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Okay, so there are several things to point out from the results:


Kipper is (probably) not a Traitor: STINK, a Traitor, voted for him, so that's a huge point in his favor.


Kipper (probably) lied about his PM with Mark: Mark claimed that he was a "Skindancer" (the actual name of the role is Skinchanger); however, Mark was actually a Ranger.


Those two facts point to something weird going on behind the scenes. It could be a fake out by the Eliminators, or it could just be that Mark lied to Kipper to get his role.


I'm going to comb through the thread again to see who STINK was targeting, but I felt like I needed to post these facts first.

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Huh? That wasn't my basis for condemning StrawMan. That was just part of the reason I decided to go after him right then; he was already under the possibility of dying, and so, unless an Acolyte wanted to save him, he would be dying anyways. This way, I was hoping he could help us learn more. Then the evil team decided that they didn't want to wait for their greyscale to kick in and decided to waste a kill on him instead. 


I currently suspect Sart the most. He didn't show up C1, but then came back and immediately started to suspect me. After he voted, he kept trying to sway others onto me.


Mailliw, when did I try to sway people to voting for you? My vote on you was the last post I made Cycle 2.


Honestly, I find it very strange that Strawman was the one killed. He was under a great amount of suspicion, plus he had Greyscale. I don't think the Eliminators would waste their Greyscale usage on someone they were going to kill next cycle, so I suspect that they weren't the ones to poison him. If that's true, then we have another Stoneman alive.


In my analysis I noticed that STINK was remarkably quiet. He rhymed once in thread, then voted for Kipper because he wouldn't be the first vote anymore. No wonder the Shadowbinder killed him.


In other news, I would like to hear more from Alvron and Elbereth. They have been flying under the radar by not casting a vote, but they've been active enough to write somewhat lengthy posts. I can understand why the new players would be hesitant to vote, but it doesn't excuse you two.

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In other news, I would like to hear more from Alvron and Elbereth. They have been flying under the radar by not casting a vote, but they've been active enough to write somewhat lengthy posts. I can understand why the new players would be hesitant to vote, but it doesn't excuse you two.

Lengthy posts?  I don't recall doing any lengthy posts this game.  Or in many games for that matter.  Also, I tend to not vote.  I was tempted to vote last cycle and it would've been for you Sart.  Due purely for the fact that you were the only one absent the first cycle and there wasn't a Faceless kill.  As it looked like you were going to die anyway I decided to wait and see if there was a Faceless kill this time round, but there wasn't so there is nothing to say if you are or aren't a Faceless.  Or even if there is one in the game.

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Sigh. Why is there always a 3rd cycle slump? Only Mailliw has voted today, so I'm going to be killed if I don't do something.




I'm a ranger, and I caught him visiting Strawman last night. I called him out in thread, hoping he would put a vote on someone. I included Elbereth to make him less suspicious (but seriously I would like her to actually vote) Unfortunately, he has remained pointedly neutral. I would have liked for him to implicate someone falsely before revealing, but we don't have time for that. Any last words Alv?

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Sart is most likely a Ranger given that I did indeed visit Strawman last cycle.  However it was not to kill him but rather to heal his Greyscale.  Yes, I know that's a convenient excuse but it's the truth.  I have no way to prove it is so.  All I can offer is the idea that if I was evil then why would I be the one making the kill?  As loathe as I am to admit it, I tend to get scanned fairly often.  Far more than I would like to have been scanned.  Far more likely would be that one of the lower profile players would be the one to place the kills.

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Sart is most likely a Ranger given that I did indeed visit Strawman last cycle.  However it was not to kill him but rather to heal his Greyscale.  Yes, I know that's a convenient excuse but it's the truth.  I have no way to prove it is so.  All I can offer is the idea that if I was evil then why would I be the one making the kill?  As loathe as I am to admit it, I tend to get scanned fairly often.  Far more than I would like to have been scanned.  Far more likely would be that one of the lower profile players would be the one to place the kills.

So, mind helping me out and proving that you are what you say you are? If you heal me this cycle, we'll all know that this reasoning behind why you targeted StrawMan is accurate. If I am not healed, everyone will know that you weren't targeting StrawMan for healing purposes.

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Sart is most likely a Ranger given that I did indeed visit Strawman last cycle.  However it was not to kill him but rather to heal his Greyscale.  Yes, I know that's a convenient excuse but it's the truth.  I have no way to prove it is so.  All I can offer is the idea that if I was evil then why would I be the one making the kill?  As loathe as I am to admit it, I tend to get scanned fairly often.  Far more than I would like to have been scanned.  Far more likely would be that one of the lower profile players would be the one to place the kills.

Well you could be the one making the kill because you have the least useful role or people with less important roles roles were inactive. Also this is probably the main reason for it being strawman who was killed exactly so that you would have an excuse in case you were caught. I'm thinking that now knowing that STINK was a stoneman the eliminators decided that they would first infect whomever they killed so that they can have a convenient excuse should they get caught visiting that player. To be fair that only would have worked a few times until people would suspect and begin protecting the infected players, which then also helps the traitors by drawing protection towards the infected players allowing them to target other players with ease. 


Alvron.  Another point that isn't in your favour was bringing up using a red priest on STINK or Kyn, by putting it into an edit you make it seem like an afterthought so that it would be less suspicious of you if STINK wasn't revived and was a revealed traitor. 


Also Sart, I wouldn't be so quick to clear Kipper when STINK only voted on him to tie the lynch and didn't want to actually be the deciding vote.


Also now that strawman is dead for anyone that didn't get his code yet it said "I am a steward" using the first and last letter of each line.

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Vote tally:


Alvron(2): Sart, Clanky

DeathClutch(2): Mailliw, Jerle

Jerle(1): Lopen

Lopen(0): PK

Sart(0): Mailliw


Players who have yet to post in the thread(5): Anamaximder(has not been online this Cycle), Elbereth(was online about 3 hours ago, so her lack of posting is pretty surprising to me, since she's usually pretty vocal), Kipper(has not been online this Cycle), Orlok(was online about an hour ago, but like Elbereth, hasn't posted yet, and while I don't think he's usually quite as active a player in the thread as Elbereth is, it's still a bit disconcerting) and LUNA(has not been online this Cycle).


I'm still suspicious of Jerle. I had forgotten about STINK voting on Kipper on the first Cycle, and while that doesn't really clear him, it's better evidence than I've got for any other players at this point(evidence that he might be loyal that is :P). DeathClutch doesn't really seem very suspicious to me. Alvron, it's hard to say. I've never been able to get a read on him I don't think(except maybe LG15b, but then Arraenae killed him :(). If Alv is an Oldtown Acolyte, then he's very valuable(not to mention that he's a good player regardless of his role), so I'm wary of lynching him this early.

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Sart is most likely a Ranger given that I did indeed visit Strawman last cycle.  However it was not to kill him but rather to heal his Greyscale.  Yes, I know that's a convenient excuse but it's the truth.  I have no way to prove it is so.  All I can offer is the idea that if I was evil then why would I be the one making the kill?  As loathe as I am to admit it, I tend to get scanned fairly often.  Far more than I would like to have been scanned.  Far more likely would be that one of the lower profile players would be the one to place the kills.


Well, you know what they say; if you give a man enough rope, he'll hang himself on it. I was worried that you might have been someone suspicious of Strawman. The likely candidates were Steward, Acolyte, and Ranger.

  • If you had claimed Steward, you would have to claim Stickman's role, and we might have spared you today to see the results tomorrow. The fact that Stickman role claimed in code would have made things even more gray.
  • I discounted the possibility of Ranger, since we already have one dead, and I'm another one.
  • That left the possibility of Acolyte, which is what you're claiming. However, that doesn't make any sense. I was fully healed last night. I had to double check the rules to realize what that meant. It means that at least 2 acolytes targeted me last night. I highly doubt we have 3 Acolytes Alvron. There's just not that much they can heal. Even if you're an acolyte, we'll still have two left.

While it is true that you are a Veteran player, that doesn't mean you'll be scanned very often. In this game, you've barely done anything, so you would be a good killer for the Eliminators. You were hoping to slide under the radar. However, I've realized that's what Eliminators do a lot of the time, especially those killing people. That's why I looked at you, and that's why I believe you're a Traitor.

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