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LG20: Warcamp Enigmas


You are all members of the Alethi lighteyed nobility in the warcamps. Many of you have secret items in your possession. There are a few of you who are hiding other secrets. Whether you use those for good or evil is up to you. You have been infiltrated by some nefarious Ghostbloods who are attempting to steal a soulcaster and a shardblade from you. Killing them all before they obtain those is the only way to succeed. There is also a thief in your midst, though he may end up helping you.



This is a rerun of LG5, the first game I GMd. Each Day turn will be 48 hours and each Night turn will be 24 hours long. Rollover time will be 9 pm MST. Signups will end on April 22nd. There is a 5 turn inactivity filter; after five turns of inactivity, inactive players will be killed.


General Rules:

Every player gets up to three actions per night. Only one item from each tier category may be used per cycle. One 1A, one 1D, and one Tier 2 item is the most that can be used. Any action can be replaced with the Ghostblood kill or a role ability/declaring an heir.





One item from each category may be used by a player each cycle. Only one Tier 1A and one Tier 1D item may be held by a player at any time.


Tier 1A(ttack) items:

  • Shardblade: A Blade can kill one person a night
  • Pain Knife: The Pain Knife can be used during either a night or a day turn. Pain knifes used during the day cancel someone's vote or item transfer for that day. Using the Pain Knife during the day takes up your first action slot at night. If the Pain Knife is used at night, it randomly cancels one of the target’s actions.
  • Soulcaster: At night, a Soulcaster can be used to divert one chosen action of a player’s to a target of the Soulcaster’s choice.
  • Grandbow: One regular kill per night.




Tier 1D(efense) items:

  • Shardplate: can defend against two regular attacks(lynch included) and one shardblade attack. After five turns, the Plate grows back.  Shardplate passively blocks a Pain Knife. Blocking a Pain Knife can only be done once.
  • Painrial: can protect someone else from one regular attack at night. Takes a cycle to gather enough stormlight to use it again.
  • Half-Shard: Protects against one Shardblade attack only and is destroyed in the attack.


Tier 2 items:

  • Spanreed: This is the only way for anyone to use PMs. Players with a Spanreed are the only people who can start the messages. The GM must be included in all messages. The PMs can contain up to a fifth of the total amount of starting players. Setting up the spanreed counts as a night action, but once you use that action, any number of PMs can be created that night.
  • Alerter: Alerts you to who performed actions on you. Using the alerter takes an action at night to set up.
  • Emotion bracelet: The holder of this item can choose one person a night and will be informed of one random action the target performed, but not who their targets were.
  • Reverser: The reverser allows the holder to change one person's vote each day cycle.  


Other roles:



Thief: The thief can name a person and an item they want to steal from that person each night. If that person holds that item, the thief steals it. Shards cannot be stolen by the thief. After the thief uses the item once, they lose it. The thief belongs to their own faction.

Ghostbloods: They get to conspire on a secret google doc. They get one group kill per night plus any items they may have. One person must send a PM to the GM with their desired kill target. This counts as an action and a maximum of only two others can be taken. Win condition: Acquire a Shardblade and a Soulcaster.

Shardbearers: Any person who holds one or more shards can publicly challenge someone during the day. The challenge must be issued with at least 24 hours remaining in that Day. There are no fake claims allowed, all Alethi can tell whether someone has a Shard or not. That day, the votes can only be between those two people, the Shardbearer and their chosen opponent. This may only be used once per shard.

Artifabrians: Can choose one person a night to get a temporary item (excluding Shards or a Soulcaster). That person will receive the item and can use it for the next cycle. After that it will be taken away. The person given the item will be informed what they were given but not who gave it to them.

Spy: the Spy can choose one person a night cycle to spy on. They will be told one of the items that person holds and the total number of items their target has.

Full Shardbearer: if someone has Shardplate and a Shardblade and is killed, the attacker is revealed in the writeup but not their alignment.


Item Rules:


Item Transfers: A player can, instead of their day vote, give someone an item, but they must declare it in the thread publicly. The GM will not confirm if the player actually possesses the item. At night, an item can also be given in place of an action.

Heiring: A player may nominate an heir in place of a day vote(must be done in the thread) or night action who will receive all their items if they die.


If a person is killed at night, one of their items go to their killer and the rest to the heir. If the killed player has no heir, all the items are sent to the killer. If a person is lynched, half of their items are split between those who voted for them and half go to an heir, if declared. If there is no heir, all items are split between the voters.


A player can only hold one item of each of the 12 types at a time. A player can also only have one of each category of the Tier 1 items. Ex: Bob can have a Shardblade and a half-shard shield, but if he kills a player with a Pain Knife, he doesn't get to keep it. He can choose whether to keep the Pain Knife or the Blade. The other(s) will be rolled for to see who finds it or given to an heir if there is one.


Death Cries: When a player is killed in any way, they get a chance to send one last message to the group as a whole. The messages must be less than 200 characters and sent to the GM to be posted to the rest of the group. The dead player will not be sent to the dead doc before the end of the turn following their death or until their death cry is sent in. It must be sent in before the end of the turn following the player’s death. Except for this, the dead may not speak.


Win conditions:

Ghostbloods’ Win: Outnumber the other players

Bonus goal: Obtain a Shardblade and Soulcaster.


Nobles’ Win: Kill all Ghostbloods

Bonus goal: Survive until the end and the player with the most/most valuable items will be made king and the other survivors will be made Highprinces/Highprincesses.


Thief's Win: Steal at least one of each item(excluding Shards and a Soulcaster) throughout the course of the game to become a master thief and live a life of luxury.


Order of Actions:




Giving away items


Pain Knife




Attacks(Shardblade, Grandbow, Ghostblood Kill)


Emotion Bracelet




Links to the writeups:
*Written by Elbereth
The Saga of Kayden(Kynedath)
Current Player List:


  • Elbereth: Tintallë-Probably a goddess, definitely a ninja Thief
  • Phattemer: Axies-In denial Noble
  • Master_Elodin: Eobard Thawne-Reverse-Flash Noble
  • DeathClutch: Itachi Uchiha-Some Japanese kid Noble
  • Alvron: Alv-Badchull Halfborn Ghostblood
  • ThatTinyStrawMan: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Noble
  • Kynedath: Kayden Ianlynn-Definitely arrogant
  • little wilson: Brightlady Kenara-Looking for body parts. Definitely British.
  • AliasSheep: Kelen Taldar Noble
  • Zas678: Kaythar
  • Twelfthrootoftwo: Teialan
  • Macen: Ace
  • Yafeshan: Geran Noble
  • Mark: Mayelek Noble
  • Kasimir: Karnan-Not Khas. Nope. Ghostblood
  • TheMightyLopen: Loopen-Just a wee bit crazy Ghostblood
  • Seonid: Senna Idian Noble Artifabrian
  • Burnt Spaghetti: Ebony Ghetti Noble
  • Stink
  • Nyali: Brightness Arisia
  • Orlok: Subadon-Probably secretly American Ghostblood
  • TheOnlyJoe: Sani Joslin-Traitor to 'Murica Noble
  • Elkanah: Montnog Spot Thief
  • Trelagist Noble
  • Araris Valerian: Ardel Noble
  • Hellscythe: Hellscythe Noble
  • Luna: Luna Arryn Noble
  • Silver Dragon: Star Thief Noble
Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Player List:

  1. Elbereth: Tintallë-Probably a goddess, definitely a ninja
  2. Phattemer: Axies-In denial
  3. Master_Elodin:  Eobard Thawne-Reverse-Flash
  4. DeathClutch: Itachi Uchiha-Some Japanese kid
  5. Alvron: Alv-Badchull Halfborn
  6. ThatTinyStrawMan: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
  7. Kynedath: Kayden Ianlynn-Definitely arrogant
  8. little wilson: Brightlady Kenara-Looking for body parts. Definitely British.
  9. AliasSheep: Kelen Taldar
  10. Zas678: Kaythar
  11. Twelfthrootoftwo: Teialan
  12. Macen: Ace
  13. Yafeshan: Geran
  14. Mark: Mayelek
  15. Kasimir: Karnan-Not Khas. Nope.
  16. TheMightyLopen: Loopen-Just a wee bit crazy
  17. Seonid: Senna Idian
  18. Burnt Spaghetti
  19. Stink
  20. Nyali: Brightness Arisia
  21. Orlok: Subadon-Probably secretly American
  22. TheOnlyJoe: Sani Joslin-Traitor to 'Murica
  23. Elkanah: Montnog Spot
  24. Trelagist
  25. Araris Valerian: Ardel
  26. Hellscythe: Hellscythe
  27. Luna: Luna Arryn
  28. Silver Dragon: Star Thief





If you create PMs with a Spanreed, are they ongoing or only for that night?



Do actions take place in sequence? That is, are all actions used on action 1 at the same time, and then action 2, and so on?


No, actions happen in the order they appear in the Order of Actions. Each player just has a maximum of three actions a night. 



Once a Thief uses an item, where does it go?

It disappears from the game.


Are Heirs for that turn only, or perpetual?


Edited by Mailliw73
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Storm it Elbereth, i was going to be first!

Axies, who is definitely not Fullborn, and definitely does not have 32 spikes protruding from his body, is signing up as a heterochromatic Lord's Wit.



Edited by phattemer
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If you create PMs with a Spanreed, are they ongoing or only for that night?

Do actions take place in sequence? That is, are all actions used on action 1 at the same time, and then action 2, and so on? Or not?

Once a Thief uses an item, where does it go?

Are Heirs for that turn only, or perpetual?

Playstyle will come later. Either RP-heavy (because I'm trying to write 40k this month and I'm very behind), or something new! Which is always exciting. (I considered seriously doing "aggressive", but I don't think I have time right now. :( )

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Well, I might spectate this one. Not sure if I'll have time to play it.

Burnt spectating? What has this world come to?



If you create PMs with a Spanreed, are they ongoing or only for that night?

Do actions take place in sequence? That is, are all actions used on action 1 at the same time, and then action 2, and so on? Or not?

Once a Thief uses an item, where does it go?

Are Heirs for that turn only, or perpetual?

Playstyle will come later. Either RP-heavy (because I'm trying to write 40k this month and I'm very behind), or something new! Which is always exciting. (I considered seriously doing "aggressive", but I don't think I have time right now. :( )


No, actions happen in the order they appear in the Order of Actions. Each player just has a maximum of three actions a night. 

It disappears from the game.


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Burnt spectating? What has this world come to?



I think I spectated a Qf once. Otherwise, yea, I typically spectate over Hael's shoulder. Means that he couldn't possibly accidentally get anything out of me as I only know what he knows :P I did properly spectate a game he played once, but it was extremely infuriating to know he was trusting someone I knew to be an eliminator, so it's easier on my sanity if I just don't know if he's making a big mistake :P

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The earth shakes and walls tremble as yet another Highstorm batters the Warcamps.  This time however something is different.  There is a tension in the air.  Almost as if the world itself is holding it's breath.


As the winds died down and the rain slackens, the huddled masses of people, Light-eyed and Dark began to emerge from where they had hidden from the fury of the elements.


In the war camp of Highprince Roion those that had emerged stood in shock as they saw a figure calming walking into camp.  This figure carried a halberd over one shoulder.  His eyes were of two vastly different colours, one a pale grey while the other a deep forest green.  A deep scar ran across his right cheek and had disfigured his upper lip.


As this figure passed, people turned to each other whispering excitedly to each other.  While it had been foreseen but no one had believed it possible.  Alv had returned and with his return, chaos was sure to follow.



I have been waiting for this game for quite some time.  Alv is back.  As the first run of the game was one of my favorite times as an eliminator I shall be RPing as a Ghostblood regardless of what role I have.  I just hope I can find my old RP notes from almost two years ago.

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"No," Khas said, firmly.
"Whyever not?" the second asked. "Wurum Heron isn't around this time. No danger of that. Neither is the dirtman, the thief."
"I'm not afraid of either of them," Khas snapped. Crouched on the outcrop, scrutinising the warcamps below. He saw a familiar figure, walking unperturbed in the aftermath of the Highstorm, into one of the Alethi warcamps. This, he identified as the warcamp of Highprince Roion. His lip twitched. You started somewhere, he thought, often perfectly inconsequential, until the world swept you up in its wake, like the howling winds of a Highstorm, and then all you could do was to go where it took you.
He had been a spearman, once. An insult for a lighteyes, who was entitled to a blade, but not for one of the tenth dahn.
The Wit said, "There he goes." Khas knew who he was referring to.
"Should I, then?" Khas demanded. "Am I to repeat the same story, over and over again?"
The Wit shrugged. "Do whatever you want," said the one-eyed man. "All stories are fragments of the same story, told again, across the warp and weft of time. The tale changes in the telling but it is the same tale, nevertheless."
Khas shook his head, tiredly. "Do we choose our stories," he wanted to know, "Or do the stories choose us?"
"I think," said the Wit, "It is a bit of both. You cannot have it either way, without the other. And it is the choosing that matters, in the end." He turned, faced Khas once more. "Will you go down to them?"
Khas shook his head. "Not here. Not now. Not like this," he said, simply, and continued to watch.
Despite having been liberated from samsara [=the cycle of thesis suffering and rewriting], I have not quite achieved Nirvana because I still have to finish one paper on logic conditionals and one exam on advanced logic. :P So I'm going to vascillate about whether I can join this, but I just felt this game deserved some tribute since LG5, run by the same GM, was the first SE game I ever played on this forum.

Edited by Kasimir
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This is almost late enough to convince me to join. One more week would have done it. But I'll content myself with a spec doc for this one. Starting next LG though, I'm back in the game.

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This is almost late enough to convince me to join. One more week would have done it. But I'll content myself with a spec doc for this one. Starting next LG though, I'm back in the game.

Storms. Well, I'll be excited to play with you in the next!

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Brightlady Kenara has once again found herself in the Warcamps. Hopefully this time doesn't end with a Shardblade through her back... She's still a little paranoid about people sneaking up on her, and she has a mild hatred for Highprince Aladar. Oh, and she's looking for her daughter's left hand. Katara's corpse was violated and Kenara will see the violator brought to justice. A bright, fiery justice full of pain. :P

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