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Question 18


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Iconoclast would basically be the same, although notably less sadistic. He still tries to bring down society, but takes little pleasure in the "necessary" work that is "for the greater good".

Lady Deathskull would have become a vigilante fighter against the cartels, blaming drugs for her daughter's violent behaviour. She would call herself something more heroic (but vengeful) but still wear the armour for intimidation purposes.

I hesitate to answer for Winterspell and Corpsemaker, but i believe they would have been good people. Winter would become a crime fighter, and CM would probably just remain neutral at home, having little interest in crime fighting.

You know.... That could be an interesting world to RP in. Even without our own characters.

Edited by Blackhoof
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Timeport wouldn't have powers, as he got them much more recently. He'd probably still be trying to be a good person despite his sociopathy.

Reader would be a helpful interrogator for the local police, wherever he was.

Mommy would be essentially the same, though she's be taking care of her own children, not others'.

BusDriver would be a grumpy school bus driver, and would also be the underpaid and only bus provider for the local school district. :P

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Double post with a spoiler-y Calamity-RP question.


Seriously, there's some whoppin' spoilers here.



In the book we learn that in the alternate universe, Calamity came to Earth, gave powers, and then left, and became known as Invocation. The world thus became more of a comic book setting; there were good Epics and there were bad Epics, but the good Epics seemed sufficient to prevent the total breakdown of society. David's dad is this world's Steelheart and fights crime. Firefight is a guy with flame-related powers. Obliteration is still a slontze and trying to burn up the planet.


Question: What would your Epics / characters be like in the Invocation universe?


For me this is mostly a question of "what would your characters be like if they had their powers without the corruption," but it could still be fun. And David's dad proves that some people who were vanillas in the Calamityverse were actually powerful Epics in the Invocationverse.


A few of mine:



Steven Lawrence works for the San Francisco police department using his retrocog powers from a position of helpfulness and maximum safety. Yes, he still calls himself Backtrack here. No, nobody else ever calls him that.


Thomas Cardinal is still a stern and unforgiving professor in Sacramento. He has the same powerset as he has in the Calamityverse, but makes sparing use of it; his house is home to several oddly stiff and vacant-eyed cats and dogs that were one roadkill, but he's never used his powers on a human being nor does he have any wish to. A fossilized raptor bone once went missing at the university, though, and Cardinal's subsequently published several very intriguing papers on dinosaur biology. From his basement. Which you can't search without a warrant. :ph34r:


A criminal known as "Deathwish" has been active in the underworld across the states. He is still a slontze, but uses his powers in a far less flashy way than in the Calamityverse. He's mostly a nighttime drug runner flyer who pulls off the occasional hit. If the authorities catch him, it'll probably be for soliciting.


Aldo the Enigmatic puts on some of the best magic shows in the country, despite totally not being an Epic. :ph34r:


Samantha Trattner is a normal snarky teenager by day and a masked superpowered vigilante who goes by the name "Darkrose" by night. Because this is the mirror universe and why the sparks not.

The Carlisles would be a pair of well-adjusted researchers who quickly discovered the link between fear and Weaknesses, they would consult for various government departments and help in determining ways to take down any particularly dangerous Epics, usually through research though occasionally through use of their abilities.

Bioterror would probably have accidentally killed a few people with his powers then quietly gone to prison and just listened to music all day.

Scribbler would just be a regular girl for the most part, using her powers to pull pranks on her teachers and that's about it. Rumor has it that a certain person at her school had his socks turned into giant leeches but no one thought he didn't deserve it.  :angry: 

Soulcaster would probably be doing exactly the same thing, he doesn't really express much corruption even in the current universe but that's mostly just because he finds actually going out of his way to punish people too annoying. So he'd probably still be holding arena matches for Epics, though now he could just let the existing city government take care of actually ruling. He'd occasionally help out if a particularly bad Epic moved into town but only if absolutely necessary.

The twins are kind of hard to say, MV would be more or less the same as she is currently, Impact would probably be quite a bit more sociable, and obviously wouldn't currently be going on a murder spree.

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Things would be pretty hard for evil Epics, as any traumatic incidents that could provide their weaknesses are easily accessible by amy competent police force or superhero. I suspect (as in the early days) that most Epics would go to great lengths to hide their identities, in order to avoid people connecting them to their pasts.

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Two things. 


First: My sister said that she has been struck by inspiration, so the Bruno and Mollie drawing may have to wait a while. :ph34r: 


Second: On one of the shows I watch, a man was stranded on a ladder. A firefighter asked him if he could jump to safety, and the man replied, "Sure, if I had a Deathwish!" :ph34r: 

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Double post with a spoiler-y Calamity-RP question.


Seriously, there's some whoppin' spoilers here.



In the book we learn that in the alternate universe, Calamity came to Earth, gave powers, and then left, and became known as Invocation. The world thus became more of a comic book setting; there were good Epics and there were bad Epics, but the good Epics seemed sufficient to prevent the total breakdown of society. David's dad is this world's Steelheart and fights crime. Firefight is a guy with flame-related powers. Obliteration is still a slontze and trying to burn up the planet.


Question: What would your Epics / characters be like in the Invocation universe?


For me this is mostly a question of "what would your characters be like if they had their powers without the corruption," but it could still be fun. And David's dad proves that some people who were vanillas in the Calamityverse were actually powerful Epics in the Invocationverse.


A few of mine:



Steven Lawrence works for the San Francisco police department using his retrocog powers from a position of helpfulness and maximum safety. Yes, he still calls himself Backtrack here. No, nobody else ever calls him that.


Thomas Cardinal is still a stern and unforgiving professor in Sacramento. He has the same powerset as he has in the Calamityverse, but makes sparing use of it; his house is home to several oddly stiff and vacant-eyed cats and dogs that were one roadkill, but he's never used his powers on a human being nor does he have any wish to. A fossilized raptor bone once went missing at the university, though, and Cardinal's subsequently published several very intriguing papers on dinosaur biology. From his basement. Which you can't search without a warrant. :ph34r:


A criminal known as "Deathwish" has been active in the underworld across the states. He is still a slontze, but uses his powers in a far less flashy way than in the Calamityverse. He's mostly a nighttime drug runner flyer who pulls off the occasional hit. If the authorities catch him, it'll probably be for soliciting.


Aldo the Enigmatic puts on some of the best magic shows in the country, despite totally not being an Epic. :ph34r:


Samantha Trattner is a normal snarky teenager by day and a masked superpowered vigilante who goes by the name "Darkrose" by night. Because this is the mirror universe and why the sparks not.

Michael, Jeanie and Mary Jäger would be traveling the world. Not only using their powers to fight dangerous villainous Epics but also to cure the sick.


Baxter Game would be living happily with his family.


Liz Tanner would have settled down in a monogamous relationship and founded a family. :P behave pretty much the way she does now, just be less insane about it.


Two things. 


First: My sister said that she has been struck by inspiration, so the Bruno and Mollie drawing may have to wait a while. :ph34r:


Second: On one of the shows I watch, a man was stranded on a ladder. A firefighter asked him if he could jump to safety, and the man replied, "Sure, if I had a Deathwish!" :ph34r:

Wonderful. Make sure I can see it first to call dibs on the Epic creation. :ph34r:  :P 


To be fair, jumping down a building suddenly seems a lot more if the alternative is spending time with Deathwish. :P

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Inhuman would be a college student, a crime fighter by night of the name of AdaptionerAccomodare. He would rarely kill, and mostly stop muggings.

Countdown would be an Anti-Hero, by the name of Nightlife. He would work solo, and probably fight Accomodare at some point.

Retro would work for a video game company, and have unlocked his full powers.


Sunfire would be a despotic warlord.

Empire would be a Military general.

The Seven would be a superhero team, and work against Sunfire.

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Michael, Jeanie and Mary Jäger would be traveling the world. Not only using their powers to fight dangerous villainous Epics but also to cure the sick.


Baxter Game would be living happily with his family.


Liz Tanner would have settled down in a monogamous relationship and founded a family. :P behave pretty much the way she does now, just be less insane about it.



So Dayhound is now canon. I'm not sure how I feel about this. :mellow:

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So Dayhound is now canon. I'm not sure how I feel about this. :mellow:

More like it is parallel to canon. :P


At least the Ship That Must Not Be Named will never be canon. ;)

Which one? I think we have several. :mellow:

Also, could you do something about those spoilery mentions of Epic tech out in the open? :ph34r:

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More like it is parallel to canon. :P


Which one? I think we have several. :mellow:

Also, could you do something about those spoilery mentions of Epic tech out in the open? :ph34r:


Like Megan said, we're two dimensional degrees off of paradise. :P


The one involving Dayhound's opposite and a necromancer. :mellow: 


Done. Did I miss any?

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Like Megan said, we're two dimensional degrees off of paradise. :P


The one involving Dayhound's opposite and a necromancer. :mellow:


Done. Did I miss any?

This is one of those sitautaions where we keep using spoiler tags despite no longer talking about spoilers, isn't it?


Sad but true. :unsure:


Oh, that one. :mellow: Yeah, not happening. :ph34r: 


I think that was all. ;)

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Double post with a spoiler-y Calamity-RP question.


Seriously, there's some whoppin' spoilers here.



In the book we learn that in the alternate universe, Calamity came to Earth, gave powers, and then left, and became known as Invocation. The world thus became more of a comic book setting; there were good Epics and there were bad Epics, but the good Epics seemed sufficient to prevent the total breakdown of society. David's dad is this world's Steelheart and fights crime. Firefight is a guy with flame-related powers. Obliteration is still a slontze and trying to burn up the planet.


Question: What would your Epics / characters be like in the Invocation universe?


For me this is mostly a question of "what would your characters be like if they had their powers without the corruption," but it could still be fun. And David's dad proves that some people who were vanillas in the Calamityverse were actually powerful Epics in the Invocationverse.


A few of mine:



Steven Lawrence works for the San Francisco police department using his retrocog powers from a position of helpfulness and maximum safety. Yes, he still calls himself Backtrack here. No, nobody else ever calls him that.


Thomas Cardinal is still a stern and unforgiving professor in Sacramento. He has the same powerset as he has in the Calamityverse, but makes sparing use of it; his house is home to several oddly stiff and vacant-eyed cats and dogs that were one roadkill, but he's never used his powers on a human being nor does he have any wish to. A fossilized raptor bone once went missing at the university, though, and Cardinal's subsequently published several very intriguing papers on dinosaur biology. From his basement. Which you can't search without a warrant. :ph34r:


A criminal known as "Deathwish" has been active in the underworld across the states. He is still a slontze, but uses his powers in a far less flashy way than in the Calamityverse. He's mostly a nighttime drug runner flyer who pulls off the occasional hit. If the authorities catch him, it'll probably be for soliciting.


Aldo the Enigmatic puts on some of the best magic shows in the country, despite totally not being an Epic. :ph34r:


Samantha Trattner is a normal snarky teenager by day and a masked superpowered vigilante who goes by the name "Darkrose" by night. Because this is the mirror universe and why the sparks not.

Shattershot would, in all honesty, probably be a type of cop. y'know, fighting off people who still decided to be evil (like Obliteration or something).

I think she would enjoy that.

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​They were walking in the woods….

Except not only would Bioterror Labeouf not die if you stabbed him in the kidneys, he'd just eat the knife and use it to make himself stronger. He would also eat the ax you use to try to decapitate him.

You're never safe from Bioterror Labeouf.  :ph34r:

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