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Just based off their interaction. I mean, it's more likely that both are innocent, but if I had to choose Meta would be the evil one for proposing a plan that benefited the faction aspect of this game over the elimination / would make the eliminator a job easier / denounced a player with a plan that would really maximize the efficiency of the village without mentioning the moral aspect of it.

Oh I'm also a bit suspicious of you, Rae. Just thought I'd let you know :) (besides my role and faction I'm 100% an open book)


It sounds like people mostly didn't follow Meta's plan, and almost everybody went to the government building.

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Day 2: Job Market

Pony waited in line at the Government Building behind what seemed to be everyone left in town. There was Lady E and Megan, Savien and Matthew, all uneasy with each other. No one could quite know who was in which gang, or if someone was even a Government Agent. Pony watched from the back of the line as everyone slowly went in and applied for their new jobs.

It was strange to see that so many people were looking for jobs in this gang madness. Pony didn’t think this cohesion would last long. There was too much unrest and mistrust for anyone to work together long.

As Pony watched, there was a disturbance up ahead. Someone was scuffling with another. Who was it? Pony couldn’t see over the others’ heads. Two people had gotten into an argument and it had gotten violent. He tried to see who it was, but as he stood on his toes, he felt something warm seep down his back. He looked down to see the tip of a machete sticking through his ribs. He turned to see who had done it, and fell to the ground as he turned. His vision began to dim as the figure moved away to join those watching the fight.

As dawn arrived, Dr. Walker Curtis went back out on the streets to see if Perseus had managed to survive his wound. Sadly, the body was still there, unmoving. He had managed to scrawl out “Commander” in his own blood as he had given his final breaths. On his body, the doctor found an arsenal of knives, that, for some reason, he hadn’t used when the gangs were surrounding him. He had chosen to accept his fate instead of fight for his survival. Walker Curtis hoped they could manage to make his sacrifice count.

Perseus was a Blood Tyrant Commander with no role!
Pony(Silverblade) was attacked by the Government Agents! He is in Limbo.

You may now each send out one PM! Please include the GMs in your PMs.
You have 23.5 hours to vote on a lynch, decide on a new(or same) location, and donate your points or keep them. You must tell us that you want to stay in the same building or you will end up on the streets.


Edited by Alvron
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After an uneasy night spent sleeping on the floor in city hall, Hank woke just as sore as the day before.

"There has to be a better way to live than this" he mumbled to himself, sitting up and straightening his shirt.

Dr. Curtis returned to the council chamber."At least you're still alive. That young man who we attacked last night is dead."

"Better him than me."

"You watch yourself or you'll be there next."

Hank wasn't too worried at the doctors threat. He'd heard much worse from much scarier people. Still it was time to leave. He grabbed his few scraps and a blanket he'd found and left without another word.

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So I figure I'll repost my plan from the day here:


"Anyways I think that the best way to share group membership without any chance of non GA spies is through the rank PMs. So basically thow you ca get everyone through this is:


Commander PM --> Captain 1: Gives name of Captain 2

Captain 1 PM --> Captain 2: Gives names of the Regulars

Captain 2 PM --> Regular giving them the names of all the other regulars.

Regular PM--> Other Regular giving them the names and telling them who has been PMd already to ensure that everyone gets included."


Are we going to do this plan? I think it's good but it only works if everyone does it

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I think that sounds good. It is the best way to get everyone knowing all gang members in one turn. This way we can figure out the government agents faster.



Regarding Clank's plan

Edited by Danosaur
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So the GA has to have been one of : Master_Elodin, Elbereth, Arraenae, Lopen, Meta, SilverBlade, Danosaur and Kipper, and me. My vote is on Kipper, because it is would be really easy to claim drunk, and be a GA.

That would be quite stupid to claim drunk and you don't gain all that much from it. The only way that would work would be if he were a commander because if he were anything else he would show up in someones chain of command which drunks don't do.

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So I figure I'll repost my plan from the day here:


"Anyways I think that the best way to share group membership without any chance of non GA spies is through the rank PMs. So basically thow you ca get everyone through this is:


Commander PM --> Captain 1: Gives name of Captain 2

Captain 1 PM --> Captain 2: Gives names of the Regulars

Captain 2 PM --> Regular giving them the names of all the other regulars.

Regular PM--> Other Regular giving them the names and telling them who has been PMd already to ensure that everyone gets included."


Are we going to do this plan? I think it's good but it only works if everyone does it


What you're proposing is a height traversal of the command tree. It's good in theory, but it depends on how active everyone else is. In addition, the Blood Tyrants have already lost their commander, and we don't know where Silverblade falls on the command tree so it might not work for more than one team. I think we should have an addendum. If you don't get a PM by night-time, you should be able to make a PM on your own. Its better to have a PM with a person on another team than to not have a PM at all.

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What you're proposing is a height traversal of the command tree. It's good in theory, but it depends on how active everyone else is. In addition, the Blood Tyrants have already lost their commander, and we don't know where Silverblade falls on the command tree so it might not work for more than one team. I think we should have an addendum. If you don't get a PM by night-time, you should be able to make a PM on your own. Its better to have a PM with a person on another team than to not have a PM at all.

 Yea I totally agree with the time limit. How about halfway through the cycle to give different time zones enough time to check in? Also it's best to send to the more active player of the choices you have so that we have the best chance of the chain continuing.


EDIT: Also I suppose the best that the Blood tyrants can hope to do at this point is to start from captain so that they can at least learn half of their team. 

Edited by Clanky
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@Master Elodin,

Back in that other game though, the rooms were getting destroyed as per the number of players. That hindered the plan quite a bit. Also, the plan doesn't really help the eliminators. It gives them a harder time. It's just that they still won through it. (They had Alv and Wilson on their team. Of course they'd win. :P)

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@Master Elodin,

Back in that other game though, the rooms were getting destroyed as per the number of players. That hindered the plan quite a bit. Also, the plan doesn't really help the eliminators. It gives them a harder time. It's just that they still won through it. (They had Alv and Wilson on their team. Of course they'd win. :P)

Actually Alv GMd that one. That was Wilson and I. :P

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Savien limped through the streets, crying. He was terrified. He didn't want to die, like Pony and Perseus had! He had only known them for a little while, and- Stop. He stopped moving, but not of his own volition. Oh great, he thought. Another persuasion epic. Release. Then moving faster than the epic could react to, he pulled a flask of whiskey from his bag and guzzled it down.

"You can't make me do anything now! I'm drunk as a dead doornail... decoration!" He giggled at that, then punched the man in the face and ran away. Ahh. That made him feel so much better. He hated epics.


Strawman , you seem a little too eager to lynch someone.

Edited by Master_Elodin
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That would be quite stupid to claim drunk and you don't gain all that much from it. The only way that would work would be if he were a commander because if he were anything else he would show up in someones chain of command which drunks don't do.

Ah, read the rules. kipper

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I received a note telling me that Dow is a blood tyrant! Shall we Lynch him to see if I am telling the truth?

Well I suppose strawman isn't a Blood tyrant at least. 


Honor Spren has just informed us that she will be dropping out of the game.

Will she be removed from the game/replaced/killed? If not I recommend someone use a kill action so that we can get an alignment at least.

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Pam shouldn’t have worried about getting lost. The government building was easily identifiable, the only building in the entire street with lights on. A group of people milled around the doors to the building, which was closed. Some people argued, some people paced around, some stood in one spot, and one even looked like he was sleeping.


Pam walked closer. Was the building closed? She hoped not; the people around the building looked dangerous, almost like a gang.


Wait. That man, the one who that was sleeping -- he wasn’t sleeping. He was dead, and was lying in a pool of blood. Some of the others were waving knives and guns in the air, and one of them gestured violently at the body.


Pam froze. This -- this couldn’t be happening! That man over there wasn’t dead, the people hadn’t killed him, this was NOT HAPPENING IN FRONT OF A GOVERNMENT BUILDING!


One of the figures turned and pointed towards Pam. She watched in horrified fascination as the others also turned towards her and started arguing even more loudly. Some of them waved the knives -- at her! Pam's frozen muscles unlocked, and she ran.




Guys, why on Earth are we letting Lopen get lynched? He's been one of the strongest discussion leaders in this game; we want him alive to continue that. Meta or Straw, please drop your vote before something really regrettable happens.


I'm very suspicious of the Phatt lynch, especially considering that it started just an hour before turnover. I think it's also interesting that Wonko's reasoning for letting Lopen live is that "he's been one of the strongest discussion leaders in this game". Not because Wonko thinks that Lopen is innocent, or that he disagrees with the reasoning (or lack of it) behind the votes on Lopen.
This feels like a last-minute attempt to save a teammate.
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I received a note telling me that Dow is a blood tyrant! Shall we Lynch him to see if I am telling the truth?


No. We need to focus on finding eliminators, not killing village faction members. However, @EvanescentSnitch: I would appreciate a PM from you, if you're willing. I already know who you are but I've used my one PM this turn on my faction's captain.


I have more to comment on but my time is short.

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Like I said in LG18, I'm going out of town starting Tuesday afternoon and won't be getting back until sometime on Friday, and my internet connection will be severely limited, and so my activity will be as well. I'll still be here for tomorrow though!


I'm gonna put my vote on Strawman. I've asked for an explanation for his vote on me, but he's completely ignored me. Also, I don't understand why he revealed that Snitch note or thought it would be a good idea to lynch someone to make sure he's telling the truth about a note that said someone's faction, rather than alignment.


Although that brings up an interesting question. GM's, for Snitch notes, what would come up for 'alignment' on a player that's not a Government Agent? Like, say Meta is a GA and he gets scanned by a Snitch. Obviously there are 3 possible things that that note could say. Alignment - Government Agent. Faction - Whatever faction he's in. Role - His role. Then let's say phattemer was still alive. What if he was scanned? Would the only possible things the note could say be his faction and role? Since his faction is his alignment in this case.

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