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Sart is a Blood Tyrant, I believe.

As far as I know (and I might be wrong), none of those three options are Evanescents. So they're all open.

Also, I'm not going to be on until after turnover, potentially. So donate your points and whatever! My action is sent in. Good enough.

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Okay, so, I'm going to take the risk and believe what Alvron said is true for now, though I would like it if I heard the rule from Mailliw himself. Until then, however, I will assume Danosaur is the last GA, as there's just no other way (aside from Alvron lying) that what happened could have happened. Therefore this is how things look right now.


Confirmed Agent:

-Wonko: Harmsway Wielder (Neighborhood Watch)

-Elkanah: Epic (Evanescent)

-Sart: ??? (Blood Tyrant)

-Danosaur: "Epic" (Evanescent)


Confirmed Loyal:

-Clanky: Banker (Neighborhood Watch)

-Elbereth: Banker (Blood Tyrant)

-Dragon: Attacked by Agents but protected by Angry Guard

-Strawman: Was deciding vote on Wonko lynch

-Amanuensis: Remaining Evanescent

-Kynedath: Remaining Evanescent

-Mark IV: Remaining Evanescent


Potential Agents:










Personally I think that whoever the Angry Guard is should reveal in thread so that we can knock you off of the list of potential Agents.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Then Elkanah lied about being a Drunk and Danosaur covered up his lie. Meta, if you turn out to not be a GA too, I hope you know I'm sorry; I still am slightly suspicious of you, but knowing this now I'm considerably less so. I apologize for not realizing this sooner as it may have meant the difference between you being alive and dead.


Sart is very likely going to die of inactivity soon, just as PK has. As will Shallan and maybe Kipper. Danosaur is still active enough to put in orders so I think he should be the one we lynch tomorrow. However we should also begin seriously discussing the last of the unconfirmed members left. If a few of them get scanned than it'll only make our job easier. 

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Star Thief sat in shock, not knowing how to react to the knowledge that she had been attacked by a Epic, and survived. A sparking Epic.

I'm just thankful to who ever protected me, she thought to her self. He must be a dashing young hero to protect me from a Epic. Just rushing in and fighting that epic to protect me, just like a hero out of the storybooks.  


Sorry for the very short RP, but points.



Personally I think that whoever the Angry Guard is should reveal in thread so that we can knock you off of the list of potential Agents.


He's a bit secretive, and he's already on the list of confirmed good people

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Day 5: Death begets death begets death...

Sorry for the bad writeup. Don’t have a ton of time right now.
Sart was ganged up on by many. He is dead!
Kipper is dead!
Neither is in Limbo!

Meta was a Government Agent in the Blood Tyrants. He was a Regular Tail.


Edited by Alvron
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What just happened? Why aren't they in limbo?


Presumably for the same reason PK didn't go to limbo. They died because of inactivity (or in Sart's case, maybe because of a double tap, since it says he was attacked by many). However I think that means we should know their roles and alignments as well. I'm guessing Mailliw will fill us in on them when he has more time.


This does not clear everyone else in the Gov. Building though


That's correct. I'm still convinced of Dano's guilt based on the revelation Alvron provided last cycle.


Meta for best Blood Tyrant.


What? Why? You're lucky you're cleared now or else I would question this a lot more :P


I'm confused as well... is someone here an Epic with that power? And if they're not in Limbo, will we ever get to know who they were? (Will we, Maill?)


Welcome back Shallan  :ph34r:


He was a Tail? I thought he was a person.


He was a Tail as in a Watchful Tail, and the one responsible for hiding his own alignment. With him dead every scan from the Bankers should now be reliable.


There is one way to die without going to limbo. It happened last cycle as well.


Kipper was a PD Watch Gambler.

Sart was a Government Agent in the Blood Tyrants as a Captain who was a Gambler.


Ninja'd by the man himself. Blood Tyrants are now cleared. You should all declare yourselves so we can focus on the Neighborhood for this next lynch.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Well, clearly Meta took the spirit of Blood Tyrant to heart, unlike some other BT's in this game. 


Oh, and now that the Pub is now the land of the BT, where is Clanky gonna establish his bank, or is that on the Ferry?

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Ninja'd by the man himself. Blood Tyrants are now cleared. You should all declare yourselves so we can focus on the Neighborhood for this next lynch.


Might as well go ahead and declare it now. If Shallan is in the Neighborhood Watch, my money is on her being a GA too. Though I still would like to know who else is a NW.

I don't think that revealing gang appointment right now would be wise, since we are getting close to the need of the game and the second win condition is probably more important right now.
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GM DISCLAIMER: None of the following red text is meant to be a vote.


The Evanescents:

  1. Amanuensis
  2. Danosaur
  3. Paranoid King
  4. Mark IV
  5. Kynedath
  6. Elkanah
  7. Arraenae
  8. Silverblade

Pearl District Neighborhood Watch:

  1. Strawman
  2. Wonko
  3. Clanky
  4. Kipper
  5. Elodin
  6. Shallan
  7. SilverDragon
  8. Burnt Spaghetti

Blood Tyrants:

  1. phattemer
  2. Elbereth
  3. STINK
  4. Alvron
  5. Lopen
  6. Draigar
  7. Meta
  8. Sart

Fine, I figured it out on my own, SD. The last living GAs are Dano and Shallan. I am 100% certain of the first and 75% certain of the second.


EDIT: Realized I forgot Burnt Spaghetti. She is likely in the NW, and also unconfirmed. Still pretty certain it's Shallan, though. But at this point I think Burnt has a better chance at being the last undetermined GA than Elodin. My main reason I suspect Shallan is her choice in a starting location and the fact that she has been less active than other players who have died but is still alive unlike them. Oh, and the fact that she suddenly appeared when two of her teammates died. I always find late game shifts in a player's activity incredibly suspicious.

Edited by Amanuensis
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So uh, you know how there was the whole 'LET'S DO MATHS!' with points earlier? And some people were like 'Maybe there is an Epic with points!'?


Well, I'm not that guy, but I'm wondering if there is an epic with that power out in the wild. Anyone care to Math?

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So uh, you know how there was the whole 'LET'S DO MATHS!' with points earlier? And some people were like 'Maybe there is an Epic with points!'?


Well, I'm not that guy, but I'm wondering if there is an epic with that power out in the wild. Anyone care to Math?


Oh, right. I don't think there is. When I noticed the jump in points in my PM I asked Mailliw about it. He told me there was a miscalculation and fixed it.


Also, I already told Stink this in our PM. I'm not actually an Epic. It was a bluff to keep people out of my zone because frankly I hate being killed early when I'm a villager, and it feels like it's been so long since I've had the opportunity to be one that I felt I needed to re-sharpen my deductive skills. I've also told my Evanescents that due to the numbers it's very unlikely we will be able to win anyway, so I want to ask for a favor. Elbereth, can you use your points to attack Kynedath? He is a Tough Guy, so if you kill him he will go into Limbo for a turn than be revived as either someone in the Neighborhood Watch or the Blood Tyrants. That way when we finish off the last GAs there's a chance he might still end up on the winning team.

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Hey Aman, would you mind not voting on all of my faction? Thanks.  ;)


I am suspicious of Shallan for only showing up when she's about to die. It's basically what phattemer did in LG17 so that he could put in orders and avoid death by mission inactivity.


And I'm back to my desktop, so I can do super long posts again if I feel like it.

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