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When Pam woke up, she wasn't sure where she was. Why was she lying on someone's lawn? Where were Mother and Father?

Then she remembered the government building and the body.

Her stomach grumbled, but Pam was starting to get used to feeling hungry. Still, she needed food and water. She'd last eaten... Yesterday morning? Yesterday afternoon?

She might be able to find food on the streets, but if there were ganvs roaming around and killing people like the one in the government building...

She needed to go home.

Pam stood up. Maybe she could ask for directions? There was someone across the street from her, dressed all in black. Pam gathered up her courage and shouted across the broken road. "Excuse me, Mister, do you know how to go to Crescent Street?"

RPing on mobile is hard. Open for anyone to answer.

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Well. This is the problem with travelling and 24-hour turnovers. I'm only on after turnover, but sometimes I think I might be on beforehand and wait to put in orders... and then I'm not. Gah. Unfortunately, I'm one of the more high profile players on the Streets (because everyone else who is there is actually inactive, as opposed to just having a terrible schedule). So unless they decide to go after Kipper or a building (which doesn't seem smart), I'm in danger. Hmph. (And yes, it's an IKYK now. That was intentional.)

Edited because I didn't finish my sentence.

If you're referring to me here, I actually do have a terrible schedule. :P

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So wait, you are in my faction? I did the exact same thing.

That's a correct assessment. Also I advise that you don't steal from another faction since we need their bankers to gather enough points to scan people. With our backer dead already we need to focus on other things.

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Makow spun around.

"Excuse me, Mister, do you know how to go to Crescent Street?" A girl called across the street.

"I beg your pardon, dear?" Makow asked her, even though he'd heard her clearly enough. Actually, it was a ruse to move closer. Talking was quite hard when the recepient of your statement stood across the street.

"Ummm... Mister," the girl said, backing up slowly, as Makow approached. "Where is crescent street?"

"Oh! Crecent street. Hmmm... If only I could remember." Makow stood, recalling the road. The girl stared at hum, hopeful.

"Go down the street, take the fifth left. You'll land up at a dead end. You don't want to go there. Instead, take the fourth right. Perhaps that'll lead you to Crossings square. From there, head due North North-East. That might take you to Crescent Street."

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Star Thief stood in line, impatiently hopping from foot to foot, waiting to get up to the front to get her job. He pure white cat sat curled up on her had, its soft purring massaging the top of her scull. Last night, she had applied for a job, she hadn't gotten that many shines, but they were still shines, so she couldn't be too disappointed. 



Sorry about the RP, not the best, but I'm sick right now. I always seem to get sick when playing SA. THe universe seems to not want me to play 

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Here's the part where you talked about lopen and I saying that it Silverblade being a banker was why you weren't attacked. Here is lopens post, and my post about potential bankers being targeted neither of which even mention you in it at all. So no I didn't twist your words you just decided to make it about you.

Here, let me help you out one last time with this one: 

used to introduce an additional comment or interjection.
"if it came to a choice—and this was the worst thing—she would turn her back on her parents"

I'll break it down for you as well: 

As far as the hit on Blade goes, I think that the GAs, as Lopen and Clanky (what a weird coincidence!) pointed out, must have guessed that she was a Banker. and I believe that's the only reason I wasn't attacked last night.


Do you see now? I never said that you or Lopen  claimed anything as a reason for why I wasn't hit. I used a conjunction to connect two lines of thought on the same subject matter. That's how linguistics works! Your focus on this means you still haven't actually answered the heart of the suspicion, which, again, is that both you and Lopen seem to be working together pretty closely and that you had prior knowledge of the reasoning behind the kill. Why are you avoiding that to focus on a fiction?



I never said it would last the whole game, but for the one cycle yes it would matter. I'm not necessarily saying that you are a GA for proposing the plan. I'm just saying that I believe a single round of PMs is worth not giving the GAs a free kill where we don't learn anything. You also keep trying to push that it was because of my plan that nobody did yours. Not one person said "Let's do Clankys plan instead of Metas" my plan and yours could've been both done at the same time but not everyone wanted to be told where to go. I simply gave an alternative that didn't require anyone to be in any particular place. 


We get to pick locations every day turn. We don't get another round of PMs for two cycles. How does that make sense again? PMs are far more scarce this game than switching locations is. 


Actually you did just say that it was due to my plan about two paragraphs ago. Other than that yes if my plan had worked it would have made sure everybody was in a PM. Which I think is actually better than everybody sending their PM to one of the more experienced players just because they are experienced. If anything my plan lowered the probability of an experienced GA getting messages from a bunch of players just because they were experienced. I think that having everybody included in PMs is actually very useful even if we didn't learn our factions from it because it helps everyone be included in the conversations and limits the possibility of a single player being able to do too much through PMs when we have no way of testing their alignment.


Clanky, Clanky.... You seem to be having the worst time understanding the general concepts of linguistics. Between this and the "and" situation above, I have to ask why you're struggling with this? Is it intentional or do you truly not understand it?


This one is at least a little bit fairer to you. I didn't explain what I meant by the last part. 


I was going through your arguments one by one. The second "due to your plan" was about when you said that people had abandoned my plan for yours. I did never say that. You are the one who keeps pushing this idea that I did. I've not said anywhere that you said, "hey guys, let's not do Meta's plan. Let's do this instead." So you can stop pushing that narrative. 


The first "due to your plan" was about how your plan makes sure that the GAs become an integral part of the gang structure and made sure that they give and receive PMs. They are not connected trains of thought. Thus why they are separated into separate paragraphs. 


So, hopefully that clears that up and you can answer my actual questions rather than focusing on perceived and blatantly false accusations. 

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"Oh! Crecent street. Hmmm... If only I could remember." The man stood up and seemed to be in no hurry to speak. Pam mentally begged him to hurry up.

"Go down the street, take the fifth left. You'll land up at a dead end. You don't want to go there. Instead, take the fourth right. Perhaps that'll lead you to Crossings square. From there, head due North North-East. That might take you to Crescent Street," the man said.

Pam nodded. Hopefully what he'd said was trustworthy. She turned to follow his directions, then stopped. If he knew how to get to Crescent Road, did he also know how to get to a source of clean water and food?

He probably wasn't trustworthy. Pam should just go home. But... Even if she went home now, she'd die of thirst or hunger in just a few days.

"Um... Do you know a source of food or water?" Pam asked.

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Bother. Things have been going on, and I haven't been very active.


Since the banker can spend points much more efficiently than most people, unless you have reason to suspect your team's banker of being a government agent, giving your points to your team's banker is a good idea. I suppose people could steal points from your bank, but given that the banker's actions are twice as efficient as anyone else, I'd say it's worth it.

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Bother. Things have been going on, and I haven't been very active.


Since the banker can spend points much more efficiently than most people, unless you have reason to suspect your team's banker of being a government agent, giving your points to your team's banker is a good idea. I suppose people could steal points from your bank, but given that the banker's actions are twice as efficient as anyone else, I'd say it's worth it.

Bankers can't be GA

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Here, let me help you out one last time with this one: 

used to introduce an additional comment or interjection.
"if it came to a choice—and this was the worst thing—she would turn her back on her parents"

I'll break it down for you as well: 

As far as the hit on Blade goes, I think that the GAs, as Lopen and Clanky (what a weird coincidence!) pointed out, must have guessed that she was a Banker. and I believe that's the only reason I wasn't attacked last night.


Do you see now? I never said that you or Lopen  claimed anything as a reason for why I wasn't hit. I used a conjunction to connect two lines of thought on the same subject matter. That's how linguistics works! Your focus on this means you still haven't actually answered the heart of the suspicion, which, again, is that both you and Lopen seem to be working together pretty closely and that you had prior knowledge of the reasoning behind the kill. Why are you avoiding that to focus on a fiction?




We get to pick locations every day turn. We don't get another round of PMs for two cycles. How does that make sense again? PMs are far more scarce this game than switching locations is. 



Clanky, Clanky.... You seem to be having the worst time understanding the general concepts of linguistics. Between this and the "and" situation above, I have to ask why you're struggling with this? Is it intentional or do you truly not understand it?


This one is at least a little bit fairer to you. I didn't explain what I meant by the last part. 


I was going through your arguments one by one. The second "due to your plan" was about when you said that people had abandoned my plan for yours. I did never say that. You are the one who keeps pushing this idea that I did. I've not said anywhere that you said, "hey guys, let's not do Meta's plan. Let's do this instead." So you can stop pushing that narrative. 


The first "due to your plan" was about how your plan makes sure that the GAs become an integral part of the gang structure and made sure that they give and receive PMs. They are not connected trains of thought. Thus why they are separated into separate paragraphs. 


So, hopefully that clears that up and you can answer my actual questions rather than focusing on perceived and blatantly false accusations. 

Sorry but I thought that I had answered all your questions in my first response. Could you perhaps reiterate what a question is? I'm sorry but my understanding of the english language is apparently quite limited. 


As for the usage of "and" in a sentence there are multiple uses, especially when you introduce periods and words. You may have meant it as you say in this post. This the unaltered post:

"As far as the hit on Blade goes, I think that the GAs, as Lopen and Clanky (what a weird coincidence!) pointed out, must have guessed that she was a Banker and that's the only reason that I wasn't attacked last night." 

Could be read as you say in your altered post or could be an addition to what Lopen and Clanky thought. As in: "Lopen and Clanky pointed out that the GAs must have guessed that she was a Banker and that is the only reason I wasn't attacked last night. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Oh and yes I'm sorry that I commented on the same thing that lopen did. Maybe I should have commented on a different kill that happened.


About PMs again, you seem to think that my plan only allowed you to tell PMs can only be used for telling people that they are in the same faction as you. In fact this actually allows for you to continue talking to the people you sent PMs to. As I mentioned in my earlier post this actually gets everyone more involved by spreading out PMs to everyone instead of just a few players. 


Due to your plan:

I'm sorry but when you say "Due to your plan, you actually may be in contact with a GA." Followed later by "I never said that it was due to your plan" when talking about the chances of players being in a PM with a GA I tend to group those statements together. But I realize that they are in slightly different circumstances. One is that It is my fault that the GAs are active within the Factions in PMs while the other talks about how It's my fault that anybody has any PM with a GA. So I suppose the GAs could've just lied when sending out the PMs saying incorrectly who was in the gang. I'm sure they did that, after all what could possibly go wrong with that plan. Hmmm it's almost the same as going into a location that is supposed to be only comprised of a single gang and claiming to be one of them.


Do you have any other questions for me or ways that I could improve my linguistic knowledge? 



I'm sorry for the sarcasm and the tone of this post. Also I don't think that Meta is a GA. 

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Hank looked out off the front of the ferry. It had taken him so much to get where he was. Now he was heading home. At least what used to be home before an epic in a bad mood had flattened it.

He was starting to get the feeling something big was going to go down in Portland, and he wasn't excited to see what it would bring. First he'd have to take a journey into his past.

------------ ----------------------------------------

I feel like we've said a lot this turn, but not come up with much. I do like the plan of safe scanning areas. That way if anyone extra ever turns up in those locations, well know who the killer was. However, don't we have members of our gangs who have that as their ability as well? Spending the points is fine, too, but there are more role checkers that we aren't considering.

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Day 3: Enemy of my Enemy

Darkness covered the city as deals were made, as killing was brooded upon. The city hadn’t seen much true light since before the days of Calamity. Once that crimson star had risen, men seemed driven to evil deeds. Not a soul was untouched by the darkness Epics had brought upon the world. Chaos unfurled everywhere, everyone taking their best chance, wherever it appeared.

In this darkness, a shadowy figure arrived at the arranged meeting place. The figure had decided to embrace the old maxim of an enemy’s enemy. At least, for as long as he’d benefit. In war, which this most definitely was, extreme measures were required.

Near this dark man at a dark corner in a dark city was a man with a darkness of another kind. His was the darkness at the bottom of a bottle. This man stood from his slumped position, realizing he was late. He had been too consumed by his dark to remember that he had been supposed to meet somewhere. Now, he ran, knowing it was too late for this city, but it wasn’t too late for him.

The third darkness came from above. The red star was hell above earth, and it overstepped its bounds in bringing its hell down to ground. But bring it it did.

In this city of dark, one girl searched for her parents. She stood in the Government Building, hoping someone would know where they’d be. She tugged on someone’s sleeve, asking if they knew where her parents were. The figure turned and smiled. Not a smile of joy, but one of darkness.

“Of course I do, darling. Don’t worry, you’ll see them soon,” the whisper said. Pam was confused. Then she felt the blood. The pain came next. She screamed, but the agent was too far away for anyone to be sure which of them had done it.

Dr. Walker Curtis was a Government Agent in the PD Neighborhood Watch as a Regular with a Harmsway!
Pam(Arraenae) was attacked by the Government Agents! She is in Limbo.

You may no longer send out a PM, unless you use points or are a Sneaky Messenger! Please include the GMs in your PMs.
You now may vote on a lynch, decide on a new(or same) location, and donate your points or keep them. You must tell us that you want to stay in the same building or you will end up on the streets.


Edited by Alvron
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Of course he was a GA. Even though it makes me look bad, it's good that we got him before he could revive one of his teammates. I don't really know what to say in this situation. I'm not a GA. I've tried to help my team as much as possible. I doubt I would have made the plans I've made if I was a GA.


Players in the Gov. Building who could possibly have attacked Rae: Meta, Danosaur, Elodin, SilverDragon. One of these players is definitely a GA.


I needed to post here before I leave in case I'm not able to have an internet connection on my trip and can't post for a couple Turns. I'm gonna send in my order to head to the Warehouse now so that the Pub is open for the Bankers use. Shallan posted 2 minutes before she would have died.


Don't forget to send in lodging orders!


Edit: Okay, I've sent in my lodging order to go to the Warehouse as well as donating my points to my Banker. I'm gonna put my vote on Alvron, because I doubt he'll get any more votes because of his drunkness/just joining and so my vote won't hurt him but I'll get half a point to donate to my Banker. Sorry Alv!  :P

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Star Thief had just barely gotten her two shines when she heard a scream out side. What was that? she wondered as she ran out the door to see what it was. She pulled the door open, and saw a cloaked figure walking calmly away from a slumped from on the ground, laying in a puddle. Star thief walked closer, and pulled up short when she saw the that the puddle was actually blood.


SHe turned back to asked the clocked figure for help, but he was gone, swallowed up into the shadows that were still left over from the night. Star looked back at the girl's still form, and then rushed over to the nearest trash can and up-heaved all of her diner she had eaten. 




SO here is my analysis . 

People in the Gov. Building Night 1: Me, Master_Elodin, Elbereth, Arraenae, Lopen, Meta, SilverBlade, Danosaur and Kipper 


People in the Gov. Building Night 2: Me, Danosaur, Meta, Rae, and Elodin.


So now we four possible GA members, all who stayed in the Gov building. I am suspicious of Meta because of his post last cycle. It sounded a bit aggressive. Also, @Clanky ​why do you think Meta is innocent? 


Edit: If anyone who is in my Gang, and has use of a PM, it would be appreciated if I knew a bit more that was going on. 

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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Star Thief had just barely gotten her two shines when she heard a scream out side. What was that? she wondered as she ran out the door to see what it was. She pulled the door open, and saw a cloaked figure walking calmly away from a slumped from on the ground, laying in a puddle. Star thief walked closer, and pulled up short when she saw the that the puddle was actually blood.


SHe turned back to asked the clocked figure for help, but he was gone, swallowed up into the shadows that were still left over from the night. Star looked back at the girl's still form, and then rushed over to the nearest trash can and up-heaved all of her diner she had eaten. 




SO here is my analysis . 

People in the Gov. Building Night 1: Me, Master_Elodin, Elbereth, Arraenae, Lopen, Meta, SilverBlade, Danosaur and Kipper 


People in the Gov. Building Night 2: Me, Danosaur, Meta, Rae, and Elodin.


So now we four possible GA members, all who stayed in the Gov building. I am suspicious of Meta because of his post last cycle. It sounded a bit aggressive. Also, @Clanky ​why do you think Meta is innocent? 

I didn't say I thought he was innocent I was merely trying to say that even though I was arguing with Meta that didn't mean that I thought he was a GA.


If there is a Sneaky messenger in the Neighborhood watch could I get a message please or if somebody has points to spare I wouldn't mind that either!

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Okay, so I will be able to get on mobile occasionally I think, and so if a Banker wants to scan me I will most likely be available to change my action to go to the Pub/Ferry so they can scan me.


@Bankers, if you're gonna go ahead with my plan, you may want to reveal as soon as possible to make certain that we can get a warning out to players not to go to certain places so you will be protected.


@Meta, there was a comment I wanted to comment on in your post to Clanky. You said that the heart of your suspicion against Clanky is that "you(Clanky) and Lopen seem to be working together pretty closely and that you(Clanky) had prior knowledge of the reasoning behind the kill." So I don't understand what makes you think me and Clanky are working "pretty closely" together. You yourself said you agreed with our impression that Silverblade was killed because the GA's guessed he was a Banker, so how does us commenting on something that even you thought of make us be "working together?"

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Okay, so I will be able to get on mobile occasionally I think, and so if a Banker wants to scan me I will most likely be available to change my action to go to the Pub/Ferry so they can scan me.


@Bankers, if you're gonna go ahead with my plan, you may want to reveal as soon as possible to make certain that we can get a warning out to players not to go to certain places so you will be protected.


@Meta, there was a comment I wanted to comment on in your post to Clanky. You said that the heart of your suspicion against Clanky is that "you(Clanky) and Lopen seem to be working together pretty closely and that you(Clanky) had prior knowledge of the reasoning behind the kill." So I don't understand what makes you think me and Clanky are working "pretty closely" together. You yourself said you agreed with our impression that Silverblade was killed because the GA's guessed he was a Banker, so how does us commenting on something that even you thought of make us be "working together?"

Are we going to just put this up for the Bankers to decide? I personally think we might need a bit more discussion. This also only works if everyone works together to allow for a joint win and I'm not sure if everyone is on board with that, especially any epics who don't wanna sacrifice themselves.  


About Metas comment he's also probably referencing my vote on Phatt that was pretty helpful to you.

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So now we four possible GA members, all who stayed in the Gov building. I am suspicious of Meta because of his post last cycle. It sounded a bit aggressive. Also, @Clanky ​why do you think Meta is innocent? 

Um. Meta is always aggressive, in my experience. I think it's a product of having short lives. He wants to get as much as possible accomplished before he dies.

Oh, and Kipper, I didn't really mean you, no. You're only a little bit inactive.

Secondly. I am a Banker. Since I'm on the Streets, I think I can go to whichever side of the River I'd like. (GMs, is that correct?) So I'd appreciate knowing which side the other Banker is on before I go. However, I'm currently putting in an order for the Pool, just in case I don't get on again. (Which is unlikely, but hey, that's what happened last cycle.)

Also, people, theoretically it should be easy to get 9 points. I still only have 8. After 3 cycles. And that's an improvement from last night, when I had 3.5. Donate points, people! Please? Or I won't be able to scan tonight (though that's somewhat unlikely now, fortunately, as long as I get one point), which would be terrible.

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