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Question 18


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Kobold still calls me Chouta. You can do the same. :) For some reason or another, I just got jaded of my old username and felt the need to change it; but if that's what you know me as, feel free to keep on using it. :P

Blackhoof used "Cog", I believe. That's fine too.

Now that I think of it, it's rather funny that I'm seriously talking about how I should be addressed with a forum name :ph34r:.

I keep shortening it to Cogni which automatically transforms into Corgi. So I will now call you Corgi unless you object.
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Kobold still calls me Chouta. You can do the same. :) For some reason or another, I just got jaded of my old username and felt the need to change it; but if that's what you know me as, feel free to keep on using it. :P

Blackhoof used "Cog", I believe. That's fine too.

Now that I think of it, it's rather funny that I'm seriously talking about how I should be addressed with a forum name :ph34r:.



Your forum name, like recapturing escaped Azkaban inmates, is sirius business.

Edited by Kobold King
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What was the correct form for an Epic profile?



Epic Name: 

Real Name (optional): 

Age (optional): 

Primary Power: 

Secondary Power (if existent): 

Tertiary Power (if existent): 

Prime Invincibility (if existent): 


Modus Operandi: 

Weakness (optional*): 


*Although you don't have to post the weakness in public, if it's not posted here, PM it to me and the thread GM.

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Do I get a forum nickname? BB is more of an abbreviation than anything, really. And now I'm feeling slightly left out of the forum loop.

Well I call Kobold King Kobold, Twilyghtsanssparkles Twi and Edgendancer Edge, most nicknames are just shortenings :P

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Is ''things he has owned for a long amount of time" an acceptable weakness?

Nostalgia? Should be.

Calamity spoilers

Now pretty much anything can be a weakness, though I still think that those that have a firm background and logical reason are better for RP purposes.

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