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And this is what Honor Spren sounds like. Because even though there's already a recording of me on here somewhere, you guys obviously need more of me.

WARNING: I sing. I did not warm up beforehand. It goes off key a little.

And you sound like my cousin!

Okay, now I'm half-convinced Morz is just my brother messing with people and Spren is my cousin messing with me.

*stares suspiciously at profile pictures*

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Typical American singing about freedom. :P :P :P

It was the shortest song I could think of . . .

And you sound like my cousin!

Okay, now I'm half-convinced Morz is just my brother messing with people and Spren is my cousin messing with me.

*stares suspiciously at profile pictures*

No way I could be your cousin. My mom is an only child and my dad has 4 brothers. Which means that all my cousins have the same last name as me, plus I'm the oldest one. I'm pretty sure you're older than me by at least a few days because you've said your birthday's in August and mine's on the 31st. Ha! Proof! :P
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There are some, like you, Chaos, Alvron, Oversleep and Kobold, who's imaginary voices sound great. I don't want to ruin them.

OK, I gotta know.  Just how do you think my voice sounds?


I admit that I'm kinda hoping for some tinge of madness underlying a baritone.  Or maybe a whisper quiet voice that one has to strain to hear like Jaqen H'ghar's.

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