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Okay, so it would be nice if we could have some more people participating in the lynch. Ripple and SilverDragon both have votes on them, but haven't done anything but respond to questions or comments pointed directly at them. Maybe they just don't feel like they have anything worth saying, but really, anything would be helpful. Gut suspicions. Idea's for roles. I mean, I guess that's basically all there is to talk about anyways. >>


I'm actually thinking of changing my vote over to Ripple, because I saw her viewing the thread earlier, but she didn't post. I'm not gonna say you have to post every time you view the thread, but it's mostly that she hasn't posted at all this Cycle except to respond to votes on her. So she's been on frequently enough, but she hasn't tried to progress the discussion or the lynch.


Edit: Forgot to say earlier. PM's people? Since Ada is Hiding this Cycle, you can't make a PM with him. Just a heads up.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Earlier I didn't have the chance to make a full-fledged post. Apologies.

critical critical

I really am most suspicious of Maill. He has provided absolutely no evidence behind his suspicions of me and Ada and his posts already sounded off to me.


... and this is what I deem a full-fledged post.  :unsure:  I'm really trying to be more active this game, and I know it's a fault of mine.

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Only fools rush in. Honor my wishes, please. Hold on for a day. Don't ruin it, please. Be wise. I am hope. 

That seems really suspicious. Why hold off a day, that doesn't make sense. The only two reasons is, one, you are trying to get someone's aviar, or second, you are an eliminator trying to forestall a lynch. I'm going to vote for Mailliw until he clarifies what he means by "don't ruin it"



And also to make him tied with me :D  

EDIT: color

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That seems really suspicious. Why hold off a day, that doesn't make sense. The only two reasons is, one, you are trying to get someone's aviar, or second, you are an eliminator trying to forestall a lynch. I'm going to vote for Mailliw until he clarifies what he means by "don't ruin it"



And also to make him tied with me :D  

Actually, that was entirely for code words, which I thought was obvious. :P

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That night, First of the Twilight didn’t leave the clearing outside her home. The bright blue bird was currently tied very carefully to a branch inside her tree, but she wasn’t satisfied with that. The threat of the bird escaping back to its master and potentially coming back here was too great.

By the time she found out about the death of the bird’s previous owner, it was too late. She already had half of a well-made cage. She might as finish it, or else the night had been completely wasted.

As the night drew to a close, First of the Twilight carefully put the finishing touches on the cage, work as fine as any craftsman’s in the Eelakin Isles.

Then she went back into her home, not even bothering to put the bird in the cage. It would be fine for the day. Even the increasing number of deaths on the island didn’t matter at the moment.

She just wanted to sleep.

I don’t know if that made any sense, and I’m far too tired to check. I just wanted to get in some RP this cycle (with code words, of course). First of the Twilight is blending with me. That shouldn't happen, but I'm too tired to care at the moment. Quality is not the priority right now, given that I still have to write a physics paper before going to bed tonight. Woo...

Hopefully this bit makes sense, since I wrote it earlier but didn’t want to post until I had RP to go with it:

Also, if you've got power sensing and stumble upon someone with an Observant bird, they might be the one who stole it from me because I doubt there are many of them in the game. I would recommend you don't out it in thread at first just in case they are a villager (don't want to tell the Traitors who to kill), but comb over all of their previous posts for anything that seems suspicious and keep a close eye on them from then on.

Do you have any reason to think that the Traitors stole your Aviar, rather than a Villager? As far as I can tell, there’s not any evidence either way. Your advice on what to do is sound. I just don’t understand the reasoning behind it.

Sorry I didn’t have time to say more this cycle.

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So I'm back much earlier and also way more sober than I expected tonight so I will be able to participate a bit more than expected. Probably

That seems really suspicious. Why hold off a day, that doesn't make sense. The only two reasons is, one, you are trying to get someone's aviar, or second, you are an eliminator trying to forestall a lynch. I'm going to vote for Mailliw until he clarifies what he means by "don't ruin it"



And also to make him tied with me :D  


You should actually probably red Maills name if you want to put a vote on him. Just thought I'd let you know it would really suck to get lynched because of something like that.  :P

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Twin stabbing pains. 




Confusion. A jump in time. Less mass than before. Loss of sight. What had happened here?


Memory. Leaving Scadrial. Landing in an ocean of a planet. And... something.

You would not have been revealed if you had been less aggressive, I think, Harmony said. 
Revealed? NeLaar wondered. Why would I have been revealed?
Images and thoughts from Harmony. Taking the body of an Eelakin. Learning about the culture. Finding Aviar. Masquerading as a trapper.
Then, death on Amaji. Suspicion. Knives.
People wielding torches and machetes, advancing forwards. Shouts of surprise when the knives didn't kill. Screams. Fire. Destruction. Pain, similar to the feeling of acid, but not as strong.
Your spikes were removed, Harmony said. They're back now, but there may be some lingering effects. Unfortunately, it seems that the fire damaged most of your mass, so I think you might not be able to use human bones right now.
Oh. I just royally Ruined everything, didn't I? NeLaar asked.
Perhaps, Harmony replied. I can take you back to Scadrial if you wish.
Nah. I'll be fine, NeLaar thought. I have a set of bird bones and feathers hidden away. I want to stay, for now. I want to observe the traders for a while.
Very well, Harmony said. He sighed. Just don't get discovered this time.
EDIT: Added some lines.
Edited by Arraenae
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So I'm back much earlier and also way more sober than I expected tonight so I will be able to participate a bit more than expected. Probably


It's always refreshing to find another alcohol connoisseur. I'd say this would be me come Saturday morning, but I've got a big rugby game I'm supposed to watch in the city around 10am that day. Will probably end up fending off the hangover with more beer :P(Everyone should probably consider this a warning them I'm going to be considerably more inactive next cycle).


Do you have any reason to think that the Traitors stole your Aviar, rather than a Villager? As far as I can tell, there’s not any evidence either way. Your advice on what to do is sound. I just don’t understand the reasoning behind it.


Unfortunately I have no evidence that favors either side stealing my precious Xiphos from me. I just would rather believe it was a Trader who did it than a fellow Trapper.



Twin stabbing pains. 




Confusion. A jump in time. Less mass than before. Loss of sight. What had happened here?


Memory. Leaving Scadrial. Landing in an ocean of a planet. And... something.

You would not have been revealed if you had been less aggressive, I think, Harmony said. 
Revealed? NeLaar wondered. Why would I have been revealed?
Images and thoughts from Harmony. Taking the body of an Eelakin. Learning about the culture. Finding Aviar. Masquerading as a trapper.
Then, death on Amaji. Suspicion. Knives.
People wielding torches and machetes, advancing forwards. Shouts of surprise when the knives didn't kill. Screams. Fire. Destruction. Pain, similar to the feeling of acid, but not as strong.
Your spikes were removed, Harmony said. I fixed that, but there may be some lingering effects. Unfortunately, it seems that the fire damaged most of your mass.
I'll be fine, NeLaar thought. I have a set of bird bones and feathers hidden away. I want to stay, for now. I want to observe the traders for a while.
Very well, Harmony said. He sighed. Just don't get discovered this time.



I have an RP I plan on responding to this with (as you already know) but I don't think I'll be able to get to it this cycle.

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Sorry for my inactivity, folks. I'm recovering from sickness and have been sleeping a lot.

I'm feeling suspicious of hellscythe. I don't have any concrete reasons, but I feel like hellscythe has been acting in a strange manner. (And not just because of code words making posts sound awkward.)

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This'll probably be the last thing I post this cycle, as I have to PT soon and afterwards have to get some sleep. Of the three lynch candidates I think I would vote for SD over any other, though Mailliw is a very close second. I am fairly convinced of Hellscythe's innocence, so I would be glad if you all didn't try to kill him during a cycle that my vote is useless.


SilverDragon(2): Hellscythe, Lopen

Hellscythe(2): Stink, Paranoid King

Mailliw (2): Ripple, SilverDragon

Ripple(1): Mailliw

Elkanah(1): Kynedath

Adavantos (1): Adavantos

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Mailliw, any reason for voting on SilverDragon other than saving yourself?


I'm pretty sure that you just answered your own question there. Maill isn't the kind that will just lay down and let you easily kill him. Besides if I recall correctly I think your vote had something to do with "SD supposedly lurking", voting to save ones self sure seems like a more reasonable vote then supposedly lurking. This does tempt me to put a vote on you but there's not really any threat to you at this point and I have an equally guilty player of the same thing as you down below who happens to already have a vote on them.


I still wouldn't mind hearing Maill's reason, but silver dragon's vote on Maill felt really bandwagon like. I'll go ahead and put my vote on silverdragon.moving forward


Once again I would say the reason is because Dragon probably doesn't want to die either, also Maill had just made a cryptic post about waiting to kill him. I wouldn't say that this is any sort of bandwagon really, It is two people tied with a relatively small amount of votes (3) with another player at 2 votes. At the time Maill voted there was only one other vote on SD, how is two votes a bandwagon? I find that the word 'bandwagon' is starting to just get thrown out more and more as a way of scaring people away from voting. If you really want to stretch the term bandwagon to someones vote I would say take a look at yourself Elkanah.easily                                                                                                                                          promote




EDIT: While I think it might be a little too late in the cycle for this I would just like to point out that we have 12 out of 15 people voting this cycle! That's a pretty good percentage so kudos to everyone on that but I would really like to see everyone placing a vote this cycle. I can't recall a time I've seen everybody vote with this many people left but I personally would enjoy it. So last three people lets see some votes!   Yay for voting and white text!

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Ahhh, I need sleep, but I don't want to die.

I still wouldn't mind hearing Maill's reason, but silver dragon's vote on Maill felt really bandwagon like. I'll go ahead and put my vote on silverdragon.moving forward

Yes, bandawgony, totally. Voting after only one other person has voted the condemned. Bandwagon would be costing after there are four or five votes. Yes, I was voting to save myself, but who wouldn't.

Also, again with the , wait one round, thing. One round wouldn't do much, unless he can bid or something. Stealing another aviary wouldn't have much effect,.because he wouldn't babe able to get results with it until the cycle after. It just seems a little fishy to me.

This is likely to be my last post before I got to sleep.

edit: now looking back at the vote tallies, mailliw is probably hidden, but used it last round, and. Can't.use.it this round, but.wanted.to.use.it next round.

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Yeah that's a fair point Lopen. I haven't been able to focus on this game like I had hoped and SD is my best guess for now. I'm afraid I don't have anything more solid, so I'll go ahead and leave my vote there for now. next minute, the thread goes crazy and I die.

I'll try to post more so we can have better reads than we have now, and move forward with a more educated lynch.

Sorry, some of this is word garbage so I can have my code word in it.

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