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Question 18


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And if they were killed with the goal of getting revenge on his brother, then why were their deaths necessary towards that? What is his plan to kill his brother?

His brother has always been stronger than him, and he couldn't help the rest of his family when Chasmfiend turned, so mostly he was proving his own strength to himself. He doubts himself.

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His brother has always been stronger than him, and he couldn't help the rest of his family when Chasmfiend turned, so mostly he was proving his own strength to himself. He doubts himself.

So he decided to essentially commit suicide? Even fighting an ordinary Epic is risky, particularly since it would make you a huge target, taking on a High Epic is just suicidal.

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Anger can make a person do very strange and stupid things. each dead epic decreased his self-doubt, but started creating hubris.

There are other ways for hubris to increase. Skirting the authorities, coming A few steps closer to his goal, treating people as a means to an end...he could become an arrogant man without killing a lot of Epics.

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He planned on killing his brother. He thought he had to kill other epics to do so. His Hubris increases. He kills more epics. He goes for Chasmfiend.

It's the easiest way for him to work, I think.

I think having his hubris increase in other ways as he goes after his brother--and primarily his brother, killing only a few other Epics and only when necessary--would make him a more complex and nuanced character. The other way might be easier, but taking a different direction would have a better and more interesting payoff.

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He planned on killing his brother. He thought he had to kill other epics to do so. His Hubris increases. He kills more epics. He goes for Chasmfiend.


It's the easiest way for him to work, I think.

Increased hubris is generally a very bad trait to have when fighting an Epic, if he's really doing this in some passion filled rampage then managing to kill even one High Epic is all the more baffling.

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He's still a genius. He can analyze things very quickly. And he tends to try to shot from afar, if possible, or lay traps. He's an assassin, not a point man.

Logic and burning anger don't tend to work well together. Particularly not when you throw hubris in too.

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:mellow: Didn't we shut down a character exactly like this a few weeks ago?


Eh. Anyway, having a character's MO as "kill Epics" doesn't really work. I mean... most of the characters in the RP are Epics. They always either mellow out or become obsolete.

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:mellow: Didn't we shut down a character exactly like this a few weeks ago?


Eh. Anyway, having a character's MO as "kill Epics" doesn't really work. I mean... most of the characters in the RP are Epics. They always either mellow out or become obsolete.

Or would be killed very very quickly.  :unsure:

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:mellow: Didn't we shut down a character exactly like this a few weeks ago?


Eh. Anyway, having a character's MO as "kill Epics" doesn't really work. I mean... most of the characters in the RP are Epics. They always either mellow out or become obsolete.

Scadrian...Waffle...Cook. My life is complete. Someone please get me to that much reputation and lock it there.

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Scadrian...Waffle...Cook. My life is complete. Someone please get me to that much reputation and lock it there.

Some day I hope to once more become a Chasmfiend corpse, though currently I'll need to get  nearly 20,000 downvotes. :(

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Scadrian...Waffle...Cook. My life is complete. Someone please get me to that much reputation and lock it there.


Is that where I am now? Neat!


Alright, well does anyone have an idea to really shake things up in Salem? To do in that thread what The Panda did to The Dalles? An invasion wouldn't really work... maybe, like, a murder mystery? Something that everyone can react to, but doesn't completely change up the thread?


Where did the guy who wrote Morpheus go? Did I forget who it was and he's still hanging around? It sounded as if he was pretty excited about getting to night in Salem, but... did he stop getting on?

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Is that where I am now? Neat!


Alright, well does anyone have an idea to really shake things up in Salem? To do in that thread what The Panda did to The Dalles? An invasion wouldn't really work... maybe, like, a murder mystery? Something that everyone can react to, but doesn't completely change up the thread?


Where did the guy who wrote Morpheus go? Did I forget who it was and he's still hanging around? It sounded as if he was pretty excited about getting to night in Salem, but... did he stop getting on?

Well there's a potential coup in the making, might be a while before that comes to fruition though.

I think he resigned, he did from the Wastelands at least. :(

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Also new Epic to go somewhere that I haven't decided yet.

Primary power: Object manifestation, can summon objects up to 200 kg in mass, objects can be of almost any amount of complexity though living matter is impossible.
MO: Enjoys dispensing 'trivia' and torturing people for no particular reason. 'Did you know that if you flay all the skin off of an adult human, it will cause them to profusely bleed and die?'

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Well there's a potential coup in the making, might be a while before that comes to fruition though.


Eh. Coup.  <_<


It's not really all that interesting, honestly. The reason it hasn't come to fruition is that it's sort of ridiculous. Soulcaster is the only reason the city has it so good. Remove him, and the town's garbage. Even if it really did start forming for real, it's too much of a blow to the narrative to actually happen and be good. At best, it's a good source of tension, like the upcoming battle between Corpsemaker and the other two factions in Portland.


What I'm really talking about is something to get the town moving. Our characters can sort of poke around and be angsty about fighting right now, but what they really need is something to... do. I actually sort of like the idea of a contestant getting murdered, then people walking around trying to figure out what's going on meeting each other and having conflict, etc. Salem's narrative (if you can call it that) requires stability, so it can't be something that upsets the town's infastructure, but... well, there should be something. That's my two cents, anyway.

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I decided I will make it a team instead of the one rouge hunter. Please give feedback.


1st member; Leader, Sniper, Tech

Name: Kyordu Jarnot
Age: 23

“Powers” (Skills):
Not really “powers” per say, but he is insanely intelligent. More so than his brother. He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.

White, blue eyes, brown hair, constantly looks like he’s bored and doesn’t care about you or isn’t impressed.

Modus Operandi:
Logically plans out assassinations of epics, usually for proof or revenge.
Currently moving to Corvallis, as he heard his brother is there. Plans to kill him out of Revenge for the rest of their family.


Has killed 5 epics, 4 normal and 1 High.

1st was out of anger.

2nd was to test if he could do it again

3rd was after he recruited another member to prove it was possible

4th was after recruiting another member for the same reasons

5th (High Epic) Was to see if they could bring one down before Chasmfiend


They are NOT Reckoners. In fact, on the last one, he shot a Reckoner in  the leg before the guy could kill the epic.



2nd member; Point Man (NOT Major POV)-

Name: Ulfric (note: sample. will be changed. couldn't decide on a name.)

Age: 30



Strong and very fast, he is trained in martial arts. He joined after his daughter was killed by an epic. He wishes for revenge, like Kyordu, and has nothing to really live for.



He is black, and has a look of constant suspicion about him. Green eyes, black hair.


Modus Operandi:

He mostly follows Kyordu's orders. Wishes to find the black cloaked epic that killed his daughter.
Currently moving to Corvallis, as Kyordu is.



3rd member: Operations/Secondary Tech

Name: Farengar (another name that will be changed)

Age: 17



Recently made lorist, and a fairly skilled engineer. Works with Kyordu to provide tech. Joined because he wanted to learn from Kyordu, but was at first skeptical of the ability to kill epics.


Appearance: Pale White, with black hair and brown eyes. Always looks down, as if ashamed of something.


Modus Operandi:

Runs from behind the lines. Doesn't go outside a lot. Lays low in the base or runs errands when someone has to.

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Definitely an improvement, pretty darn good. Each Epic killed with a purpose.

I recommend fleshing out the High Epic killed, including how it was killed, how the weakness was obtained, and who it was.

Edit: that said, I still think that you should do more with Chasmfiend before introducing any more characters.




Eh. Coup.   <_<


It's not really all that interesting, honestly. The reason it hasn't come to fruition is that it's sort of ridiculous. Soulcaster is the only reason the city has it so good. Remove him, and the town's garbage. Even if it really did start forming for real, it's too much of a blow to the narrative to actually happen and be good. At best, it's a good source of tension, like the upcoming battle between Corpsemaker and the other two factions in Portland.


What I'm really talking about is something to get the town moving. Our characters can sort of poke around and be angsty about fighting right now, but what they really need is something to... do. I actually sort of like the idea of a contestant getting murdered, then people walking around trying to figure out what's going on meeting each other and having conflict, etc. Salem's narrative (if you can call it that) requires stability, so it can't be something that upsets the town's infastructure, but... well, there should be something. That's my two cents, anyway.


oooh i like that idea. it makes sense!


What if someone powerful and influential like Showstopper turned up dead? that would really shake things up.

Edited by Blackhoof
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The first alternative is adoption. Throughout the course of the RP, some players have come and gone, leaving abandoned characters and plotlines in their wake. By picking up where their former writers left off, you make a massive contribution to the RP by breathing new life into dead Epics, reweaving loose plot threads, and keeping WHiO as close to canon as possible. However, adoption doesn't just help the RP as a whole; it can be a boon to you. The characters left behind are hardly dull, and adopting Epics such as them would likely be a fun endeavor. Your options include:

  • Candyflame, the vapid sugarmancer who can burn someone's face off with a bottle of syrup
  • Event Horizon, the black hole slinging servant of the crime lord Quicksilver
  • Chef, the one and only ravioli-controlling Epic
  • Blackwave and the Tidebreaker's mighty crew, terrors of the Oregonian seas
  • Ozymandias, the hyperactive sandal-wearing Epic with a bad habit of disintegrating everything around him

…and many more! 


Is Candyflame up for adoption? If so, could I adopt her?

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So much stuff... all while I was asleep... anyway, let's hope I don't forget anything. :ph34r:

I wrote out a thing regarding adoption and human characters for newcomers to read. if you guys give your input, I could refine it.


Hello, newcomers to the fun-filled and mildly mad Reckoners RPG! You've likely come here with the intent of creating your own totally radical Epic character. This is, of course, the most obvious way to participate in the Oregonverse. However, there are alternatives to this— alternatives that can be just as rewarding as creating one's own Epic character.  ;)


The first alternative is adoption. Throughout the course of the RP, some players have come and gone, leaving abandoned characters and plotlines in their wake. By picking up where their former writers left off, you make a massive contribution to the RP by breathing new life into dead Epics, reweaving loose plot threads, and keeping WHiO as close to canon as possible. However, adoption doesn't just help the RP as a whole; it can be a boon to you. The characters left behind are hardly dull, and adopting Epics such as them would likely be a fun endeavor. Your options include:

  • Candyflame, the vapid sugarmancer who can burn someone's face off with a bottle of syrup
  • Event Horizon, the black hole slinging servant of the crime lord Quicksilver
  • Chef, the one and only ravioli-controlling Epic
  • Blackwave and the Tidebreaker's mighty crew, terrors of the Oregonian seas
  • Ozymandias, the hyperactive sandal-wearing Epic with a bad habit of disintegrating everything around him

…and many more! However, if you're dead set on making your own character, an Epic isn't the only option. The humans of the Oregonverse live interesting lives— lives that are certainly worth writing about. Your character could be:

  • a citizen of Thoughttown, the "utopia" for the intelligent ruled over by the illusory Epic Altermind
  • a vendor selling snacks to Epic gladiators before they enter Soulcaster's arena
  • a homeless man on the streets of Portland, trying to scrape out a living in a city defined by endless turf wars
  • a disgruntled servant of a pampered Corvallis Epic, motivated to kill her master due to Euphoria's absence
  • a gun-toting, panda-shooting, grenade-slinging soldier of the Dalles City Guard

…or whatever the sparks you want! The point is, there are other awesome ways to participate in this awesome collaborative storytelling experience. Before you race to the latest Question thread, dead-set on incorporating your new Epic into a game thread, consider your options. They're just as fun.  :D


After I edit, I plan on posting this, so that y'all senior RPers can direct newcomers to it. Does that sound good to you? 

You are wonderful.


I have two new characters I wanted to introduce in my next post in Corvallis, but they need smoothing out. The first one is an undead epic, the second is a genius epic hunter.

Epic Name: Lich
Real Name: Sceit (Pronounced Syeet- Last Name Unknown)
Age: Unknown

Primary Power:
Can freeze water or water vapor into his hand, and can then manipulate it. He can also move it at high speeds. He can manipulate it in about a 20 ft. radius.

Secondary Power:
He can animate calcium carbonate and control it with his mind. He has animated his own skeleton and strengthened it. His flesh was burned off after that in a fire.

Tertiary Power:
He is able to change matter into calcium phosphate, or bone. This is hard to do, and prefers to simply strengthen and reinforce a person's skeleton.

Prime Invincibility:
When in danger, thick walls of unnatural ice surround him. This ice melts at command, but is harder than almost all metals and can support several tons of pressure.

Usually cloaked in a large black cloak, underneath he is a skeleton with glowing blood-red eyes.

Modus Operandi:
Usually only kills when he is attacked or one of his undead are destroyed. If one is destroyed on purpose by someone else, he will hunt them without rest (literally. He does not require rest or sustainance.)


Name: Kyordu Jarnot
Age: 23

Not really “powers” per say, but he is insanely intelligent. More so than his brother. He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.

White, blue eyes, brown hair, constantly looks like he’s bored and doesn’t care about you or isn’t impressed.

Modus Operandi:
He tends to move from one small town to the next, killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out.
Currently moving to Corvallis, as he heard his brother is there. Plans to kill him out of Revenge for the rest of their family.

I got the pretty clear impression from the books that things such as old age ect are still fatal to even the most powerful of high Epics, so I don't think the self animated skeleton deal flies. Plus, it'd put him pretty squarely into double PI territory.


Okay, so I'm aware that this guy got reworked already but what does this part mean?


killing the weakest epics and then wiping the rest of them out

Does he just shoot the local Curevball in the head and then somehow blow everything else up or what?


I'd also eco Blackhoof on doing a bit more with your first character before introducing even more.

I have a new epic which I'd like to add to whichever board is best suited for a new addition. Let me know of anything which should be added, and flaws or aspects hold be removed.

Epic Name: Lifebringer
Real Name: Jason Marsden
Age: 33
Appearance: Brown hair, Blue eyes, white, tall. Usually wearing a leather trench coat and gloves.

Primary power: Can, for a brief period, turn living things into nonliving things in a solid or liquid state, and vice versa. The range of this ability is about 5 feet, and he usually must be within 1-2 feet of a person to interact with them or anything on them. Once an object is converted, though, only time will effect the change, not distance from him. The hardness or complexity of an object can greatly decrease the time an object can remained altered (i.e. diamond or muscle can only last for about 5 seconds but vines or rock for over a minute.)

Secondary ability: Can exert simple control over plants, especially those of his creation. Sphere of influence is only about 15 feet on preexisting objects, but up to 150 on those he has created. The purpose of the razor wires he carries with him aRE to essentially project them at foes as vines, then stab or cut them after turning the vines back.

Passive power: Moderately enhanced cognitive and sensory abilities. His intelligence isn't greatly enchanced, but he can take in more at once, and process sensory indicators faster, leading to quicker reflexes.

Prime invincibility: Can turn to diamond for several seconds at a time, but his powers are briefly nullified after, and he can't do so again for 3-5 minutes.

Modus Operandi: Befriends a local warlord, and works his way up in the ranks as a hitman, only to turn on him later by convincing the warlord's goons to side with him under the prose that he's working for a powerful high epic (he may be)

Personality: Ruthless and somewhat needlessly violent, but lawful. Believes assassination and the murder of innocents to be below him.

Weapons of choice: Razor wires in back of coat, and spiked steel wires in sleeves (about 100 feet), shotgun and uzi for humans, and a wooden sword which he morphs to steel or diamond when fighting. Also frequently morphs his clothing into metAL or diamond to block bullets and blades when fighting.

Backstory: After transforming into an epic at the age of 25, he went on a murderous rampage, killing his family and many of his friends. Upon finally leaving the initial phase of violence, he had regrets for what he'd done. His blood list was still great, but from there on out, he tried to avoid killing innocents senselessly, he still does often if he has a reason for it. He strives for power, but realized that he wouldn't be able to gain it, as he wasn't strong enough of a high epic. Once he had this realization, he went under the prose that he was the emissary of someone far greater than him.

Let me know what you think!

On the PI, does that work automatically?

On the MO, did he do that before already? Because pulling a stunt like that even once would give him a reputation.

On something more general, mind writing a segment of him using his powers in combat?


Are people waiting on me? Statistically they probably are, but I seem to vaguely remember waiting on a Taylor post. How far behind the times am I?

Not on the bus chase at least, Fatebreaker is up in the air battle and either Mailliw or Aonar are on the ground.



oooh i like that idea. it makes sense!


What if someone powerful and influential like Showstopper turned up dead? that would really shake things up.


The biggest shake up would probably be Soulcaster dying but that may shake up things a bit too much. Apart from that, starting the murder mystery with Epics of people that left may be a way to get things moving without hurting anyone active. :ph34r:


Is Candyflame up for adoption? If so, could I adopt her?

Oh yes absolutely. Feel free joining Portland as the person that was last seen "decorating" the MONA with sugar. :ph34r: (or whatever you prefer on that front)

Edited by Edgedancer
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