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Question 18


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Well it's kind of got the perfect set up for it. Soulcaster is powerful enough to create a big stable area and attract a lot of people but too lazy to pay too close attention to what happens outside the arena, his attention is distracted which provides motivation and opportunity for other Epics to get up to all sorts of mischief. The arena is a distraction and also a pull to attract all kinds of Epics to involve in plots.

I'm thinking something like having a weakness that forces them to work in relative obscurity to justify it.

Not to make it all about me -since most epics seem to want to craft a name for themselves- but that obscurity would be a neat contrast to Sentry. :ph34r:

After all, Sentry has her face everywhere and that's how she gets her power.

An epic who gets their power from being unknown is a neat counterpoint.

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Hey Voidus, what anout the Ghost, that assasin Epic I made a while back but never used? He could work. I would want him as a NPC because I can't do more characters, but he seems to fit the bill.

Already started working on one :P

No reason there can't be more than one assassin in town though, Salem does attract Epics and Epics are the people most likely for other people to want assassinated. 

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Epic name: None
Real name: Unknown
Primary power: Mental distraction - a combination of the ability of grey men from the wheel of time and Kuroko from Kuroko's basket (If you've seen it). Essentially giving him the ability to distract the gaze of others and cause himself to never be noticed. Extremely alert and perceptive people can notice him if he's doing something he shouldn't so he couldn't just walk between two guards who are supposed to refuse entry to everyone or run at you with a knife but most of the time he's completely invisible and the second he steps into a crowd no one could spot him.
Secondary power: Flesh manipulation - can manipulate any flesh he touches, deforming it as desired. Though he can't alter the properties of the flesh in any way.
Tertiary power: Corpse possession - Can manipulate the flesh of one dead body without touching it, he can also extend his primary power to this body, causing it to go unnoticed so long as he's not using the power on himself but cannot use his secondary with it. His power puts some strain on the body and when he is finished with it they typically burst into an explosion of viscera.


MO: Has killed in a dozen different ways, he typically avoids repetition, coming up with a new method of murder for each job. The only similarities between his victims are that someone else close to them typically vanishes at around the same time, a guard, servant, family member or a lower Epic. He conducts meetings by proxy, using a handily obtained corpse to speak for him while he simply sits unobserved nearby.

Weakness: Popularity, more specifically having a large group of people all watching him. The more people who are specifically looking for him the weaker his ability to distract them becomes. If enough people notice him he loses his ability to manipulate flesh or corpses too.

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Epic name: None

Real name: Unknown

Primary power: Mental distraction - a combination of the ability of grey men from the wheel of time and Kuroko from Kuroko's basket (If you've seen it). Essentially giving him the ability to distract the gaze of others and cause himself to never be noticed. Extremely alert and perceptive people can notice him if he's doing something he shouldn't so he couldn't just walk between two guards who are supposed to refuse entry to everyone or run at you with a knife but most of the time he's completely invisible and the second he steps into a crowd no one could spot him.

Secondary power: Flesh manipulation - can manipulate any flesh he touches, deforming it as desired. Though he can't alter the properties of the flesh in any way.

Tertiary power: Corpse possession - Can manipulate the flesh of one dead body without touching it, he can also extend his primary power to this body, causing it to go unnoticed so long as he's not using the power on himself but cannot use his secondary with it. His power puts some strain on the body and when he is finished with it they typically burst into an explosion of viscera.


MO: Has killed in a dozen different ways, he typically avoids repetition, coming up with a new method of murder for each job. The only similarities between his victims are that someone else close to them typically vanishes at around the same time, a guard, servant, family member or a lower Epic. He conducts meetings by proxy, using a handily obtained corpse to speak for him while he simply sits unobserved nearby.

Weakness: Popularity, more specifically having a large group of people all watching him. The more people who are specifically looking for him the weaker his ability to distract them becomes. If enough people notice him he loses his ability to manipulate flesh or corpses too.

Gray men...YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (continue exclamation points x 1000 or so.)








No one at my school has ever heard of that freaking series...I need someone to geek out with...

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So in the Epics of Oregon ideas thread there is this guy called Damnatio Memoriae, and I think it would be interesting for him to erase a widely know epic like Soulcaster or Lucentia or


Don't get mad at me for suggesting this, it's just an idea that I thought of.

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I just realized.. We have to kill Nighthound twice! I hate it when evil people are actually two evil kids who originally just dressed up like Nighthound to get into an R-rated movie! Why did this have to happen again?




does this happen often in your town?


how much does it have to happen before you say: I hate it when this happens?



Edited by WarriorMark16
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So in the Epics of Oregon ideas thread there is this guy called Damnatio Memoriae, and I think it would be interesting for him to erase a widely know epic like Soulcaster or Lucentia or


Don't get mad at me for suggesting this, it's just an idea that I thought of.

Oh yeah I forgot about him, interesting character that one was.


Can his flesh manipulation affect epics as well as normals, and can his possessed corpse manipulate flesh?

Yes but with both it's only so long as he is touching them. No because he needs to be the one to touch them.

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Yes but with both it's only so long as he is touching them. No because he needs to be the one to touch them.

On the note of the corpse. How much does its state of decay matter?


On unrelated notes, I did some edits on the Wiki, rewording some of Nighthound's powers to accomodate for what we learned (so almost entirely cosmetic) and making a page for Ray and C4. Not much but it's something. :ph34r:

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On the note of the corpse. How much does its state of decay matter?


On unrelated notes, I did some edits on the Wiki, rewording some of Nighthound's powers to accomodate for what we learned (so almost entirely cosmetic) and making a page for Ray and C4. Not much but it's something. :ph34r:

It would need to be relatively recent, once it's decayed enough it becomes very difficult since it's not really flesh.

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I just hit Quota. Now he's mad at me.

Tell Twi to throw in an extra punch for you when she deals with him. :ph34r:


In the interests of feedback how often has this been happening to people lately?

Once on the day the Admins started playing around with adjusting the quota but never since.

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Edge, how do you have so much time (and motivation :P) to pump out RP posts like you do?  :huh:

I like to think it's Karma. He has to try to think like Nighthound so in recognition of how horrible that is he's been blessed with super-writing abilities. :P

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Edge, how do you have so much time (and motivation :P) to pump out RP posts like you do?  :huh:

Hrm, I guess a good part of it is being able to lay out a good amount of text in my head, so I only have to type it down later on and generally being able to switch between mental processes relatively well, so I can write a sentence or two before getting distracted again and just pick up there again before the next thing comes. Otherwise from that I'm not sure myself. :ph34r:

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Mentally laying out text is extremely helpful to me, as well. I'm able to think of key lines/phrases (e.g: Maple syrup crunched underfoot; Deaths brought understanding; a bloodbath of missiles, saurians, and black mist), plot points, and post structure before I even start writing. Is it the same for you?  :D

More or less, I'd say. I may lay out a bit more than just key phrases though, depending on how much time I can set aside to prepare. (Although, laying out plot points doesn't happen that often, at least not from one post to the other. :ph34r: )

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