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Question 18


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That lasted all of about two seconds, as gunfire ripped up the stairwell towards me. I guess this meant they had cameras. I whipped my butterfly swords, Mors and Thanatos, and deflected quite a few of the bullets.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, what? You just stepped right outside the realm of the physical possible. I also get the feeling that reckoners would have the good sense to keep smoke grnades around to deal with this guy. (No really, since when did slaughtering a group of reckoners in the intro post become a thing?)

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yeah we can't have groups of reckoners appearing all over the place, that isn't how they work.


Para, your intro posts were really great, but two issues are the minor deflecting bullets thing (when I do not believe Falchion has a power for that) and the inclusion of reckoners. Perhaps just retcon it into being a gang of criminals or something.

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So no actual reckoners? I know that there are a bunch of different reckoner cells around, and I tried not to give names, but absolutely no reckoners? I could make it criminals, but it doesn't make as much sense to have him go out and destroy a bunch of criminals. But if you guys don't want reckoners, I can go back and change that.


On the subject of deflecting bullets, it's not like he's slicing through them, he's just seeing where the gun is pointing, and putting the flat of his blade there, deflecting the bullets off to the side. He's not doing anything impossible, just something very cool/dangerous.

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So no actual reckoners? I know that there are a bunch of different reckoner cells around, and I tried not to give names, but absolutely no reckoners? I could make it criminals, but it doesn't make as much sense to have him go out and destroy a bunch of criminals. But if you guys don't want reckoners, I can go back and change that.


On the subject of deflecting bullets, it's not like he's slicing through them, he's just seeing where the gun is pointing, and putting the flat of his blade there, deflecting the bullets off to the side. He's not doing anything impossible, just something very cool/dangerous.


The only thing about Reckoners is that for one, they don't exactly seem to be widespread, so we kind of bent canon having a cell in Portland already; and they're also supposed to be super secretive and good at what they do, so an Epic finding and slaughtering them doesn't seem likely. It only worked for Timeport/Seth because he'd been a member before getting his powers, and he had the element of surprise on his side. Even then, a few got away. 

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So no actual reckoners? I know that there are a bunch of different reckoner cells around, and I tried not to give names, but absolutely no reckoners? I could make it criminals, but it doesn't make as much sense to have him go out and destroy a bunch of criminals. But if you guys don't want reckoners, I can go back and change that.


On the subject of deflecting bullets, it's not like he's slicing through them, he's just seeing where the gun is pointing, and putting the flat of his blade there, deflecting the bullets off to the side. He's not doing anything impossible, just something very cool/dangerous.

No reckoners as canon fodder at the very least. With proper build up ect. maybe but absolutely not like this.


Ignoring for a moment the amount of presicion and speed required for that, as well as the actual impact of the shoot nudging the bullet so it doesn't travel in a 100% straight line from where the gun is pointed at, do you know what a bullet woud do to the knives blade and his hand/wrists by force of impact alone? Let's just say neither of them would remain undamaged and that's when using only modern day handguns. Now imagine them using future tech rifles and who knows what.

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No reckoners as canon fodder at the very least. With proper build up ect. maybe but absolutely not like this.


Ignoring for a moment the amount of presicion and speed required for that, as well as the actual impact of the shoot nudging the bullet so it doesn't travel in a 100% straight line from where the gun is pointed at, do you know what a bullet woud do to the knives blade and his hand/wrists by force of impact alone? Let's just say neither of them would remain undamaged and that's when using only modern day handguns. Now imagine them using future tech rifles and who knows what.

Actually regarding the bullets the wrist wouldn't be damaged probably, because if the blade would hurt it would go to the void.
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True, but I still think he might be able to pull it off. I did include in the post something stating he had trained to be able to do it, but is it still just too unrealistic?

Yup, utterly so.


Actually regarding the bullets the wrist wouldn't be damaged probably, because if the blade would hurt it would go to the void.

Kind of depends on how is deals with self inflicted injury but fair point. He'd still loose the knife though.

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I see it as:




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But at a much less drastic angle. He's deflecting it, not blocking it, which seriously reduces said "force."


Edit: Actually looked it up, and it's pretty much universally agreed that it is possible, but normal humans don't have the reflexes for it. He's not a normal human though, so does it still pass, or no?

Edited by Bridge Boy
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I see it as:




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But at a much less drastic angle. He's deflecting it, not blocking it, which seriously reduces said "force."


Edit: Actually looked it up, and it's pretty much universally agreed that it is possible, but normal humans don't have the reflexes for it. He's not a normal human though, so does it still pass, or no?


No, because reflexes/speed are not a part of his powerset. If they were, that's one thing, but simply being an Epic doesn't (at least as far as I know) make one vastly more physically capable than the average person. 

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So far I don't think so yet. Anyone interested?


I see it as:




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But at a much less drastic angle. He's deflecting it, not blocking it, which seriously reduces said "force."


Edit: Actually looked it up, and it's pretty much universally agreed that it is possible, but normal humans don't have the reflexes for it. He's not a normal human though, so does it still pass, or no?

Pretty sure that's with more durable weapons than butterfly knives and relatively low caliber bullets, not futuristic rifles like the Reckoners should be using (at least if you want any reasonable chance for the knife to survive the impact) but anyway, given that he has no enhanced reflexes what so ever, him being an Epic changes absolutely nothing on that front on its own.

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So just undo that part then? I wanted the post to be showcasing how skilled he is, and I figured deflecting bullets would show a good portion of it, as well as hoping he could do it later. I'd rather not delete an entire section of my writing, but I will if I need to.

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I think there was some confusion about the Dalles situation? Am I at all to blame for any of it? Do I need to clarify anything? And by clarify I mean make stuff up until people are satisfied. :P


I think the biggest concern people had was the Quicksilver post, how it impacted everything, whether it was godmodding, etc. 

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I think the biggest concern people had was the Quicksilver post, how it impacted everything, whether it was godmodding, etc. 



Gotcha. For the record I approved it before he posted it, so Fatebreaker was acting with official sanction.

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So just undo that part then? I wanted the post to be showcasing how skilled he is, and I figured deflecting bullets would show a good portion of it, as well as hoping he could do it later. I'd rather not delete an entire section of my writing, but I will if I need to.

I think just delete the bit where he deflects bullets, and change the Reckoners to something else. Maybe they are soldiers working for an Epic that hates Falchion and CF.

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I see it as:




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But at a much less drastic angle. He's deflecting it, not blocking it, which seriously reduces said "force."


Edit: Actually looked it up, and it's pretty much universally agreed that it is possible, but normal humans don't have the reflexes for it. He's not a normal human though, so does it still pass, or no?

I doubt it's agreed that it's possible in a practical situation. Maybe in a very carefully controlled scenario where the gun is carefully aimed and calibrated and the sword is placed in its path, not with unknown guns in an unknown setting and deflecting several at once (Which is basically impossible)

The problem is that it's impossible to perfectly predict the path of a bullet, actual marksmen who are literally holding the gun don't always hit dead on where they're aiming, to be able to briefly glance at a gun and do so and move in time to deflect is quite frankly insane.

I get that you're trying to make a cool character here but you need to keep it in the bounds of realism, swords are already cool, killing a bunch of people with swords is awesome, you don't need to turn him into a jedi.

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Gotcha. For the record I approved it before he posted it, so Fatebreaker was acting with official sanction.

To be fair, your sanction alone has fairly little to do with Edgerunner making the ground slick, then pulling Frostfire over it to gather momentum and finally him carefully transfering that momentum into a rocket, so Quicksilver ends up killing himself with one of those missle stunts or into quicksilver himself, to knock him away from his metal pillair and letting him drop.

Apart from that I think where the confusion actually comes from is mostly no one being sure who's next in the bus chase, which looking back on the last Frostfire post should probably be Mailliw, and as a consequence of that wheter they'll actually keep bothering with the bus or if they would have used that time to do something about Quicksilver.

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hey I'm pretty new here is there really any storyline behind Salem? No one seems to take much interest in the city itself, except maybe mouldbreaker and sentry. since soul asters sort of leaving the city alone is the idea to start turf wars?

Not yet, but something like that is slowly getting introduced. More a coup than a turf war though.

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