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Question 18


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What if with Vondra sending her away now there comes a Shiny and distracts her with a squid? :ph34r:

Between that and Baxter she could probably be calmed down but I sense a serious dispute between her and Arsenal later, which is likely going to have serious consequences whatever happens.

Will Lucy Lockser become the benevolent saint of the Dalles, redeemed Epic and helper of the people? Aided by her trusty sidekick Lord Dupin, who became so popular that it is not an uncommon expression to wish someone well by saying 'may you by touched by his squishy appendages'?

Or will she become Scribbler: Assasin of Epics and scourge of the Dalles, letting the innocents of the city suffer so long as she can purge Epics from the city one by one, helped by her second in command Lord Dupin whose fearsome visage inspires such terror in all that meet him that his very existence becomes a curse. 'By Dupins inksac!'?

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I doubt it's agreed that it's possible in a practical situation. Maybe in a very carefully controlled scenario where the gun is carefully aimed and calibrated and the sword is placed in its path, not with unknown guns in an unknown setting and deflecting several at once (Which is basically impossible)

The problem is that it's impossible to perfectly predict the path of a bullet, actual marksmen who are literally holding the gun don't always hit dead on where they're aiming, to be able to briefly glance at a gun and do so and move in time to deflect is quite frankly insane.

I get that you're trying to make a cool character here but you need to keep it in the bounds of realism, swords are already cool, killing a bunch of people with swords is awesome, you don't need to turn him into a jedi.

That's why it's agreed it's not usable in a practical situation. People agree that if the bullet and the sword are stationary, so in a perfect environment, then yeah, it totally possible to deflect bullets. But in the middle of battle, locating where the bullets heading, move the sword there in time to reflect it, then rinse and repeat for the other 20 bullets headed for him? That's what they say isn't feasible.


So yeah, I'll probably go back and remove the deflecting bullets part, and I already fixed it so that they aren't reckoners anymore.


The other thing of the post is an epic idea who can control the oscillation of air molecules within about a meter of himself. So he could have them oscillate like crazy to create a super sharp sword he's holding, (actual hilt, air blade.) or freeze the oscillation to create barriers or platforms. Just an idea that I think could create a crazy powerful epic. No PI though, besides the barriers, so he's weak to ambushes.

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So yeah, I'll probably go back and remove the deflecting bullets part, and I already fixed it so that they aren't reckoners anymore.

The other thing of the post is an epic idea who can control the oscillation of air molecules within about a meter of himself. So he could have them oscillate like crazy to create a super sharp sword he's holding, (actual hilt, air blade.) or freeze the oscillation to create barriers or platforms. Just an idea that I think could create a crazy powerful epic. No PI though, besides the barriers, so he's weak to ambushes.

Good :)

ooh sounds cool. Similar to some momentum-influencing Epics we have where we decided that they could freeze air around them to make a shield.

Edited by Blackhoof
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Twi approves of this secret project, Voidus. :D

So there will be more in the future with updates on what's happened in the RP, etc. I'll probably seek a lot more help with those ones, I just wanted this to be a bit of a surprise :P

Coma might be doing some of the RP updates too, so I look forward to a lot more collaborating in future. :D

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To be fair, your sanction alone has fairly little to do with Edgerunner making the ground slick, then pulling Frostfire over it to gather momentum and finally him carefully transfering that momentum into a rocket, so Quicksilver ends up killing himself with one of those missle stunts or into quicksilver himself, to knock him away from his metal pillair and letting him drop.

Apart from that I think where the confusion actually comes from is mostly no one being sure who's next in the bus chase, which looking back on the last Frostfire post should probably be Mailliw, and as a consequence of that wheter they'll actually keep bothering with the bus or if they would have used that time to do something about Quicksilver.


I think that's where I thought it was at too.  


So there will be more in the future with updates on what's happened in the RP, etc. I'll probably seek a lot more help with those ones, I just wanted this to be a bit of a surprise :P

Coma might be doing some of the RP updates too, so I look forward to a lot more collaborating in future. :D


:)  Nice summaries!

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Good :)

ooh sounds cool. Similar to some momentum-influencing Epics we have where we decided that they could freeze air around them to make a shield.

My only problem with him is that he would be insanely OP. INSANELY. He could start fires by rubbing molecules together in a small area, make something impossibly sharp by vibrating molecules in a large area, freeze water at will or evaporate it, and create force fields. Sure, his abilities only work in a nearby area, but I still think he might be a bit too strong. No PI, range of a meter, and no physical enhancements or training, and he might be balanced.

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