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Question 18


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It might surprise you to know that Backtrack started off as a joke too. Specifically, the joke was the idea of creating an entire Epic whose powers and personality all revolved around solving the plot problem we had of needing someone to link Portland with The Dalles. :P

I don't know the precise point at which he lost his dignity, though. :ph34r::P

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Thanks for the info. WHiO history is interesting stuff... :P

Hey, speaking of history and the Dalles, is there any chance of another Koschei backstory post, Twi? Ever since I finished reading the Dalles, I've been itching to know just what went down. :)

Eventually. :ph34r: Once I actually write the next flashback, I'll find a good moment to insert it.

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I don't know the precise point at which he lost his dignity, though. :ph34r::P

"D-dignity? That sounds scary! I bet the Lord of the Silverfish would have killed me if I had any dignity. Thank goodness for... *sees a silverfish* Help! Help! It's one of his spies! Um... I was just telling of your glories, O Great Silvery One."

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Converter is now caught up. What do you guys think, anything wrong with it?


One problem: Rainmaker made the area within the prison as cold as she possibly could.  Insulation doesn't do much if it's cold inside, in fact, they would keep heat out (like a fridge).  Igloos and Quinzees work because your body heats the air, and then the snow insulation keeps that heat from escaping.  However, since Rainmaker is distorting the actual temperature within the prison, any body heat (or other energy) Converter disperses would warm the area slightly for a second, but then it would go back to the temperature Rainmaker set it at.  


The action of the post is basically good.  I'd say just remove the mentions of the warmth and taking heat from the chains.  Assuming Converter can recapture her own body heat at a pretty good rate, she probably wouldn't be freezing too badly, but she might be chilly (up to you to decide how well her powers handle that).  

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So, guys, I have a major change I want to make for Sentry, and I figure I ought to get permission from you guy's. Or, not so much a change, as an addition? Namely, I wanted to give her a sidekick. I tend towards being really wordy, talking and excitable, which... doesn't exactly mesh with the image I want Sentry to have.


So, I was thinking of adding an aide; someone who smiles a lot, is super excited and enthusiasti, and kind of a dork. And also, is Lyra Heartstrings.


Now, you all may say that adding a straight-up pony to the setting doesn't make sense. Allow me to explain my reasoning:

I am playing Sentry's power almost like a CCTV camera. I have been inactive lately because I have a job at a security company, where my job duties involve monitoring CCTV camera's.


Clearly Salem has some reality warping going on, and life is imitating art. Therefore, I wish to exploit this situation to get myself Best Pony.


(Seriously, it might have been the insomnia, but I suddenly realized this morning my job? Is Sentry's job. I was stunned.)

Well it may have been a joke but I am totally fine with a pony Epic. :P

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So, guys, I have a major change I want to make for Sentry, and I figure I ought to get permission from you guy's. Or, not so much a change, as an addition? Namely, I wanted to give her a sidekick. I tend towards being really wordy, talking and excitable, which... doesn't exactly mesh with the image I want Sentry to have.


So, I was thinking of adding an aide; someone who smiles a lot, is super excited and enthusiasti, and kind of a dork. And also, is Lyra Heartstrings.


Now, you all may say that adding a straight-up pony to the setting doesn't make sense. Allow me to explain my reasoning:

I am playing Sentry's power almost like a CCTV camera. I have been inactive lately because I have a job at a security company, where my job duties involve monitoring CCTV camera's.


Clearly Salem has some reality warping going on, and life is imitating art. Therefore, I wish to exploit this situation to get myself Best Pony.


(Seriously, it might have been the insomnia, but I suddenly realized this morning my job? Is Sentry's job. I was stunned.)

Come on! It would be like a cross between Doctor Funtimes, Taylor Swift from the Dalles, and the Panda! You should do it

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Was reading Sentry's profile when suddenly...

All-sight: Sentry is capable of "seeing" (and hearing) through images of herself. The medium of the picture is unimportant; whether it is a photograph, a drawing, a painting, a chalk image etc. She does not need to be responsible for making the image for this effect to work (though she does personally produce a lot of the "motivational" posters for it). Furthermore, the image in question does not need to be of a "minimum" quality; so long as it is intended to represent Sentry, it take's effect.

Does dressing up a pug to look like Sentry work? And if not- would outlining Setry's face on the pugs face work? These are totally important questions... totally.
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Was reading Sentry's profile when suddenly...

Does dressing up a pug to look like Sentry work? And if not- would outlining Setry's face on the pugs face work? These are totally important questions... totally.


You should know one thing about Oregon: 


We take questions about pugs very seriously. :ph34r: 

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One problem: Rainmaker made the area within the prison as cold as she possibly could.  Insulation doesn't do much if it's cold inside, in fact, they would keep heat out (like a fridge).  Igloos and Quinzees work because your body heats the air, and then the snow insulation keeps that heat from escaping.  However, since Rainmaker is distorting the actual temperature within the prison, any body heat (or other energy) Converter disperses would warm the area slightly for a second, but then it would go back to the temperature Rainmaker set it at.  


The action of the post is basically good.  I'd say just remove the mentions of the warmth and taking heat from the chains.  Assuming Converter can recapture her own body heat at a pretty good rate, she probably wouldn't be freezing too badly, but she might be chilly (up to you to decide how well her powers handle that).  

Ok, fixed that, and added just a small little lead in for Star Thief.

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Look how that turned out :P

It turned out absolutely brilliantly. :P


You should know one thing about Oregon: 


We take questions about pugs very seriously. :ph34r:

Who votes for Lyra's introduction post to be her designing a Sentry cosplay for pugs? :ph34r:


If there is a good way for him to join in. He's part of that group of vanillas that we were working on a bit ago that weren't all action heroes, so he spends most of his time trying to avoid stronger epics. He does have an honorable streak though, and will stop people from taking advantage of chaos where he can.

In that case it might be best to come with a refresher on the entire group. :ph34r:

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So, when Converter absorbed all the kinetic energy in the air in her cage to make a thermal barrier, that wouldn't work. It would!d lower the tempature of the air extremely close to absolute zero, which in turn make the air(mostly oxygen and nitrogen) to enter a liquid state, which would the go over her feet and freeze her, and leave no air to breathe, suffocating her before Rainmaker could get to her.

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I might be the least physics-literate person here, but my understanding is that Converter is absorbing the kinetic energy in the air immediately around her, to prevent her own body heat from escaping, which, based on my understanding, would mean that while the air immediately around her would be close to absolute zero, she herself would stay warm?


Wait, I see what you are saying.  Nevermind that above.  The breathing problem and change in air state does seem to be an issue.  Might a better solution be for Converter just to re-absorb her body heat as it escapes?  That seems like it would be within her capabilities and have the desired effect.  

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Didn't we discuss this in detail when we first set up the prison? Does anyone remember which Question that discussion was in?


I don't recall, but now that you mention it I do remember discussing this.  Looking forward, do you think that the re-absorbtion of energy will work, or should Converter be shivering in there.  In terms of plot points it won't change much since she dies no matter what, so this is just more for the sake of maintaining some semblance of reality.  

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I propose that the pony Epic, in order to remain at least somewhat canon, be a shapeshifting a Epic that can only become a pony after the style of MLP. Other powers can of course be added on.

I take no responsibility for this Epic.

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So, when Converter absorbed all the kinetic energy in the air in her cage to make a thermal barrier, that wouldn't work. It would!d lower the tempature of the air extremely close to absolute zero, which in turn make the air(mostly oxygen and nitrogen) to enter a liquid state, which would the go over her feet and freeze her, and leave no air to breathe, suffocating her before Rainmaker could get to her.

In my mind, she is making a thin sheet of air around her. When she stops a rock that is flying towards her, it doesn't instantly go to absolute zero, but it just stops in air. The thin sheet of air would be a really good insulation barrier, therefore enabling Converter not to freeze to death.


I might be the least physics-literate person here, but my understanding is that Converter is absorbing the kinetic energy in the air immediately around her, to prevent her own body heat from escaping, which, based on my understanding, would mean that while the air immediately around her would be close to absolute zero, she herself would stay warm?


Wait, I see what you are saying.  Nevermind that above.  The breathing problem and change in air state does seem to be an issue.  Might a better solution be for Converter just to re-absorb her body heat as it escapes?  That seems like it would be within her capabilities and have the desired effect.  

She can't re absorb her own body heat, because of her limitation, there is a small amount of energy that leaks out, it would be to OP for her to be able to hold all of that energy. 


I don't recall, but now that you mention it I do remember discussing this.  Looking forward, do you think that the re-absorbtion of energy will work, or should Converter be shivering in there.  In terms of plot points it won't change much since she dies no matter what, so this is just more for the sake of maintaining some semblance of reality.  

Reality, who needs that?

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