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Question 18


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She had a question about the Queen, though: "So to defeat her, you'd have to fight her naked?" (Assuming it's the Queen who's nude and Moral Guardian isn't around to add censor bars. :P


Also, Voidus, she sent me this picture and said she'd start on a drawing: 




The adorbs! They're too powerful!

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Well, I just finished a Sentry pony? Gonna add her to the sheet, but suddenly realized: I have no idea how to generate a picture of her. 


So instead... here's her pony code.



For those who are curious, the watch is because the whole "law and order, make the trains run on time" thing. I was hoping her expression made her seen condescending, but not sure if it worked.


And the mane... well, I already defined her as blonde. The blue is supposed to represent the inherent instability she has, that while she presents a facade of being very measured and in control, she's probably dealing with a whole lot of stress in her role and are you guys buying this? You shouldn't be.

I added the blue and orange coat because I suddenly realized she is a pony named Sentry. Clearly she is related to Flash somehow.

Me gusta, el pony!


To quote: 


"That's wicked. I like it." 

That's good to know.

I considered expanding the powerset a bit by giving her a damage absorbtion ability and gifting, to explain why her main power works differently on Epics and vanillas but figured there's no need to get that detailed. :ph34r:


She had a question about the Queen, though: "So to defeat her, you'd have to fight her naked?" (Assuming it's the Queen who's nude and Moral Guardian isn't around to add censor bars. :P


Also, Voidus, she sent me this picture and said she'd start on a drawing: 



*adorbleness overload* :wub:

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So I just realized something Calamity related.

So Epics can only become properly Redeemed by facing their weakness to save someone else right?
Pugs count as someone else.
Everyone with a soul loves pugs and would save them.
Therefore pugs are the solution to all Epic corruption and I have just realized what Funtimes' redemption arc will consist of. :)

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So I just realized something Calamity related.

So Epics can only become properly Redeemed by facing their weakness to save someone else right?

Pugs count as someone else.

Everyone with a soul loves pugs and would save them.

Therefore pugs are the solution to all Epic corruption and I have just realized what Funtimes' redemption arc will consist of. :)

But does a corrupted Epic still have a soul? :ph34r:


Anyway, completely unrelated but with how casually Timeport is treating his own death, it should be fairly simple to get a sample from him for a motivatos, shouldn't it? :ph34r:

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I agree that this is an interesting power but I've two questions concerning the display.

The first might seem like a weird question but how did one of those rocks he threw hit the ground without the other one raising up in the air? I also don't think that he could pull of the trick of throwing them into opposite directions to make them "feed of each others momentum" the way the powers are described the rocks always have to move at the same speed, if he throws one rock the other one already has to be moving at the same speed in the other direction. Thus he couldn't throw it as well to add further energy into the system.


Don't worry, that is a very high quality calling you have there. ;)


What I was sort of aiming for with the feed off momentum thing would be that tossing the two rocks at the same time would create a sort of positive feedback loop. There's a couple problems I noticed with that in the scene, so I'll go edit that

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Been contemplating for half an hour whether I should do an MV or a Neverthere post before I remembered I can put multiple POVs in one post.

This is what happens when Voidus forgets to eat or sleep for 18 hours.  <_<

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It'll still be rationed carefully, one person who by all accounts only managed to pump out a few motivator based techs a year earned enough from it to fully staff a giant underground bunker with drones.

So Epic tech is potentially possible if the story allows for it in a plausible way.

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It'll still be rationed carefully, one person who by all accounts only managed to pump out a few motivator based techs a year earned enough from it to fully staff a giant underground bunker with drones.

So Epic tech is potentially possible if the story allows for it in a plausible way.

so... He can have one if that's all he has?


and he can make others and sell them every few months on black markets to fund his operations. (or not. Would that be too canon breaking?)

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so... He can have one if that's all he has?

and he can make others and sell them every few months on black markets to fund his operations. (or not. Would that be too canon breaking?)

I really feel like we should stay away from motivators in general; and that if one does appear in-game, it should be a pretty big plot point. They're rare in canon, so they should be even more rare out in turf-war-ridden Oregon.

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But does a corrupted Epic still have a soul? :ph34r:

Anyway, completely unrelated but with how casually Timeport is treating his own death, it should be fairly simple to get a sample from him for a motivatos, shouldn't it? :ph34r:

If the Carlsiles want an immortal, hurt, and angry Timeport hunting them down, then yes. :mellow:

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What I was sort of aiming for with the feed off momentum thing would be that tossing the two rocks at the same time would create a sort of positive feedback loop. There's a couple problems I noticed with that in the scene, so I'll go edit that


I'm not sure it would work that way


Because both of them are also losing momentum at the same time- in fact at a greater rate.


Say you throw one rock- its speed and momentum will decrease gradually until it falls and hits the ground.

Now you throw another- the same will happen.

Now, in your head, construct a graph where all the gains/losses in momentum that happen to one translate to the other, and then back again.


You find that they both actually just fall normally. Because they are both losing momentum, not gaining it, so the "what happens to one happens to the other" just results in nothing changing.


NOW, if you attached a rocket to one of them.... that's different.

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If the Carlsiles want an immortal, hurt, and angry Timeport hunting them down, then yes. :mellow:

Well to be fair either of them could kill him pretty easily and once he reincarnates it's just a matter of killing him again every few minutes til he gets bored of trying. Anyway it'd be weeks at the least before they had anything to test so it shouldn't be too hard.

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Been contemplating for half an hour whether I should do an MV or a Neverthere post before I remembered I can put multiple POVs in one post.

This is what happens when Voidus forgets to eat or sleep for 18 hours.  <_<

And we're happily awaiting all of them. :ph34r:


No. <_<

I agree with Cognizan (I miss the time I could just call him chouta :ph34r: ) that reaction was glorious. :lol:


Anyway I think I mentioned in the spoiler thread already and to keep this one as spoiler free as possible I'll mention it there again.


I'm not sure it would work that way


Because both of them are also losing momentum at the same time- in fact at a greater rate.


Say you throw one rock- its speed and momentum will decrease gradually until it falls and hits the ground.

Now you throw another- the same will happen.

Now, in your head, construct a graph where all the gains/losses in momentum that happen to one translate to the other, and then back again.


You find that they both actually just fall normally. Because they are both losing momentum, not gaining it, so the "what happens to one happens to the other" just results in nothing changing.


NOW, if you attached a rocket to one of them.... that's different.

Actually, it's "what happens to one happens in reverse for the other" so things would be a bit wonky around gravity. You're still right that in general the system is only loosing energy but if one is pulled down by gravity then the other will be pushed upwards by that movement. Thus the gravitational pull would cancel each out to a certain extend, one falling downward as if it were lighter than it actually is and one falling upwards until the other one hits the ground. (balancing each other out in the air is possible in theory but actually getting two objects of exactly the same weight would be... difficult)

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And we're happily awaiting all of them. :ph34r:


I agree with Cognizan (I miss the time I could just call him chouta :ph34r: ) that reaction was glorious. :lol:


Anyway I think I mentioned in the spoiler thread already and to keep this one as spoiler free as possible I'll mention it there again.


Actually, it's "what happens to one happens in reverse for the other" so things would be a bit wonky around gravity. You're still right that in general the system is only loosing energy but if one is pulled down by gravity then the other will be pushed upwards by that movement. Thus the gravitational pull would cancel each out to a certain extend, one falling downward as if it were lighter than it actually is and one falling upwards until the other one hits the ground. (balancing each other out in the air is possible in theory but actually getting two objects of exactly the same weight would be... difficult)

I'll be on it soon, I've had a bit of my writing time cut into working on a certain... other piece at the moment.  :ph34r: 

Depends how the links work, if they transmit force instead of momentum then the gravity wouldn't cancel but if it was simply motion that was transferred then any two objects of any size would cancel perfectly (Ignoring air resistance for simplicity)

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I'll be on it soon, I've had a bit of my writing time cut into working on a certain... other piece at the moment.  :ph34r: 

Depends how the links work, if they transmit force instead of momentum then the gravity wouldn't cancel but if it was simply motion that was transferred then any two objects of any size would cancel perfectly (Ignoring air resistance for simplicity)

Oh jeez, you're teasing, take your time though. :ph34r:


That is true, although him talking about weight and momentum factoring into it made me think of it working that way.

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