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Question 18


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I've been looking through some of the RP's, and they seem like pretty massive constructs, even just per post. What size of comment is reasonable? And how many "I really need someone here but they don't need to stay" characters are allowed? I'm used to the kind of RP where you've got a few people bouncing around maybe single paragraph sized replies, generating a story.

Basically, I'm just pretty confused as to what is expected of each person in a given RP.




Reasonable comment size: Depends on what's going on in a scene at the moment. Usually, a paragraph or two at least is considered a good reply size; but really, all that's needed is to give yoir character's perspective on and response to what just happened.

For characters, players generally create or adopt one or two per thread, though that's by no means a rule. We have some players with far more than that, so it all depends on what you can handle. I'm not sure what you mean by the type of character you described, but it's expected that players have a plan to involve their characters in the main plot and/or a subplot of the thread they join.

Essentially: create a character or adopt an NPC, give them an interesting personality, and develop them as the game goes on.

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Reasonable comment size: Depends on what's going on in a scene at the moment. Usually, a paragraph or two at least is considered a good reply size; but really, all that's needed is to give yoir character's perspective on and response to what just happened.

For characters, players generally create or adopt one or two per thread, though that's by no means a rule. We have some players with far more than that, so it all depends on what you can handle. I'm not sure what you mean by the type of character you described, but it's expected that players have a plan to involve their characters in the main plot and/or a subplot of the thread they join.

Essentially: create a character or adopt an NPC, give them an interesting personality, and develop them as the game goes on.

Thanks! Just one last thing--how much is a person who has joined an RP expected to participate? For example, if I'm only able to send in a post every, say, few hours, would that be reasonable? And would I still likely be able to follow along with what has happened? (that last being based on the average number of posts per hour for each thread)


Thanks again!




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Guys...... I need to know where I can put Shatter Shot


Well, Dalles and Portland are both closed to new Epics.


Astoria is leagues above her power level, which would make it difficult for her to participate in the main story. (Seriously. Just about everyone in there could go toe to toe with Steelheart. Some of them might even win.)


Salem could work. (Think gladiatorial area run by a basically untouchable high Epic/mentalist, with some intrigue plots going on in the background, although not much has happened there of late.)


So could Corvallis. (Think kind of Orwellian utopia for Epics, where all the vanillas were drugged into submission by Euphoria, but now Euphoria has been captured by an Epic by the name of Insight, and in the resulting chaos new Epics are maneuvering to take control.)


Wastelands is also an option, but stuff going on there is kind of complicated, so you'd have to ask Voidus for more info.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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every, say, few hours



:lol: Good one!




You're serious, aren't you? :mellow



Sometimes we go a couple of weeks at a time without a post. Sometimes posts go in a rapid fire, several a day. There's no set speed or quota you have to meet.

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:lol: Good one!




You're serious, aren't you? :mellow



Sometimes we go a couple of weeks at a time without a post. Sometimes posts go in a rapid fire, several a day. There's no set speed or quota you have to meet.



I guess that's what happens when you come from a smaller community. XD And yea, I was serious.


That's a huge relief though!







EDIT: By the smaller com thing, I meant that if it was just a few people, you could do several rapid fire actions without worrying about someone missing out

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Its basically just me worldbuilding with little scenes at the moment :P

but new people are welcome!

And for any newbies who don't know, it is set in Australia two years after Calamity, as opposed to the rest of the RP, set in Oregon ten years after Calamity.

Edited by Blackhoof
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Its basically just me worldbuilding with little scenes at the moment :P

but new people are welcome!

And for any newbies who don't know, it is set in Australia two years after Calamity, as opposed to the rest of the RP, set in Oregon ten years after Calamity.

Just out of curiosity, why are the rest set in Oregon? Why not spread everything around more? Just wondering  :D






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Just out of curiosity, why are the rest set in Oregon? Why not spread everything around more? Just wondering  :D






Because we know the whole state was destroyed at some point so we don't need to worry as much about accidentally breaking canon. Also because the RP started with Twi asking the question of what happened in Oregon.

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Well, Dalles and Portland are both closed to new Epics.


Astoria is leagues above her power level, which would make it difficult for her to participate in the main story. (Seriously. Just about everyone in there could go toe to toe with Steelheart. Some of them might even win.)


Salem could work. (Think gladiatorial area run by a basically untouchable high Epic/mentalist, with some intrigue plots going on in the background, although not much has happened there of late.)


So could Corvallis. (Think kind of Orwellian utopia for Epics, where all the vanillas were drugged into submission by Euphoria, but now Euphoria has been captured by an Epic by the name of Insight, and in the resulting chaos new Epics are maneuvering to take control.)


Wastelands is also an option, but stuff going on there is kind of complicated, so you'd have to ask Voidus for more info.

I think I'll try Corvallis.

Also, is there a specific layout I need to put for my character? Or, do I do my own thing?

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Here's Star Thief sample and backstory

Star Thief was rolling around on her bed, deeply asleep in a terrible nightmare. "No, mommy!" She cried out suddenly and started thrashing more. "No! Please mommy, wake up. Mommy, please mommy. Mommy! Mommy!" Whith that final scream, she woke up. "Mommy?" She asked, sitting up and looking around. "Mommy?" She stared into the darkness of her room trying to find her mom, but couldn't. She sighed and conjured a small 'shiny' that illuminated her room, and reflected off the other shinys she kept. Watches, bracelets, earrings, coins, anything that was shiny were scattered around her room like a magpie's nest. Their reflective surfaces sparkled in the light of her summoned shiny.

The shinyness of the shinys caused her to forget about her bad dream, and she immediately made a dozen more small shinys and caused them to start spinning around the room, lights spilling off of the shiny surfaces, making pretty lights on the walls.

Star Thief hopped out of bed and looked at all of her shinys, trying to decide which one to wear. As she looked, a bright shiny silver necklace caught her eye. Star teleported the necklace into her open hand and put it on. She turned around and looked at her reflection staring back at her from the many shinys. /Today/she thought, /is going to be a good day./

Backstory: When Star was little, 8 years old, an armed robber robed her house when she and her parents were not home. The robber was just about to leave when Star and her parents walked up to the house after taking a walk. The robber got got scared, so he pulled his gun out and shot at the family. One shot grazed her dad's arm and another took her mom in the head and killed her instantly. Her mom fell on top of Star, blood running from her head onto the grass in front of her.

Because of the traumatic matter of her mom's death, Star got PTSD, though it affected her different than most. She never progressed mentally, so she still acts like an eight year-old girl.

Her dad on the other hand, turned to drinking, and eventually died while driving drunk. Star then was given over to the state, but ran away, and lived on the streets were she got her affinity for shinys.

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So, I used to live in Corvallis, and my character seems to fit there, so I was thinking of joining there. I'm just making sure this is okay. Right?

I was wondering how you put the pictures in the post, I can't figure out how to do it.

PM your profile to Comatose, the thread GM, and see what feedback he has before making your first post.

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I hope Corvallis will come back to life soon... if not I will probably write another Summer post, as Argon is still waiting. I'm gonna make her find a kitten, and if you all won't start writing, Drainer will find out about this kitten... do I need to say more? :P

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So, I posted my Epic profile on "Epics of Oregon" but no one has given me feedback, so I'm going to post it here for feedback. I'll edit the other one later. This includes a scene with his powers.


Name: Chasmfiend


Age: 23


Appearance: Has a very angular face, and eyes that are slanted like an elves'. His ears are noticebly pointed, and his hair is stained violet from his beasts, blood. His skin is marbled with violet as well, but is mostly a pale silvery color.


Primary Power: Bestial Creation

    Only able to create an enormously large 18-legged beast that has a nearly impenetrable shell. It has large claws on the front four legs, and it's carapace is spiked all the way down, and has a large emerald in its chest.  If killed, he can summon it again in 15 min. He controls it with mind control, but can only control it.


Secondary Power #1: Earthshattering

    Can cause the earth to split open, creating a very large canyon or chasm large enough for his beast. It takes him a good 15 min. to fully open one. They do not close back up again.


Secondary Power #2: Property Enhancing   

    He can enhance an object's properties, making it harder, sharper, stronger, or such. He can also do this to himself or someone else to make them stronger, faster, or such.                                                                                                                          


Secondary Power #3: Healing

    He heals quickly, and his touch can increase the healing speed of another person.


Weakness: Extreme storms/disasters cause it so his powers don’t work, but Chasms and Enhancements continue. (Example of Extreme Disaster: 7.5 Earthquake, Lvl5 Hurricane, LvlF4 Tornado, etc.)


Outfit: A very large suit of enhanced armor that is nearly unbreakable, and an extremely large enhanced sword that's very light and can cut through nearly anything like its air.


Positive Traits (and Corrupted): Honorable (Completely Negated), Patient (For traps, not lines), Protective (of Himself)


Negative Traits: Pessimistic, Secretive, Ireful (Easily roused to Anger)



Before Calamity, Darren Jarnot (JAR-no) was an starting architect that was trying to build walls and buildings  that could withstand Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and whatever else earth threw at them, so that he might finally feel safe. When he turned, he ended up tearing down his structures, and moved to Oregon, where a lot fewer large storms happen.


Scene for example:


          Chasmfiend was looking at the sunset. It was a nice pink that day, and he could finally stop traveling. His beast was lying down next to him, asleep. He had arrived in southern Oregon, and was a little northwest of the town McDermitt. Not quite to where he was going, but closer. A lot closer.

          He suddenly heard the shot of a gun, and felt his armor get pushed forward. There would be no dent; his armor had never let him down, and probably never would. He got up instantly, looking for the source of the gunshot. There, to the west- on that mountain, He thought. The beast stirred slightly. Wake up, you brute. Chasmfiend told in his mind. Quicker than one would think a creature this large would be able to move, it stood on sixteen small, pointy legs, and four very large, clawed ones. After him. Another gunshot. Tiny splinters of carapace flew from the creatures’ head. It didn’t slow or waver. Not unless it gets shot in the eye, and then it uses smell. The sniper, a normal human by the looks of it, turned to run, and suddenly ran into a large man suited in metal.

          “Y-you! How?” He stammered. Chasmfiend brought his sword up, and slammed it down, but the human rolled to the side first. The sword hit stone, but kept going, until the entire blade was buried. Chasmfiend drew it again. The man had gotten out a pistol, and shot through the faceplate. Chasmfiend picked the man up, and the man saw a glimpse of the horror underneath. His face was silvery, and marbled with purple. The wound had hit his eye, but was closing rapidly. Chasmfiend ripped his head off, and threw the body over the mountain side. The beast found it, and ate it. Come, He commanded. He stretched his arms out, and slowly, as the earth creaked, the ground opened. The beast went first, and he lay by the beast again. Time to finish their rest.

Same comment I've given before. The size of his powers kind of put him over the godzilla threshold, at which point his defenses are a bit lacking. Although, I'll leave judgement of that to Comatose, if you want to send him to Corvallis.

And his weakness is ridiculously far to the side on the "can't be triggered reasonably" scale. I'm also not sure about his enhancements not being negated.


Hmm... remember Hunter?

Yes. I'm going to reactivate him.

He's a crazymonkey gun slinging, explosive happy, stealthy vanilla.

Imagine a happy Jason Todd.(dc universe)

Honestly, for someone that has only joined, I think you have enough characters in the running. So maybe you should first try and get a reasonable pace with what you already have before throwing more characters in.


Here's Star Thief sample and backstory

Star Thief was rolling around on her bed, deeply asleep in a terrible nightmare. "No, mommy!" She cried out suddenly and started thrashing more. "No! Please mommy, wake up. Mommy, please mommy. Mommy! Mommy!" Whith that final scream, she woke up. "Mommy?" She asked, sitting up and looking around. "Mommy?" She stared into the darkness of her room trying to find her mom, but couldn't. She sighed and conjured a small 'shiny' that illuminated her room, and reflected off the other shinys she kept. Watches, bracelets, earrings, coins, anything that was shiny were scattered around her room like a magpie's nest. Their reflective surfaces sparkled in the light of her summoned shiny.

The shinyness of the shinys caused her to forget about her bad dream, and she immediately made a dozen more small shinys and caused them to start spinning around the room, lights spilling off of the shiny surfaces, making pretty lights on the walls.

Star Thief hopped out of bed and looked at all of her shinys, trying to decide which one to wear. As she looked, a bright shiny silver necklace caught her eye. Star teleported the necklace into her open hand and put it on. She turned around and looked at her reflection staring back at her from the many shinys. /Today/she thought, /is going to be a good day./

Backstory: When Star was little, 8 years old, an armed robber robed her house when she and her parents were not home. The robber was just about to leave when Star and her parents walked up to the house after taking a walk. The robber got got scared, so he pulled his gun out and shot at the family. One shot grazed her dad's arm and another took her mom in the head and killed her instantly. Her mom fell on top of Star, blood running from her head onto the grass in front of her.

Because of the traumatic matter of her mom's death, Star got PTSD, though it affected her different than most. She never progressed mentally, so she still acts like an eight year-old girl.

Her dad on the other hand, turned to drinking, and eventually died while driving drunk. Star then was given over to the state, but ran away, and lived on the streets were she got her affinity for shinys.

And then she meet Shiny Sparkle. :mellow::ph34r:


I hope Corvallis will come back to life soon... if not I will probably write another Summer post, as Argon is still waiting. I'm gonna make her find a kitten, and if you all won't start writing, Drainer will find out about this kitten... do I need to say more? :P


Quick Blaze, we need some Buttercup posts to distract him with Argon! I can not see a kitten being harmed, not now. :ph34r: 

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Weakness: Extreme storms/disasters cause it so his powers don’t work, but Chasms and Enhancements continue. (Example of Extreme Disaster: 7.5 Earthquake, Lvl5 Hurricane, LvlF4 Tornado, etc.)


I'm with Edge here. At this point, only an act of nature or an extremely ​powerful Epic could kill him (Khione could probably manage it, if she were in a climate that supported hurricanes or tornadoes, but she lives in and rules Alaska, which is hundreds of miles from the current game) and the connection to trauma isn't clear. Give him a weakness that can, with some luck and engineering, be set off by any average Joe or Jane. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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