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Well I kinda forgot I was actually in this game. Anyways I don't really have time to catch up now as I am off to bed but even without reading the whole thread the Strawman lynch seems weird. Still I might as well give myself a chance of getting something out of this with strawman dying anyways.

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Turn 2: Wealth in the Senate

“Mesa propose, that the Senate, give immediately, emergency powers, to Senator Palpatine.”

“Senator Alron, have you lost your mind?”

Senator Alron smirked, shrugged and sat back down as other senators stood up, declaring that they should be the new governor, not Palpatine. Senators up and down the Senate chamber rose and yelled out their opinions. Chaos reigned, and was taken advantage of. A murderer slipped from their seat, slipped out of sight, and slipped a knife between the ribs of a woman. An accountant dipped his hands into a senator’s papers, examining their dealings. Boxings exchanged hands, drinks were poured, and deals were struck.

Once the chatter fell still, Senator Oromis stood alone, wilting under the glares of nearly half the senate. He sighed as the Constables approached. “Can’t you all see that It’s Dyson? Dyson Trump is one of the murderers!”

“Senator Oromis, you are under arrest for crimes against the city of Elendel. Clancy, Heatherlocke, take him below for interrogation.”

The senate sat in sickening silence as they awaited the verdict. They could hear yells and pleas for mercy as their the former senator was brutally interrogated. After ten horrifying  minutes of listening, a constable entered the room. He stood before the Governor's podium, holding a bloody sheet of paper.

“Thank you all for your cooperation. Senator Oromis has confessed to several small crimes he has committed, and will be held below the building until the Governor’s murderer’s are found. Unfortunately, he did not Confess to being party to the plot against the governor.”

“Thank you.”

Rippleglyf was murdered!
ThatTinyStrawMan was arrested! He was a Senator!

ThatTinyStrawMan: 11 : Wonko, Lopen, Phattemer, Elodin, Mark, Mailliw, Kynedath, Hellscythe, DeathClutch, Clanky, Bugsby
DeathClutch: 3 : ThatTinyStrawMan, Amanuensis, LUNA
Rippleglyf: 1 : Alvron
TheMightyLopen : 1 : OrlokTsuobdai

Living/Unarrested Players Turn 2:


Wonko the Sane - Dr. Nowko Lestibournes
TheMightyLopen - Senator Palpatine
Silverblade - Worge Gashington
Phattamer - Rodent Optimus
Orlok - Cicero
Master Elodin - Alexandra Rotec
Mailliw - Liram
LUNA - Luna Arryn 
Kynedath - Declan Tynedell
IrulelikeSTINK - Rod Clintham  Me.
Hellscythe - Ritt Momney
Elbereth - Elentari
DeathClutch - Dyson Trump 
Clanky - Vupreme Sermin
Bugsby6912 - Abban Prodestum 
Amanuensis - Biorney Sanderson 
Alvron - Alron 
Adamair - Edris Calvert
Curious Anamaximder - Naxia Venturus
Mark IV - Miotes Monec
Firemuffin - Michael Flop

The Only Joe - Constable-General Yosef 
little’Wilson - Constable Wilson
Haelbarde - Assistant General Rab ‘open to bribes’ Heatherlocke

Arrested players:


ThatTinyStrawMan - Oromis

Dead Players:


Metacognition - Governor Machmuller
Ripplgylf - Chantelle Lepinceau 

Edited by Alvron
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Players killed by the Dagger don't have their alignments revealed. I don't think there's any way for us to know, unless you can use the scanning papers on dead people. Joe, is that possible?

I hadn't thought of that. I will consider it and get back to you.


All PM's have been sent.

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He's almost certainly a Villager. The only people who have anything to gain from using the Dagger at this stage are the Eliminators.


This makes Alvron my number one suspicion now, as he positioned himself perfectly to receive the Dagger.


I suggest that anyone who used Ledgers and found a Corrupt Senator post that player's identity publicly. As you are no longer in possession of the item, there is no reason for the Eliminators to attack you. Anyone who found a Villager should wait a turn, then do the same, so they don't put their targets at risk.

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He's almost certainly a Villager. The only people who have anything to gain from using the Dagger at this stage are the Eliminators.

This makes Alvron my number one suspicion now, as he positioned himself perfectly to receive the Dagger.

I suggest that anyone who used Ledgers and found a Corrupt Senator post that player's identity publicly. As you are no longer in possession of the item, there is no reason for the Eliminators to attack you. Anyone who found a Villager should wait a turn, then do the same, so they don't put their targets at risk.

I agree with Wonko on the ledger idea. Also this does make Alvron look suspicious for the dagger on Ripple play, unless the dagger was used by a villager. Edited by DeathClutch19
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Of course it makes me look suspicious.  I killed Ripple. :ph34r:  I started with a dagger and I got it back when I killed Ripple. :P


The way I see it, inactives have items we can use and if they aren't going to use it then I'll kill them and take it from them.


In case you're wondering, Ripple has had a ledger.  It's now mine and I plan on using it this cycle as well as killing another inactive.  I suck at finding eliminators via voting so instead I'm doing it this way.

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You're not finding Eliminators. We don't get their alignment. You're just removing semi-random players from the game, which serves the Eliminators more than it does us.


Your item acquisition explanation makes a sort of sense, but my vote holds, as you're not only the best suspicion I have, I consider you a public menace for your 'knife the inactives' plan.


If it turns out you were a Villager, you can tell us the result of your ledger scan from behind bars.

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I never said I was finding eliminators by killing them.  I'm killing inactives so it matter not what side they are on to me.  The items I get however are helping to find eliminators.


I have no problem being sent to jail so by all means vote for me but you are losing an opportunity to find eliminator via debate if you continue to vote for me.

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Alvron. Removing inactives on Day 1 is, in my opinion, ridiculously unfair and impractical. Victory is the goal of this game, not punishment, and last I checked the Senator win condition is to kill or arrest all Corrupt Senators, not inactives. Like it or not, inactives do serve a purpose to the village by acting as a buffer. Personally I don't believe Alv's story for a second. I would bet all my boxings that he was the most high profile eliminator on his team, so during discussion they decided he would likely be scanned early on so they should use him as a kill patsy while citing targeting inactives as an excuse to make kills and keep getting their dagger back. He very likely did not start with the dagger either and has some third item (if the ledger story is even true, which I doubt). Personally I can't see any reason why the Corrupt would not start with a dagger, not use it immediately, not do it in a way that they could get it back for more kills, nor why a villager would use their kill action already. More evidence is the fact that Mailliw voted for Ripple but someone spent a boxing to move it to Strawman. I suspect the Corrupt didn't want to risk it getting into any other players hands so they bribed him to move it. Now, that by no means clears Mailliw, I am highly suspicious of him for agreeing with Alv and voting DC for Governor before. I also have a theory that, based on the timing in the bandwagon, DC is also Corrupt as he was the one to break the tie in favor of Strawman while Mailliw attempted to instigate another with ripple to scare players like Mark into widening the gap so they might look less suspicious. I also would not be surprised if Kynedath is Corrupt as well, since he was the first one to vote for Strawman when he added the second vote to DC (teammates much?).


So yeah, right now I think the Corrupt are Alvron, D.C., Mailliw and Kynedath. I would bet everything in my possession on Alvron at least, but I'm pretty confident at least one of those four are evil.

Edited by Amanuensis
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I'll take you on that bet, Aman. I very much agree with what Alv did. Inactives are a pain and detract from whichever team they're on. Yes, day one isn't a good basis to find out who's inactive, but I don't see a problem with it. We need to shift the meta from inactives being acceptable. They're not. They, honestly, ruin a game for me.

I know who removed my vote. They contacted me in a PM and informed me. I'm not arguing since I got a bag of boxings for it and StrawMan was going to be lynched either way.

DC may or may not be Corrupt, I have no idea, but I voted for him for governor because I honestly don't really care much who gets it and he asked me to.

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I'll take you on that bet, Aman. I very much agree with what Alv did. Inactives are a pain and detract from whichever team they're on. Yes, day one isn't a good basis to find out who's inactive, but I don't see a problem with it. We need to shift the meta from inactives being acceptable. They're not. They, honestly, ruin a game for me.

Storm it Maill.  I was going to take that bet.  50/50 split?


I have publicly stated several times that should I finally gain a kill role then I would target inactives.  They provide a place for eliminators to hide.  Not to mention that in this game, they have items that we can use and might even need.


You don't need to worry about me killing anyone anymore though.  Since I've outted myself as having a Dagger and Ledger I highly suspect that someone will use a Warrant on me taking away all my things.  I'm still going to place orders though.  Just in case.

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I'll take you on that bet, Aman. I very much agree with what Alv did. Inactives are a pain and detract from whichever team they're on. Yes, day one isn't a good basis to find out who's inactive, but I don't see a problem with it. We need to shift the meta from inactives being acceptable. They're not. They, honestly, ruin a game for me.

I know who removed my vote. They contacted me in a PM and informed me. I'm not arguing since I got a bag of boxings for it and StrawMan was going to be lynched either way.

DC may or may not be Corrupt, I have no idea, but I voted for him for governor because I honestly don't really care much who gets it and he asked me to.

Why would a villager move a vote from Ripple (who only had two) to Strawman (who was at 10) unless they knew Ripple was going to be the target of a kill? Unless that person who PM'd you was also Alvron, it makes no sense for a villager (who should have little to no information so far) would spend their currency to get involved in something that they had no business getting with.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Why would a villager move a vote from Ripple (who only had two) to Strawman (who was at 10) unless they knew Ripple was going to be the target of a kill? Unless that person who PM'd you was also Alvron, it makes no sense for a villager (who should have little to no information so far) would spend their currency to get involved in something that they had no business getting with.

To pass me gold.

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