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Question 18


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Weeeeeeeell...where is Drainer ATM? ThunderSpear is currently just wandering.


Also, Comatose, do you know of anyone else who ThunderSpear could steal from/jobs that rainmaker would give him?


He's still in his house, probably reporting the theft to authorities, as he himself isn't well suited to track or fight any Epic. Also, time in Corvallis moves pretty slow, so he didn't really have time to do much.

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RE Converter discussion: Converter's powers allow her to be an adiabatic body. She has perfect control over energy, which is the only reason this is possible. Therefore, she is simply keeping all of her energy to herself, and not letting any escape. This would not cause the air around to cool any further than Rainmaker has made it, meaning the Oxygen and Nitrogen would not freeze. In addition, this means that Converter's energy isn't escaping, and so her body temperature would not drop, so she herself would also not freeze. In fact, she shouldn't even feel cold, period, unless she waited to start conserving her energy until after she got cold, in which case she'll be in a perpetually cold state until she absorbs more energy.


For those who aren't engineer-literate, adiabatic bodies are bodies which have zero energy (heat) transference with anything else, air included. Obviously, this doesn't follow physics, and so adiabatic bodies are only ever used as beginning assumptions when solving real world problems (as a Chemical Engineer, I can attest to how useful they are as an idea). 

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He's still in his house, probably reporting the theft to authorities, as he himself isn't well suited to track or fight any Epic. Also, time in Corvallis moves pretty slow, so he didn't really have time to do much.

Ah, ok. Should I just let ThunderSpear wander for a few days then? Who else would be good to steal from?

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Indeed, the posters couldn't be everywhere. Would be quite hard to pull off, really.


Y'know.. that's actually a pretty perfect hook. It's like a locked room mystery.


Except instead of the police chief grilling the rookie cop who refuses to play by the rules, it's Soulcaster being all "You had one job, how did you screw it up?"

And instead of turning in her badge, it's more like "Fix it or die."


I've been picturing her as sort of smug and condescending, but someone actually beating her system? That's gonna get a reaction. Especially if it ticks off the Big Man, which... presumably it would. I'm guessing Soulcaster would object to his fighters getting killed while his "chief of security" is busy making up new posters (because she's feeling in a neo-renaissance, post-modern kinda mood) instead of doing her job.. 

Edited by Quiver
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RE Converter discussion: Converter's powers allow her to be an adiabatic body. She has perfect control over energy, which is the only reason this is possible. Therefore, she is simply keeping all of her energy to herself, and not letting any escape. This would not cause the air around to cool any further than Rainmaker has made it, meaning the Oxygen and Nitrogen would not freeze. In addition, this means that Converter's energy isn't escaping, and so her body temperature would not drop, so she herself would also not freeze. In fact, she shouldn't even feel cold, period, unless she waited to start conserving her energy until after she got cold, in which case she'll be in a perpetually cold state until she absorbs more energy.

For those who aren't engineer-literate, adiabatic bodies are bodies which have zero energy (heat) transference with anything else, air included. Obviously, this doesn't follow physics, and so adiabatic bodies are only ever used as beginning assumptions when solving real world problems (as a Chemical Engineer, I can attest to how useful they are as an idea).

Converter doesn't hold energy perfectly though--it leaks. And she can't get back that leaked energy.

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Do you mean that in the context of "I should get involved again" or in the context of "there's an character to adopt for someone else"?


I meant it more in the context of "I should get involved again."


Sorry for making it all about me.  :mellow:

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Just popping in here:


I had to music video for Sia's Elastic Heart open, and happened to scroll down the comments (usually a bad move, I know).



"You guys are all misunderstanding this video. It's about a girl wandering in the woods who got trapped in a cage with a cannibal"


[The dancers are a young girl and Shia LeBouf]



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Because I want him to seemingly die, driving his friend insane until he comes back.

You could give him an immunity to car crashes, so sort of a situational invincibility, also sort of fits the theme a bit to differentiate him from Intervention.

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Converter doesn't hold energy perfectly though--it leaks. And she can't get back that leaked energy.


Yeah she was built with that flaw to prevent her holding large amounts of energy permanently.


Mmm, I'd forgotten that bit. At this point it would depend on just how far from adiabatic she is then. Assuming the leaking rate isn't very high at all, and the powers are therefore rather close to adiabatic, Converter would still likely last a long time, probably a few days. All the energy from food she last ate will need to be processed, providing a good amount of energy given she's not exerting herself in her cage. I'd give her at least a day before she gets so cold she begins to have issues. Then she starts to shiver, which eats up more energy, and at that point it's downhill, though she'd still probably last another day being cold before she gets too cold. 

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So a sort of vanilla fight club, where they can show off their prowess and prove they're just as—if not more badchull than—Epics?

I havnt been following Salem too closely but aren't vanillas already allowed in? Alexio is just a regular guy, and it's stated that there's already vanilla fights.

for the whole murder spree idea, why not put someone(possibly a shape shifting pony) near sentry and convince her to take down all the posters and wait a day or so before putting new ones up for some reason? that would give people time to kill, and it's not really realistic to think you could catch an epic somewhere there's absolutely no posters if she has them in people's bedrooms.

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I havnt been following Salem too closely but aren't vanillas already allowed in? Alexio is just a regular guy, and it's stated that there's already vanilla fights.

for the whole murder spree idea, why not put someone(possibly a shape shifting pony) near sentry and convince her to take down all the posters and wait a day or so before putting new ones up for some reason? that would give people time to kill, and it's not really realistic to think you could catch an epic somewhere there's absolutely no posters if she has them in people's bedrooms.

Alternate Sentry idea- she gets hung-over, can't make new good posters, but is digusted by the old ones and has them taken down.

Or the printers or whatever could "malfunction".

Edited by ChickenPlague
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I havnt been following Salem too closely but aren't vanillas already allowed in? Alexio is just a regular guy, and it's stated that there's already vanilla fights.

for the whole murder spree idea, why not put someone(possibly a shape shifting pony) near sentry and convince her to take down all the posters and wait a day or so before putting new ones up for some reason? that would give people time to kill, and it's not really realistic to think you could catch an epic somewhere there's absolutely no posters if she has them in people's bedrooms.


Yep, that's right. I was sort of wondering about that, actually.

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Mmm, I'd forgotten that bit. At this point it would depend on just how far from adiabatic she is then. Assuming the leaking rate isn't very high at all, and the powers are therefore rather close to adiabatic, Converter would still likely last a long time, probably a few days. All the energy from food she last ate will need to be processed, providing a good amount of energy given she's not exerting herself in her cage. I'd give her at least a day before she gets so cold she begins to have issues. Then she starts to shiver, which eats up more energy, and at that point it's downhill, though she'd still probably last another day being cold before she gets too cold.

from memory, the less energy she has the slower it leaks out. So you could be quite right- the leaking rate will be low at this point.

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