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I'm personally going to go where I prefer. I think that with the drunk players and chance for spies it isn't worth it trying to get all the fractions together. I personally think that PMs are a much safer way to contact your team. I do think that it is worth it to spread players out evenly among locations to minimize the ability of traitors to kill freely but I don't think we really have time to plan that all out with so little time left. the most important thing is to not be on the streets at this point.


Edit: Also I agree about not killing Lopen so early. I would be much happier with a the lynch tied at this point or having Shallan or Phatt die since they only posted once.

Edited by Clanky
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Except that a tie just randomizes the vote, which isn't in anyone's best interest. I'd much rather choose and be wrong than let it go to a coin toss; we learn more that way.


Sorry, Phattemer, but it looks like you're the sacrificial lamb to keep Lopen alive.

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I don't like it. This looks more like people are trying to save Lopen than anything. Why? What do we really learn from killing Phatt? At least with Lopen, we have some discussion between him and other players. We don't learn anything from Phatt's death other than who he was. 


I'm highly suspicious of this lynch train....

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Uh, I don't actually want to kill phatt so I'll vote for Lopen. This probably seems very suspicious but I do not like seeing D1 lynches without any reasoning, and at least the first votes on Lopen were for something.

Meta ninja'ed but yeah, that too.

Edited by Shallan
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I just realized that I haven't RP'd, so I'm gonna scratch something out really quick for the sake of a point. I reserve the right to reverse any character decisions I'm about to make, because I'm not thinking them over at all.




Walker Curtis was almost certain that he was not about to explode.


With that knowledge reassuring him, he raised the dropper with a steady hand, then very carefully added one, two, three drops of the new formula into the blood sample. Then, placing the sample under his microscope, he began to observe the effects.


"Trial 23-A. Begin notes," he said aloud. A small chirrup from his mobile, resting on the table, informed him that it had started recording.


"Due to the energetic nature of recent failures, sample donor has been changed from subject Megaton to subject Fleshweaver." And thank God for that, he thought to himself.



Out of time, continued next turn. Hopefully this counts?

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Night 1: Sacrifice

Perseus walked the streets of Portland, quiet as was his custom, watching the other gangs slowly attack each other. He spoke once. Only once, to condemn Citona, but was drowned out by the yells of those who would rather kill him. Perseus stood silently as the crowds pressed together, members of different gangs working together to hold him down. A blade was passed to the doctor.

Dr. Walker Curtis lifted the blade up above his head, unaccustomed to killing, but familiar with knives, he knew to slit Perseus’s throat to kill him most efficiently. He lowered the knife to the jugular and with a silent prayer to whatever god forced this upon them, slit Perseus’s throat, remembering his Hippocratic Oath, but justifying it to himself by hoping he’d help the remnants of the city survive.

As Perseus bled out on the street, the crowds slowly departed, each heading to a different place for the night. Some would watch to see if someone would come by and heal Perseus or, if he was lucky, he’d be tough enough to survive and push off death.

But for now, the gangs knew they’d have to wait till dawn to find out if Perseus was working for the government. For it was never a good idea to be on the streets at night anymore. People on the streets died.

Perseus(Phattemer) was lynched! He is in limbo for a turn!

Perseus (3): Mr. Nameless(Clanky), Dr. Walker Curtis(Wonko), Hank Ale(Elkanah)
Matthew (3): Taniel(StrawMan), Citona(Shallan), Megan(Meta)
Citona (1): Perseus
Skunk-Man (1): Pam(Rae)

Mr. D(Dow), Lyric(Honor Spren), and A Smart Guy(Sart) are on the Streets!

You are now free to use your actions as you wish. PMs are on their way!


Edited by Alvron
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So I figure that I should explain myself as to why I voted for phatt. Firstly I wasn't aware of the rule that calls for a random to be killed in case of ties, if I had known that I probably wouldn't have voted for phatt. Basically in this game with factions being an integral part I didn't want to have anyone in my faction killed unless we are basically sure that they are a GA. So I was actually hoping to have a tie in the lynch so that nobody would die this cycle and we wouldn't have to lynch anyone until we had a chance to learn factions. Obviously that didn't work out but that was why I wanted to do it.

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This just occurred to me, but won't following meta's plan just bunch everyone together, hence making the eliminators less easy to narrow down upon?

This exemplifies something that I saw in a lot of posts last cycle. Unfortunately, I didn't quite finish reading before the cycle ender (grr- though fortunately I was able to send in my lodging), so i'll have to make my comments now, annoyingly.

First off, no, it won't really make Meta's plan any different. It might actually protect the Bankers a bit, because (unless there's a special condition that I missed), they have to target people in their building. So a bigger group is not a bad thing. Second, it would make Lopen's plan more difficult. I'll come back to that in a minute.

But here's the thing.

It's only for one cycle. If we'd done that plan, we would know the makeup of our gang, and then we could go to any place we wanted. Whenever. It would only be a temporary measure, guys. Not that much of a problem. Really. Why was there such backlash against this plan? I would say it was Government Agents, but as far as I can tell they should be fine with this plan. It tells them who's in each gang. So... what's up? EDIT: Also, anyone could literally have just picked a place for the Drunks to go for a cycle. But no one even mentioned it. What's with that?

Also, unrelated comment. We can still follow both plans, Meta's (main) plan, and Lopen's plan, at the same time. I see no problem with that. Everyone sends their points to bankers, and we try to make kills based on who was in the room with the killer. Is there any problem with that, except for Bankers having a smaller pool of people to choose for scanning?

Edited with more stuff about Meta's location plan.

Edited by Elbereth
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I would still really like an explanation from Strawman about that vote on me. From what I can see, it looks like he could be a GA who was trying to prove he had no connections to me by killing me and revealing I'm not a GA. Seriously, I don't like getting voted on(Meta :angry:), but I especially don't like getting voted on for no reason at all, then almost getting lynched for it. 


So apparently some players didn't want to do Meta's plan, so I'm not sure what to think about the players who are at the location where I am. I'm guessing some of them went ahead and followed the plan, but it's hard to say if they all did or just went where they wanted to go and that's where they ended up. I think the PM thing for gang communication sounds like a solid idea.


Also, there's 3 players in the Streets. I wouldn't think the GA's would be so cruel as to kill a first time player on the first Cycle, so I would guess that if they do kill one of them, it would be either Dowanx or Sart. Not sure who'd they'd pick from the both of them. They might just decide to kill someone else anyways though.

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Aphrodisiac. That word sent shivers down his spine. How could one little pill make all of his worries go away? He didn't have to focus on anything in particular. He could just sleep. Dream a little dream. Float through the world.


He was running low though. His supply had been uneven from the start. It had only gotten worse. Still he had one left though. He ate it quickly. The high took a while, so it was better to stay prepared. And if they happened to overlap, well, he would enjoy the sudden luxury. Henry smiled. Things were looking up. The town was in shambles, but he didn't care. He had this last bit of luxury left. It was enough.


Sorry about not coming on sooner... I'm starting to make a habit out of that. Anyways, please don't kill me while I'm high. It would be a rude wake-up call.

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FInished version of my RP from the Day cycle.:



Walker Curtis was almost certain that he was not about to explode.


With that knowledge reassuring him, he raised the dropper with a steady hand, then very carefully added one, two, three drops of the new formula into the blood sample. Then, placing the sample under his microscope, he began to observe the effects.


"Trial 23-A. Begin recording observations," he said aloud. A small chirrup from his mobile, resting on the table, informed him that it had started recording everything was saying..


"Note: due to the energetic nature of recent failures, sample donor has been changed from subject Megaton to subject Heartmender." And thank God for that, he thought to himself, feeling at the ridges where his eyebrows used to be.


After a short wait, he finally noticed some movement. "Ten minutes, thirty-six seconds. Attempt 23 is showing signs of activity." He adjusted the focus on the microscope looking for the primary target of this trial. When it came into focus, he couldn't hold back a grin.


"Selective activity of Attempt 23 is a confirmed success. The pathogen can be clearly seen attaching itself to mutated cells only. Nonmutated cells are ignored." This was fantastic; it was the first time the formula had displayed functioning selectivity since he had begun trying for it with Attempt 4. He settled in to wait for the second half of the test.


A quarter of an hour later, it began. "Twenty-seven minutes, 8 seconds. Cellular reparation appears to be completed. The pathogen is preparing to detach from the host cells." Walker watched eagerly as the first of the tiny machines pulled free of the blood cell it had been working on and dissolved into the plasma.


It left behind the cell of an Epic. 


Walker sighed. "Cellular reparation in Attempt 23 is a confirmed failure. The mutated cells remain unaltered, and if my luck holds true -- Ah, there they go."


The released cells had begun to vibrate steadily. "As before, the pathogen appears to have triggered the activation of the mutated cells. This remains an inexplicable phenomenon, despite my best efforts to figure out the cause.


"Given Heartmender's considerable regenerative abilities, I anticipate that the sample will be revitalized until it is indistinguishable from freshly donated." Walker was glad he'd switched test subjects; it was usually at this point that Megaton's explosion-based powers would destroy a sizable section of... He suddenly snapped back to the present and noticed what was happening.


"It would appear that I was mistaken. The mutated sample cells are grouping together at the center of the dish, and they appear to be.. changing? Ah! They are transforming themselves into a variety of other human cells. Fascinating! I think that that these cells are attempting to reconstruct Heartmender from her genetic code and whatever raw material it can scavenge from her blood sample."


Indeed, sections of tissue and muscle appeared to be forming throughout the sample dish. And then, slowly, the mutating sample began take shape. "This is truly remarkable," He recorded. "The sample is arranging itself into a humanoid shape, desperate to follow its genetic instructions, but lacking the requisite mass. It..."


It sat up.


Walker jerked backward from the microscope and stumbled to the floor, looking on in horror as the thing jumped from his sample dish, landing on a lab table nearly ten feet away. Of course, thought the scientist locked away at the back of his gibbering mind; It's using Heartmender's secondary powers of enhanced muscle strength and reflexes.


The thing's head jerked back and forth animalistically, before it suddenly leapt at the tiny window at the top of the far wall. It shattered its way through one of the small glass panels, and disappeared into the night outside.


Walker stared after it for some time after it had gone.


He turned back to his mobile, heart still racing with terror. "Note: cancel all planned trials of Cure Attempt 23. Contact Heartmender and inform her that the blood sample she gave me has... run away. End of trial." He slipped his mobile into its holster at his waist. It hardly felt real, saying it out loud like that. He wondered if he was going mad.


Still in a state of numbed shock, he spent several minutes cleaning his lab, before climbing the stairs to his bedroom.


As though there were any chance of him sleeping tonight.

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Ok, rp is going to be a tire short since I'm on my tablet.

Star Thief bounced down the street, unperturbed about the dead guy laying on the street with his throughout slit, though she did stop and rifle though his pockets.

"Sparks," she cursed to her cat, "Why don't dead guys have any shinys in their pockets?" And with that she continued on her way.

So did everyone won the whole, to to one spot per gang thing, because I kind of forgot

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Pam searched the pantry again. This couldn’t be it, there had to be more! Pam couldn’t be running out of food after just a week! Even if the weekly delivery of locally sourced organic food hadn’t come this Friday, there had to be more food left in the house than a few boxes of expired cereal.

Rats in the cellar

The pantry refused to yield anything. Pam searched it again. Still empty.

I'm looking forwards to Pi day

Her stomach growled, and Pam held in the temptation to curse. Mother would smack her if she ever heard Pam say that out loud.

Paddling is harder than it looks

So the pantry was empty. The refrigerator might as well be useless -- it hadn’t had power for, what, three or four days now? The rest of the house was also useless, unless Pam wanted to start boiling books. All she had was a few boxes of cereal and maybe the stuff left in the fridge, if Pam wanted to risk food poisoning.

Shshshsh, whoops, forgot her name

Ugh. Pam’s stomach felt horribly empty, and the food she had left wasn’t enough. If, no, when she ran out…

Earl grey tea, my, oh my!

What if...what if there was food outside of the house? The third day after an Epic burned down her school, someone had delivered a flier to her house, something about supplies being handed out. Pam had ignored it at the time, but now…

Rulers should include both the metric and the imperial system

Pam stood up and walked towards the mail rack. Where was it again? She rifled through tax statements, copies of Barron’s, the Wall Street Journal, and Bloomburg Business magazines before finding a sheet of paper detailing locations where the government would be handing out supplies like food and water.

Ekko sends you his love

The nearest location was at least a mile away. Ugh.

Nervous? You should be

Pam remembered the man who’d knocked on the door. Who knew how many people like him would be roaming the streets? What about Epics, like the one that had destroyed her school? Pam had never walked that far by herself before -- what if she got lost? Or mugged? Or killed?


Pam’s stomach grumbled. Even if it was dangerous out there, she couldn’t just stay and starve. If Mother and Father came back and she wasn’t home, they’d understand, right?

Pam ran upstairs to find her backpack and a jacket. Then she walked out the door, hoping that nothing bad would happen.



I feel we would benefit a lot from knowing Lopen's alignment now what happened last turn. Wonko's reasoning for not lynching Lopen seems off -- just because someone drives discussion doesn't mean they're a villager.

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Well, I have one point and am at the Pool all by myself. Just thought you should all know that.


While personally I would like to know everyone's current location, I'm not going to ask anyone to divulge whose at which headquarters, since we all know Lopen stayed at his faction's base. Just in case he's in mine I would rather not have that information out in the open. However, I think it would be wise for people to announce whose in the neutral zones (the Pub, Government Building and Ferry). I'm especially interested in who is at the Ferry. Starting next cycle I think we should all announce who is where immediately at the start of the night phase so that we can do some preemptive thinking.


If you're a villager, I suggest you don't come to the Pool ever. If you're an eliminator feel free so I can out you. I intend on chilling by the pool for the entire duration of this game.


At the moment, I'm suspicious of basically everyone who voted for Lopen and phattemer (and both of them by extension). I will wait until the next turn to see phattemer's role / alignment before I pursue any one theory, however.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Lamoni stumbled down the alley, and paused at an intersection. Where was he going...? He knew he had a destination in mind. But it was just so hard to... His head hurt. Maybe if he just lay down right here, it would all be okay. He wasn't important. He didn't have a name.

Why was he even here? Wasn't he going somewhere? When did he sit down? He needed to get up. He needed to complete... Something. He needed to remember. But it was just too... Too...

His eyes closed.

You guessed it, I'm still drunk. I don't see any reason to vote for anyone, because I'm as likely as not to hit my own team. It's late tonight, but maybe tomorrow I'll figure out who is acting suspicious so far.

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Well, I have one point and am at the Pool all by myself. Just thought you should all know that.


While personally I would like to know everyone's current location, I'm not going to ask anyone to divulge whose at which headquarters, since we all know Lopen stayed at his faction's base. Just in case he's in mine I would rather not have that information out in the open. However, I think it would be wise for people to announce whose in the neutral zones (the Pub, Government Building and Ferry). I'm especially interested in who is at the Ferry. Starting next cycle I think we should all announce who is where immediately at the start of the night phase so that we can do some preemptive thinking.


If you're a villager, I suggest you don't come to the Pool ever. If you're an eliminator feel free so I can out you. I intend on chilling by the pool for the entire duration of this game.


At the moment, I'm suspicious of basically everyone who voted for Lopen and phattemer (and both of them by extension). I will wait until the next turn to see phattemer's role / alignment before I pursue any one theory, however.



Does the Pool have any benefits? I mean, the rules don't say they have any, but they don't say they DON'T either.  :ph34r:


Maybe I was trying to spy on my rival gang?  :ph34r:  :ph34r: The neutral buildings were actually the Pub, Pool, Ferry and City Hall. Why start on the Ferry??? That would be peculiar. I do agree that once it's the next Night Turn, players should reveal who all is where. So why don't we decide whether we're gonna do my plan or not? I know that Aman doesn't want to because...pity for the GA's(he also invited them to a Pool party  :P). They're gonna have to make a choice about where they want to kill anyways. My plan just makes it so that we can get a lot better information if they do kill someone. Anyways, I figure we should get this settled as early as possible so if we DO decide to do it, we can post who goes where at the beginning of the next Day Turn, and that way everyone should have adequate time to get their orders in.

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Hank peeked out through window of the building he was staying in. The blinds hung crookedly and threatened to fall off completely as he pushed them aside to clear his view.

Out on the street a man was... asleep? No his eyes were open. He clearly wasn't conscious. He wasn't dead either. He could have been wasted. The least Hank could do was help a guy out.

He headed for the door to pull the man to shelter. The freed window shades slapped loudly against the pane startling Hank. He spun around to see the man stand suddenly and stalk off. Well, there went that plan.

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