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The missions have not given us any information yet, because all of them of have succeeded. Only when one fails, then we can start analyzing them. Thus also mea s I'm still not in the clear.

Right now, I don't have enough infirmation to bite, so until then, I'll be watching from my corner.

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So to build off of what Lopen was saying, the fact that the Traitors used their Assassin kill this early is pretty telling. I do not, however, agree that Mailliw was killed because they knew he was a Medical Specialist. That would have been a huge risk for them to attempt using their only assassin kill on a player who was most likely protecting themselves. It's possible the Traitors knew he would use his ability on another player but that would suggest they managed to get on Mailliw's good side very fast. I've never been on Mailliw's good side before, so I can't really judge if that's possible by C2, but somehow I want to believe he would have been more careful than that. But just in case, @Wyrm: Would a self-targeting Medical Specialist survive an Assassination attempt, or are Assassin kills (due to being a one-shot thing) impossible to block?


I can see there being five different reasons for Mailliw's death. 1: The Traitors figured out his role (As I stated before, I doubt this, unless the answer to my above question is Assassin kills cannot be blocked), 2: It was purely a fear kill based on Mailliw's SE experience (If this was the case then I don't understand why they didn't go for him C1 instead of Burnt) 3: Because I am a Traitor who was afraid of him starting a lynch on me (Which makes sense given Orlok was killed too) 4: The Traitors wanted to make me look bad (Also makes sense given Orlok was killed too) or 5: Mailliw said something in PMs this cycle that gave them a reason to attack him (Possible and worth looking into).


@Everyone - STINK: Were you in a PM with Mailliw or were aware of another player who was, and did he role claim or mention any reason why he might be targeted? Personally I was never in a PM with Mailliw. However I was told by STINK that he claimed False-Trails to him.


Also, another thing worth mentioning, because of the fact the Traitors waited to use their Assassin kill until C2, it's possible that if they do not have a Data Gatherer the reason they didn't use the double kill sooner was because their Assassin was on the mission last cycle and thus could not put in the action. I also doubt this, however, because that's obvious enough that it's more likely they wanted to make it look that way rather than that actually be the case.



Good point I guess. It would be risky to attack someone who you knew was a Medical Knowledge player.


To answer your question, yes I was in a PM with Mailliw. He claimed False Trails to me as well, told me he mostly talked to STINK, me and Burnt on Night 1(which he said was sad, since Burnt then died and me and STINK went on the mission) and he also said that he was busy last Night Turn, so he didn't have much to say(I just asked him if anything was going on, like I usually do if one of my PM's is going quiet). He never said anything about reasons for being targeted.


I was also in a PM with Orlok(surprise, I'm in a PM with everyone  :P). We didn't talk much. He asked me about HttFE(it's another game), and his only game relevant message said something to the effect of "I'm suspicious of Adavantos for reasons I can't really explain." I seriously doubt he role claimed to anyone. That's about it.

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I trusted you in MR8 and LG14 some. (Also QF10...)


Well those were my first three games, before I had really any idea of what I was doing, so I think people just tend not to suspect the new players that much Mark IV anyone? 

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Oh, actually, I didn't trust you much in LG14. It was LG15 I was thinking of. Regardless, everyone is at least a little suspicious until they die or the game ends, so I'm not giving you any sympathy.  :P


We really need to get on with lynching now! I've seen some players viewing the thread, but they haven't posted. I'm tempted to vote for one of them, but I'm kind of tired of voting on lurkers, and I kind of feel like I whine about them too much :P, so I'll just say who they are, and then search for a player who's been active to vote on.


Lurkers(ish) for this Cycle:


Kynedath - Followed this topic and was online for a bit, but hasn't posted anything.

Hellscythe - I saw him viewing the thread awhile ago, but he didn't post. I don't think he's posted since early on in Day 2. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Elkanah - Has been online since this Cycle started, but no posts.

Clanky - I think he might be viewing the thread right now. I know he was a little earlier at least, but no posts yet.

Araris - Has viewed the thread a couple times I think. Is online right now.

SilverDragon - I only put him here because he posted and said he was gonna stay in his corner because there's not enough information for him to vote, which I took as him saying he's not gonna be posting much. 

What's with the white text Ada?

As for my vote, I'm not sure where I'm going to place it quite yet, but right now I'm looking at Adavantos and LUNA as potential traitors. I want to go over things some before I vote though.

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As for my vote, I'm not sure where I'm going to place it quite yet, but right now I'm looking at Adavantos and LUNA as potential traitors. I want to go over things some before I vote though.


I can understand the suspicion on me, but I'm also curious about your reasons for wondering about LUNA. I have been suspicious of her as well and would appreciate seeing why you might feel the same.


*wakes up*




*doesn't see tablet anywhere*


*closes eyes*


Lopen, why do you think Adavantos and Luna are traitors?


This is literally me every morning I wake up after a night of heavy drinking, only replace tablet with kindle.



May as well edit in where everyone knows where they stand on my suspicion list, a la Hellscythe.




















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Well, I guess I'll explain my reasoning about LUNA first, since it will be a lot shorter.  :P


1. Lurking! Most of her posts are responding to someone who either called her out somehow, or asked her a question. She hasn't voted on anyone, or voiced any suspicions at all. It's the 3rd Cycle, and this is her first game, so maybe she's just trying to get a feel for things or something, but I personally find it suspicious when the majority of a players posts are defensive in nature.


2. When Arraenae and STINK called her out a little, her responses, in my opinion, felt like she was trying to brush them off casually so that she didn't seem overly defensive or something to that effect. I don't know if that's the best explanation, so let's just say I felt like her responses seemed eliminator-ish.


3. Last Night Turn, I asked her in our PM what she thought of Mailliw, and then a little bit later, asked her another question. She viewed the PM, but didn't ever respond. Since Mailliw died, her not responding seems suspicious to me. She did that with my PM with her on the first Cycle as well, which kinda makes me feel like she's hesitant to talk openly about anything.


That's pretty much it. What are your reasons Ada? (Don't worry, I'll try and do a post where I accuse you as well, so don't feel left out or anything.  ;))

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Somewhat similar reasons. First thing that caught my attention was the fact that she didn't put herself on the mission and instead chose four players who (at least for two of them) asked not to go, which suggests to me that she suspected they were villagers with abilities and wanted to prevent them from being used. Second reason has to do with her interaction with other players (and lack there of), at least in the case of the thread (as I don't find people not using PMs suspicious. I myself am reluctant to use them because I don't know many people to trust yet)

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Oh yeah, about her selections. Mailliw said she sent exactly who he had suggested in their(or at least who he said he would send), but did not tell her any role claims. He also said that she viewed their PM, but didn't respond to it either. It's possible she decided to send who he suggested, rather than those who volunteered because of what you say, that she wanted to send villagers with a better chance of having good roles than those who volunteered making them likely to be Non-Specialists, but also because if she picked a loyals(Mailliw) choices, rather than picking random players, she could have an excuse for why she chose who she did. That might be a little far-fetched, but I don't know.


I'm kind of lazing around right now, so I haven't gotten to analyzing you yet Ada. I think I'd give it another hour before I get it done. I've kinda had a long day, so I'm a little tired. I don't like leaving loose ends, so since I announced that I think you might be a traitor, I want to say why.

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I'm kind of lazing around right now, so I haven't gotten to analyzing you yet Ada. I think I'd give it another hour before I get it done. I've kinda had a long day, so I'm a little tired. I don't like leaving loose ends, so since I announced that I think you might be a traitor, I want to say why.


It's okay, no rush. I will probably end up going to bed soon myself so I likely won't respond to your scrutiny until after I wake up.

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But just in case, @Wyrm: Would a self-targeting Medical Specialist survive an Assassination attempt, or are Assassin kills (due to being a one-shot thing) impossible to block?


Since when did 17th Shard become a Twitter feed? >>


Assassinations are not unblockable kills. Medical Knowledge users can target themselves and save themselves from it.

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I've reviewed your posts Ada, but it's actually pretty tough to put into words why I suspect you. I've tried to list some reasoning at least though.


I didn't agree with your reasoning for suspicion on luckat. (We've discussed this, I know.)


You said you were a little suspicious of me earlier in the game which in turn made me suspicious of you.


I've disagreed with a few small things you've said, but they're pretty much just opinion based, such as you saying you were glad we didn't have a Day 1 lynch, because eliminators usually don't get invovled, but I think if everyone was talking and voting, they really wouldn't have a choice and we could really do some good. I'll admit that that's unlikely to happen though, because some players just don't like Day 1 lynches. 


Then there's some of the explanation you gave for voting on Anamaximder. Lynching him hasn't ever affected his playstyle, so even if we "punished" him by lynching him, I don't think it would do any good, so I felt like you were trying to justify your vote as much as you could.


Your post about how you're always suspicious unless you're dead or the game's over just felt like a play on peoples sympathy. 


Your list of the players and the way you ranked them was interesting, and not far off from how I feel at the moment, so I don't know how to feel about that.


So, that's all for now. I realize it's not a lot. Other than all of that, I guess I'm a little suspicious of you because of the way you've worded your posts. Just gives me a bad feeling about you somehow.


Looking at both you and LUNA, I think I'm slightly more suspicious of LUNA, so I'll put my vote there for the time being.


It would be nice if we could get a lot of players voting, since that really hasn't happened yet.

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Ripple gazed over at the alarm clock. Brilliantly red, the clock showed that she was late; how could this be?. Had she simply forgotten to do anything? Irritated with herself, she strode towards the bar.




Sorry, I am really trying to be active and checking on the game, I just don't always feel like I can contribute anything. Typically I can't even check in on Sundays.

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It'd only been two days in this smelly bar, but Sam had tired of it in the first few hours. There wasn't much to do, and he wasn't allowed out unless he was on a mission. So Sam kept to his room most of the time, setting up his remote network of information, hacking into street cameras, and extending the web of data. Three people had died in two days. Three people. Sam hadn't known them, but every life lost was a loss to everybody. Life was precious. Sometimes killing had to be done, to save someone else, but Sam had made a promise a long time ago that he would never be the one to save through killing. That's why he was a hacker instead. He could analyze, and sabotage, but he didn't kill. But someone out there had judged that there was something they wanted to save that was worth killing for. Maybe a person, maybe their own lives, maybe power, maybe just money. But whatever it was, by the way the bodies had turned up, Sam doubted it was really worth it. Three people dead in two days. That was another reason Sam was shut up in his room. It was his way of coping against the madness and darkness that was this rotten world. He knew, deep down, that more people died in a minute across the globe than had died here, but these were people that, even if he didn't know them, he acknowledged their existence. He had seen them move, breath, and live. And now they never would again. That thought set in once again, as it had several times over the past few hours, and Sam bowed his head, letting a tear for humanity fall.




I'm a trustin' Lopen here, and voting on LUNA. The whole PM thing seems pretty suspicious, but there is always the chance that something happened so she couldn't respond. In a way, having the mission be a success is worse than having it fail, and having so many successes seems off to me. But I've never played the resistance, so I wouldn't know fully. I also think STINK is suspicious, but I'm going for LUNA for right now. We need to kill somebody at this rate, or we'll just bleed out.


My thoughts on Maill's death. The fact that they used their most likely one assassin kill hints towards them wanting to kill Maill really fast, if they were using it second cycle. That just screams that they knew his job before hand, or he'd make a lucky (or analytical) guess, and they wanted him dead. But the whole thing seems rushed to me, them trying to take him because he was a threat. You don't use a one-use kill on someone random. You use it on a threat. But then why not just use their standard eliminator kill on him if that's true, is what I wonder about. possibly, the eliminator assassin was working separately from the others, and they didn't know he planned to assassinate the guy, or something along those lines.

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I agree that LUNA is suspicious (though you guys are a cycle late, in terms of agreeing with me) but I feel that Arraenae is more suspicious, and other than her defence of Anamax, she hasn't done much. 

Who lies about their role?

This also has nothing to do whatsoever with the fact that Lopen and Me are having a competition to see who can vote for an eliminator first, or the fact that Arraenae is certainly evil. 

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I'm kind of suspicious of AdaA lot of it is mostly a gut feeling, but some of it was his vote on Anamax, especially his reasoning for it:



Anamax, can you please respond to Clanky and I, and provide some of your thoughts on the lynch and the game overall? I would really rather not lynch a player for something as small as a single post, and I promise to retract if you take the time to add your input into the game, but if not I'd rather remove a player who doesn't participate in the discussion than any that do and am willing to cast suspicion on myself if it means giving us more information to work with.


In QF12, when Anamax was up for the lynch, Ada said this:




Okay, so, here's what I don't understand. I want Venture/Anamax to become more active as much as the next guy. But obviously putting him up for the lynch hasn't had much of an impact on him in any of these games so far, and I don't think killing him early every game is really going to encourage him to interact with us more. 


This seems like a drastic change of behavior, and I'd like to know why.

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No, I go quote-hunting in the previous threads. Docs are nicer in some ways, because you can search up keywords, but then you also have to know what keywords to search.



Niter, we need to talk.


*opens eyes*


*sees Mallory*


Here. You left this at the bar last night.


*takes tablet*


*turns tablet on*


You can't continue drinking like this, Niter. You're damaging our reputation.


 No I'm not. People like it when I drink with them.  :o


One or two shots? Fine. But ten? Twenty? When I found you last night, you'd already passed out.


Won't happen again. Promise.


That's what you said last time.


Mean it this time.


Well, if you drink again, I'll know. I installed an alcohol sensor in your tablet. It'll text me and shut down if you ever get intoxicated again.




Sorry, brother, but I don't trust your promises anymore. Just don't drink, okay?


*throws tablet at Mallory*


*tablet misses*


It's for your own good.


*Mallory leaves room*


EDIT: formatting

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As far as Anamax goes, I kind of have two things to say. The first is that, if he is an eliminator, I assume that he would be plenty active in the doc for that and thus lynching him poses basically no risk because of how little he tends to post in the thread. But I am also a little worried that maybe we are being a little hostile to him. I don't really think that, because these games are pretty cutthroat and we need everyone to participate as much as possible to be able to win. The lack of a village kill role this game also means that we do need to spend a lynch to get rid of him. So my proposal would be to put him on Missions, so that he has to contribute something. That seems like a somewhat elegantish solution to the problem.


So yeah, I do kind of agree with what Ada said in this regard.


I'm going to vote for LUNA. I am not totally up to speed on how things are going, but I don't think this is a bad lynch for us to make and I want to give you guys a definite piece of info about myself.

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Ugh, hate when I have to do stuff like this.


Okay, so I accused Rae of being evil in my PM with her, and she played along with it etc, and I also told other people that I thought Rae was evil. To my surprise, someone backed me up! She claimed the role that finds alignment, and said that they had got the result that Rae was evil. I was like 'Woah! Now I can look even smarter!'. 


Unfortunately for me, you people seem to be voting for LUNA (what are the chances that the people voting for LUNA are eliminators hoping to make the vote on Rae basically ignored?), so I present to you a choice. 


We all vote on Rae, and if she is evil then woohoo! If she is good, then I'll release the identity of the alignment checker. 


Sounds good, right? It's because it is. 



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