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The Supremacy of Arelon


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Year 7

The Year of the Gods

      War had become such a constant that people began to grow accustomed to the unceasing cries. They still prayed, but little faith was invested in it. Instead people returned blood for blood, preferring their own strength to that of unseen forces. Such was the attitude of the armies as they converged in the desert. A battle of two armies against a seemingly defenseless city.

      As the armies marched on the town, the wind began to howl kicking up the sand. Out of nowhere, an enormous pillar of sand rose from the desert terrifying the troops. "Hold together!" the generals called. But the General's words were to no avail. The troops ran, and ran. What few troops did remain gathered in formation and marched forward. The closer the troops got to the city the stronger the wind became, eventually the troops heard a voice cry seemingly from the sky "You shall not move any closer! Leave this city or be smitten". With these words what was left of the troops confidence was broken and the Armies retreated from the city. 

      In Eno however faith was not enough to save them. The marching of troops could be heard from miles away and the closer they got the more the people prayed. There was no hope for Eno, they had no troops left to defend and no walls to shelter from the storm of arrows and spears that would soon befall them. Within the next few hours nothing but blood and rubble covered the ground of what used to be a city. Eno had fallen, no one was left alive.


Meanwhile, merchants from Fjorden had stolen technology from the Army. They had entered Arelon looking to sell the technology. They would sell the tech to the highest bidder.


                                Eno has Fallen, Hellscythe and Kynedath have entered an Alliance.

                                Military Tech is being Auctioned off, it will end on April 13th at 8pm MST

Edited by DeathClutch19
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Well, it's actually more like this


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3.141592 I'm bidding pie.  That's right, pie.  Surely those Fjorden devils like pie.

Technically if you're approximating Pi that should be 3.141593 since the next digit is a 6 so you should round up :P

(I may be able to recite a thousand or so digits.  :ph34r: )

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31 wealth


2 SECONDS!!!!! I WAS OVER BY TWO SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I see now your strategy. Well played. I concede this battle. You may still be winning the war, but you have not yet won the world from me.

Edited by Kynedath
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Year 8

A Blood Moon Rises

    The previous year had been deemed too peaceful by many of the Countries still alive. Emperor Elodin especially was seeking revenge for his lost territory of Eno. He took his Army and marched north to reclaim his lost land. The troops were rallied under the light of the moon. Elodin looked up "The moon is red, tonight much blood will be shed". As the army approached Eno they were immediately met with a barrage of arrows. The army kept pushing, no matter what Eno must be reclaimed! Suddenly from both flanks Spear man from Eno crashed in to the Elodonian ranks. By the time the sun had began to rise only Elodin himself and the Eno army were standing. Elodin managed to escape, or rather the enemy army did not wish to chase him. Elodin returned to his home in Aha to find it in ruin, the citizens slaughtered, his family beheaded and the country under a new rule. Elodin had nothing left, he walked into the fields and graciously took his own life the way a warrior should once he has been disgraced. One chapter had closed in Arelon but many more were beginning.


    Meanwhile, under the same moon a 3-way war was waged. This time however God was not there to save the Citizens of Ehe. The two opposing armies came from the east and west, the Army of Ehe was in disarray, fighting from two sides at once is never good. Half way through the night the battle was decided, Ehe had fallen and one of the other armies had grown tired and decided to retreat. Leaving one victor, a hard earned victory that was two years in the making. Nothing was more satisfying for the new ruler of Ehe than walking through the streets full of fallen Eheonites and basking in the glory of what his army had accomlished.


   One more battle raged on under the cover of night. Kie had long been worried of attack and tried their best to prepare to defend. However, what showed up at their city gates they were not prepared for. An army the quadrupled the size of their own, the ruler of Kie could not help but quake in fear. Nevertheless he picked up his sword and marched the troops to their deaths. Within an hour Kie had fallen and been burned to the ground, there was no one even left to mourn all the dead. This year was one of death and one of glory. Many countries had taken one step closer to uniting all Arelon.


Ehe, Are, Aha, and Kie have fallen 

Elodin has been Eliminated. 

Mailliw won the auction

Edited by DeathClutch19
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