organization. He was very persuasive, just like Steph. A dangerous figure, to be sure, but not today. Today he was the only dissident in what would have been a unanimous decision. Perseus frowned, with his clean-cut results destroyed because of one Epic. He did have an opinion, and one that had been popular earlier, too.

"Guys! Stop! We've all made mistakes! Just because Steph was controlled doesn't make her evil!" Tyler stood, smiling evilly.

"I beg to differ." Crossing the room toward the entrance whence Sam had came, he made as if to whisper something in his ear- and then stabbed him in the neck. "Who are you going to listen to?" Tyler inquired, casually flipping the knife from hand to hand. "The man standing here with a deadly weapon, or the fool who just got himself killed?" Needless to say, nobody went with the more dangerous option. They were, after all, Epics. They wanted to kill each other. Walking up to Perseus, Tyler smirked. "We've decided on Steph. And I really must thank you in advance, Perseus. You've been most helpful." Perseus was incensed, but held it in, for the moment.

"I've decided on Steph. Bring her up here." The man looked happy to comply, despite his supposed relationship with her. Family members were never as close as they seemed at first glance, at least in his experience. Tyler grabbed a shocked Steph by the shoulder and shoved her onto the dais. 

"Don't complain to me, sister. This is what you wanted." Perseus looked at Steph, then at Tyler. For the first time in his new life, he had no desire to kill anyone. Not even when everyone else wanted him to. He had to keep an calm and collected outside, though.

"You may have the honors." Raising the knife, still slick with blood from Sam's veins, Tyler thanked Perseus, and then brought it down." Steph gasped. They raised one arm, and grabbed his shoulder, brining him in close.

"You... could've saved... me. Why-" she coughed up some blood. The blade must have struck a lung. "- didn't you... do more?" With a final wheeze, Steph sank to the ground, dead. Perseus hadn't realized he was crying until he looked up and couldn't see properly. It only took an flex of his will to clear the water from his eyes, and he watched as Kamyle stalked and then killed an invisible Locke, as Kipper trapped Ripple in a cell of illusions and stabbed her with a smile, and then again as the wound healed. As they both converged on Mac, who desperately tried to persuade them to let him go to no avail, and when he failed, watched as he turned invisible and ran straight into a forcefield. He pounded the air all around himself, but the forcefield merely constricted, and suddenly Mac was gone. Perseus straightened. The survivors gathered in a semicircle around his throne, the seat of his power. Not only the survivors, no. But the Reckoners. He saw now their true power. It lay not in knives. But instead in the silent determination that each and every Epic who committed a crime, who killed, who ignored the law, would be found, and put down. Not in guns. But in their belief that they were making the world a better place, one target at a time. Not even in antimatter. But in their steadfast will, their strength, their courage, their energy, their sacrifice, their willingness to face Epics with no powers of their own and win. In all those things lay true power. And Perseus only regretted that he hadn't realized it until now, at the end of his life. But unlike his subjects, he was a High Epic. And he wouldn't be going down without a fight.

Queensteph was lynched! They were an Epic with Magnified Persuasion and Invisibility!
Bridge Boy was killed! They were an 
Epic with Transmogrification and Magnified Persuasion!

Vote Tally:
queensteph: 6; Kipper, Lopen, queensteph, Kamyle
Lopen: 2; Bridge Boy

Paranoid King survived! (Not really) He was an Epic with Invisibility and Magnified Persuasion!
RippleGylf survived! (Not really) She was an 
Epic with Transmogrification and Accelerated Healing!
OrlokTsubodai survived! (Not really) He was an Epic with Invisibility and Accelerated Healing(used)!

Kipper survived! He was a Reckoner with Illusions, Enhanced Relationships, and Heat Vision!
Lopen survived! He was a 
Reckoner with Forcefields, Enhanced Relationships, and Magnified Persuasion!
Kamyle survived! He was a Reckoner with Transmogrification, Enhanced Relationships, and Heat Vision!

The Reckoners have defeated Perseus' subjects... but can they defeat the High Epic himself?
Find out tomorrow in the final write-up!

This thread is for discussing the events of the game, although it isn't technically over until we know whether Perseus wins or loses. The final write-up will be posted tomorrow and will contain that fight, as well as a second post with my thoughts. I suggest you post any final RP you have in this thread.

Thanks for playing my game.

Edited by Alvron
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Well, I know I'm innocent, and if that isn't proof enough (which it likely isn't, knowing you), there's the entire PM thing with Arraenae that went on. Me getting her lynched even when I could have retracted and swung the lynch a different way. Of course, you could look at all those things and say, "Yeah, a really clever Eliminator could have faked that entire PM transcript and bussed Arraenae just so he could look good now," but is that really plausible?


To answer Kipper's question, it is totally plausible that the entire PM transcript was made up and I allowed myself to be sacrificed for the cause.  :P And it worked beautifully.

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Did I really PM three Reckoners by chance? How unfair is that. Curse you Calamity!!!!!!!!

I don't take that lightly. 


I did give Rae a power, but it was the same cycle she died, so she didn't know she had a kill power till she died.

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Did I really PM three Reckoners by chance? How unfair is that. Curse you Calamity!!!!!!!!

Yep, you did.  ^_^


I don't take that lightly. 


I did give Rae a power, but it was the same cycle she died, so she didn't know she had a kill power till she died.

The greatest irony was that Renee became the thing she fought just moments before she died... but still found a way to help the Reckoners. :D

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