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Hmm, so losing our PMs is the consequence of Jailing Yosef.  I would guess that Jailing Heatherlocke loses us the ability to buy items, and Jailing Wilson means we lose the ability to vote/jail others.  Note that this is purely based on what jobs they have and is a guess.


In other news, I used a Warrant on Heatherlocke and got The Jailkey.  It is a one time use item and lets one and only one prisoner out of Jail.  Afterwards the guard is doubled and no more prisoners can break out / be released.  Sadly, I didn't get the whiskey flask.  After all the killing I've done, I could use a drink.


Edit:  Nevermind.  I got the Flask. :D  Also, apparently releasing Yosef will not give us our PMs back.  They are gone for good I fear. :(

Edited by Alvron
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Hmm, so losing our PMs is the consequence of Jailing Yosef.  I would guess that Jailing Heatherlocke loses us the ability to buy items, and Jailing Wilson means we lose the ability to vote/jail others.  Note that this is purely based on what jobs they have and is a guess.


In other news, I used a Warrant on Heatherlocke and got The Jailkey.  It is a one time use item and lets one and only one prisoner out of Jail.  Afterwards the guard is doubled and no more prisoners can break out / be released.  Sadly, I didn't get the whiskey flask.  After all the killing I've done, I could use a drink.


Edit:  Nevermind.  I got the Flask. :D  Also, apparently releasing Yosef will not give us our PMs back.  They are gone for good I fear. :(

What does the flask do?
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Heh, like all mass murderers, I keep a spare. :ph34r:  I got my second Dagger when I killed Curious.  I had, until you stole one, two daggers during Round 5.  I was greatly hoping to start killing two players per cycle once I became Gov but thanks to you, that shall remain a dream.


Also, there is supposedly another secret that hasn't been discovered yet.  No one has even come close apparently.

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10 and a half hours of silence....

Sadly, half the active players have been killed.


I stand by what is he said last turn, and will continue to stand by it until I am proven wrong.

Questions to anyone who can answer -

Why did strawman lie about Hellscythe?

Why did the jailed people think Yosef's was evil?

We could end this game on a tie where there's no jailing or daggers in the game. what would happen in this super-improbable case, GM?

Edited by Mark IV
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If there's no daggers and no Jails, that means the entire constabulary has been removed. That will be a clear signal to the people of Elendel that the Senators are all corrupt. They will rise up, pitchforks and torches held high. Lead by the constables of the other octants, they will storm the senate building and purge the corruption by force and fire. 


There will be no survivors. (So make sure at least one constable survives the game! (Or don't. I would love to do that writeup))

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But, if we get Yosef out again, would that mean Yosef's gains back his position, and we're safe to impeach Heatherlocke and Wilson? Will Yosef still perform his duty?


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1. No one knows why StrawMan lied.

2. There were heavy implications that the constables were evil and we could kill them. Since Yosef's death, I've been informed that killing them wasn't really ever the goal; only using warrants(I think) on them like Alv did to get the key.

3. Hellscythe's hidden message was April Fool's if you take the first letter of each of his sentences.

Alv, I vote you let Elbereth out of jail. I think we should all vote on who he lets out and then it's up to him to make the final choice so that no one knows who it'll be till after.

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If you're going to vote on who's let out of prison, then please don't vote in purple as that might end up with me being impeached and I really don't want that to happen.


Stink, have anything meaningful to add to the conversation?

Lopen, were you or were you not attacked at the end of Round 6?

Maill, why did you lie to me about what you found on Firemuffin's corpse?

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If you're going to vote on who's let out of prison, then please don't vote in purple as that might end up with me being impeached and I really don't want that to happen.

Stink, have anything meaningful to add to the conversation?

Lopen, were you or were you not attacked at the end of Round 6?

Maill, why did you lie to me about what you found on Firemuffin's corpse?

Joe said that the only way to get a new governor is the current one dying, I believe. But we can vote in blue if it makes you feel better. Elbereth.

Lopen admitted to being attacked already.

I said this in the prison doc, but you guys can't read that, so I'll restate it here. Both in this game and LG19, I planned to go vigilante mode. Most games, I sit back and only really help late game. These two, I decided I'd do what it took to act on suspicions earlier than that. So, after HS's innocence, I felt that one of DC or El was evil, so I used boxings to lynch DC. When he was good, I thought it must be El that was the corrupt one. So, knowing full well that I was going to be arrested next were I wrong, I made up the story of the ledger to get El arrested. Obviously, that didn't turn out well.

After being in the prison doc, I've apologized to El, though I'm not sure if she trusts me even now. But my plan didn't work in this game as well as it did in the LG, where I took out one Spiked. So I'm willing to submit to the will of the people now, though I'm still highly, highly suspicious of Lopen.

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I'm quite confused now. Everyone in the prison doc thought Yosef was evil. (Though El wanted Joe lynched to see what happens if the GM is lynched.

Lopen, I still think you're the most suspicious. Were you the one to stab Wonko?


Apparently I did kill Wonko, although I think you already knew that. In my GM PM, I just gained 3 BoB's, I don't have my Dagger, and my vote wasn't moved, so I'm assuming someone(the Corrupt) bribed me to kill him. I wasn't gonna use my Dagger, since Mailliw was already being lynched, and he's my biggest suspect. Of course, then players decided it would be best to lynch the GM...


Alv, yes, I was attacked by Mailliw, which is how I got a Dagger(because someone protected me, but I don't know who).


I'm voting on Mailliw. The fact that it was known you had a Dagger, but your attack wasn't redirected/bribed like mine was just adds to the reasons I believe you're Corrupt(like, lynching DC with your vote(s) last minute and lying about a scan to get Elbereth lynched, then attacking me). Why, if you're not Corrupt, would the Corrupt give you free rein to kill whoever you wanted?


And STINK, why the heck are you voting on yourself? I'm confused.

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Well see, at first the plan was for people to be like 'STINK is clearly bluffing by voting for himself, so we'll lynch him!' Then I'd turn out to be good so I could send PMs to people and be trusted, while also having fun in a doc.

But then PMs got closed and I feel really sad so I'm just gonna commit.

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Has anyone voted for Wonko through the game? If a player is killed and no one has ever voted for them, do their items disappear?


Lopen, I attacked you for the same reason I did everything else. I explained my vigilante playstyle this game in my post above. Why, might I ask you, did no one claim the medkit that protected you? It's used up, so where's the harm in claiming it? I believe it was one of your Corrupt partners who didn't want to bring attention to themselves by having to explain why they decided to protect you.

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Lopen, having read through the cycle, the lack of anyone claiming your protection does stand out - I know my own activity has been poor, and I'm a little hypocritical in posting this, but if anyone hasn't claimed simply due to poor activity, doing so now would be pretty helpful.


Maill, I must admit to being really close to voting for you instead - why have you chosen to play in a 'vigilante' manner? In a game like this, it does provide pretty good cover were you to be corrupt...

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