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Waynes Language

Navy Seon

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There is no way they are the same vulgarity. In order of least vulgarity: privates, groin, ball/nuts, penis, then d#/co#. People use the last two with some constraint when kids are around. In my experience. In my house where i have younger siblings, we never say the last two. But the first three we arent reserved except for at a meal or eating out since its not appropriate talk for the meal. Not because its vulgar. Its simple diplomatics. Use most complimentary words.

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I don't think that anyone who wasn't home schooled would be uncomfortable with Waynes language in BoM. 


Sure, I was surprised to see some words that I did not expect is Brandon's book, it was a surprise just like Adolin saying that he shat in his armor. It made me rise my eyebrows (I would rise only one if I knew how :P) but it didn't feel out of character at all.


And just like Ninja Yodeler before me, I don't like it when authors hide bad language behind "and she used the most vulgar language known to her". Hey, I want to know what was that language!

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It is hilarious i will admit. I am not uncomfortable at all. I have read other books, though not game of thrones, but the black prism, blinding knife, and wise mans fear. I just dont understand the purpose of an author straying from his normal values. Again, i am not uncomfortable about the terminology itself.

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It is hilarious i will admit. I am not uncomfortable at all. I have read other books, though not game of thrones, but the black prism, blinding knife, and wise mans fear. I just dont understand the purpose of an author straying from his normal values. Again, i am not uncomfortable about the terminology itself.

Oh, OK. I gotcha know. Yeah I don't know why he would stray from the "values" of his earlier books. Maybe with the earlier ones he didn't want to alienate anybody. Then he built up a solid, solid fandom, and felt like introducing more adult concepts and language into his writing. Idk. But man, GoT has had a few scenes(in book of course) where I was kinda taken aback. But you should try reading it. Vulgarity aside, its a damnation good read.

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At 23 percent on kindle edition. Between the middle and the end of chapter 6. Wayne says about himself ‘Well, Wayne. At least you ain’t a broke, d#less feller what can’t even pick his own nose properly.’ that was the main one for me, but there were a few others as well.

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I don't think that anyone who wasn't home schooled would be uncomfortable with Waynes language in BoM. 


Sure, I was surprised to see some words that I did not expect is Brandon's book, it was a surprise just like Adolin saying that he shat in his armor. It made me rise my eyebrows (I would rise only one if I knew how :P) but it didn't feel out of character at all.


And just like Ninja Yodeler before me, I don't like it when authors hide bad language behind "and she used the most vulgar language known to her". Hey, I want to know what was that language!

You'd think that but I'm slowly finding out otherwise. I have a thirty-two year old acquaintance who has acted 'offended' at certain vernacular of mine. It's honestly a bit mind-boggling but I suppose we need to take account of the fact that a lot of people grow up incredibly sheltered.

On the other hand, my friend/acquaintance circle is predominantly female. I have absolutely no filter on what I say and not a single one of them has ever had a problem with it. I suppose it all depends on who you congregate around. Then again, I'm an adult and the people I associate with are also adults so that stuff doesn't bother us but I can see different people having different views.

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At 23 percent on kindle edition. Between the middle and the end of chapter 6. Wayne says about himself ‘Well, Wayne. At least you ain’t a broke, d#less feller what can’t even pick his own nose properly.’ that was the main one for me, but there were a few others as well.


Bear in mind that getting a rise out of Marasi is one of Wayne's favorite hobbies. After using a polite euphamism the first time, he goes for broke at the end and leaves her confused because of his mixture of crudeness and wisdom. In other words, he's being his usual self. And there's a certain inherent absurdity in the way he first describes Chip (and needles Marasi when she asks for more details) and the way he sums it all up at the end. You don't necessarily expect it, therefore it's funny.

Edited by Weltall
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Wait wait wait... Brandon "straying from his normal values"? What are you talking about?


You realize you have read books with murder rape, sacrificial rituals, child murder, Straff Venture, Blushweaver, Hoid and Adolin shitting his shardplate, right?


There is some kind of funny ambiguous syntax in there...


Sure almost all of it was off screen, but so was this. The Cosmere has never been family friendly.

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Shallan's attempts at Thaylen sailor curses. If we were actually Thaylen sailors those would probably be pretty bad.

Balls isn't actually all that extreme but you gotta admit it is definitely the more vulgar substitute of "testicles", which is actually anatomically correct and something every doctor probably needs to be able to say with a straight face.

Edited by natc
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Like i said, its not the content that bothers me, although i am sure that there are concepts no matter how well told will still bother me. Follow the whole discussion. He has never used that word or type of word before.

Also i already took back that specific anatomical comment saying it wasnt a great example.

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There's not much point though. We wouldn't understand how bad it's actually supposed to be without cultural context.

I suppose I'll do it anyway, but I'm overseas and could only fit one Sanderson novel in my luggage :(

Should be back home in 24 hours or so if you want to wait, but the drynets sequence comes to mind first. Or really most of Blushweaver's complete disregard for modesty might be a more obvious not-family-friendly moment.

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Quote your sources. Give me an example before this book.


Lessie suspects that Wax killed an infamous criminal because he 'caught him on the crapper' when they first met, in the prologue of Shadows of Self. Wayne uses the same term multiple times in the book, about five times in a row at one point. This isn't really anything new out of Wayne and it's not worse than anything we've seen before.

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I don't think that anyone who wasn't home schooled would be uncomfortable with Waynes language in BoM.





Glad to know that homeschoolers are apparently the paragon of prudishness now. o.O

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