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I'm pretty sure that you just answered your own question there. Maill isn't the kind that will just lay down and let you easily kill him. Besides if I recall correctly I think your vote had something to do with "SD supposedly lurking", voting to save ones self sure seems like a more reasonable vote then supposedly lurking. This does tempt me to put a vote on you but there's not really any threat to you at this point and I have an equally guilty player of the same thing as you down below who happens to already have a vote on them.



Once again I would say the reason is because Dragon probably doesn't want to die either, also Maill had just made a cryptic post about waiting to kill him. I wouldn't say that this is any sort of bandwagon really, It is two people tied with a relatively small amount of votes (3) with another player at 2 votes. At the time Maill voted there was only one other vote on SD, how is two votes a bandwagon? I find that the word 'bandwagon' is starting to just get thrown out more and more as a way of scaring people away from voting. If you really want to stretch the term bandwagon to someones vote I would say take a look at yourself Elkanah.easily                                                                                                                                          promote




EDIT: While I think it might be a little too late in the cycle for this I would just like to point out that we have 12 out of 15 people voting this cycle! That's a pretty good percentage so kudos to everyone on that but I would really like to see everyone placing a vote this cycle. I can't recall a time I've seen everybody vote with this many people left but I personally would enjoy it. So last three people lets see some votes!   Yay for voting and white text!


I'll admit it was a pretty baseless vote, but I didn't really have any firm suspicions at that point, and figured I'd just put a second vote on someone who I thought could use a little pressure. As for me questioning Maill, it wasn't that I thought the vote was unjustified, but rather that I wanted a little more from Maill, since he hasn't done all that much except say he's suspicious of someone and then vote for them, with no reasoning.


I agree that Elkanah's vote was much more of a bandwagon vote than SilverDragon's. I'm also of the same opinion that sometimes words like "bandwagon" or "tunnel" are used much too often.


Finally, I'm going to change my vote from SilverDragon to Elkanah. I just don't really understand his vote on SilverDragon, and I sorta feel like he's trying to protect either Maill or Hellscythe(or both I guess) by distancing the lynch just in case of vote manipulators. This vote does tie the lynch though.


Vote tally:


SilverDragon(3): Hellscythe, Mailliw, Elkanah

Elkanah(3): Kynedath, Clanky, Lopen

Hellscythe(2): Stink, PK

Mailliw(2): Ripple, SilverDragon


No votes(5): Adavantos(on himself, but should be cancelled by his Hidden role), Shallan(not active for 2nd Cycle in a row), polking(not active....again  :(), Water(voted and retracted on Ada), Elbereth(never voted?)


If polking and Shallan don't get on and get their code in this Cycle, they will be in danger of death through non-code-using(basically inactivity). Also, if Stink didn't use his code twice this Cycle, he may die. I think he used it though, but I'm not sure. That's bad news(unless they're eliminators, which, I guess is possible, especially in polkings case(MR10 he was an eliminator and was inactive for most all of the game)).

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I really don't think a tied lynch is gonna help us guys.


Edit: Suspicions in case I die.


Hellscythe: Not sure why, but I feel like his playstyle this game is slightly changed somehow. I feel like he's not as actively pursuing the eliminators as he usually is or something.


Adavantos: I have to agree with Mailliw that his posts seem off. I also just have a hunch that the GM's may have given the Traders the "Hidden" role.


Water: I have been a bit suspicious of him for awhile. Can't pinpoint why at the moment. Quieter this Cycle than the last 2 it seems like.


Ripple: Gut suspicion on her. Not too much though.


Elkanah: Quiet in the thread. Vote on SilverDragon was basically bandwagoning.


Minor suspicions: Mailliw(gut), and Kynedath(pretty much gut).


Minor trusts: PK(fairly large amount of trust actually), Stink(gut and his claim), Elbereth(some different things and gut), Clanky(mostly gut, but I feel like he's trying to help out).


Nothing: Shallan, polking, SilverDragon(though sortaish trust for him because his posts sounded kinda good).

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Rain was already moving when Dawn woke. That would have been unusual on the Homeisles; he had probably started waking earlier after taking up residence on Patji. She sat up slowly, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

Surprised by her movement, Jay leapt into the air, and hit the floor moments later. Dawn had clipped his wings - the Aviar was easily startled, and would disappear into the jungle if he could fly properly. He ran across the floor towards her, and she picked him up, frowning. She normally left the two outer primaries on each side intact, so he could fly a little. They both seemed to be missing on one wing.

Rain rolled his eyes. "Dumb bird."

"Without him there'd be nightmaws snacking on your corpse." He didn't respond, so Dawn stood up and moved to Sun's food store. "What happened to your Aviar, anyway?"

Rain scowled, refusing to meet her eyes. "The Northern Interests Traders happened."

Why had Rain come to Amaji without an Aviar to protect his mind? He couldn't have been that certain of finding her and Jay. Perhaps anger had clouded his judgement. Questions for another time.


Ahead, Rain stoppped.

Dawn felt to the side with her staff, and found firm ground. She leaned outwards, trying to find what obstructed their path.

Rain stepped forward slowly, head scanning side to side. "There were people here," he said. "Today. Not long ago."

"Where did they go?" She followed him as he moved onward. Some of the brush behind him was flattened. "...Oh. I thought trappers were careful not to leave trails."

"They might have fought."

That was possible. She could imagine the picture; Dai Hyd Rogen being rebuffed by Saludan, Gylfie and Avis arguing. Dawn felt a pang of regret, for her role in turning Amaji's residents agaisnt each other.

"Here."  Rain moved off, moving quickly by the standards of the Pantheon jungle. Dawn hurried to keep up.

It wasn't far to go before they heard the voices.

"...directly! We need direct action!" She recognised the voice as Sean Smith.

"That's what I tried to imply," sighed Avis, folding his arms.

"You didn't imply anything!" Lewis was almost giggling. "And you won't get the chance to again!" He pulled out a machete. There was a moment of silence. Then, the delicate balance broken, the air was filled with steel.

Dawn held her breath as the trappers collectively surveyed the situation. They came to the same realisation she did: there was no consensus. No majority.

"How about...we just leave this argument for today. We don't need to kill anyone."

More silence. Then Citona sighed. "For now." She lowered her machete, which had been raised in a defensive posture.

Most of the trappers turned their attention to her. But one, sensing an opening, moved. Before anyone could react, they lashed out at Karn.

The wound was long but shallow, and Karn was not the kind to go down easily. He roared, turning to face his assailant. The trappers backed away, alarmed - all except Avis, who turned his machete from First of the Star in a split-second decision and struck at Karn's calf.

Four trappers moved in around Karn. In the confusion following the first strike, Dawn hadn't tracked his initial assailant. Karn didn't seem to care. His face spoke of barely contained rage; even for him, fighting four people was dangerous.

He stepped backward slowly. Teldus, Last of the Equinox, Link, and Avis moved in, keeping pace, wary of the big man's reach. The rest of the trappers watched, frozen in the moment.

Leaves rustled.

Karn looked up in horror as a cluster of cutaway vines fell from the tree he'd inadvertently approached. He screamed when they struck him, and lashed out with his machete in a panic. It was too late; the venomous barbs had already done their job.

Dawn had to turn away, hands over her ears. "Tell me if you find any information." Rain nodded, grim.


Karn (Elkanah) was a Regular Trapper! One of his Aviar has gone to the first lynch vote. His other Aviar were: Mind Shield, Death Sight

Vote tally:
TheSilverDragon (2): Mailliw73, Elkanah
Elkanah(4): Kynedath, Clanky, TheMightyLopen, Hellscythe
Hellscythe (3): IrulelikeSTINK, Paranoid King, RippleGylf
Mailliw73 (1): TheSilverDragon

Edited by Alvron
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Darn it. Sorry guys, and sorry especially to Elkanah.


Vote tally before:


SilverDragon (3): Hellscythe, Mailliw, Elkanah

Elkanah (3): Kynedath, Clanky, Lopen

Mailliw(2): Ripple, SilverDragon

Hellscythe(2): Stink, PK


Vote tally after:


SilverDragon (2): Mailliw, Elkanah

Elkanah (4): Kynedath, Clanky, Lopen, Hellscythe (moved from SD)

Mailliw (1): SilverDragon

Hellscythe(3): Stink, PK, Ripple(moved from Mailliw)


No votes(5): Ada, Shallan, polking, Elbereth, Water. Since there was no trader kill, either one of these players was attacked and protected by either the Hidden power or Mind Force, there was no attack(why would this happen?), or one of these players is the Trader who was sending in the kill and was Mind Forced and so their kill did not go through. I think that's all the options.


I doubt they would attack Shallan or polking, since they're inactive, and I can't really see a reason for them to attack Elbereth or Water either, unless they gained information through their Aviar that would push them to attack one of them. So really, it seems like they attacked Adavantos(maybe again?). Not sure why they would do that, unless they thought he was bluffing and was gonna hold off on using his power this Cycle for some reason. Well, since it appears to be that way, I think I was wrong about him and he might actually be a trapper.


I don't think I'll be able to be very active over the next 2 days because I have some family stuff to deal with right now. Sorry.


Edit: "pudeoikvngox?"

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Alright, I am just going to put this out there, I put a vote on Elkanah to get them talking more. Death was never part of my deal. That came after I went to sleep. 


It would make sense to me at this point if SilverDragon was influential and decided to survive another cycle. Right now, I have to say that the inactives are at the top of my suspicion list. In order of most suspiciousness to least suspiciousness, Polking (haven't heard anything at all from him), Shallan (same thing, just a little more posted), Water (content of posts is not helpful most of the time), Elbereth (a lot of RP and not as much analysis), Ripple (maybe hiding in past inactivity tendencies? Not too much on this one).


If you want to know why I hate on inactivity so much, it's because I can't trust someone who doesn't appear. Hiding in inactivity is one of the best ways to hide overall. You virtually don't draw any attention and people don't suspect you as much as they do the actives. It is the perfect hiding place.


Also, "ueexbfvmpacvud".

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Sorry for not voting last cycle. I didn’t have time to read through everything that had happened, so I could only RP. And even if I had had the time, I don’t know that I would have trusted my judgement to vote. Making decisions on travel days and less than five hours of sleep is never a good idea, so I didn’t.

It would make sense to me at this point if SilverDragon was influential and decided to survive another cycle. Right now, I have to say that the inactives are at the top of my suspicion list. In order of most suspiciousness to least suspiciousness, Polking (haven't heard anything at all from him), Shallan (same thing, just a little more posted), Water (content of posts is not helpful most of the time), Elbereth (a lot of RP and not as much analysis), Ripple (maybe hiding in past inactivity tendencies? Not too much on this one).

That’s a good thing! It means I’m in character! I will try to do a little more analysis. I’ve been more inactive than usual this game, I know, because of travel.

Also, I’m not really sure why you’re voting on Polking. If he doesn’t post this cycle, he’ll die in the next writeup anyway. I’d suggest putting your vote somewhere more useful, if you really suspect him.

Here’s my initial thoughts on the vote manipulation:

Obviously, someone didn’t want Maill to die, and someone else didn’t want SD to die. I can certainly understand someone taking away Maill’s votes (though the following possibilities still apply to a lesser extent), but I’m not sure about SD’s. That means either he’s an eliminator protected by his teammates, is Influential himself, or has a Sori with Influence. (Wait, is that possible? GMs, can you have two roles?) Or the Eliminators are trying to frame him. Which is too many possibilities to do much with, unfortunately.

So there’s that analysis. I’ll likely be on again at least once more this cycle (probably more than that), and RP will come then.

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Making discussions on less than five hours of sleep is never a good idea, so I didn’t.

Here’s my initial thoughts on the vote manipulation:

Obviously, someone didn’t want Maill to die, and someone else didn’t want SD to die. I can certainly understand someone taking away Maill’s votes (though the following possibilities still apply to a lesser extent), but I’m not sure about SD’s. That means either he’s an eliminator protected by his teammates, is Influential himself, or has a Sori with Influence. (Wait, is that possible? GMs, can you have two roles?) Or the Eliminators are trying to frame him. Which is too many possibilities to do much with, unfortunately.

So there’s that analysis. I’ll likely be on again at least once more this cycle (probably more than that), and RP will come then.

I do it all the time, you make the weirdest decisions thst way, though that might be the point you're trying to make.

I'm not influential, I can tell you that much. Maybe the eleminators wanted to make sure Elkanah died.

Edit, auto correct mistakes

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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like that

Here’s my initial thoughts on the vote manipulation:

Obviously, someone didn’t want Maill to die, and someone else didn’t want SD to die. I can certainly understand someone taking away Maill’s votes (though the following possibilities still apply to a lesser extent), but I’m not sure about SD’s. That means either he’s an eliminator protected by his teammates, is Influential himself, or has a Sori with Influence. (Wait, is that possible? GMs, can you have two roles?) Or the Eliminators are trying to frame him. Which is too many possibilities to do much with, unfortunately.

I'm no GM but I highly doubt two roles are possible. I would not be surprised to find that one or both of Mail/SD are influential. It is easily the best way of explaining things especially since it's impossible to prove anything at the moment. I do find it odd for Maill to have moved a vote off of him to Hell instead of Elkanah if the true purpose was only just to survive. 



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just thought

I only wish I could move votes.


Sorry that last sentence didn't come out like I thought it did. Well I don't necessarily believe that you aren't influential it was supposed to say something more likethatthis:  "I do find it odd for Maill to have had a vote moved off of him to Hell instead of Elkanah if the true purpose was only just to help him survive."

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Unless I see a better option come the future, my vote goes on Stink. It would be quite easy to skate under the radar with the types of posts he's making, especially if he can use the defense of "It's what I always do."


Hasn't it been the same few people kinda leading the lynch recently? Could they like, stop lynching inno's?

You've tried to lynch people as well. Would you stop if they turned out to be innocent? actual actual


I still have a gut bad vibe about theSilverDragon as well.


Edited to add my code in.

Edited by Water
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Well, I would prefer it, also I like how Kynedath was like 'Water doesn't have much helpful content' and now I'm being voted for that :P


I can use that defense though, it is what I always do. Welcome to voting me every game, hope you enjoy your time.


If you have a gut bad vibe about SD, then why not vote for him? I mean really, there isn't much point in saying that unless you're actually evil. 



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I'll put my vote on Maill again, for aforementioned reasons as well as the odd vote manipulation. While I realize that it was probably not Maill who moved the vote, it's odd that it would be moved at all.

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Well, I would prefer it, also I like how Kynedath was like 'Water doesn't have much helpful content' and now I'm being voted for that :P


I can use that defense though, it is what I always do. Welcome to voting me every game, hope you enjoy your time.


If you have a gut bad vibe about SD, then why not vote for him? I mean really, there isn't much point in saying that unless you're actually evil. 



That's not why you're being voted; stop using strawman arguments. I'm not voting for theSilverDragon because I actually suspect you more. You do one-liner posts basically all the time until you're called out by someone, then try to delegitimize their attack of you based off of illogic. Oh and don't forget the :P.


People have multiple suspicions, and I'm sure you're one of them. Do you have a gut bad vibe of me, or is this again just an omgus?

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Why use logic when illogic works so much better? :P


Seriously though, I don't get big words. I'll have you know that many people try to delegitimize someones attack on themselves.


Does it matter if I have a gut bad vibe? Apparently not :P

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Well, I guess I can just reveal my role, since it's not like there'a a ton of good roles to keep hidden. I'm Influential, and I moved Hellscythe's vote from SD to Elkanah. I wasn't really sure about either of them, but I was slightly more suspicious of Elkanah than SD, and the only way for me to get him lynched was to move a vote. If you want me to, I can tell you how many uses I got, but I'd rather keep it a secret so the eliminators don't have that information.

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I'm sorry, Kynedath, I have this bad habit of not posting if I don't have anything I deem important.  Now that I have someone voting for me, my thoughts become more direct.  I know STINK commonly has his joking tone going on, but I get a different feel from him this game.  In other news, I can vouch for Water, I am a Sori, and he is a trapper.  

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I'm sorry, Kynedath, I have this bad habit of not posting if I don't have anything I deem important.  Now that I have someone voting for me, my thoughts become more direct.  I know STINK commonly has his joking tone going on, but I get a different feel from him this game.  In other news, I can vouch for Water, I am a Sori, and he is a trapper.  

Well, at least you made an appearance. Although, I do find your Sori claim a bit odd. The timing is very interesting. Why would you wait this long to reveal if you were always going to go public. the only reason that I can see is you trying to garner trust. I don't want this to be a hard, no-negotiation accusation, but I think that I will leave my vote on you for now, at least until I find out more about your motives.

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