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I'm not at all worried about the term that someone uses to call the Corrupt Senators. The last time someone misspelled something I think y'all killed Ripple in MR9 (Before she turned evil through pinching for Kasimir) and she died innocent.

Also I didn't start with an item. Only boxings, because boxings count as items. So if I had died Night 1 and someone used a ledger on and a dagger, that's all that what would be found on my body as well.

Agreed on all counts. However, he has yet to address what I consider the salient point against him: Why, in Harmony's name, would he choose Ripple of all targets? There is simply no reasoning for it. Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Sigh. . .

The Player List is being updated, because I can't resist a good joke.


EDIT: However, Alv's vote doesn't count unless he makes it again.

I also can't resist a good joke, that's why I voted for Me.

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I must admit that I am disappointed in you Amanuensis.  If you think I would use the same trick so soon after the last time, and a failed one at that, then you are not as much of a threat as I have you down as in my profiles.


Whoever decided I was a threat is clearly in need of a psychiatric evaluation. Regardless, I don't see that as a valid excuse. When backed in to a corner it's natural that any eliminator would say anything to weasel their way out of it. Words are just wind. I'll believe evidence, and until I see that I'll believe logic.


Hey now, I never said that I only got a dagger and ledger from Ripple.  Anything else I may or may not have gotten remains a secret.



No I can't.  If I am right, which I'm 99.99999.....% sure of, the Corrupt will have and use a Search Warrant on me this round giving them a Dagger, Ledger and anything else I have.  Thus I will not be able to clear anyone.  Or they could just kill me but with the number of votes on me, it's unlikely they will get everything I have.


If you're so confident you'll get searched by the Corrupt, I see no reason why you should be keeping it a secret. In a game with items I think it's much more important that we not hide what we have and where we use it after the fact. It is the best way for the village to track anything shady the Corrupt might be doing, and most of the items are barely useful unless coordinated.


I'm not at all worried about the term that someone uses to call the Corrupt Senators. The last time someone misspelled something I think y'all killed Ripple in MR9 (Before she turned evil through pinching for Kasimir) and she died innocent.


That's why I mentioned it's often nothing, but I still find it odd and figured it was worth mentioning. That's not even my primary worry with Adamir. It's mainly that the ledger business just seems way too convenient, as if he were Corrupt and aware of the fact that Alvron is inno and wants to gain some trust / make it look like Ripple is Corrupt so that we might think there's less of them then there actually are. And before anyone says it, yes, I'm most likely just paranoid, but with little else to go on either of these two are our best leads.


Also I didn't start with an item. Only boxings, because boxings count as items. So if I had died Night 1 and someone used a ledger on and a dagger, that's all that what would be found on my body as well.


Fair point. I didn't see boxings counting as items in the rules post but now see it in the clarifications. When I reread the first post I was under the impression that everyone began with a non-currency item. Just to make sure, @Joe, are there players who only started with boxings?

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Aman, might I persuade you to switch your vote to Adamir? In addition to being significantly more suspicious in my eyes, I think his alignment is more valuable right now. If it turns out that he's a Villager, that will essentially clear Alvron, which would mean that we wouldn't have to lynch both of them.


Adamir, I can see you down there at the bottom. Are you planning on offering an explanation for your choice of targets any time soon?

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Aman, might I persuade you to switch your vote to Adamir? In addition to being significantly more suspicious in my eyes, I think his alignment is more valuable right now. If it turns out that he's a Villager, that will essentially clear Alvron, which would mean that we wouldn't have to lynch both of them.


Adamir, I can see you down there at the bottom. Are you planning on offering an explanation for your choice of targets any time soon?


As I wrote up my last post I had the same thought and agree 100%. If Adamir is a villager than Ripple is a confirmed Corrupt, which is very good information for us to have. So, Alvron. Adamir.


Yes. If you wish to later, you can spend a BoB to prevent your name from being shown. You don't have to spend the boxing beforehand.


I see no point in hiding it. I will be PMing Strawman shortly, then.

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Adamir, I can see you down there at the bottom. Are you planning on offering an explanation for your choice of targets any time soon?

Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'choice of targets'? On the note of lynching me, if it clears the name of a more capable player, better to die for the village than live for yourself. I have nothing else to add to the topic at hand.

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Could you elaborate on what you mean by 'choice of targets'? On the note of lynching me, if it clears the name of a more capable player, better to die for the village than live for yourself. I have nothing else to add to the topic at hand.

 I and several other players have noted that almost any other player would have made more sense for you to scan than Ripple. What was your reason for choosing him as the target of your Ledgers?

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So, is Alv not getting lynched? Vote tally anyone? I'm too lazy to do one myself.

Personally though, I feel neither of them is an eliminator. Remember LG 16 where Kipper revealed that Meta was a traitorous beggar? That was totally coincidence, because the scan had landed back onto kipper, giving him that exact result.

Co-incidences like these can happen is all I'm saying.

Given the fact the the corrupt senators were given a period of 24 hours to work out the mechanics of the game, it's quite plausible that this is what they intended- sowing chaos by not making many kills in the beginning. It is quite obvious when someone tries to retrieve their item back from their target.

I'm looking at you Hellscythe

That's all I wanted to say. I won't be on again before rollover though, so, try to lynch me next cycle, if at all.

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 I and several other players have noted that almost any other player would have made more sense for you to scan than Ripple. What was your reason for choosing him as the target of your Ledgers?

My reasoning being that the most likely suspects would possibly get lynched and/or murdered, and I needed to get to sleep before the cycle concluded. I picked Ripple because I thought he was the least likely person to be killed or imprisoned, by virtue of being inactive and therefore having nothing to say which could be interpreted suspiciously. Incredibly convoluted logic summarized thus: I scanned him because he was one of the most innocent-looking players.

Edited by Adamir
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I now think Adamir is a better choice than Alvron. If Adamir's innocent, then we get a dead corrupt senator and Alv as the person who killed them, so barring bussing by the eliminators, it will give us a clear as well.

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