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Is it still possible for Ym to have lived/regrow from his encounter with Nale? I know Heralds ain't nothin to storm with but seeing how he was a surge binder with Progression, wouldn't it liken his chances to survive? I mean storms, Szeth survived a shardblade through the neck/spine/High-EverstormCombo, and a fall from Almighty knows how high lol. Does anyone agree that it's at least a little possible?

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The one person we know can revive the recently deceased was the person who killed Ym so I'm inclined to doubt it. Outside of Nale deciding to save the person he just went to the effort of killing for no immediately obvious reason, the only way we know you could survive a fatal case of shardblade to spine is if you had a lot of stored up stormlight and you were actively healing yourself with it at the time, because after you get your spine/soul severed you're not going to be in any position to start the healing process. Nothing in the narration suggests that Ym was doing that and I'm pretty sure Nale would be watching for signs of stormlight healing (unlike the assassins going after Jasnah) since he knew he was dealing with a surgebinder.

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It makes me sad, but I don't think we'll see Ym again. I totally agree with the others who'd like to see more of him - there was a real sweetness to his character. The fact that Brandon could, in a short interlude, acquaint us so well with Ym is a tribute to the author's skill. I think the whole point of the interlude was to emphasize the wrongness of a Herald-gone-bad. I still wonder if the Heralds were really good, originally - that maybe they are paying off some cosmic/cosmere debt by playing the hero on Roshar, and if we really knew their full backstory, we might think they deserve the awful tortures they endure between Desolations.

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In addition to that, I think the interesting thing about Ym is the story he tells. I've seen similar conjectures on the nature of God in parts of Judaism for example, and it comes up in Babylon 5 when one character is trying to make sense of the universe. Makes you wonder if Ym is (unknowingly) speaking for Adonalsium and why it was shattered. Maybe it allowed itself to be shattered to bits in order to experience the Cosmere and if/when it's reunified it will both know all and experience all.

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Keep in mind that IIRC, jasnah used transportation for the first time when the ship sank, the manifestation of powers may be related to snapping. Even though Ym had already manifested regrowth, using powers instinctively is not so much of a stretch for a system of magic of which Brandon has only scratched the surface. We should keep in mind that a reappearance of Ym is not impossible. 


On that note, if Ym did reappear, I believe that he would have changed significantly, i.e. from the kindly old man to an anti-Nale Freedom fighter. Big if though. It would be difficult to reintroduce Ym without it being tacky, but with all we have seen Brandon do, it is not out of the imagination. 

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I loved Ym but I find quite impossible his return unless Nale wanted kill & resurrect him (and I find unlikely also this possibility).


Nale knows very well the 10 surges and Ym can't trick him with a "later regrow" (and Ym didn't keep Stormlight anyway).


About the "kill&resurrection" nale want to eradicate the KR and therefore resurrecting Ym will be pointless.


PS: I don't know if we understand what the "Regrow Surge" does. To me seems that apply the Stormlight Healing to another subject, therefore is quite useless to the KR himself.

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Nale knows very well the 10 surges and Ym can't trick him with a "later regrow" (and Ym didn't keep Stormlight anyway).



In the interest of completeness, are we sure Ym was stabbed?


IIRC, as a Truthwatcher his other Surge will be illumination and everyone assumes we never saw him use it. Just because Shallan has to draw to use Illumination, doesn't mean everyone has to do so;  especially if it's a different Order's use of a shared power (Jasnah's use of Soulcasting sure doesn't look like Shallan's from the outside).

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The Ym chapter ends this way:

"The man shoved the shardblade through Ym's chest.

Experience ended."


Not to quibble, but that is an interesting line as it never mentions anything about how far the blade penetrated or if it his spine at all, just that he was stabbed in the chest. It could be Nale presumed that as Ym hadn't progressed so far, he wouldn't be able to recover...but we shall see as Brandon doesn't like to keep using the back from the dead trope

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I know. I was talking about the theory that he somehow survived. Last I checked, dead people can't surgebind.

Sorry I misread your post :(


Anyway to me it's quite impossible that Ym may fools Nale.


Both through of Illumination Surge (we can't be even sure he was a Truthwatcher, maybe he was an EdgeDancer) because Nalan will feel that the Blade didn't catch any resistence. Both through Progression (or Stormlight Healing).

To me, many people think to Regrow as more power than its real uselness.

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Both through of Illumination Surge (we can't be even sure he was a Truthwatcher, maybe he was an EdgeDancer) because Nalan will feel that the Blade didn't catch any resistence.

To be fair with those who think he may have survived, Nalan's shard/honorblade wouldn't have felt any resistence either way.

But the "Experience ended" feels quite final for me.

Edited by DreamEternal
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On the other hand - if Szeth's death would have been in his own PoV the chapter probably had ended with similiar words.

Differently to Szeth/Nale there is a third party - Ym's spren.

We don't know about the progression of their bond or the abilities of a spren in such a case.

Frankly - I like Ym, but playing advocat has more to do with the children he's helping.

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To be fair with those who think he may have survived, Nalan's shard/honorblade wouldn't have felt any resistence either way.

But the "Experience ended" feels quite final for me.

A Shardblade meets resistence when it cuts through living things.

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I have to check, but wasn't Ym also out of stormlight by the time Nale chased and killed him? The spren was saying to get to the light, but he didn't make it in time. If I have a chance later today, I will check to confirm, but if he was out of stormlight, he ain't healing anyone, including himself. 


edit: I was slightly wrong. Ym did still have a sphere on him, with stormlight in it, and his spren called him to use it by saying "No, light!". But Nale shoulder slammed Ym knocking the sphere away. Considering Nale went through all the trouble of removing spheres from around Lift so she couldn't use it for stormlight and employed a larkin to empty her of it, I could not see him leaving stormlight nearby for Ym to draw in to heal. Also from what we have seen of stormlight healing for Kaladin and






I do not think Ym would need progression to heal from such a wound. So I could not see Nale just leaving the means of salvation for even a base radiant within reach. Then again Nale didn't know Lift could metabolize stormlight so there could be some missing points of information for him. I still think however unfortunately that Ym is very much dead. 

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