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Night Seven: Decisions, decisions

Hashirama (Deathclutch) was lynched.  He was a Compulsive Liar Rookie.

Night Seven has arrived.  24 hours to see who survives the night. :D

Hashirama (Deathclutch) (3) Ereth (Elbereth), Allen (Araris Valerian), Marr (Mark VI), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo)

Edited by Alvron
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Okay, so unfortunately I can only give items to one person at a time, which is irritating (and I would have found out earlier, except my internet is stupid so the order didn't go through). I gave the duct tape to Araris, because he's a good deal more active than Twei.

So what should happen is that Araris puts the duct tape on Twei, which hopefully Twei will be able to confirm. Thus we know Araris used an action, and Twei could not have. Mark targets someone (doesn't really matter who), so we know he put in an action if we get a note. The only person unconfirmed is me, if I get both components to the raygun and build it. If I only get one component (I haven't heard back yet), then I'll put my duct tape on Araris, and everyone will be confirmed for an action or the inability to make one. Either we stop the eliminator kill and have another chance at the lynch, or we can figure out who's the wrong link in the chain based on the mess that happens.

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Apparently I didn't receive anything. Araris?

Also, I targeted Twei with my action, which is why Alvron was confused. If my action had succeeded, there would have been a four there rather than a three. But apparently my action didn't succeed? For... some reason?

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Right, good. At least that's cleared up.

I'm about to go to bed, and tomorrow I may not be on for the evening portion of the day (so six hours before now to six hours afterward). I'll try to make sure everything's set up in the morning. Night for now!

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So what should happen is that Araris puts the duct tape on Twei, which hopefully Twei will be able to confirm. Thus we know Araris used an action, and Twei could not have. Mark targets someone (doesn't really matter who), so we know he put in an action if we get a note. The only person unconfirmed is me, if I get both components to the raygun and build it. If I only get one component (I haven't heard back yet), then I'll put my duct tape on Araris, and everyone will be confirmed for an action or the inability to make one. Either we stop the eliminator kill and have another chance at the lynch, or we can figure out who's the wrong link in the chain based on the mess that happens.


 If I die, it's Araris hiding his duct tape failure. If Araris dies, it's Elbereth hiding her duct tape failure. If Elbereth dies, it's Mark hiding the absence of a note (I vote he scans Araris and sends the results to Elbereth, for this to work). But I have the choice of targeting anyone, because there's nobody to check the results of my action. I'm fine with this plan, because I know I'm not a traitor, but the rest of you might not feel that way.



There was an Eliminator kill night five, when three of the traitors were already dead, right? Who got Mark's snitch note that cycle?

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Day Eight: And then there were three

Allen (Araris Valerian) was killed.  He was a Strong Willed Demolitionist with Duct Tape.

Day Eight has dawned.  Ready, Vote.

Demolitionist:  You love to see things go boom.  You enjoy it so much that you no longer care if anyone is killed by your explosions.  You have a small supply of explosive caps that you can attach to a scrap.  Once you attach one of your ‘surprises’ you can chose who gets the item.  After a full cycle has passed you can choose to detonate the cap and kill whoever has the item.

Player List:

Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Trusted Rookie Snitch
Deathclutch - Hashirama Rookie Snitch and Compulsive Liar
Elbereth - Ereth
Hellscythe - Avis Strong ???
Adavantos - Michael Durbin ???
Kynedath - Drake Pierce Body Snatcher and Compulsive Liar
Araris Valerian - Allen Strong Willed Demolitionist 
Kipper - Krippe the Krippling Trusted Beggar
IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill Bloodthirsty Smoothtalker
Shallan - Citona Vinid ???
Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti Heavy
Mark VI - Marr
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Braggart Bodyguard
phattemer - Exisa Serial Killer with Secret Bloodties
Elkanah - Neal Compulsive Liar Rookie Snitch and Shadow Leader
Clanky - Clanky ???
TheMightyLopen - Finn Regular Compulsive Liar
twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa
Metacognition - Metrick Beggar and Living Legend
Edited by Alvron
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One: storm it.

Two: Mark.

Okay, so my reasoning for that is as follows:

First off, no one is confirmed as good. I used the duct tape on Araris and Mark sent him the note. But Twei didn't really know what was happening, because most of it happened in our PM without her. As far as she knew, she was getting roleblocked (thank you, Araris). If she were an eliminator, she might not have even bothered to send the order in. And I would guess she'd have placed the order on Mark, since he's a Snitch and therefore the most dangerous to her. Although Araris does make sense too, with his mysterious killing powers. But Mark knew exactly who to kill in order to not confirm anybody, because he was privy to our plans.

There's also Mark's insistence on scanning me and sending it to Araris, even after Twei and I both suggested the other way around. He completely ignored the fact that I was likely a Compulsive Liar and had already been scanned, when neither were necessarily true for Araris.

Twei, you definitely need to vote this cycle, or we lose. No way around that. I don't have any duct tape left (I gave it to Araris, who then had the temerity to go die on me). Mark actually has the components to a ray gun, though that's a moot point by now.

Other thoughts:

Mark, really? Again? I might just write up a betrayal RP for fun, even though I have basically no character this game.

If you turn out to not be Blind, I'm going to laugh my head off.

I got into the airport at effectively one in the morning to find this. I was very unhappy for about half an hour. Then I realized something.

Meta was storming right. On the first cycle. Wh-how-what? So now I'm in a much happier mood, because that's just hilarious.

Okay, don't expect much of me until just before this time tomorrow, because I need to catch up on LG17 pretty badly, and probably MR11 as well to a lesser extent.

Night for now!

Edited by Elbereth
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Hmmmmm..... interesting proposition Elbereth. Didn't think about this situation from the PoV of me being an eliminator.

Let's see.

I agree. Twei didn't know what was really happening. Good point there.

So, if she was an eliminator, she might’ve taken a chance and killed one of us.

But, I'm not suspicious of Twei any longer. Far from it really. I'm suspicious of you, Elbereth.

Twei was confirmed. She'd claimed bodyguard, which concurred with the note I'd sent you.

On the other hand, who's snitched you? I seem to have forgotten (no sarcasm implied).

Anyways, don't forget that the only other person in privy of our PMs was you, Elbereth. I could accuse you of the exact same things that you're accusing me of. Killing Araris so that your action can't be confirmed. Then, blaming it on another player. Sound familiar?

Twei, all of this really depends on you. Please don't let the us down. I'll leave it to you to decide whom you're voting for.

To twei: I'd scanned Maill and sent the note to Burnt. Since Maill died, Burnt didn't post with the results.

Edited by Mark IV
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Who got the note on night five, Mark?


Why plan with Araris when you trusted him the least, Elbereth?

Good question. My reasoning was as follows: I was informed that I couldn't send Duct Tape to two different people at once. So I had to keep one piece, and give the other to someone else. I didn't want to give it to Mark, because he could prove he made an action with his note. So it was either you or Araris. While I did definitely trust you more, I chose to send the Duct Tape to Araris, mainly because he was much more active and available to figure out what we should be doing than you. He could adapt to a changing plan, while I wasn't sure you'd even be on at all. And also, if I gave you the duct tape, you'd have to use that instead of your power, when as we worked it out, you could potentially use it.

Who did you protect, by the way?

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Elbereth: Duct Tape Araris

Araris: (roleblocked)

Mark: Snitch on Elbereth, send to Araris

Twei: Protect ???


Is that accurate for each player's expected Villager actions?


There's also Mark's insistence on scanning me and sending it to Araris, even after Twei and I both suggested the other way around.

Why this way around?


But, I'm not suspicious of Twei any longer. Far from it really. I'm suspicious of you, Elbereth.

Twei was confirmed. She'd claimed bodyguard, which concurred with the note I'd sent you.

Elbereth pointed this out last cycle. Why the change of tune?





But Twei didn't really know what was happening, because most of it happened in our PM without her.

Aside from Araris not actually duct taping me, what was the difference to the thread version?


But Mark knew exactly who to kill in order to not confirm anybody, because he was privy to our plans.

Why did Mark know everything when your plans were with Araris?



Who did you protect, by the way?

I'll hang on to that for now; you'll find out when I place a vote. I did protect someone.


edit: formatting

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Aside from Araris not actually duct taping me, what was the difference to the thread version?

None, except that you also didn't know who Mark was planning to scan, and would presumably have assumed that I was getting scanned because you suggested it and no one contested it. That clears you a little more. Not much, but a little.


Why did Mark know everything when your plans were with Araris?

We were all talking to each other at the same time, so Mark made a PM with all three of us just "so it'll be easier", basically. He didn't actually say that much, although he was the one who asked Alv whether the idea would work (which it didn't, so we had to change it a bit).


I'll hang on to that for now; you'll find out when I place a vote. I did protect someone.

Okay.... I'm not entirely sure what to think of that, but I suppose it doesn't matter all that much.


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Elbereth: Duct Tape Araris

Araris: (roleblocked)

Mark: Snitch on Elbereth, send to Araris

Twei: Protect ???

Is that accurate for each player's expected Villager actions?

Elbereth, on 08 Feb 2016 - 2:28 PM, said:

There's also Mark's insistence on scanning me and sending it to Araris, even after Twei and I both suggested the other way around.

Why this way around?

Mark IV, on 08 Feb 2016 - 5:15 PM, said:

But, I'm not suspicious of Twei any longer. Far from it really. I'm suspicious of you, Elbereth.

Twei was confirmed. She'd claimed bodyguard, which concurred with the note I'd

sent you.

Elbereth pointed this out last cycle. Why the change of tune?

Yes. From what I was told, that was accurate.

I did it that way around because-

1)Araris was cleared in my eyes. I'll tell what later. In a rush right now.

2) Elbereth's scan (now I remember) was actually redirected to araris. So, elbereth wasn't cleared.

3) her insistence to change the plan made me suspicious of her.

And, that brings me to the final part

The sudden change in tune was because I tuned my guitar better. (Jk)

Seriously though. Up until last Cycle, I was suspicious of you, Twei, because Burnt was suspicious. I didn't really have any major suspicions. Seeing as Burnt had guessed Lopen right, I thought her other guess might have been correct.

But, once I saw what happened this cycle, this theory fit. Elbereth was the one who proposed the plan. She almost killed two birds with one stone. Kill Araris in the night and accuse me in the day.

Any other questions? I'll answer after about twelve hours.

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We were all talking to each other at the same time, so Mark made a PM with all three of us just "so it'll be easier", basically. He didn't actually say that much, although he was the one who asked Alv whether the idea would work (which it didn't, so we had to change it a bit).

What didn't work, and what was changed?



The sudden change in tune was because I tuned my guitar better. (Jk)

Seriously though. Up until last Cycle, I was suspicious of you, Twei, because Burnt was suspicious. I didn't really have any major suspicions. Seeing as Burnt had guessed Lopen right, I thought her other guess might have been correct.

But, once I saw what happened this cycle, this theory fit. Elbereth was the one who proposed the plan. She almost killed two birds with one stone. Kill Araris in the night and accuse me in the day.

That doesn't really answer my question. Exactly how did the results of this cycle change your opinion?

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Let me clarify. After the fact that Araris died and Elbereth pounced on me, I realised that the whole plan was laid out by Elbereth. Then, after doing what I had to do (sending a snitch note to araris), something went wrong.

How do I say this..... I'm not really getting what you're not getting.

Previous night-

Mildly suspicious of everyone. More so on Twei (only because I trusted Burnt). Evidence on Twei was more akin to gut feelings (I know, I said I'm anti- gut feelings, but this was based off of burnt's gut, which was true in the case of lopen).

Elbereth proposes a plan. Araris and I agree.



I get up and see Araris dead, despite sending him my note. So, either Twei or Elbereth killed him.

Case 1)

Twei = Evil

Then, she took a chance and sent in a kill, despite knowing that she was being taped (not really though). Sort of unlikely.

Elbereth= Evil

Then, she laid out the plan such that the lynch pin (is that the correct word?) was Araris. Killing Araris would not incriminate her 100%. And, the fact that she was the one who proposed the plan would take suspicion off of her. (Sorry if I'm adding points post by post. I'm just thinking about this all through the day.)

So, out of the two theories, the second one made more sense, and also that the first case had lower probability.

Does that answer your question? If not, could you please ask a more specific question? Like till where you could follow my reasoning. It's a bit hard for me to put down my thoughts into words. That's all.

Edited by Mark IV
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What didn't work, and what was changed?

Originally, Araris was going to duct tape you while I duct taped him. We thought that would work, but it turned out that if we had done that you would still have not been blocked, because my duct tape would block his. So he retracted his order, leaving you free, but not telling you. Does that make sense?

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No. Mark PMed me and told me how to code it in thread if I got a note. I wasn't on until after turnover, so I didn't even know until I got the note.

And that wasn't Night 6. Sorry, I should have clarified in thread (Araris had this problem too). It was Night 3, with this post.

Wait, so nobody got a note from night 6 either?

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