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Suggestion: I think the artifabrians should focus on painrials and spanreeds for the moment, until we have enough information to formulate a more thorough plan. Painrials because protection early is helpful for the village almost every time (and half shards don't protect from GB attacks), and spanreeds because there are a lot of players that use PMs to great effect. Generally giving out these items is much more likely to help the village than the GBs.



So, does voting for Mailliw equate to voting for yourself? Or was her vote changed?

StrawMan had a reverser; he could have used that to try and save himself. I don't know why he'd target LUNA's vote and not one of the ones on him though.

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Do not fear, Ace is here! All kidding aside. Getting caught up on reading - had an unplanned family trip this weekend to see my fiances sister and kids before they move to Kentucky. They live in a very rural area and reception was shotty at best. Going to get caught up on the day 1 reading and hopefully have some posting (Doing it for both of the games I'm in).

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Suggestion: I think the artifabrians should focus on painrials and spanreeds for the moment, until we have enough information to formulate a more thorough plan. Painrials because protection early is helpful for the village almost every time (and half shards don't protect from GB attacks), and spanreeds because there are a lot of players that use PMs to great effect. Generally giving out these items is much more likely to help the village than the GBs.

May have more to say later, but I just wanted to point out that Spanreeds granted by Artifabrians only work for the one Night cycle. So while they are useful, they're not nearly as nice as real Spanreeds. I don't know that Artifabrians need to focus particularly on them.

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Maill, I thought that I might introduce you to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which your country has both signed and ratified.

The relevant parts:


'Realizing that the individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community to which he belongs, is under a responsibility to strive for the promotion and observance of the rights recognized in the present Covenant,'


'Article 17

1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.'


Of particular note: 'attacks on his honour and repuation'. :P




I just now saw that the player list claims I'm a traitor to 'Murica. Good. Any country that cuts its own name in half doesn't deserve my Loyalty. God save the Queen!


Welcome back, Joe! God save the Queen!

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Maybe not though. I mean, we have a tenth of America's population and we are right beside each other. Our military might be dominating in quality, but we can't get near the quantity. I'm all for the commonwealth, but I need an assurance of security. I don't want an army of texans marching up to my door and demanding that colour be spelt without a u. Our position is precarious as it is.

Edited by Kynedath
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"I've sent the dispatch to Brightness Mahiri, as you requested," Karnan said.

"Good," Terneas replied, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere. He rifled through several of the books on the shelf--he must've paid a fortune to have them translated into glyphs, Karnan thought--distracted, rather than searching.

"Brightlord, should I leave?"

"Hmm?" Terneas said. "Oh, no. Stay for a while."

"As you command."

"Have you heard word of the king's assassination?"

"Yes," Karnan said. "The word's been all over the warcamps by now. It won't be long before every Highprince on the Shattered Plains fancies themselves the next candidate for the throne."

"Mmm," said Terneas. And then, "It was not us. Do not fear."

"I didn't think so."

"But you did," Terneas replied. "It's obvious it was troubling you."

Karnan shrugged, realised it was not the most appropriate response. Brightlord Terneas had had a bodyguard before Karnan had assumed the task: a grizzled old warrior by the name of Jalar. But Jalar had died, with an assassin's blade to the throat, and now it was Karnan's task to protect and to serve the man who had saved his life. Who had taken him in, freed him from prison, and given him purpose. Some of what Terneas asked of him...troubled him. But then, what did a man do when all paths led to dishonour? There was honour in service, in following your Calling. That was all.

And he was a duelist, meant for the thrill of combat, of crossing blades with another. It was how he served.

"What I think doesn't matter," Karnan said, at last.

Terneas turned away from the bookshelf. "Oh, but it does," he said, with a raised eyebrow. "I could command you by the oath you swore to the Sons of Honor. I told you, on the day you were inducted into our ranks, that we would sometimes ask you to do horrible things--horrible indeed--in the name of the greater good."

Karnan pressed his lips together. "For the Church," he said, at last. "To return the Almighty to the hearts of men, and the Heralds to the broken lands that remain. I remember. No deed is too..." He could not quite find the word he meant. Too abhorrent? Dishonourable? Would he, he wondered, have slain the king, if Terneas had asked it of him, in the name of the debt he owed the man, in the name of the Sons of Honor, of the Church and the Almighty?

The things we do, for the greater good, he thought.

For the Almighty.

Terneas said, crisply, "Then I have a task for you. I've spoken to Amaram and I've been informed that we have reason to suspect that the Ghostbloods were behind the killing of the king. We've also discovered that Brightness Mahiri is a Ghostblood, and very likely one of the circle behind the king's death. You've sent her a dispatch informing her that we know about her allegiances. She will, of course, seek to silence me. But we can always live in hope. Your task is to shadow Brightness Mahiri, see if she leads us to any more of her co-conspirators. If she acts against us, kill her."

"By your command," Karnan said, quietly. "I will follow your order without mistake."


Okay, I'm back. I'll start catching up by tomorrow as I just want to rejoice in having finished the very last term paper of my undergraduate existence D:

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Shrimp Fried Rice!

Shrimp Fried Rice!

Shrimp Fried Rice!

go america! but more importantly california. Psh. Silly Kynedath. My one state has more people than your entire country.

Wilson I trust that you'll use your vote changing abilities for good. ^_^

Edited by Hellscythe
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All this hate on America....It's almost like everyone forget's which country won both World Wars, and saved a certain Continent from German control...a continent which happens to contain a certain country with a queen and what not.


America 4, UK 0

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All this hate on America....It's almost like everyone forget's which country won both World Wars, and saved a certain Continent from German control...a continent which happens to contain a certain country with a queen and what not.

America 4, UK 0


*Gasps, then takes a deep breath*



Seriously though, America definitely helped win the wars, but that's a far cry from winning them by itself. The allies did a lot more, killed a lot more, fought longer, and lost a lot more than America. God Bless Winston Churchill's sociopathic tendencies.

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