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Question 18


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Somebody on reddit posted this alarming parody:


Necromance if you want to!

You can bring your friends to life!

But your friends aren't dead

And if they aren't dead then they're

No friends of mine!


I'm gonna try really hard not to imagine Lightwards singing this as he marches through Portland. :mellow:

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Portland post up! No Safety Dance parody, sadly, but hopefully you'll enjoy it. :P


Voidus: I wrote the Backtrack post with the assumption I think we've talked about before, namely, that MV isn't much more eager to jump out and get swept up in the Empire's business than Backtrack is. Do correct me if I'm wrong.


TwiLyght: if anything about the Unicyclist's actions in this post need changing, don't hesitate but to say the word and I will make the change.


Chouta: you are singlehandedly responsible for me remembering Chicago Joe and deciding to incorporate him back into the story. I lay this upon your head. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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No she's not particularly, plus like Backtrack she's particularly keen to not meet Nighthound anytime soon.

I wonder how Backtrack is going to react to getting to the museum only to find a mad scientist and a sociopathic yandere asking for his blood.  :ph34r:

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No she's not particularly, plus like Backtrack she's particularly keen to not meet Nighthound anytime soon.

I wonder how Backtrack is going to react to getting to the museum only to find a mad scientist and a sociopathic yandere asking for his blood.  :ph34r:



Is your best guess "with terror"? If so, give yourself a pat on the back for correctly judging Backtrack's entire character arc! :P


Calamity spoilers:


So... what's the status of the Carlisles' ability to create motivators? Forgive me if I've missed something in all the spoiler labyrinths that have come before.

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Is your best guess "with terror"? If so, give yourself a pat on the back for correctly judging Backtrack's entire character arc! :P


Calamity spoilers:


So... what's the status of the Carlisles' ability to create motivators? Forgive me if I've missed something in all the spoiler labyrinths that have come before.

You know what? That is exactly what I guessed. :P

Also Calamity spoilers:

I'm inclined to keep it as is unless anyone has issues with it, they'd likely pitch it as a long term strategy, something that would take a few weeks to see results. I might need to change their backstory a bit, perhaps have them have been destroyed pretty quickly after figuring out how to make motivators since it's stated that the government didn't know how to make them.

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Backtrack's arc


*screams in terror as Calamity rises* 

*screams in terror as Epics appear* 

*screams in terror as Calamity makes him an Epic* 

*screams in terror when he realizes he won't have a Rending* 

*screams in terror when he realizes every other Epic in San Francisco will* 

*screams in terror at the Lord of the Silverfish* 

*screams in terror at Lightwards* 

*screams in terror at MV* 

*screams in terror when MV asks him to marry her* 

*screams in terror as they walk down the aisle* 

*screams in terror at his first child* 

*his first child screams back* 

*they scream in terror until MV opens some windows and flees* 


Calamity spoilers 


*Backtrack and child scream together* 

*Calamity hears the screaming*

*Calamity is so annoyed that he can't take it anymore* 

*Calamity leaves forever*

*Epics are decent now* 

*Backtrack continues screaming*

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Backtrack's arc


*screams in terror as Calamity rises* 

*screams in terror as Epics appear* 

*screams in terror as Calamity makes him an Epic* 

*screams in terror when he realizes he won't have a Rending* 

*screams in terror when he realizes every other Epic in San Francisco will* 

*screams in terror at the Lord of the Silverfish* 

*screams in terror at Lightwards* 

*screams in terror at MV* 

*screams in terror when MV asks him to marry her* 

*screams in terror as they walk down the aisle* 

*screams in terror at his first child* 

*his first child screams back* 

*they scream in terror until MV opens some windows and flees* 


Calamity spoilers 


*Backtrack and child scream together* 

*Calamity hears the screaming*

*Calamity is so annoyed that he can't take it anymore* 

*Calamity leaves forever*

*Epics are decent now* 

*Backtrack continues screaming*



Darn it Twi. Everybody else in the house is asleep and I'm genuinely having trouble restraining myself from laughing loudly enough to wake them all up. :lol:

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Darn it Twi. Everybody else in the house is asleep and I'm genuinely having trouble restraining myself from laughing loudly enough to wake them all up. :lol:

Epic inspiration!

Nightowl's Bane

Primary power: Laughter induction

Secondary power: Urinary-gastro alteration

MO: Nightowl's Bane is more of an urban legend than a dictator. Word has it that he travels from city to city, tormenting everyone who stays up at night by causing everyone nearby to be overcome with a sudden urge to giggle very loudly or a need to go to the toilet.

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Epic inspiration!

Nightowl's Bane

Primary power: Laughter induction

Secondary power: Urinary-gastro alteration

MO: Nightowl's Bane is more of an urban legend than a dictator. Word has it that he travels from city to city, tormenting everyone who stays up at night by causing everyone nearby to be overcome with a sudden urge to giggle very loudly or a need to go to the toilet.





And then Nightowl's Bane died.

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Here's my sister's latest flash of inspiration, by the way. (And I told her about Lucentia when I saw it, and she immediately banned all comparisons between Lucentia and this drawing. Anyone who does will forfeit their chance at a free pass. :P




She didn't give me a title.



I'm not competing, but she's really good. :mellow:



By the way, was there anything you wanted changed about the Unicyclist's inclusion in that last post?

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Nashan'Elin, on 22 Feb 2016 - 8:53 PM, said:snapback.png

Well, I've been following this RP for a while, so I decided to try my hand at Epic Creation. 

It's funny, the two places I was most interested in (Portland and the Dalles) are closed to Epics. So maybe I'll make a vanilla later.

Here goes:



Epic Name: Snare

Age: 24



Snare wears a black jacket and pants. He does not wear shoes, or anything on his hands. He has brown hair, grey eyes, and usually has a look of concentration on his face. He's tall, lightly muscled, a little bit unkempt-looking.


Primary Power: Quantum entanglement. Basically, he can touch two objects to "link" them together. Anything that happens to one object will happen to the other, inverted. (Think the reverse fabrials from WoR that Navani uses to lift a platform.) He can use this to stop most things, person or object, by linking them to the ground. Snare can link to one object and hold the link open, allowing him to go somewhere else before linking to the other object. Since weight and momentum factor into his links, it's very hard for him to do anything with large or heavy objects.


Secondary-ish Power: If Snare concentrates reeeeeally hard, he can constantly link and re-link everything touching him to something else. Gives him a very weak PI, he can freeze bullets and other projectiles. He can only keep it up for about 10 seconds, tops.


Background: Jack Woods was a college grad student pre-Calamity, in engineering. He got his powers a couple months after Calamity rose, and his Rending pretty much consisted of pushing heavy things off roofs and using them to slam people into walls. Or straight into the air. Though he hurt a couple dozen people, he only killed two. After his Rending, he left the university, and was last seem at some (as-yet undecided) location in Oregon... 


Scene detailing his powers:

Snare strode into the small town. Night was just starting to fall, and the decrepit buildings surrounding him were just beginning to vanish under the cover of shadow. As he walked, his bare feet making a smack-smack against the packed dirt, he pulled two smooth, round rocks from his pockets and beginning tossing them from hand to hand. Though the street, if it could be called that, had previously held several groups of people, it was now deserted. This little town, Snare couldn't remember the name, knew Epics. And the people knew to get away if they saw anyone who looked too confident, or just different. Snare slowly came to a halt as a door flew open and a short, very muscular man walked out. 

"I assume you're the one in charge of this town?" Snare called, still tossing the rocks back and forth.

"Yes!" the man replied. "I am Beatdown!" He flexed, trying, and failing, to look impressive.

Oh great. Snare thought to himself. Looks like some kind of strength Epic.

"What do you want?" Snare asked.

"This is MY town!" Beatdown yelled. "An' there ain't no Epics passing through my town withou' paying the FEE!" He cracked his knuckles.

This is taking too long. Snare thought. I need to keep going. In response to the man's yells, Snare caught the two rocks he had been tossing, and held them for a second. And then Snare focused, lip curling as he Linked the rocks. Then, he reached out in front of him, and tossed the rock at Beatdown. 

While throwing the other behind him. 

The two linked rocks fed off of each other's inverted momentum, accelerating through the air. One rock thumped onto the dirt road some forty feet behind him. The other smashed into Beatdown's chest with a cracking sound. 

The strength Epic was knocked over, falling onto the road. Then, he stood up and laughed.

"Ha! You puny man, you think that would stop me?" Beatdown taunted.

Looks like increased resilience as well. Hmm.. This could be interesting. 

With a roar, Beatdown began to charge Snare. Snare shifted, moving his weight back a little, and shuffled his foot into the dirt until he felt something. He smiled, linking to the rock he felt embedded there. He held the link, waiting, until Beatdown was almost on top of him. Then, he thrust out his hand, and tapped Beatdown's chest. And closed the link. Beatdown halted abruptly, coughing as the strain of what felt like running straight into a wall crashed into the same spot the rock had hit him, earlier.

"Sounds like you busted up a rib there, pal." Snare said as he walked away from the frozen Epic. Beatdown was pushing, trying to force his way out of the link. He wouldn't be able to. Snare strolled out of town, holding the link in the back of his mind. It got harder the further away he got, but he held it until he was about a half a mile away. Then, he released the link, and continued walking. The strength Epic, if he had any sense, would go back to his pitiful little town. Snare didn't care about him.

He had far bigger plans to think about.


Normally, I'd say put this in the questions thread, but I actually really like what you have here. Not super op, but extremely useful.


How many links can he have at once?

Edited by Weirdpersonx
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Here's my sister's latest flash of inspiration, by the way. (And I told her about Lucentia when I saw it, and she immediately banned all comparisons between Lucentia and this drawing. Anyone who does will forfeit their chance at a free pass. :P




She didn't give me a title.

Another good one, especially given the time it was dran in, also I get to try first. :ph34r: (As a disclaimer, while this power set doesn't spoil Calamity it does take inspiration from things revealed in Calamity. Proceed on your own risk.)


Epic name: Queen of Hearts


Power: The Queen of Hearts can remove a person's physical heart out of their body without killing them. She then turn the heart into a symbol representing a heart to carry it around on her person, for example as a pattern for her dress.

All harm done to her will instead be reflected to one of the non powered people, whose heart she is carrying with her. A heart taken from an Epic will not reflect damage to said Epic, it does however allow her to recreate one power of the Epic she stole the heart from. Using this power will cause great pain for said Epic and inform him of the current position of the Queen of Hearts. Taking an Epics heart does not take away their power from them.


Well, I've been following this RP for a while, so I decided to try my hand at Epic Creation. 

It's funny, the two places I was most interested in (Portland and the Dalles) are closed to Epics. So maybe I'll make a vanilla later.

Here goes:


Epic Name: Snare

Age: 24



Snare wears a black jacket and pants. He does not wear shoes, or anything on his hands. He has brown hair, grey eyes, and usually has a look of concentration on his face. He's tall, lightly muscled, a little bit unkempt-looking.


Primary Power: Quantum entanglement. Basically, he can touch two objects to "link" them together. Anything that happens to one object will happen to the other, inverted. (Think the reverse fabrials from WoR that Navani uses to lift a platform.) He can use this to stop most things, person or object, by linking them to the ground. Snare can link to one object and hold the link open, allowing him to go somewhere else before linking to the other object. Since weight and momentum factor into his links, it's very hard for him to do anything with large or heavy objects.


Secondary-ish Power: If Snare concentrates reeeeeally hard, he can constantly link and re-link everything touching him to something else. Gives him a very weak PI, he can freeze bullets and other projectiles. He can only keep it up for about 10 seconds, tops.


Background: Jack Woods was a college grad student pre-Calamity, in engineering. He got his powers a couple months after Calamity rose, and his Rending pretty much consisted of pushing heavy things off roofs and using them to slam people into walls. Or straight into the air. Though he hurt a couple dozen people, he only killed two. After his Rending, he left the university, and was last seem at some (as-yet undecided) location in Oregon... 


Scene detailing his powers:

Snare strode into the small town. Night was just starting to fall, and the decrepit buildings surrounding him were just beginning to vanish under the cover of shadow. As he walked, his bare feet making a smack-smack against the packed dirt, he pulled two smooth, round rocks from his pockets and beginning tossing them from hand to hand. Though the street, if it could be called that, had previously held several groups of people, it was now deserted. This little town, Snare couldn't remember the name, knew Epics. And the people knew to get away if they saw anyone who looked too confident, or just different. Snare slowly came to a halt as a door flew open and a short, very muscular man walked out. 

"I assume you're the one in charge of this town?" Snare called, still tossing the rocks back and forth.

"Yes!" the man replied. "I am Beatdown!" He flexed, trying, and failing, to look impressive.

Oh great. Snare thought to himself. Looks like some kind of strength Epic.

"What do you want?" Snare asked.

"This is MY town!" Beatdown yelled. "An' there ain't no Epics passing through my town withou' paying the FEE!" He cracked his knuckles.

This is taking too long. Snare thought. I need to keep going. In response to the man's yells, Snare caught the two rocks he had been tossing, and held them for a second. And then Snare focused, lip curling as he Linked the rocks. Then, he reached out in front of him, and tossed the rock at Beatdown. 

While throwing the other behind him. 

The two linked rocks fed off of each other's inverted momentum, accelerating through the air. One rock thumped onto the dirt road some forty feet behind him. The other smashed into Beatdown's chest with a cracking sound. 

The strength Epic was knocked over, falling onto the road. Then, he stood up and laughed.

"Ha! You puny man, you think that would stop me?" Beatdown taunted.

Looks like increased resilience as well. Hmm.. This could be interesting. 

With a roar, Beatdown began to charge Snare. Snare shifted, moving his weight back a little, and shuffled his foot into the dirt until he felt something. He smiled, linking to the rock he felt embedded there. He held the link, waiting, until Beatdown was almost on top of him. Then, he thrust out his hand, and tapped Beatdown's chest. And closed the link. Beatdown halted abruptly, coughing as the strain of what felt like running straight into a wall crashed into the same spot the rock had hit him, earlier.

"Sounds like you busted up a rib there, pal." Snare said as he walked away from the frozen Epic. Beatdown was pushing, trying to force his way out of the link. He wouldn't be able to. Snare strolled out of town, holding the link in the back of his mind. It got harder the further away he got, but he held it until he was about a half a mile away. Then, he released the link, and continued walking. The strength Epic, if he had any sense, would go back to his pitiful little town. Snare didn't care about him.

He had far bigger plans to think about.


I agree that this is an interesting power but I've two questions concerning the display.

The first might seem like a weird question but how did one of those rocks he threw hit the ground without the other one raising up in the air? I also don't think that he could pull of the trick of throwing them into opposite directions to make them "feed of each others momentum" the way the powers are described the rocks always have to move at the same speed, if he throws one rock the other one already has to be moving at the same speed in the other direction. Thus he couldn't throw it as well to add further energy into the system.


Hey, that drawing is a MASTERPIECE. :P I'll just have to settle for writing fanfiction.

Don't worry, that is a very high quality calling you have there. ;)

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Thanks! I was shooting for something sort of in the middle power-wise. He can only have one link at a time, but can open and close them very quickly. 

Cool, just make sure to have that in the original post, just edit it. Love that you're joining in, and hope to see you soon in a WHI_ thread. Just don't forget to ask a GM. :P

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Well, I just finished a Sentry pony? Gonna add her to the sheet, but suddenly realized: I have no idea how to generate a picture of her. 


So instead... here's her pony code.



For those who are curious, the watch is because the whole "law and order, make the trains run on time" thing. I was hoping her expression made her seen condescending, but not sure if it worked.


And the mane... well, I already defined her as blonde. The blue is supposed to represent the inherent instability she has, that while she presents a facade of being very measured and in control, she's probably dealing with a whole lot of stress in her role and are you guys buying this? You shouldn't be.

I added the blue and orange coat because I suddenly realized she is a pony named Sentry. Clearly she is related to Flash somehow.

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Another good one, especially given the time it was dran in, also I get to try first. :ph34r: (As a disclaimer, while this power set doesn't spoil Calamity it does take inspiration from things revealed in Calamity. Proceed on your own risk.)


Epic name: Queen of Hearts


Power: The Queen of Hearts can remove a person's physical heart out of their body without killing them. She then turn the heart into a symbol representing a heart to carry it around on her person, for example as a pattern for her dress.

All harm done to her will instead be reflected to one of the non powered people, whose heart she is carrying with her. A heart taken from an Epic will not reflect damage to said Epic, it does however allow her to recreate one power of the Epic she stole the heart from. Using this power will cause great pain for said Epic and inform him of the current position of the Queen of Hearts. Taking an Epics heart does not take away their power from them.


To quote: 


"That's wicked. I like it." 

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Another good one, especially given the time it was dran in, also I get to try first. :ph34r: (As a disclaimer, while this power set doesn't spoil Calamity it does take inspiration from things revealed in Calamity. Proceed on your own risk.)


Epic name: Queen of Hearts


Power: The Queen of Hearts can remove a person's physical heart out of their body without killing them. She then turn the heart into a symbol representing a heart to carry it around on her person, for example as a pattern for her dress.

All harm done to her will instead be reflected to one of the non powered people, whose heart she is carrying with her. A heart taken from an Epic will not reflect damage to said Epic, it does however allow her to recreate one power of the Epic she stole the heart from. Using this power will cause great pain for said Epic and inform him of the current position of the Queen of Hearts. Taking an Epics heart does not take away their power from them.

Voidus also approves.

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