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Question 18


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holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! holy flip! 

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I'm roughly in the middle of calamity.


(calamity spoilers)


when Tavi comes to save the day and David gets shot at by all the people and THAT VERY IMPORTANT PERSON DIES!! AND AND... AND...



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My first post is up in the Salem thread! It's my first big attempt at RP so it probably turned out so-so. I'm just glad I was able to finish it before the Monday.  

Awesome first post, my only feedback would be that you might want to use a few more paragraphs so that it's a bit easier to read, other than that it was great. Welcome to Salem!

In other news I got that Neverthere segment up and hopefully should be able to show that side project sometime in the next day or two.

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I here to approve an Epic for Corvallis. Here he his.

Nane: The Alchemist

Can touch any material and manipulate it, and can be detailed enough to alter it atomically(can change elements into other elements, change the shape of objects, create and dissolve molecular bonds). Can use this to repair stuff, and combine organisms. Can affect material about the size of a 5 story building.

Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns.

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I here to approve an Epic for Corvallis. Here he his.

Nane: The Alchemist

Can touch any material and manipulate it, and can be detailed enough to alter it atomically(can change elements into other elements, change the shape of objects, create and dissolve molecular bonds). Can use this to repair stuff, and combine organisms. Can affect material about the size of a 5 story building.

Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns.

You may want to flesh out your idea a bit more...we do have a full format for new characters.

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What is it? I'm open to any suggestions.

((This quoting Twi))

Epic Name: 

Real Name (optional): 

Age (optional): 

Primary Power: 

Secondary Power (if existent): 

Tertiary Power (if existent): 

Prime Invincibility (if existent): 


Modus Operandi: 

Weakness (optional*): 


*Although you don't have to post the weakness in public, if it's not posted here, PM it to me and the thread GM.


Also, post an example scene where he/she uses their powers in combat.

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What is it? I'm open to any suggestions.

He probably means this.


Epic Name: 

Real Name (optional): 

Age (optional): 

Primary Power: 

Secondary Power (if existent): 

Tertiary Power (if existent): 

Prime Invincibility (if existent): 


Modus Operandi: 

Weakness (optional*): 


*Although you don't have to post the weakness in public, if it's not posted here, PM it to me and the thread GM.

I'd also apreciate some more concrete limitations on how detailed he can get plus altering stuff on an atomic level tends to do much more weird stuff than people realize. :unsure:

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He probably means this.


I'd also apreciate some more concrete limitations on how detailed he can get plus altering stuff on an atomic level tends to do much more weird stuff than people realize. :unsure:

Beat cha! :P

Edited by Weirdpersonx
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I here to approve an Epic for Corvallis. Here he his.

Nane: The Alchemist

Can touch any material and manipulate it, and can be detailed enough to alter it atomically(can change elements into other elements, change the shape of objects, create and dissolve molecular bonds). Can use this to repair stuff, and combine organisms. Can affect material about the size of a 5 story building.

Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns.

Just to nitpick for a second but changing one element to another would be altering it subatomically, on a less nitpicky level that ability allows for the destruction of the entire planet pretty easily. Fission and fusion are not abilities to be given out lightly.

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Quick clarification (since I want to make sure I'm doing this right)

Do I have to PM my new Epic's weakness just to the thread GM, or do I have to send it to Twi as well? In the Rules thread, this question had an and/or on it so I'm not entirely sure.

Both. ((Twi, you do have mine, right?))

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I'm new to the forums and have only found this part of it yesterday, so I have a few questions about.

1. Which of the chats should I put my character onto?

2. What traits are essential to have about my characer (since I already have one in mind)?

3. What important things are there to keep in mind when playing?

4. Is writing skill an important factor in this and should I avoid it if mine isn't great?

Feel free to answer none or all of these questions, but thank you regardless.

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Both. ((Twi, you do have mine, right?))


I do. 


I'm new to the forums and have only found this part of it yesterday, so I have a few questions about.

1. Which of the chats should I put my character onto?

2. What traits are essential to have about my characer (since I already have one in mind)?

3. What important things are there to keep in mind when playing?

4. Is writing skill an important factor in this and should I avoid it if mine isn't great?

Feel free to answer none or all of these questions, but thank you regardless.


Welcome! If you haven't read the Rules and Etiquette and What Is Free-Form Roleplaying? threads yet, they'll give you a basic rundown of what to expect here. Since I'm pretty sure I'll get ninja'd, I'll leave it at that and see if I have anything to add to later posters. ;) 

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I'm new to the forums and have only found this part of it yesterday, so I have a few questions about.

1. Which of the chats should I put my character onto?

2. What traits are essential to have about my characer (since I already have one in mind)?

3. What important things are there to keep in mind when playing?

4. Is writing skill an important factor in this and should I avoid it if mine isn't great?

Feel free to answer none or all of these questions, but thank you regardless.

1. The idea? This one. The actual RP itself goes in whichever 'What happened in' thread you end up joining,, once you post some information about your character we can help find a good setting for them.

2. Whether they're an Epic or a regular human, what their powers are, things like appearance and personality are really helpful to write a consistent character.

3. Don't control other peoples characters is the big one to keep in mind, other than that keep any out of character text to this thread and try to remember that the goal is to create interesting characters and stories, not to 'beat' other characters or players. Backtrack is one of my favorite characters and pretty much every one of his scenes is him just being absolutely terrified of everything.

4. Not at all, it'll come to you over time. I wasn't at all confident in my writing before I started the RP and I'd like to think it's come a long way since then. But if you ever want any advice there are some really awesome writers on here and I'm sure they'd be happy to lend a hand.

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I here to approve an Epic for Corvallis. Here he his.

Nane: The Alchemist

Can touch any material and manipulate it, and can be detailed enough to alter it atomically(can change elements into other elements, change the shape of objects, create and dissolve molecular bonds). Can use this to repair stuff, and combine organisms. Can affect material about the size of a 5 story building.

Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns.



Also, your character would be abloe to turn things permanently to gold, which is canon a power that doesn't exist. (solved by simply preventing him from turning things to gold or a class of elements that includes gold) (ironically and hilariously! :P)

"so you are an alchemist, huh?"

"Indeed I am!"

"turn this steel pipe into gold, please!"

"Uh.... I can't. >.< "



As Voidus said, getting into sub-atomic stuff is.... tricky, to say the least :o


I like the general concept though, we just need to work on some limitations. How about he can simply change the materials of an object from one to another, by touching it, and alter the shape of the material as long as he is touching it, providing that it isn't living or organic? And the change spreads relatively quickly from his points of contact, until it changes the entire object. But the changes reverts back in an hour or so, perhaps?



EDIT: That sounds awesome Cogni! Thanks for that :D

Edited by Blackhoof
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I have two new characters I wanted to introduce in my next post in Corvallis, but they need smoothing out. The first one is an undead epic, the second is a genius epic hunter.

Epic Name: Lich
Real Name: Sceit (Pronounced Syeet- Last Name Unknown)
Age: Unknown

Primary Power:
Can freeze water or water vapor into his hand, and can then manipulate it. He can also move it at high speeds. He can manipulate it in about a 20 ft. radius.

Secondary Power:
He can animate calcium carbonate and control it with his mind. He has animated his own skeleton and strengthened it. His flesh was burned off after that in a fire.

Tertiary Power:
He is able to change matter into calcium phosphate, or bone. This is hard to do, and prefers to simply strengthen and reinforce a person's skeleton.

Prime Invincibility:
When in danger, thick walls of unnatural ice surround him. This ice melts at command, but is harder than almost all metals and can support several tons of pressure.

Usually cloaked in a large black cloak, underneath he is a skeleton with glowing blood-red eyes.

Modus Operandi:
Usually only kills when he is attacked or one of his undead are destroyed. If one is destroyed on purpose by someone else, he will hunt them without rest (literally. He does not require rest or sustainance.)


Name: Kyordu Jarnot
Age: 23

Not really “powers” per say, but he is insanely intelligent. More so than his brother. He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.

White, blue eyes, brown hair, constantly looks like he’s bored and doesn’t care about you or isn’t impressed.

Modus Operandi:
He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.
Currently moving to Corvallis, as he heard his brother is there. Plans to kill him out of Revenge for the rest of their family.

Edited by Chasmfiend
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Not sure how well either of those will work, resurrecting others is explicitly non-canonical, Lightwards already existed by the time that was noticed but I don't know that adding a second necromancer is a good idea. Particularly one that is themselves undead since I'm not entirely sure that's something that's actually possible. Not many Epics have physically altered bodies and in particular becoming undead raises the problem that if he was dead he couldn't use his power to bring himself back.
For the other Motivators are still tricky territory, but especially self-made Epic tech. It's borderline impossible to integrate into canon.

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I have a new epic which I'd like to add to whichever board is best suited for a new addition. Let me know of anything which should be added, and flaws or aspects hold be removed.

Epic Name: Lifebringer

Real Name: Jason Vestri

Age: 27

Appearance: Brown hair, Blue eyes, white, tall. Usually wearing a leather trench coat and gloves.

Primary power: Can, for a brief period, turn living things into nonliving things in a solid or liquid state, and vice versa. The range of this ability is about 5 feet, and he usually must be within 1-2 feet of a person to interact with them or anything on them. Once an object is converted, though, only time will effect the change, not distance from him. The hardness or complexity of an object can greatly decrease the time an object can remained altered (i.e. diamond or muscle can only last for about 5 seconds but vines or rock for several minutes.)

Secondary ability: Can exert simple control over plants, especially those of his creation. Sphere of influence is only about 15 feet on preexisting objects, but up to 150 on those he has created. The purpose of the razor wires he carries with him are to project them at foes as vines, then stab or cut them after turning the vines back.

Passive power: Moderately enhanced cognitive and sensory abilities. His intelligence isn't greatly enchanced, but he can take in more at once, and process sensory indicators faster, leading to quicker reflexes.

Prime invincibility (sort of): Can turn to diamond for several seconds at a time, but his powers are briefly nullified after, and he can't do so again for 3-5 minutes.

Modus Operandi: Befriends whoever is in charge of the city he's in. After gaining trust and achieving a position of moderate authority, he begins working to slowly undermine local authority by playing various weaker epics onto his side.

Personality: Ruthless and somewhat needlessly violent, but lawful. Believes assassination and similar activites to be below him. Doesn't go out of his way to spare innocents, but avoids senseless violence or destruction. Usually very level-headed outside of combat.

Weapons of choice:

Razor wires in back of trench coat, and spike tipped steel cords (about 150 feet long), both of which he converts into vines and fights with. Both are coiled around devices on his arms and coat, which can be mentally activated and reversed via organic manipulation.

Twin sawed shotguns in coat. Both use 12 round heavy slug in an electron-compressed magazine with gravitron kickback reduction. One of them is equipped with a lightweight rocket launcher on the undercarriage.

Wooden sword and knives sheathed to chest, pants, and coat. He carries a sword and about half a dozen knives, which he fights with by turning them into diamond, titanuim, or another durable substance.

Coat, gloves, and all other clothing he wears. All of his clothing can be covered into any nonorganic material, usually steel or diamond. This provides defense, or offense when in a fistfght. The gloves have wooden knuckles and backs, allowing for more selective conversion.

Backstory: After transforming into an epic at the age of 25, he went on a murderous rampage, killing his family and many of his friends. Upon finally leaving the initial phase of violence, he had regrets for what he'd done. His blood lust was still great, but from there on out, he tried to avoid killing innocents senselessly, he still does often if he has a reason for it. He strives for power, but realized that he wouldn't be able to gain it, as he wasn't strong enough of a high epic. Once he had this realization, he went under the prose that he was the emissary of someone far greater than him.

Let me know what you think!

Edited by Bluefingers
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