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The Supremacy of Arelon


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Year 10

Sadness and Victory

The people of Daa were celebrating. Today was the Abjakah, the day of the night. Food and drink was plentiful despite the war raging around their walls. This was a time for the people to forget their obligations and the problems of the rest of Arelon.

A single trumpet call ended their jubilations. The war had come to end their ignorance.

Ena was in chaos. It's loyal citizens were fleeing and fighting each other, unsure of what else to do. The panic had started after an outpost had failed to send in it's monthly report. A dispatch had been sent to investigate, coming back ragged and bloody. They reported rank upon rank of soldiers coming for the capital. Thus far, Ena had been able to dodge conflict. It didn't know what to do in this situation.
The invading army found the capital unprepared and fighting riots. The militia was trying it's best to keep the entire society to flee from the city. Ena fell quickly.

The waters were betraying them. They carried enemy soldiers now, not the fish and merchants of old. After the massacre at both Ena and Daa, the people had watched for invading forces closely. When the enemy did come, they were more prepared. They hunkered down inside their high walls and hid in their homes.
Eventually, they couldn't hide any longer. Food was scarce and the enemy was building siege engines to drop rocks on the homes they hid in. In the end, the defending people planned one, final, desperate attempt at survival.
After weeks of hiding, Northern Eon fell and changed hands.

The stranger wandered the streets. He wasn't impressed with what he saw. The dirt and grunge was almost too much. The people claimed that the cause was the war, but he didn't believe them. How could they have so little pride?! The city was filthy!
His employers wouldn't care. All they wanted were followers. No matter I guess. Thus it must be done. To work. 
And he had plenty of work to do. He had to spread the word of the Jeskeri Mysteries to Arelon.


Daa, N.Eon, and Ena have fallen

Orlok has been Eliminated


Special Thanks to Kynedath for the Write-up :)

Edited by DeathClutch19
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, since neither DC nor Elkanah have not put it out yet, I will give you all the write-up that I made around a week ago.



Oily smoke tarnished the sky, causing the soldiers surrounding the king to choke and cough. The city around the fort was blanketed in crimson red as the fires consumed building after building.The stark grey of the keep was the only part of the city left unclaimed by the invading army.The king of Kaa had only a few score soldiers left in his army. He would need them later if he was going to reclaim his kingdom. Fortunately, the invading forces seemed more interested in razing and looting his city than coming after him in the keep. All the more time to make his exit.


As king Marcus the fourth turned to leave, his gaze was caught by a woman on the ground outside the fort walls. Something about her just didn't seem . . . natural. She was staring straight at him. Before he could react, a bow materialized in her hands, aiming straight at him. In that moment, the bow took up his entire attention. It was deep green with black gilding. It was long enough to constitute extreme effort if the wood was firm, but still short enough to fire from horseback. As the arrow was released, one of his guards had the foresight and awareness to pull him to the side, but the arrow still grazed his side, raking along his ribs.


His guards herded him don the stairs and into the small courtyard of the keep. At the bottom of the stairs, a surgeon hurried up to the king and began working on treating the arrow wound. That was when the pain started to affect the king. He started to curse and shout in pain, screaming at the surgeon to stop the pain. What a sorry sight he was. He was supposed to be the king of Kaa, a proud monument for his people to look up to. Yet here he was, his kingdom in ruins, screaming in pain.


"What is taking so long!? Get it over with! We have to leave!"


"Sire, there are fragments of arrowshaft lodged between your ribs. I must remove them before they get 

infected or burrow further into your flesh." 


The surgeon's voice was higher than the king expected, and quavering madly. He looked up into the man's face, and saw that the surgeon was only a boy, hardly in his early twenties. Recognition slammed into the kings mind. This was the master surgeons apprentice. The master surgeon must have left the keep to help the soldiers fighting in the streets, and left this young man here in his stead.


"Do it son, but do it quickly. We have no time to lose." he said to the young man. Turning to the rest of the courtyard, the king shouted, "Guards! To me! We leave when the surgeon is finished!"


When the boy was done bandaging the king, he stood, appearing visibly shaken. The remainder of the king's guard took positions around the king, leaving to the secret tunnels leading out of the castle. The tunnels twisted and turned, parting and splitting. The king and his entourage, joined by the young surgeon, took a randomized path so that the enemy couldn't predict where they were going to come out.


The tunnels were dank and dark. They were long and grueling. The sounds of his guards' armor rattling as they jogged reminded him all too well of the conflict in his city. The light at the end of the tunnel system was a welcome sight.


Then he saw her. The woman from earlier. Her bow was in her hand and aimed at the king. It turned out to be gilded in obsidian. The guards around the king tried to charge through the woman, but they just succeeded at releasing her anger. Her bow disintegrated into the air, and she began to weave through the soldiers. Where her hands touched the soldiers' armor, it melted and disintegrated. She had no sword or spear, but she killed nonetheless. Her hand was able to slice through their flesh like a blade. Before they could react, she had dispatched five men.


The rest of the king's guard fell back and surrounded the king. Even the surgeon's prentice stood before the king protectively. The woman materialized her bow again and stood before the group of soldiers. Everyone in the tunnel could feel the raw power emanating off of the woman. Then she spoke.


"There will be no escape. I will kill all of you if you run. However, my quarrel is with the king of Kaa. If you are not he, then you may pass me uncontested and leave."


Several soldiers looked back at the king askingly. The young surgeon looked at the king, terrified. They all knew the situation. There was no way to escape this fate. All they could do was survive. The king nodded. A few soldiers started walking tentatively towards the tunnel entrance. As promised, the woman let them pass. Then the rest of his men felt the need to survive, and started to abandon their king. The surgeon left with a fleeting glance back at the king.


He was left with only a score of guards. They had all felt the need to continue their duty of protecting the king with their life. Poor fools. They would lose their lives in vain. At the very least, they were loyal.


Then she struck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry All. I have been out of town for an extended period of time and was quite busy :(

But now I am back for good :) and the game will resume tonight at 8!

If you have any actions you want to change/send in you may do so.

Thank you all so much for your patience and for playing this game 



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/9/2016 at 0:06 PM, Alvron said:
On 5/27/2016 at 0:41 PM, Alvron said:
On 5/10/2016 at 1:14 PM, Alvron said:





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  • 3 weeks later...

@DeathClutch19 If you want a co-GM because of your internet troubles, I'd be willing to help. (You'd need to add me to the relevant PM's/Docs first.) I've read the thread as a spectator.

EDIT: @DeathClutch19... Or I can take over from Maill as well if your internet troubles are all over.

Edited by The Young Bard
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