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Night Six: One Kill Wonder

Exisa (phattemer) was lynched.  He was a: Serial Killer with Secret Bloodties.  He had: Duct Tape, Targeting Array, Mirror

Night Six has begun.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the killers strike.  :ph34r:

Vote Tally:
Exisa (phattemer) (3) Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti), Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK), Neal (Elkanah)
Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) (2) Exisa (phattemer), Allen (Araris Valerian)

Edited by Alvron
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Perfect! We only have one or two to go. Let's finish this. does anyone have a crystal?

Edit: also Phattemer, thank you for killing Lopen. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Elkanah
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Yes! I was right! Commence boasting! Woohoo! :D

*clears throat*

Well, with that out of the way, now we get to focus on the mafia. Well, Burnt, I'm getting a mafia read on you, but that's a gut feeling. I'm not particularly fond of those.So as not be seen as hypocritical(and because I want to be a bit more confident), I'll not vote until I have substantial evidence. Be sure though that you'll be on my radar. Not that the counts for much though

Edited by Mark IV
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Day Seven: And a One, and a Two, and a one, two, BOOM
The surviving members of the gang rejoiced.  They had successfully managed to hunt down a killer before he had killed too many of them.  Drinks flowed freely as old friendships began to repair after being almost fully sundered.  Jokes were cracked and toasts made.  Differences were put aside as both Traitor and Loyalist had something to celebrate.
But just as it seemed like everything was going to be fine, all sins forgiven, a series of explosions ripped through the group.  Shrapnel flew in every direction as several people were cut down.
Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) has died.  He was a Bloodthirsty Smoothtalker.  He had Laser Scanner, Battery Pack, UV Scanner
Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti) has died.  She was a Heavy.  She owned UV Scanner, Focusing Crystal, Metal Plate, Copper Wire, Filter, X-ray Chip
Neal (Elkanah) has died.  They were a Compulsive Liar Rookie Snitch and Shadow Leader.  They had Targeting Array, UV Scanner, Laser Scanner
Locke (OrlokTsubodai) has been killed by the GM for inactivity.  They used to be a Braggart Bodyguard.  They had some Copper Wire
Allen (Araris Valerian) was injured in the attack.
Day Seven has begun.  Good luck and happy voting.
Player List:


Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Trusted Rookie Snitch
Deathclutch - Hashirama
Elbereth - Ereth
Hellscythe - Avis Strong ???
Adavantos - Michael Durbin ???
Kynedath - Drake Pierce Body Snatcher and Compulsive Liar
Araris Valerian - Allen
Kipper - Krippe the Krippling Trusted Beggar
IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill Bloodthirsty Smoothtalker
Shallan - Citona Vinid ???
Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti Heavy
Mark VI - Marr
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Braggart Bodyguard
phattemer - Exisa
Elkanah - Neal Compulsive Liar Rookie Snitch and Shadow Leader
Clanky - Clanky ???
TheMightyLopen - Finn Regular Compulsive Liar
twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa
Metacognition - Metrick Beggar and Living Legend
Edited by Alvron
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You know, I have no idea how I failed to kill an eliminator with that... I thought I would get whoever took out Ada... Anyway, apologies to those that are dead, but I would probably do it again, because I had a pretty good shot of taking down the last (since 1/5 of 19 should give us 4) eliminator.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Yeah. I could kill 3 people, and I was reasonably certain/hopefulish that one of them was the person that killed Ada. I didn't know any identities, so it was a bit of a shot in the dark, and it appears that it didn't pay off. Does anyone have a focusing crystal, btw? I have the other two components for a ray gun, but I don't really trust myself with killing people, so ask and it will be given. If one of the villagers can get a ray gun, assuming only 1 eliminator, I don't see how we can lose this.

Also, what is the deal with the mortician? Did we not have one, or are you just waiting to come out, or did I miss it when you died?

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Sorry for not being very active. MR11 is taking up basically all my SE brain time. Does anyone have a player list with the roles we found out before their bodies were snatched?


Since I told Kynedath, who was evil: I'm a Blind Bodyguard, and I believe I was the one who saved Ada the first night.


Araris, why those three?

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Well, my guess is that Araris and the eliminator kill coincided on either Stink or Elkanah.

Hmmm. Araris, what role do you have? Just curious.

Actually, let me state my reason. I suspect you're a Demolitionist based on the writeup. Also, the number of kills fits the name of the role.

And, what alignment did the eliminator who got your snitch note say? He'd said eliminator. So, I'm inclined to believe otherwise.

Edited by Mark IV
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So yeah, I'm a demolitionist. My role basically lets me kill someone every second cycle, and I doubt that the eliminators have one, since that seems like a pretty strong ability. I'll refrain from giving out the details of what it does, since I will probably be able to use my power one more time before the game ends and I don't want the eliminators to know how to deal with it.


As for why those three:

Well, basically, my power lets me target a person, but if they die, then the target randomly moves to one of their killers. I had targeted phatt, Ada and Kipper originally, but all of them died. Since Ada died by an eliminator, I thought that I could get his killer. But either that person had already died or someone redirected my action when I targeted Ada.


So ultimately I was shooting mostly in the dark with a chance to hit the last eliminator. And at least my kills seem to have overlapped with the eliminator kill, so things aren't all bad. A 3-1 game at this point would be pretty bad for us.


I'm going to vote for Deathclutch right now, just so that he comes and posts. We need to be hearing from everybody this cycle, and I should have enough time to go through and do analysis of everyone, which is only 4 people anyways.

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Yeah im going to go ahead and vote for Araris, i feel is the most suspicious...i mean you killed spaghetti who was proven good. What else can i say except either you didn't think your kills through at all or youre EVIL. Either way you are detrimental to the good team. 

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Yeah. I could kill 3 people, and I was reasonably certain/hopefulish that one of them was the person that killed Ada. I didn't know any identities, so it was a bit of a shot in the dark, and it appears that it didn't pay off. Does anyone have a focusing crystal, btw? I have the other two components for a ray gun, but I don't really trust myself with killing people, so ask and it will be given. If one of the villagers can get a ray gun, assuming only 1 eliminator, I don't see how we can lose this.

Also, what is the deal with the mortician? Did we not have one, or are you just waiting to come out, or did I miss it when you died?

I have a focusing crystal! And I do feel comfortable killing other people, given that that was my role for my very first game (and I did quite well, too, particularly when I killed you). I can't promise not to target you this time too, though. :P

I don't think anyone's been bodysnatched before we saw their role except Shallan. So maybe she was the Mortician?

Sorry for not being very active. MR11 is taking up basically all my SE brain time. Does anyone have a player list with the roles we found out before their bodies were snatched?

Since I told Kynedath, who was evil: I'm a Blind Bodyguard, and I believe I was the one who saved Ada the first night.

Araris, why those three?

I got a note from Twei saying that she was a Bodyguard from Mark, so everyone knows.

Deathclutch, go read Araris' posts more carefully. I don't think he meant to kill her. Actually, Deathclutch. You're very suspicious to me right now.

Edited heavily for character. The meaning shouldn't have changed all that much, though. Just a little less elegantly phrased.

Edited by Elbereth
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I just went through the thread a bit, and tried to draw up some conclusions. Firstly, Deathclutch, how have you not been killed by inactivity? Could you please tell us what you have been doing secretly while not participating in the thread? Basically your only connections to anybody in this game are to Kynedath, who was a traitor.


I was feeling like Twei was very much a villager until a point where people brought up she tried to deflect attention from Lopen onto Mailliw. I'm still not sure about this.


Mark, for the most part, I don't have anything too suspicious against except that he failed to vote for Meta after the reveal, but he was willing to vote for Meta during day 1 with not too much evidence.


And Elbereth, well I don't have much of a read here. Lots of involvement, some with eliminators, but I'm a little less suspicious here since Lopen led us to believe that you were some sort of eliminator. If Lopen had turned out to be good then I would be all over you because of that note, but now it doesn't really mean too much.


Can we get a list of all the relevant snitch notes that people here have recieved? I know that I am a Demolitionist, Twei appears to be a bodyguard, Mark is a blind Snitch, so do we have anything on Deathclutch or Elbereth as far as notes, or are you two willing to reveal?

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Rookies have to choose on the first night.

I did reveal. I'm a Strongarm, but I've only used my power once, to remove Lopen's vote on me in order to prove myself.

Deathclutch, you're suspicious because you seem much more desperate than anyone else. And I don't trust Araris. He's almost as suspicious as you, but not quite.

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