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All this hate on America....It's almost like everyone forget's which country won both World Wars, and saved a certain Continent from German control...a continent which happens to contain a certain country with a queen and what not.


America 4, UK 0


I'm sorry? America won the First World War?

Germany was starved into submission. And guess what, it wasn't the US who did it. The US sent 5 battleships to participate in the blockade. After the British had beaten back the Germans at Jutland, and provided the vast majority of the blockade.

Anyway, even before that, the British attack at the Somme allowed the French to hold Verdun, which prevented a French capitulation, and led to the Central Powers beginning peace overtures.

The British Empire was almost solely responsible for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the East.

It was the British Expeditionary Force, with the French, that launched the Hundred Days Offensive that forced the German Armistice - not remotely the Americans.


Now, admittedly, the in the Second World War, despite turning up late again, you were a little more useful. Although without the British holding out, D-Day would have been completely impossible. The British defeated the Germans in Africa, and the USSR in the East - whilst certainly the materials you provided were crucial, they were hardly free - we nearly bankrupted the country paying for supplies under 'cash and carry' as the only country fighting Germany in 1940 - with our Commonwealth, of course.

Had you not intervened, here, I would argue that the only difference would have been that the Iron Curtain would have fallen an awful lot further west - ultimately, it was the USSR that defeated the German War Machine in WWII, not the Americans.

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May have more to say later, but I just wanted to point out that Spanreeds granted by Artifabrians only work for the one Night cycle. So while they are useful, they're not nearly as nice as real Spanreeds. I don't know that Artifabrians need to focus particularly on them.

Sure, but they're better than nothing, and they provide an immediate and obvious benefit. Grandbows and Pain Knives are more likely to disrupt village efforts than help at this stage. Half-shards are only useful if the eliminators/a vigilante have a shardblade. Reversers aren't going to be particularly useful either (for the same reasons we normally request village vote manips not to use their powers early on).

Alerters and emotion bracelets are the other useful ones early on.



Now, admittedly, the in the Second World War, despite turning up late again, you were a little more useful. Although without the British holding out, D-Day would have been completely impossible. The British defeated the Germans in Africa, and the USSR in the East - whilst certainly the materials you provided were crucial, they were hardly free - we nearly bankrupted the country paying for supplies under 'cash and carry' as the only country fighting Germany in 1940 - with our Commonwealth, of course.

Had you not intervened, here, I would argue that the only difference would have been that the Iron Curtain would have fallen an awful lot further west - ultimately, it was the USSR that defeated the German War Machine in WWII, not the Americans.

To be fair, you've completely ignored the entire pacific war in that depiction.

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Where does Canada stand in this argument?

Personally, I love Canada, and I don't even live there....  :lol:


Shrimp Fried Rice!

Shrimp Fried Rice!

Shrimp Fried Rice!

go america! but more importantly california. Psh. Silly Kynedath. My one state has more people than your entire country.

Wilson I trust that you'll use your vote changing abilities for good. ^_^


OKAY GUY, listen up, California can't possibly be so great if all the stormboys come from there.... (yes I caught that)

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To be fair, you've completely ignored the entire pacific war in that depiction.



I did - and quite deliberately - whilst it must be remembered that the United Kingdom and British Indian Army has 2 and a half million men in the Pacific theatre, the US can take the lions share of the credit. But I don't recall Japan ever posing all that much of a threat to our Queen? :P

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Although without the British holding out, D-Day would have been completely impossible.

Anyone remember Juno beach? The one that nobody would take because it was too hard? Or is this just an instance where my information is biased and inaccurate?

Either way, Vimy ridge! Go Canada!

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I'm sorry? America won the First World War?

Germany was starved into submission. And guess what, it wasn't the US who did it. The US sent 5 battleships to participate in the blockade. After the British had beaten back the Germans at Jutland, and provided the vast majority of the blockade.

Anyway, even before that, the British attack at the Somme allowed the French to hold Verdun, which prevented a French capitulation, and led to the Central Powers beginning peace overtures.

The British Empire was almost solely responsible for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the East.

It was the British Expeditionary Force, with the French, that launched the Hundred Days Offensive that forced the German Armistice - not remotely the Americans.


Now, admittedly, the in the Second World War, despite turning up late again, you were a little more useful. Although without the British holding out, D-Day would have been completely impossible. The British defeated the Germans in Africa, and the USSR in the East - whilst certainly the materials you provided were crucial, they were hardly free - we nearly bankrupted the country paying for supplies under 'cash and carry' as the only country fighting Germany in 1940 - with our Commonwealth, of course.

Had you not intervened, here, I would argue that the only difference would have been that the Iron Curtain would have fallen an awful lot further west - ultimately, it was the USSR that defeated the German War Machine in WWII, not the Americans.

I'll Admit that we werent that useful in WW1 but come on, if America did not show up for WW2 the UK would certainly not be around at this moment. If America did not show up Germany would only have had to fight a 1 front war which they could have won against the USSR. America did all of Europe a favor by showing up, and D-day was possible because you held out yes...but without America it would have failed....so again America > UK ..Also Africa the UK seriously?? That was totally Patton and Eisenhower too!

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Anyone remember Juno beach? The one that nobody would take because it was too hard? Or is this just an instance where my information is biased and inaccurate?

Either way, Vimy ridge! Go Canada!


My point was D-Day was hard enough when we were launching the armada from across the channel - it would have been impossible to launch it from the other side of the Atlantic.


I'll Admit that we werent that useful in WW1 but come on, if America did not show up for WW2 the UK would certainly not be around at this moment. If America did not show up Germany would only have had to fight a 1 front war which they could have won against the USSR. America did all of Europe a favor by showing up, and D-day was possible because you held out yes...but without America it would have failed....so again America > UK ..Also Africa the UK seriously?? That was totally Patton and Eisenhower too!


That they could have won? Before D-Day, the USSR had won the Battle of Kursk, ending any chance of Germany regaining momentum in the East, and had lifted the siege of Stalingrad.


Regarding Nuclear Weapons. You might have forgotten that before the Manhattan Project existed, Britain and Canada were working on Tube Alloys' - our own weapons project, and one we transferred to the Tri-nation Manhattan project to avoid any chance of it falling into German hands should they have invaded.


You also seem to have forgotten Bletchley Park and the 'Ultra' intelligence it produced.

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Regarding Nuclear Weapons. You might have forgotten that before the Manhattan Project existed, Britain and Canada were working on Tube Alloys' - our own weapons project, and one we transferred to the Tri-nation Manhattan project to avoid any chance of it falling into German hands should they have invaded.

Wooo! Represent!


Sorry that this isn't actually helpful to us right now, but It's hard to stay away from patriotism/nationalism. To be honest, I don't really have anything to share anyway right now anyways.

Edited by Kynedath
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And this is why I avoid getting into war history debates with Orlok.... :P


As for more game-relevant discussion. I'm going to refrain from mentioning suspicions right now, as it's night-time, and I prefer to not draw fire to myself as much as I can (yes, yes, I know. This is me. Pretty sure I draw fire just by breathing, but whatever...).


I also agree with Twei about her ideas for the Artifabrians. While the items the Artifabrians create only last a cycle, that's standard for Artifabrians. Sure, we could use them to create kill items, but that just encourages people to go vigilante, and that usually doesn't end well for the village (though if a villager has the Grandbow/Shardblade and they have a valid suspicion, I fully encourage using that item, since that's the whole point of having it, just like any kill role in any game). While it's not terribly helpful for painrials and spanreeds to be single-use from the Artifabrian, it's a lot better than just limiting those to the permanent items. Particularly when we don't know the distribution of those items. For all we know, the Ghostbloods have all the painrials. Knowing Maill, that's a valid possibility. It makes the most sense for the Artifabrians to be using their abilities to support the village better, and right now, that's with comms and protection. And Spies and those with emotion bracelets should be trying to gather information. The more we know about what items are in play and how many items people have, the better we can figure out the distribution and take a guess at what the Ghostbloods could have. Though that will be most applicable tonight, since after tonight, anything spies or emotion bracelet-users find could be contributed to by Artifabrians and therefore not part of Maill's distribution.


I don't really know where I was going with that.... Basically, Artifabrians: make painrials and spanreeds and pass them to the people you suspect the least. If you don't want to make either of those, emotion bracelets and alerters would also be rather useful. Probably refrain from Grandbows for the time being, though I suppose if you just want to watch the world burn, we can't really stop you. :P

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Please define relevant.

Relevant to the game that we are playing. This is not a Random Stuff thread. This is SE and all of you are acting very suspicious by refusing to discuss the game.

Alright, I admit to having aided and abetted this conversation, but let's move the history stuff to a PM, and get back to the game. None of this info is very relevant, as others have stated.

Does anyone have any game info to talk about? Suspicions? Heirs? WMG's?

Thank you. As of suspicions, pretty much everyone talking about America vs. Britain. Except maybe DC (who said a few game relevant things) and Joe, all of you are helping the eliminators.

EDIT: Ok, that's better. I see none of you have mentioned Soulcasters. What about those?

Edited by Master Elodin
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EDIT: Ok, that's better. I see none of you have mentioned Soulcasters. What about those?


At this point, it's up to the user. If I had a soulcaster, I wouldn't use it tonight unless I had a suspicion and I wanted to test that suspicion. But even then, I probably wouldn't use it, because the risks can be pretty great. I mean, if you're soulcasting a random action, you could pull protection off someone who really needs it. You could pull a kill to a valuable villager. You could give someone else an item an Artifabrian creates, or redirect an emotion bracelet-users action to someone useless. There are any number of actions that you could redirect that would tell us all nothing but could be detrimental.


If you really want to use a soulcaster, I'd suggest targeting the T1(A) action slot specifically. While the Ghostblood kill doesn't have to be in that slot, any other attack/kill actions do and it could be useful to deflect those. And if you're Heiring someone, you probably shouldn't do it in that particular action slot. Same for if you're a role and you're doing something with your role, just to be on the safe side. But again, if you're trying to redirect the Ghostblood kill, the odds of hitting the person making the kill is extraordinarily slim anyway, but then hitting the right action period too? Much less so.


So, yeah. I'd suggest soulcasters withhold actions on those, but it's up to them.

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And this is why I avoid getting into war history debates with Orlok.... :P


As for more game-relevant discussion. I'm going to refrain from mentioning suspicions right now, as it's night-time, and I prefer to not draw fire to myself as much as I can (yes, yes, I know. This is me. Pretty sure I draw fire just by breathing, but whatever...).

You draw fire by breathing because you breathe fire. Just saying. :P

Sure, but they're better than nothing, and they provide an immediate and obvious benefit. Grandbows and Pain Knives are more likely to disrupt village efforts than help at this stage. Half-shards are only useful if the eliminators/a vigilante have a shardblade. Reversers aren't going to be particularly useful either (for the same reasons we normally request village vote manips not to use their powers early on).

Alerters and emotion bracelets are the other useful ones early on.

Well, yes. But at the same time, I feel like you're equating them to the same usefulness as Painrials, which I don't think they are, quite.

(Later, right before sending this post: I don't actually agree with this anymore. PMs are also reallly useful, particularly for Artifabrians and such. So nevermind that point.)

Collection of thoughts about roles, most of which are really obvious. I'm aware, and saying them anyway just to get them out there.

Artifabrian items only last a night. If possible, it'd be good to have communication beforehand to make sure that the person you're giving it to will be able to use it. If not, it's still important to remember that the item will only last a cycle, so you have to use it immediately if you want to use it.

Kind of goes without saying, but if you are a player who does not use PMs, and you have a Spanreed, give your Spanreed to someone who will use it to great effect. Goes for most items, actually, though this is the most applicable. If you won't use it, give it to someone who will. Also, I'm hoping that at least soe people are using Spanreeds? I haven't gotten any PMs (which makes me sad... :( ), so I can't say.

Be careful about revealing your items. Don't reveal in thread unless you want to have it stolen by a thief (if it's not Shards/Soulcaster) or to get killed for it (if it is Shards/Soulcaster and the Ghostbloods care enough about that win con).

If you're a player with protection who isn't a high threat level player, tonight might be a good night to choose an heir rather than protect yourself, given that you're less likely to be targeted early on.

Okay, obvious thoughts over.

I'd agree that there hasn't been a ton of game-related discussion, which is sad. I have no suspicions (although I do minorly trust Zas and a couple of other people) as yet.

May or may not post more thoughts with RP coming later.

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You draw fire by breathing because you breathe fire. Just saying. :P

Well, yes. But at the same time, I feel like you're equating them to the same usefulness as Painrials, which I don't think they are, quite.

(Later, right before sending this post: I don't actually agree with this anymore. PMs are also reallly useful, particularly for Artifabrians and such. So nevermind that point.)

Collection of thoughts about roles, most of which are really obvious. I'm aware, and saying them anyway just to get them out there.

Artifabrian items only last a night. If possible, it'd be good to have communication beforehand to make sure that the person you're giving it to will be able to use it. If not, it's still important to remember that the item will only last a cycle, so you have to use it immediately if you want to use it.

Kind of goes without saying, but if you are a player who does not use PMs, and you have a Spanreed, give your Spanreed to someone who will use it to great effect. Goes for most items, actually, though this is the most applicable. If you won't use it, give it to someone who will. Also, I'm hoping that at least soe people are using Spanreeds? I haven't gotten any PMs (which makes me sad... :( ), so I can't say.

Be careful about revealing your items. Don't reveal in thread unless you want to have it stolen by a thief (if it's not Shards/Soulcaster) or to notget killed for it (if it is Shards/Soulcaster and the Ghostbloods care enough about that win con).

If you're a player with protection who isn't a high threat level player, tonight might be a good night to choose an heir rather than protect yourself, given that you're less likely to be targeted early on.

Okay, obvious thoughts over.

I'd agree that there hasn't been a ton of game-related discussion, which is sad. I have no suspicions (although I do minorly trust Zas and a couple of other people) as yet.

May or may not post more thoughts with RP coming later.

Why don't Spanreeders just PM everyone? Is there a limit? Also, Artifabrians should maybe try to appoint a person with a Blade/Plate and make them a Full Shardbearer.

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Artifabrians can't make Shards. And no, there's no limit to Spanreeds. Which is why I'm curious about not getting any PMs yet. I mean, setting up a Spanreed as early as possible is smart. And if you just set one up with everyone, you don't have to use it again, freeing you up to use other items. So... why not use it?

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